What’s wrong with jews why are they not like us?

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they view christians as a threat because jesus was the end of judaism

They dont want to be like us, that's why.

You cant be the "chosen people" & a European!

They live in a narrative, not in reality.

In reality, if you put your teeth on an infant's penis, you will go to prison and the prisoners will murder you.

because they know it, we know it.
only mutts dont.
so we have to destroy each other since jews seem hellbent on projecting their degeneracy and trash on us.

when you're not distracted by her milkers she looks like a young Geddy Lee

Racist, inbred, genetically wounded by inbreeding, arrogant, entitled, toxic assholes!
Also, they go OUT of their way to make enemies of white people!
WTF did we ever do to them except occasionally refuse their poison???

They reject the divinity of Christ and celebrate his death as a good thing

They may legit be a subspecies lower than niggers and above the basic parasite.

2 cute kikes

but they are like us

His sister should not be cute, but she is, what is wrong with me?

fucking /thread

Abigail is legit beautiful. Like actually a 10/10 I would marry her.

>Little Benny had his (taller) sister crouch down to take that photo

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She's so fucking ugly, stop posting these traitors

Dafuq is "us"? Us? Stop smoking the meth, dude. It rots the teeth.

Your hog-man loves heebs anyway

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they broke the covenant with God, all they had to do was not worship false idols.
They are no longer chosen.

He's sniffed her panties, he's got that guilty look

until she turns sideways

mexico spic is LITERALLY shapiro clone for wetback redneck retard zoomer fuck trump faggots.

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She really does have an ugly face and weird body. Her big pendulous udders are her only saving feature.

Abigail knows what men wants, she posts videos of herself in the kitchen cooking yummy things guys like.

D'oh! Forgot the memeflag.

Do you think she is a two faced zionist fuck like her little bro? It would be disapointing she looks so friendly.

Whether they like it or not theyre Meds
Italians and Jews may as well be the same thing

Ah, but the reality is that jews can rip the foreskin off any child's dick with their teeth and grind it into lotion without repercussions

They're demonic..

You can look at it from a scientific point of view and say its because they have been inbreeding for so long they're literally clinically insane..

Or a religious point of view and say it's because they're the synagogue of satan.

Either way they are a serious threat to all of humanity, way worse than the Corona virus.

Goyim women know what it is, but put baby foreskin lotion on their face anyway

You have bad taste. Her face is homely. Take your eyes off her tits for 10 seconds and check out the rest of her. The only good thing I can say is that she is not morbidly obese and doesn't have an unsightly skin condition.

When Jews repent, and accept the teachings of Jesus then only can they be cleansed.

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They pretend to view as a threat
So you keep praying their god
Their god rewards them for making you their slaves

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That's the narrative.

The reality, WHERE WE LIVE AND BREATHE, is not that place.

Why do blood drinking jews have big noses

Alright, look kikes. You had a pretty sweet deal with white people.
Your fantasy of being parasites to any of the other races because of their low IQ is failed.
They just don't have the altruism required to tolerate you.
Also, your whole fantasy of the new messiah after whitey dead is just delusional.
You have all of the evidence that God has laid out before you on all of these facts,
but you just chose to ignore them.

The whole fantasy of every Jew returning to Israel is pretty bust too, just look at your real estate market.
C'mon. Just stop the white genocide bullshit and we will get along ok, FFS.

Oprah Winfrey makes and promotes her own brand of lotion LITERALLY MADE FROM HUMAN BABY FORESKINS!

>Why do blood drinking jews have big noses
Because air is FREE

I dated a Jew once and I can tell you. They're like everyone else. Also I'm 3% azkanazi according to dna and I didn't know. Funny how things work out.


I mean I guess, she's a kike so she has a big nose but every other aspect is beautiful. And since jews have big noses I can't really hold it against her.

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How 'bout you back up BEN

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Ben Shapiro has such a punchable face.

>3% azkanazi
wow you must go build the temple now, cause that test was real!

