Cheap ass boomer scum

Why are boomers so fucking cheap? My dad is making more than he has ever made in his life and he still uses these garbage razors. Im grown and out of the house but everytime I come over, what's in the fridge? Knock off soda or knock off juice. Knock off cereal in the pantry knock off chips. Why? Why are they so fucking cheap?

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Cheap people have beards.

Your dad isn't cheap, he's just an asshole.

Also he doesn't have food in the house because he blows his wagie income on takeaway each night.

>spending your money wisely is bad

The garbage razor is part of why your dad aint broke.

pennywise boomers are usually pound foolish though and do dumb shit like buying too much house, car, etc.

Yeah, your dad sucks. So does mine and a lot of boomers piss me off to high heaven, but another reason is that old people just don't know any better and are stuck in their stupid old ways.

I have more money than my father ever had and I have nice shit and still have money saved, that's the purpose of money

this * 100

I can tell immediately that OP's dad is the "40 pizzas a month" type.

>buying to much house
Its not foolish if you can support it financially and make money off of it in the long run. Cope harder.

>these plastic pieces of shit are more economically intelligent than a double edged safety razor
You need to brush up on your frugality brother.

>muh lays chiperinos
fuck off, brand loyalty faggettttt

Lemme guess, your pops spends $500 a month on weed?

>I have nice shit
I prolly have more $$$ than you and only have ultranice expensive stuff I like and everything else is knock off sodas and knock off cereal.

calm the fuck down fag

Dad bought a nice big house "for his family" and bitched at me when after law school I stayed at home to study for the BAR. Boomers are scum.

That's good for you, it does not at all negate my point though.

>my dad was an asshole so all boomers are assholes

Wells most lawyers are kikes, so shut your mouth, firewood.

>Why are boomers so fucking cheap? My dad is making more than he has ever made in his life and he still uses these garbage razors. Im grown and out of the house but everytime I come over, what's in the fridge? Knock off soda or knock off juice. Knock off cereal in the pantry knock off chips. Why? Why are they so fucking cheap?

Your dad probably lost most of his wealth this week in the stock market.

Those razors are better than most of the expensive Jew scam shit that you buy. Literally the best disposable type of razor.

It does, if you buy overpriced garbage items that ARENT of worth it means you don't consider how marketing is a scam . How do you evaluate a product, good ?

there’s literally nothing wrong with these razors.

That sounds like something someone from the underclasses would say lol. Get in line for your daily corn dole pleb.

If a consumable tastes better or is healthier, if a usable item works better, if a car drives better and lasts longer, if a home is made of solid materials that wont crap out in 15 years, that's how you idiot.

> Why? Why are they so fucking cheap?
They were taught to save every penny they can by their parents who lived through the depression.
And boomers have all the money.
It's not like you can say they do it wrong. My dad is the same but I think he has about 16 million in stock.

Whatever you say schlomo.

Lol what a concession of absolute defeat.

>wow! you lose because I say you lose

That sure is some mental gymnastics, oven stuffing.

You say that because you're poor and have never used a good razor. This response is the bumpkin response, in other words "well, I ain't never had no problem with it rich folk just think their fancy gittens makes em better than us."

Those are Gillettes. Gillettes are for fags. Real men use Bic disposable razors.

You lose because all you can do is run jews.exe which is your default software that runs when your brain cant process a better argument.

I prefer the cheap razors, they seem to grab the most hair while causing no discomfort. Every time I try a new fancy razor, I itch my face for a whole day. Maybe your skin isn't the same as his.
Anyway, people with money have money because they don't spend it. You can make 100k a year and still be poor if you buy stupid shit or be wealthy while making 40k if you're smart with your spending. Not that hard to figure out.

Consumable tastes better > is it worth it ?
Works better > is it worth it ?

Good house > I won't comment on this. Cheap housing is a for-rent investment. For own use it better be good and last very long.

Kek. Says the guy that literally ran BadBoomer.exe for the entire basis of his thread.

Irony from kikes is the tastiest treat.

Marketers are paid the big bucks when it comes to tapping in to your feeling that name brands are better than store brands. When China is coming up with counterfeit Rolexes, and selling them for $100, it starts to reveal JUST how much mark-up is hidden within that name brand logo. Jews do this with diamonds too, btw.
Long story short, you work hard for the money, so do everything you can to protect it. Think about how much money you make in a day, and factor out taxes, and rent, insurance and all the other bills you have to pay on a monthly basis. All of a sudden, saving a few bucks here and there are everyday items is actually a HUGE percentage of your actual free cash flow. Only plebs say "I make $25 an hour, totalling $200 a day. Therefore I can afford to a $5 latte every day for breakfast and a $2.50 energy drink every day. You have to be realistic about your income, and realize that you can spend it a hell of a whole lot quicker than you earn it. When you really buckle down and stop the spending, or spend you money in an efficient manner, you are rewarded at the end of the month with hundreds of extra dollars in the bank as opposed to scraping by. This whole capitalist system is built to separate a fool and his money, and youre the fool, being bombarded 24/7 with ads that will make you think you have a hole in your pocket.

