Alex Jones

Alex Jones. Is he based, or is he a government plant intended to make conspiracy theorists look crazy? Or is he just crazy? Also post good alex pics

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he's an attention whore but he's right about almost everything.

He's a crazy person.

But he isn't wrong.

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he's been taking Soros bucks for the past 3 years

Probably a glownigger, but at least a memeable one that seems to be good doing.

He's pretty much right on all things, and needs to sell shit, and a patriot. The media tries to discredit him but he's ahead of them and they hate he breaks the conditioning.

Bill Hicks, controlled opposition, 90% truth, 10% lies. Which he plays up and goes on his insane rants which put people off of the whole idea of conspiracies

He thought he could live off of knowing the truth, which is false.
He had to act like a clown and yell it in funny voices, and season it with all sorts of bullshit, to make a living off of it.

If he was a serious man he'd have a primary job, and then try to promote the truth seriously. Instead he chose to become big meme man which is a detriment to his cause but brings in more money from idiots.
That's how his integrity is gone - he didn't sell out to some higher powers, he sold out to idiots and became an idiot leader of idiots.

Quite frankly, the worst part is he seems happy with it. He cares about this mask more than the messages he sends, which are secondary.

He is like those guys during the wild west era going cities to cities staging a fake happening and then selling snake oil to gullible people.

"No one died at sandy hook"
swiftly followed by: "HURR DURR QUEENS LIZARD"

I'm on to you Alex

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i've been a big fan of his since the 90s even though i'm more left leaning

he just makes me laugh he's great

his entire family is/was


I like him not because of his theories, but becuase he promotes the idea of thinking outside the box in terms of existance and what the government are doing to the mainstream

Isn't Trump the government?

He has been turned into mossad controlled opposition agent after trump's election.

He's "mentally ill" in the sense that he meets the broadened criterea for what constitutes a "wrongthinking" person, "defectives" now are meant to be anyone who doesn't snottily protect institutional narratives, but also in the sense that he's mentally ill as well

I don't know.

He is famous for interviewing a white hat friend of Nathan Rothschild. Sounds like he turned it into a career.

LOONY SCHIZO MAN is unfortunately always right

He knows too much and they'd actually probably try to kill him if he didn't sprinkle satire.

If people say they don't like Alex Jones its because they never took the time to watch his earlier shows(2001-2006) and never watched any of his documentaries.

Fuck all the shill bullshit you read around here...go watch Terrorstorm and then ask yourself who else was bringing you that same info at the time? Go watch Fall of The Republic and tell me Alex wasn't opening peoples eyes to the uniparty system.

user, haven't you learned yet? The only way to protect yourself from shills is to call upon the holy name of Bigfoot.


all three

fuck off whitejewboy

worse he is a boomer

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People don't give him enough credit. Watch all your favorite gay e-celebs implode and Alex will still be around telling the truth.
I think he'll come around to the jq eventually. PJW seems to be on track.

No matter what he did before or didn't do I think he's losing it a little.

People really making conspiracy theories on whether a guy’s conspiracy theories are so insane because it’s a ploy to discredit comspiracy theories.

He's Gen-x and not even the old side of Gen-x

You should be too. You have normalcy bias. It's a mental health disorder.

is he still fear mongering
he said there was gonna be some explosions or some shit in like 2018 and nothing happened and he never brought it up again

Watch this film and point out the lie

Find the lie

Find the lie

I have lost in my own way but why meant is he's becoming delusional and drank too much of his own kool-aide being unable to take step back anymore.

seems legit, meme flag

he's hilarious

100% controlled opposition, he's good at his craft though.

He is a plant.

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Soros is the one bankrolling all the lawsuits attempting to destroy Jones.

Anybody else remember when he was looking at tranny porn

Alex Jones is funnier and quicker-witted than most top comedians. He's a gem.

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never names the ((commies))
rambling about spiritual demons and incites fear and hysteria
makes skeptics look like a joke
somehow has multiple connections to glowies and special forces that regularly come on the show
says trust trumps ((plan))
at some point he sold out for cash

dis info agent


He's hilarious, but the people who watch him 24/7 are fucked up mentally. Alex Jones being scared of his own fans is proof of this. He admitted on Joe Rogan he has met some of his craziest fans and said it wasn't pleasant.

he isn't really right about anything. almost all of his guests are freemasons or foreign intelligence assets (or both)

it is true that there are chemicals turning frogs into hermaphrodites and what not. everyone who reads science journals know this shit however. what alex doesn't do (and this is intentional) is EVER present a rational case for his position. what do we mean by this, and how could be different?

he could take 5 minutes out of every 3 hour show to say here are some good books to read that prove everything i am saying. then he could claim hey sure im bombastic for attention to wake people up but this is actually serious, have you read any of the books i recommended?

the problem is alex (and the whole jones family) is part of the conspiracy so they don't want you sorting everything out. what they want is to make you afraid, to not trust anything, to not know where to turn, to not know what to do. this psychological operation aspect of jones, which is undeniably given that he is consistently over the top 100% of the time and never goes through source material or even cites it, makes him wrong 100% of hte time even he is mentioning some true facts.

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The truth has sent him mad

He's based he said recently the techno glowniggers got giant 3d printers and a base on the darkside of the moon and musk is in on it.

I like buying his supplements cause they work well and it's fun to listen to him at work; tons of guests and perspectives he's a cool guy and I'm glad he is around.

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is it true he's a knight of malta?

hes crazy in a fantastically entertaining way but also right about more than id want to admit

he's making bank on storable foods
a man deserves to make a living

AJ talking about the techno scientific elite is my favorite AJ

Bernie lost lmao

He's not on 24/7, idiot

You're so unbelievably fucking stupid it's amazing.

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He does but hes very careful, he calls them (((chicoms))) or (((muslims)))

Alex Jones is just another in an old and long Southern history of snake oil salesmen. To paraphrase John le Carré, Alex Jones provides you with just enough gold dust amongst the chicken feed to pique your interest and keep you guessing as to his true nature.

I wouldn't trust a word Alex Jones says. I hope that while he is in jail for DWI that the Sandy Hook families sue him into oblivion. The man is an absolute crook and a fraud.


the government is massive and full of shady niggers. like the kind who manufacture stuff like boston bombing

this made me laugh alex, or owen, thanks hehe
might be the best troll post of the year

He might be a bit like what happens if a used cars salesman stumbled across the truth. He's also a community college dropout apparently.

>cause community college is worth it

that's why his children all have (((the right of return))) isn't it?

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This, but I can't help but love the goofball anyway.