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This is a massive conspiracy to prepare humans to get used to total government control, and preparing us for 5g tech replacing us in the workforce

Can't wait for that European style healthcare. It's sooooo progressive.

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It’s designed to drive us apart and make us good little goys that never leave home

>universal healthcare

so you would blow the entire earth's health budget so that I could become a diabetic astronaut?

First 3 are objectively correct and anyone who argues otherwise is literally retarded.

>Some fuckwit nobody has ever heard of says something stupid on social media
Big if true.

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This homosexual needs the shit kicked out him.

This is the most patriotic thing I've ever read.
Let's get this man into space, he has a dream!

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he's not wrong

From someone who bought the zogbot meme at 18 and now has to deal with the VA, you're a mouthbreathing nigger if you think government run healthcare does anything but enrich Jews.

Honestly I more or less agree with him. Seriously I don't even care at this point.

All insurance is a scam.
You should be able to work out all monetary issues with your bank, to cover for incidents where you don't have enough money.
Paying for a service you may not need is stupid as fuck.

jfc, listen to you retards supporting commuting for hours and going to your cuck cubicles every morning. i bet you love water cooler talk to with your braindead npc coworkers. the retardation on this board never ceases to amaze me.

This is why I vote blue

Everything that nigger says is wrong. If you don't make people get up and go to work they soon slide into depression and slovenlyness. Fucking last communists only want to sit at home and smoke weed.

>universal healthcare is necessary
im not seeing it

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You're about 1 week from being in Italy's position. We'll see if you're still so smug then

I like how they grow those faggoty ass beards to try to cover up the fact that they’re femboys.

Reminder that insults directed at a person and not the argument like mean you have no argument against the statement.

Fact: teachers jobs are meaningless and 1 teacher can teach 1 million kids via livestream

Remember this next time they protest and bitch about raises and pensions

Yeah I guess we will

>Because we can accommodate these things temporarily in an emergency situation, we can and must always do them
I swear lefties are brain damaged.

I agree

Tell me more about European healthcare.

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Is medical coding a good career to get into working from home? I want a job I can do from home and will learn anything to do it as long as I can make 30k a year.

All that the corona virus has proved is that self segregation is a necessity, and does not infer hatred by doing so.

Boomer boss still won't let me work remotely.

You don't even need livestreams, just make videos.

You've never heard of triage?

How are those proven though? Won't we need to try this out for months and do a study on productivity?

>5g tech replacing us in the workforce
what the fuck does this even MEAN

yeah i'll use really long bit extenders to fix your furnace from home. You fucking moron.
These tech elitists think every job is an office job.

>corporations just didn't want them to
no it was your co-workers who need people around them to not feel lonely/bored/miserable
most people don't want to be stuck at home behind a computer screen for most of their waking hours, and they need other people and activity around them to feel more at ease

What’s the opposite of Consoomer but just as dumb?

Here’s my argument: kys

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it has GREAT PR

This article isn't wrong. It'll be the same in America, except it'll be about if you have money or not.


I'm surprised so many twitter losers can work from home, I thought they were all working class.

>Italy number 3
The world is FUCKED

The internet is more akin to a turnpike. Which is why bet neutrality is bs and large corporations that are entirely based on utilizing it should pay more for access.


Fact: khan academy invalidates the employment of all teachers in the world

No disagreement at all.

Working from home is probably one of the futur big social subject.

this for fucking real. the economy would NOT have taken such a hit if boomers hadn't coveted work from home as some sacred privilege only THEY and upper management can have. it's a tool, not a perk. you stupid fucks.

Just sit him down in front of a looping Gattaca bluray.

It's not a scam, it's a form of gambling. And you aren't paying for a service, you're wagering that you'll need that service. If you're right, the bookie pays out in the form of covering the expense of said service. If you're wrong, you lose your wager.

It means the 5g towers are gonna flip your burgers for you

Who cares how many beds your hospitals have when normal people can't pay for them. After all, that'd be socialism and we can't have that, lets rather just abandon millions of people to death.

Your country treats health like a commodity and many thousands are gonna die because of it. I'm hoping you guys will learn from this.

on top of that, even if you do get into an accident, they will try their best to find a reason to say "oh- that technically isn't covered! DENIED"

That's due to the amount of niggers trying to game 'the system'

You can make 30k teaching English part time.

Most jobs literally can't be done from home. This guy is retarded.

Left wing nationalism is the only way bros
bás do dhílseoirí

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A freetard.

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>universal healthcare is necessary
I’ve been gone to urgent care my whole life without paying. They won’t send you away and the bills don’t affect your credit.

...Which highlights a flaw in the system, which wouldn't be there if you didn't have insurance, but discussed the matter with your bank for coverage.

The COVID-19 stuff is meant purely to test run total government control. The Federal Reserve has been pumping billions of dollars in liquidity each day since October.

I can't imagine being as retarded as you. You realize the exact same thing is about to happen here, but after they tell you gramps is finished you'll get a bill for 400,000 bucks. Dumb fucking nigger

The funniest part is the handling of the situation.

The American way:
>Working with the private sector for solutions
>Launching a screening website
>Initiating drive-thru testing

The European way:
>Infect as many people as possible and may the weak perish

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more like Spain is astronomically fucked.

Now show us a graph comparing life expectancy’s and infant mortality rates

That's the stupidest thing I've read today. Don't bother replying, I'm leaving your idiot thread.

>Initiating drive-thru testing
That’s the korean way

I literally know white middle class people who got bankrupted into bennies tier you fucking retard

Is Marcus the Schweppes guy?

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Sure faggot, whatever you say.

yea, the niggers ruined it for everybody

things covid has proven
>We need borders
>Outsourcing is retarded

This hasnt proven any of that.

Everything but the last part

You can't be denied care in America, and 90% of Americans have insurance, the other 10% skips out on the bill after being treated.

You foreigners need to fuck off with your communist talking points.

You don't need critical care beds when people don't get sick from shit because the pills are 10 euros instead of 7000

... The niggers are responsible for jewish big pharma scamming middle class citizens?


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Glad I have insurance to cover 7k upcharge and I pay $10 without giving my government 45% of my paycheck every pay period.

The internet should be a utility in the us because tax payers payed trillions for the entire infrastructure. Not because it has some divine use beyond shit posting

>jewish big pharma scamming middle class citizens
That's another conversation lol

there is insurance coverage for a lot of stuff not just health

Wow. Based AF!

As it should be. Let the poor welfare cases die.

The business model of insurance companies is to make more on the risk gambit than they let out
A huge part of their "business" is denying people benefits and jewing the terms and conditions so even in the event of high risk you're walking away with more money

Do you think even the best insurance is gonna cover covid19?

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