Do a "hell" week, and literally buy nothing, and eat bare minimum foods such as eggs. Slam all of that cash savings into you bank. Just fucking do it. The greatest societies are build by men who are capable of sacrifice and doing without. A minimalist lifestyle will build character which will last you a lifetime. When it comes to buying a house and start a family, having a few extra grand to put as a down payment will save you many hours of toiling away at your job to finally pay it off. Do it for your people.

>15 year home
trailer trash spotted

Your father will always have money, and you will always live paycheck to paycheck.

no one will read this

Fuck off you disgusting consoomer

Give the kikes in charge of the globohomo corporations as little money as possible by buying generics. Or, in your case, by killing yourself and making (((life insurance companies))) pay out to your smarter, boomer father.

Oh wait, I bet your (((life insurance))) doesn’t even cover suicide.

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You're not failing because jews, you're failing because you're a genetic dead end.

I use these, the cheap ones. I also have a old school straight razor and a Merkur but only for special shaves and the merc wasn't worth its money.

>Knock off soda or knock off juice

There might be a quality difference with the razors - one that would easily be countered by just using the disposable ones your dad buys as *true* disposables and using them once and then throwing them away - but there's definitely no quality difference in the soda or juice. If I gave you a double-blind taste test you WOULD fail to distinguish one brand from another brand, including store brands.

>Muh cheap, disposable, multi-blade razors are superior and the best value for money!
You all legitimately deserve death. Safety razors are infinitely better than disposable shit in every single way.

no boomer, boomers are all round shit. you can deny all the facts given and the out come will still be the same.

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Only buy discount energy drinks and stick to straight black coffee. Unless you need those ego-boosts to save your failing inner world.

Yeah, you go look at mcmansions after 15 years, tell me if they're without issue.

true. merkur master race.

I'm shamed to say it, but the leaf is right. Merkur or Edwin Jagger pay for themselves, over the long haul.
Hey, maybe he actually likes the taste better? Don't give me any of that "the generic brand tastes the same" shit, a lot of us can tell the difference.

hehehe funny how you suddenly had to change the argument when you realized how autistic you sound.

My grandmother has a lot of money, she's just lazy and doesn't like to cook. She always complains about not having enough money, but she actually has quite a lot of wealth compared to me. She just spends money like a retard. It's not that boomers are 'cheap', it's that they are absolute retards with money and sink all their money into some things and therefore have to be frugal in other things. I suppose when someone is from an era where frugality and the threat of poverty isn't ever realized, they never learn the necessity of being frugal with their money - they've never had to. Obviously there are exceptions etc whatever

>Safety razors are infinitely better than disposable shit in every single way.

I don't want to handle the blade. Not to sharpen it, not to change it, not to clean it. Ever.

if you don't shave with a merkur and feather blades you're a filthy peasant

Preach it, Bruce.

You sound like a gigantic brain dead faggot. You pay extra for things that do the exact same thing and taste exactly the same? They only thing he failed at was raising you to not be a retard LOL.

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This is not how it works and not even fucking relevant.

Saving pennies doesn't make anyone rich.
Enjoy saving and retiring at 70 while I buy what ever I want.

Enjoy being poor, faggot.

He has money because unlike zoomer retards, he doesn't buy 1000$ iphones and other useless shit

I prefer the yellow Bic razors. Less friction in my face.

Buy that mach 9 replacement head teeny set of razors for the price of the handle goy !

>all the facts given
Literally where? what facts?

I bought a case of them last week. They work better than anything I've ever tried and you can toss them with out a second thought and get out a nice new one.

You probably have one of those scraggly so¡ beards.
Those disposable razors work great. Buy the store brand - they cost next to nothing. And get the type with the lubrication strip


>I can't be bothered to buy 100 blades for $5 that will last me 300 shaves
>I can't be bothered taking five seconds to change the blade
You're poor quality genetic stock, I can tell.

Safety razors are the opposite of consoom and are the cheapest shaving

you are just like your razor, disposable trash. kill yourself.

literally what's wrong with off brands?
>pay companies extra money because they put flashing lights in between my sportsball

>If I gave you a double-blind taste test you WOULD fail to distinguish one brand from another brand, including store brands.
Filthy lies. There is no possible way you'd be able to sit me down in a blind taste test and give me both Coca Cola and Bubba Cola, and me fail to taste the difference. Same with Donald Duck orange juice and SE Grocers generic stuff. I have tastebuds, user.

>$40 for handle
>$5 for 100 blades
>$45 for 300 shaves
Oh boy, I wonder which works out cheaper in the long run, you fucking moron.

YOU are the retard, sir. Bic disposable razors are SINGLE BLADE, not multi-blade. Eat feces to make amends, you degenerate.

>Why are they so fucking cheap?
It's a holdover from being raised by parents who survived the Great Depression. Learn from it. When it comes to consumables, the slight difference in taste between brand name and knock-off doesn't matter. Generic cola tastes a bit shitty? Who cares. If you drink a bottle of that shit every week, the 20 cent difference adds up over decades.

I want you to tell the truth and say what you do for a living. Please.

