How will she react?
Should I write this to my ex?
yup, this one's going in my cringe collection
not yet, she needs to get desperate first
kek, yes, post results
Yes hello, cringe department?
she'll come to YOU, user. let her suck your dick then drop her off at her parents house.
Lol fag. And no, you sound like a schizo.
That pussy isn't woto it. She will kill you in your sleep
You make the cameras hidden in the second room too obvious. Make sure she definitely knows there are definitely not any hidden cameras in the second room. At all.
>you let her have your dog
Yes dude, do it before someone else beats you to it. Also post results.
Take good care of her and she might agree to repopulate the earth with you OP.
>tfw no prepped man who wants to repopulate with me
Do it. I got my last four girlfriends to come over and they love it. They even eat all the eggs i give them.
Desparate and pathetic your writing.
No you retarded cringelord. You're not an anime protagonist
Dude no
Get the doggo and tell her to fuck off and die. In a week you'll have a fucking harem of tens if you've got a gun and a tin of peaches.
You may have everything for the next 6 months, all except the will
>sorry, Chad is keeping me nice and warm with his giant cock, we're having a coronnial baby in 9 months!
JFC ffs don't send this. If shit hits the fan she will come to you (unless she's already found somebody more alpha, with more resources, etc.).
this fucking kek
>My ex
>Come here with me, I will lock you down in my basement
>I have guns
Yeah, I guess it will work, user
You need to make it sound more casual. It sounds schizo.
Wtf why would you want her to be safe? Or is this a ploy to get the dog back that she stole??
Why do people do this.
She left you because she's worthless. She thought she could do better, and couldnt. Women lose value over time. Men gain it. Go out and find a hot 20 year old to protect, she can actually make babies.
She's just shown your stupid message to Tyrone, now 20 niggers are gonna kick down your door and loot your shit.
Fuck no, forget the cunt, unless she has your kid. Even then, just let the kid in and lock the door. She can only be a detriment (the ex, not the kid)
>They even eat all the eggs i give them.
>teehee ok betaJohn I need my “friend” Tyresse to come with me tho. And no you can’t say no. See you tomorrow :)
Dude no lmao
Send it and then see how she replies. Then go
"lol nvm gl & gg"
Ehhh that looks like a really bad way to die. Your old bitch will call the cops and they will shoot you when you are sleeping
You didnt get laid in the before-times, you're definitely not getting laid in the apocalypse.
She's already found a FEMA camp chad
Ive had that happen
>Hey ex gf who refuses to acknowledge my existence
>I made a plan for habbening
>I built a rape chamber
>I have guns
>Think you would fit in here
>You can take the second room
Cut that line then send.
Sweet, a literal Letter to Elise
Fuck off faggot
By showing up with a bunch of raiders who will take your shit. Stop simpin you dumb faggot. Modern women do not think like you do as man in terms of affection for reliability. They react in feelings towards their basic needs like opportunists, and given the opportunity, will turn on you when it's convenient.
Stop fucking simping OP.
>Come here for my dong.
>I'm prepped for six inches and charmed to extend a cum pound.
>You can take the second coom. Don't face what's cooming on your own. I know you hate me. But I will keep you raped.
Can't have butt babies faggot.
say these words exactly:
"I hope you die from the viruse and burn in hell you stupid fucking bitch."
Christ I'm getting second hand cringe
w e w
You are an idiot, so this.
Make room for her boyfriend too.
Me too
LOL Jesus Christ Prepper Cucks.
No Wonder the Chad Raiders are going to steam roll you with 0 casualties.
You are fucking faggot
Get over your ex you fucking pussy
Faggot. Let her burn. She's your ex for a reason.
On the other hand anons, please unite in calling me a faggot for messaging my ex this 7 years after I stopped talking to her. She dumped me for some chad at school and I hated her for that whole time. I didn't want to kill her, I wanted to become so important, like Hitler, that she wouldn't be able to go outside without seeing my face. It took me that whole time to put that behind me.
Feel free to put this in your cringe collection.
What about your ex-son ?
You forgot to invite Tyrone, her new boyfriend.
you're a fucking simp and a cuck
Imagine simping this hard, fucking pathetic
This makes me sad. What is wrong with you? You really want the kind of woman that shit works on? Man, I hope you send it, she comes over, and you both die of lung fluid. Bonus points when the dog eats your bodies.
