Not even so much as a slice of bread in my place. What do I need to stockpile food for when so many other people have it?
Raider prep
Other urls found in this thread:
If you have a dog, you should throw him in the freezer, now
Got my shotgun ready
Post your 5 round mags, faggot
Im poisoning all my food with a chemical that only I know how to neutralize. Lets hope you dont raid the wrong stash
How do I get a fucking burner from tyrone in the hood without getting robbed ? I can't get a gun at store. Also keep in mind I'm a wigger with low iq so its ethier Jamal Jr from MLK blvd or no piece
This is private property sonny
>powerstrip on top of storage bins
I see we share the same penchant for decor. Quick and easy nightstand.
> pink grip
gay/10. are you trying to make the enemy or threat have a laugh before they die?
Mfw lockdown but society doesn’t collapse so unprepped raiders have to show up at the national guard food lines hat in hand
Is that statue from the exorcist?
What a fucking dump. Raid your brain with a 55grain bullet outta that pea shooter.
>has unframed posters
Cause you'll die like the nigger you are.
Well you see people form something called a "Militia"
>murders neighbors for food
>society doesn't collapsed
>charged for murder
Don't bother wearing underwear Op
Our marriage will be quick when you come to see me.
Uh, wow. Extremely gay.
Have fun in prison
>Pink pistol grip
You are a wimpy larper. Have fun getting shot.
Are you a nigger? Because you sound like a nigger
It's just a flu bro
what's the point of prepping anyway
life without society sucks. I'd rather kill myself than not having a functionning society anymore.
Just imagine being such a retard that you actually prep for maximum happening. Even muzzies aren't that fucking gay.
kill yourself autistic schlong
Your gargoyle is pretty cool but I don't think you'll be able to stop sucking cocks long enough to raid anything besides Jamal's taint
Rate my prep.
come and get it pussy
Decent enough, though the bananas will go bad
Some preppers actually poisoned a couple jars of food that only they knew which on that show doomsday preppers. Pretty smart idea
What is with the pink grip faggot?
Either go back in the police station you work at
Or society has deemed you a piece of shit wanna be nigger, you don't deserve to own firearms and that's how its gonna be. How's all your life choices up to this moment feel like they played out? Reap what you sow fag
You'll have nice titties after all that bpa kicks in
Why is that a good idea? How does it help the prepper, it will only get raiders angry if u tell them and they will kill you. Also it gets raiders killed, which is just scorch earth.
Based and gargoyle pilled.
>1 unloaded rifle and a bunch of fucking clutter
I can't believe your mom hasn't made you clean your room yet, faggot.
Take yer swing.
Think someone stole one of my n95 masks from car in work parking lot bros
Get ready to die thief fucks
What's this malarkey? Nobody needs an AR14. But you can still keep your shotgun, man. Vote for Joe Biden for Senate.
Sorry but 10/10 is reserved for these guys
>Raider prep
thieves get shot user, you were warned.
where is your armor, nigger?
easily a year's supply of food. You're fine, bro. Great job.
You're gonna be farting for 60 days straight
>How does it help the prepper, it will only get raiders angry if u tell them and they will kill you.
Weak b8
Can someone redpill me on what the heck is going on with these "raiders"?
I got like a week worth of supplies, not because I think society is collapsing but because stores were literally getting sold out of everything essential so I grabbed some. Already had to put down 4 "raiders" who thought they were some hot shit out of Mad Max but were somehow even more clueless about assault tactics than sidepiece niggers from the hood. Do you think society just collapsed and you can do burglarly/murder/aggravated assault with no consequence?
You have one cuckbrace gayar fagteen.
I wouldn't recommend trying to break into people's houses.
No if people start doing that shit they will send in the national guard and have martial law and anyone caught outside is immediately arrested or shot. They'll shut that shit down real quick. These little faggot raiders cant go against real soldiers.
what's the gargoyle for?
Fake and gay
Raiders is just a meme. The reality is people will group together and control areas sector by sector. The worst threat will be the occasional roaming nigger.
>Call of Duty poster
>It's from ghost
Clean this messy fuckin room, boy. None of this shit will even help you except for your gun. I dont even see any mags. Your pic is too messy to even see anything. No food or water or anything? Fail.
How will we recognize other Yas Forums raiders in the wasteland?
Enjoy making that bet, smile and wait for the
I swear these posts are from people on VPNs in Russia hoping to make America go to all out war and some dumbass is going to take it seriously and start shooting people thinking he’s a badass Rambo guy and the cops are going to show up and he’s going to die of COVID-19 in prison.
Pretty nice, man. You definitely have plenty to be comfy through this ordeal. I would have suggested a bit more variety because you're gonna get really bored of beans, chili, and canned chicken after a while, but thumbs up overall.
>the trusty Stahlhelm
why does he have a Canadian pin on his lapel?
Just look for the bodies, those will be the raiders.
Scott, clean your room, now.
Love, Dad.
P.S. Spaghetti night
who makes your gearbag? I need a better one. it looks like you've got your pc and helmet in there with room to spare.
>Post signs all over your house and windows saying you have the coronavirus
>No one tries to steal your shit
I cannot wait to force that gay carbine up your ass while you bleed out from multiple roughly 8mm holes
mark it up right, and even the gubermint will leave you be.
Hah, I recognize that room.
Kill some niggers brother.
3/10. You need some staples to fill it out. Flour was the staff of life for westerner civilization for 8000 years for a reason.
because that's Canada's secret everyone has a gun here, even if they don't have a licence. As we are all free men who disregard the gun laws no matter where we go.
Why all the hate for raiders? Did a raider give his BRC to your girlfriend?
You look like the type of faggot prepper who'll piss himself at the first sign of confrontation
Why are you prepping that much for a fucking flu faggot, are you a boomer or something?
Because there is a biological hazard present? If you are raiding, you are increasing your risk significantly.
Here's a video guide on how to acquire a new gun.
Uh, better turn in those footlockers. That's gonna get docked from your pay otherwise.
>no water
>Raider prep
The raider... has become the prepper lol
bull shit mentality, guns should be used in self defense. Not premeditated plans to go after people who were smart enough to prep up and not want to be caught in a pandemic. If you saw this coming and looked forward to what you're advocating for you're going to end up getting killed by someone who has prepped and stocked up on ammo as well.
It's us vs them when the government decides to turn on it's people and we go into the great tribulation. I won't be here for that either way, but fuck people with your state of mind. It should be defend your turf and work together. Not go kill and steal from your fellow countrymen. Fuck off fag.
It’s started already why do you think the National guard are out already