Because they have a cognitive dissonance between making shit last and finding a bargain. The worst employers I ever had were super rich boomers who tried to make actual garbage tier products last as long as their parent's quality made WW2 and earlier stuff.

You are wise and based, user.

Buy shit you dumb jew, it's in the mind, not in your belly. Meanwhile I persian carpets that costs thousands and you don't. See?

I will reiterate, you're a bumpkin who has never had nice things, so you go around saying the nicer things are "the same."

Thats called frugal or smart you entitled little bitch...his house his get off my lawn zoomer nigger

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>im going to pull a non sequitur in hopes of being able to damage control my own mental ineptitude
Being a useless human isnt your dads fault bud.

Yeah disposables are trash and literally rip more hair out of your face than cut it. Only onionz boiz with felt hair think otherwise

hahahah faggotron spotted

If he was really cheap you would have been a blow job into a hanky instead of him pumping your whore mother.

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>Saving pennies doesn't make anyone rich.

You just lost your Jew card and have to go live in the Gaza Strip now. WTF, Jewboy? Way to spit on your own culture.

The bics I buy, I don't like my merc and I use them way past their date. Ex I have 6 used bics I recycle for daily use.

Lmao I knew one of you retards would pop up. Yeah it's cheaper but you're gonna spend 3x as much money buying some expensive pre lather or whatever the fuck you faggots buy just to not slice your face off and get razorburn out the ass. I got memed into that shit, not to mention it takes like 45 mins to get a shave and not fuck your shit up when you could do it with a cartridge 5 blade in 5 mins. I got memed by you faggots last year and used it like 3 times and threw it in the trash. I could go to work for an hour and make enough money for an actual razor instead of spending 6 hours a month. Don't even try shaving your back (and probably anywhere else like your nuts) with one. I tried to shave my back and got a slightly wrong angle, put a huge slice down it that lasted for like a month, if I wanted to spend literally 2 hours trying to get it perfect then yeah maybe it would work (less reach too)

Don't fall for the faggot reddit safety razor memes that retards like this guy spew

>Still shilling for the inferior disposable razor
Absolute bottom of the barrel of the gene pool.

this guy digs ditches for a living, possibly plumber doing rough-in, too retarded abd sloppy for trim out.

>Thats called frugal or smart you entitled little bitch...his house his get off my lawn zoomer nigger


Millennial here, and I’m fucking disgusted by how much my contemporaries waste on consumer garbage. Double edge razor blades cost ten cents, idiots pay 1000% markup for banded stuff. A balanced 2000 calorie diet should cost $14 a week, kids are spending that much on avocado toast for lunch. I’m all for spending money on luxury items, but millennials are getting fleeced by marketers and don’t know any better.

He keeps the cheap shit out in the open because he knows his deadbeat kid is going to come over and raid his fridge every time they stop by.

>>I can't be bothered taking five seconds to change the blade

Enjoy cutting your own dick off when you slip while you're handling an exposed razor blade.

>Knock off soda or knock off juice. Knock off cereal in the pantry knock off chips. Why? Why are they so fucking cheap?

They are being frugal.
What if that's the shit exclusively for shitty house guest like yourself, and the good stuff is hidden, why spent money on shitty judgemental house guest? If all i knew were douchebags like op i would not furnish top tier sodas and snacks for guest either.

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OPs boyfriend I assume? Wouldnt make sense if it was just a random person coming to suck OPs cock.

t. millennial still assblasted that his little friends thought he was poor because the cereal box didn't have the right cartoon character on it

I agree with this, fuck coca cola. I hate paying money for the brand, also I always buy from the cheapest shop I can.

my bitch uses the same razor on her pussy and it gives her snatch razor burn, are you telling me your face is a pussy? god ur fucking gay.

I'm a lawyer, what is your profession user, please answer.

Follow the yellow Bic road!

>it takes like 45 mins to get a shave and not fuck your shit up
Oh poor little baby boy couldn't handle real shaving? Awwwww it's okay, I understand that genetic failures take a while to adapt and get used to something.

I guess shaving with a safety razor should be a qualifier for actual men.

>Filthy lies. There is no possible way you'd be able to sit me down in a blind taste test and give me both Coca Cola and Bubba Cola, and me fail to taste the difference. Same with Donald Duck orange juice and SE Grocers generic stuff. I have tastebuds, user

Every double blind test ever conducted shows that people can't actually make these kinds of distinctions. You make think you're different, but you're not.



user, why even take the time to post that, that read like a newegg trying to act like a Yas Forums poster.

Brah all I have to pay for over a year for a Merkur adds up to only about 40 bucks (minimum wage here is 17.70). It's not going to break the bank.

Because he's smart and values his money.

Shit I'm sorry, I should tell you to get a job after college and put your savings into a 401k and believe in the stock market like all the other NPCs
remember, that 2$ you save on not buying coffee can change your life

I guess you're the same braindead cunts who're crying about "boomer economy" and not being able to afford a house while having overpriced retarded shit in credit?

If you wash the disposable razors you can keep reusing them for a while. Not as long as other razors, but you can get your money's worth.

> ancap meme flag
hows that anarchy working out for you during the flupocalypse, is reddit down yet?