I dated a jew once.. she aborted my baby, cheated on me, left me when I went through severe depression and banged half my town

They're not like everyone else. They're sick in the head.

She has a wonderful complexion and nice eyes. She is tall slim and busty. Also her face is just generally cute.

I have some jew blood
My dick is complete, uncut
Never participated in anything jew

Im incredibly selfish
Im good with numbers and money
People always end up owing me stuff
Pretty wealthy

Is all this coz of my jew blood or wtf, I love being like this

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d-did they fugg?


>Jewish genetic diseases are a group of rare disorders that occur more often in people of Eastern European (Ashkenazi) Jewish heritage than in the general population. Even though most of these diseases are severe and can cause early death, some can be treated to reduce symptoms and prolong life.

Diseases in this group include:

->Bloom syndrome. Babies with this disease are born small and remain shorter than normal as they grow. Their skin may look red, and they have more lung and ear infections than children normally have.

>Canavan disease. This disease gradually destroys brain tissue.

>Cystic fibrosis. This disease causes very thick mucus in the lungs and problems with digesting food.

>Familial dysautonomia (FD). People with this problem cannot feel pain, they sweat a lot, and they have trouble with speech and coordination.

>Fanconi anemia. People with this problem do not have enough blood cells and have problems with the heart, kidneys, arms, or legs. They also are more likely to get cancer.

>Gaucher disease. This disease causes a type of fat called glucocerebroside to build up in certain cells of the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.

>Mucolipidosis IV. This problem causes the nervous system to deteriorate, or break down, over time.

>Niemann-Pick disease (type A). This disease causes a type of fat called sphingomyelin to build up in cells of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow.

>Tay-Sachs disease. This disease causes a type of fat called ganglioside to build up in the cells of the brain and nervous system.

>Torsion dystonia. People with this problem have ongoing spasms that twist the muscles in their arms, legs, and sometimes their body. Testing for this condition may not always be done.

>About 1 out of 4 people of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage is a carrier of one of these genetic conditions.

"Chosen people" my ass lmao

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None of my male friends had hot sisters.


Inbreeding is a major problem.

Dude, self report as "jew" on the DNA submission form and that number will "magically" go up to 67%.
Fact is, we bred them out and they are now mostly white. They just are trying to cope with being chosenites.

karma is a bitch. chickens are roosting as we speak.

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>Geddy Lee

They all look the same. Seriously, must be some of the most inbred people on earth.

>go look at Elena Kagan and Mark Zuckerberg
>tell me they aren't related

Her audience is nothing but poltards she has banned from commenting but still watch her videos. She knows what they want

they have higher rates of cluster b personality disorders, neuroticism, schizophrenia, etc as a group. it's that simple. there is no jewish problem. mental derangement/dysfunction is the root of all social problems and jews have a much higher rate of these mental dysfunctions which cause all sorts of problems. goys also suffer from these things but not at the same rate as jews. basically, everyone with narcissistic personality, sociopathy and the like need to get the oven, which would include most jews who have power/status/money.

satanic parasites who behave like women, rejected jesus who was supposed to save them.

If you're just a taker and never a giver of anything worthwhile, you're a full blooded Jew. And you need to go. Please go to Israel where you can all be collected in one place.

i would fuck benshipiro/'s sister

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Because god chose them.

>Because god chose them.
Not true. Jesus forged a new covenant, all are chosen.

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I bring a lot of money into our country, does that count?
Ive read about Israel and it has crazy high taxes, least place Id go to

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WTF is he a Sox fan or a twins fan, and why does he live in Cali if he likes rust belt teams

>all are chosen.
Including niggers, spics, pajeets, and faggots. Great job, rabbi yeshua

soul = intent, if you believe in Christ yes, you can be saved.

What does that have to do with anything. lol.

I see his coverage of the dem debates tonight has resulted in shills receiving new marching orders. Sad.

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Abigail is a legit 10/10.