>They even eat all the eggs i give them.
Harem-user also has cooking skills? Respectable build.
Damn I'm sure you are only half serious but there probably WILL be a baby boom in any area that gets quarantined.
deceive not decieve
>I know you hate me. But I will keep you safe.
send it
I threw up in my mouth a little bit fuck you simp
Hahahaha you poor bastard. Hahahaha. Yeah. Yeah. Send it. Then.. hahaha. Post the reply. Hahahahahaha. Hey.. what is the dog? Some chihuahua mix right? Hahahahaha.
It wreaks of pathetic, OP.
rewrite that shit.
Elise. I know the world's crazy right now but I'm just reaching out to make sure you're ok. If I can offer you any assistance please let me know. And if you need a place to hunker down I can offer you the second room in my compound - no strings attached. I have plenty to share between the two us and I can keep you safe. You can bring the dog as well. It's just an option. keep it in mind. take care.
Show her your new tattoo OP
Do it bro. It's a great message.
music for this feel?
I did the same but just said to let me clap her cheeks since corona virus was going to kill us all. I feel better about myself.
If you have kids, yes. If you don't, no. Pretty simple IMO.
Her new boyfriend Tyrone lost the dog in a gambling debt it’s currently being used as a bait dog with its jaw wired shut
Alpha as fuck
You owe everyone ITT an apology.
Damn Jose done fucked up
I was weak. My gf at the time had cheated on me, all my friends lied to me about it because we were apparently "The perfect couple" and my mind went back to when I made a 17 year old girl cry and wanted to kill her.
I felt like what she did wasn't so bad and that she was a far better person that my previous gf. She was, like way way better and I don't blame myself for liking her.
The worst thing? She's a totally different person now and the person I liked at the time, the version of her that I knew, only exists in my memory.
he even misspelled "deceiver"
or rather his wife did, since this is her script
she'll come with her chad boyfriend and he'll just kill you
No. Don't simp. Stop the simping.
Leave her to rot
also nice dox you fucking retard
you need to send it but first add "please respond" to the end
I like the little whore/prostitute part, just to make sure the distinction is clear lol
This. Give it a week. Then go in.
The same shit actually happened to me user even worse, I used to be a leftist... I wish I had found this place along time before I did.
Your ex-girl is busy getting blacked. She doesn't need you inferior cumskin.
Actually you can, they're just shit though.
I've heard that guys never forget their first love for some reason. It's true for me at least.
You'll stop thinking about her soon anons
Dont worry once the raids start and the soldiers start to get hungry soon enough women will be worth about a can of beans. If your prepped as you say you can probably have 50 women in shackles by June all for the price of two jumbo TP packs. I heard its gonna get so bad in the states city folk will probably be giving away there daughters for a roll or maybe two of TP if there lucky . dont simp , not now
Can she bring her bull and toys too?
If shit really hits the fan, I intend to silently stalk and murder all of the girls that rejected and hurt me growing up. This is just simp shit...
Can she bring her boyfriend?
Generally, when you mature you become more right wing since feelings aren't as important.
Now kiss you faggots.
i usually do this when there is something that stresses me out, like when (i thought) the minority report cops kid was gonna drown. My autism makes it real in my mind and i go crazy because i can step in and save the kid lol.
I've got a better one for you OP.
>ELISE! Please answer me! I love you Elise! Even if you hate me I still love you! The world is going to end in a viral apocalypse and you should move in with me! Please bring the dog, you and Tyrone can stay in the master bedroom while I sleep in the shed. Just please talk to me Elise! I need you in my life more than anything I can't go on without you. I promise you safety and food free of charge! Please respond!
I challenge any user in here to do better.
Cringe and simppilled
I hope so, i hate my sister for sexually assaulting me for years.
i cant*
>How will she react?
She'll think you're a loon and she'll be right.
I can save her..
if ur still here pls respond
really good offer there OP, how would she refuse
What happens when this creates a whole new generation of whores from single moms needing to care for themselves/children? This could get pretty fucking spicy. Wouldn't mind throwing some rope into some mommy GF's who can't find employment and just need stability.
yeah this
Wait. Actually do it and post results
Know the same feeling. Live on bro live on