Now that the economy is turning to shit, the Trumptards' last remaining argument has gone bust...

Now that the economy is turning to shit, the Trumptards' last remaining argument has gone bust. No longer can you redneck fags fallback on "look at the stock market." So how can you possibly justify defending this fat piece of orange Zionist shit now? Every single talking point he campaigned on or repeated at his rallies has turned out to be bullshit.

Actually answer the question, don't just post frogs and call me a cuck.

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show your flag memeflaggot

the liberal media is purposely causing a crisis to destroy the economy

Not trumps fault obama cut funding to the CDC and other key infrastructures to stop the spread of this virus

The amount of leftist tears you shills cry each day is more than worth the price of admission.

And what's your evidence?

>"I want immigration in largest numbers ever."
unless he has been playing 6,000,000D chess all along and he is about to use coronachan to purge the swamp then I don't support him


being sentient

enough malarkey pal

Where is the evidence of the deaths?

Lol fuck off OP. Coronavirus just offered a perfect buying opportunity for more people. This is gonna boost Trump.

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So basically you're in it to trigger the libs epic style.

Okay Sargoy of Mossad.

I guess I'll vote for the party that wants the country flooded with illegal immigrants then

You are asserting the claim that the pandemic is real. The burden of proof is on you.

This is only temporary though...

1) We don't want to give brown people more gibs
2) We don't want more brown people immigrants.

I would vote for a broomstick if it prevented a democrat from opening the borders and treasury to nonwhites.

the fed cut rates to 0 and is buying 700 billion in securities and trump said he is helping with the 1.5 trillion too you are just dumb city bou\

Trump has done absolutely nothing about immigration you dunce.

>I just spent 1.5 trillion on a bump the size of a chink's pecker that I could have spent raping student debts two years ago.

he builtr awall

and yet trump will still win 2020

>2 weeks ago "the economy is not a legit reason it's Obama's economy"
>today "now that Trump's economy has gone to shit"

You guys are sociopaths

>Builds wall when most immigrants don't come over through that method anymore.

Its almost worse than when France built the Maginot line and thought "hah, Germany can't get through that!"

Be honest. Trump blocked more cows than illegals.

>Now that the economy is turning to shit, the Trumptards' last remaining argument has gone bust.

Yes Coronavirus has stopped time itself. It can never recover again. Retard.

I'm stocked. Nothing but time. Going to make some money in the stock market tomorrow.

Death to Jewmerica and death to every single circumcised mutt gobling jewslave Trumpfaggot voter.

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Then why do I see brown people everywhere

tv news retards don't actually know what's going on they just get msm hot takes out of context

I don't think Mexico payed for it....

Lmao /ptg/ posters should be culled.

> Croatia

Oh... Keep waiting for a long time. Do you really believe the US will gonna be completely destroyed? Their institutions will still there. They've served us well.

>Do you really believe the US will gonna be completely destroyed?

>china unleashed virus that fucks economy

>trumps fault


Gay and sage

Why are you blaming Trump for the economy going down when there's a virus pandemic?

The economy will always contract during a natural disaster.

You are an incredibly stupid person, like all Democrats.

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So what you're saying is that the economy is cyclical in nature and not indicative of a President's performance.

That would imply that the media are being deliberately malicious. Most likely they are just being incompetent and panicking because the normies are panicking because the media is panicking.

What he's saying is that a single man in a chair can't stop a random pandemic, brainlet.

Because the president botched the response to a natural disaster. Like he did with the tornado.

futures tanked right after he said that. second black monday of the month is tomorrow.

Economy was garbage since 2000 and especially 2008. Trump just put a nice facade on a garbage dumb. Same as Obama whom he criticized for doing it.

Kys cuck

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I wonder how those sales reports will look for the first quarter. Trump economy will look phenominal.

this thread is full of tourists.
we can tell by your id

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Oh boy, the JIDF is out in force tonight defending their Orange "King of the Jews" Trump.

>cannot even post all of last week
kek. Now go google “futures market”. Top kek.

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Last King Of The Jews said Jews are no more important than anyone else, and he was crucified for it. If Trump is King Of The Jews..oh boy. Jews are in for a reckoning.

There's no convincing you guys. You don't determine truth value from the same place. There's numerous sources saying the same thing, but you have made up your mind already. There's no point in arguing when neither side will listen to the other.

I believe the media isn't doing any favors by spreading panic among people, but I don't believe that this problem is a "nothingburger" either. Many people seem to have lost the capacity to not think in extreme terms. Also, we outright reject each other's opinions and don't even bother entertaining them. The virus itself may not be a threat to most of us, but the responses to it from our society and government at large is. That little viron has managed to reveal the cracks that have strewn across the artifice known as the modern world.

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Yeah trump deffo didn't do his part either. He just made what Obama started so much worse. Orange and Black are apparently equally incompetent with crisis management planning.

is doing any favors*

Wrong board cuck. You want r/thedonald. Yas Forums is well aware Candidate Trump and President Trump are quite separate entities.

I hate to bring it to you but my biggest argument for Trump is that he is keeping things a bit stable and at least trying to kick out the wetbacks

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>A global pandemic is Trump's fault

The market will go back up and even higher when all this shit blows over.

Because even you're not so retarded as to think this is a natural downturn of the market.

No, wait, you probably are that retarded.

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Ding Ding. For those in it for the long haul... it's like everything just went on sale. At least for those still investing in the market and not using it as their piggy bank (retirees).

I am woefully bad at photoshop... Can any bro put a N95 mask on the 2020?

>Leaf doesn't know how repo works

>why support orange man?
Because he's the best bet for change at the highest levels of our government even if its just a byproduct of him living in the white house.
Simple as
Dilate and accelerate faggot.

If you think he's anti establishment you are a genuine fucking retard. He is the same as the rest of them. He has just convinced you brainlets otherwise.

Your wrong buddy, it’s trump and we know it, sucks to be you op