I don't know if I fell too hard for the Yas Forums meme or what lads. I used to be extremely patriotic and called people "europoors" and was an america-fuck-yeah! kind of guy. The memes are getting to me though. The mutt meme is SO fucking true. There are so many mystery meats walking around in this country. When I go out I feel like the only fucking white guy around, and this is in a 60% white city according to the census.
We're already a minority in births. We are ALREADY. A. MINORITY. IN. BIRTHS. Meanwhile most European countries are still 80-90% white. The UK, for example, which we all shit on, is 87.2% white according to a quick google search. The ENTIRE COUNTRY is 87.2%. In America you'd be hard pressed to find one fucking city above 75% white population.
Then there's the culture - our country a fucking overgrown shopping mall. America is just a place to sell shit to retards slipping into poverty. Most European cities are beautiful, safe, and don't have 80 IQ inner city blacks everywhere. In our cities, you can't even go into certain fucking parts without the fear of a feral nigger putting a bullet in you.
I want to have hope but this country is just too fucking far gone. I knew we were in decline, but I didn't even until today discover that we were ALREADY in the fucking minority of births. Why the fuck shouldn't us white Americans throw the towel on this shithole and move to Europe or something. The sad thing is that 99% of white people DO NOT FUCKING CARE. They literally have their heads in the sand while our country is getting invaded, raped, and turned into Brazil. Sometimes I wonder if I'm genuinely fucking insane/a maniac for caring about this shit, or if everyone else is just retarded.
Don't get me wrong - I don't doubt that this was truly the best country to live in on earth until ZOG took complete control. What the fuck do we do Yas Forums?
I hate living in this mutt shithole
Other urls found in this thread:
God damn he's beautiful.
I was hearing the 60 percent number being thrown around a decade ago when I was in high school. we are at 50 percent or below now
you don't know what a shithole is 1st worlder
I can assure you the UK is def not 80% white, id say even more of a mutt shit pole than majority of the US, but other countries yeah
Tl;dr you must be on your period you whiney fag
oh but for as the reason we shouldn't throw in the towel, because its chickenshit. we can still capture a lot of this territory back, not all of it tho
Show nipples, OP.
The only reason I'm still here is because of the second amendment.
New York City - 33% white
Los Angeles - 28% white
Washington D.C. - 34% white
Boston - 43% white
Chicago - 31% white
New Orleans - 30% white
San Francisco - 41% white
Las Vegas - 47% white
Houston - 25% white
Phoenix - 46% white
Philadelphia - 34% white
Atlanta - 41% white
Oklahoma City - 56% white
The only thing yanks have over us is that this happened to us at a much faster rate. America inherited all those slaves, but Britain was 98% white British in the 1950s
braaaaaaap mmmm ohh yesss sniff sniff mmmmm thats good braaap
a majority of niggers here are not even the decedents of slaves, they are migrants who came after (((1965)))
Come back to where you belong.
No they aren’t not. 2% of Americans are Negros who are immigrants or the children of.
68% of Americans don’t live in cities and most of the non whites in these places aren’t black except Atlanta
Brrraaapppppp *sniff*
I'd unironically rather live in a comfy white afrikaner town with a farm, wife, kids, and guns than Am*rica.
>first world
Fucking hell. Did they migrate from the Caribbean though? Even Obama was a migrant;s son
fucking this. always amazes me to see other americans shit talking britain when every single one of our cities is a mixed race shithole.
Yes, mostly from Mec-hee-cooh but you still inherited a very large black population
I just did the research again. I was confusing the statistic with which blacks are getting affirmative action, of which a majority are immigrant decedent. 2% is way too low though, its closer to 10%
>The UK, for example, which we all shit on, is 87.2% white
I was trying to point this out in all those brit hate threads that were so popular 2016-2018
We still need to have more white babies though, the birthrates are still worrying.
I hate America too but I also hate Europe and am glad they are getting wiped out by viruses and rapefugees
immigration is more important than birthrate. if you are 100% white and have a low birthrate, you will still be 100% white in the future just with a lower population. Britain is already overcrowded even just with all the white people
i'm not sure where i belong exactly. im 60% british, 20% norwegian, 18% dutch, 2% bullshit. what country do i even fucking go to?
Move out of the country and give up your rights you fucking faggot
Go live in Orweillan Britain or Rapeville aka Sweden
Do it faggot you'll be wishing to get your ass back here
The Grass is never greener on the other side
We need to make our grass green again with the blood of tyrants
Not gonna lie, I did chuckle a bit when I saw an American call Romania a gypsy country. Unironically if you go to Romania you will see white people and white people everywhere, plus, the biggest ethnic minority group there are the Hungarians. They do have a large gypsy population but compared to America's state it's nothing.
and technically, London is 60% white, but only 48% white British, and this is from 2010 and a lot has changed. the situation is quite dire
thats actually a chick
but goddamn she has a beautiful face too bad she's a fucking camwhore
nah not really.
The cities are yes.
and thanks to coronachan a lot of the undesirables that live there will bear the brunt of it.
Go anywhere into the coutryside and it's pretty chill.
What is more worrying at this point is the
It was larger proportionately larger between 1790 & 1870 when it averaged 17%. It fell to 10% in 1940 and then slowly began to rise again. It hit 13% in 1998 before beginning to fall again. Blacks aren’t very spread either. 80% of Suburban counties, which include Virginia Beach and Tarrant county, are less then 4% black, and 90% of Rural counties are less then 2% black.
Blacks are 12.4% of the US. Only 6% aren’t US citizens. Only 9% are foreign born. Under 20% overall are the descendants of immigrants or are immigrants. Fuck off
Is that Leicester slightly northwest of London?
This is from 2010 cencus? I live in West Midlands and I must say, it has to be only 80% white now. Although the downtown city might make the minority population appear larger
... lack of preparation on part of whites in regards to the breakdown of civil order. once the supply chain is distupted and the nog gangs start rioting and looting and home-invading. We are nowhere near as prepped for that compared to you guys. At this point we can all accept there will likely be a breakdown sooner or later.
>The Grass is never greener on the other side
Sometimes it is.
that my friend... is Luton
one of the biggest concentrations of angry muzzies we have.
yup. i envy your demographics.
40% Asian and black is a whopper. In Murica 73.8% of Suburbanites, as of July 2018, and, 80% of Ruralites, as of July 2018, are European. But only like 27.8% of Americans living in Urban cores are. Pic related is Los Angeles county, which residents usually, count as being all of Los Angeles.
There'll be a military presence on the streets way before any of that. I live in a citt in the East Midlands and some of the inner city suburbs can be as high as 60-70% non-white but that is pretty much exclusive to the ghetto; overall it is probably around 80-90% white.
The biggest commuter town
Is Mesa
I'm a mutt and being half black is like being half retarded, it feels like something great inside you is being pulled into the depths by an alien corruption.
The largest rural county is in Missouri
>Murica 73.8% of Suburbanites are European
wtf is up with all the "other"?
Don't worry about it goy, nothing to worry about.
That includes the whole Metro areas of San Antonio, Houston, Detroit, Miami etc. The fact that 57% of Suburbanites in California are white and not semites when the state is 35.5% is amazing.
Read the qualifiers. Those others are spics too
you think the military will be in every street ready to tackle random incidents of violence?
They will be at key infrastructure and guarding vips and supply depots and commercial centres ect from looters.
The police will likely very overstretched as they are already. Look at how many police constabularies had to bus in reinforcements for the 2011 riots. Besides the military we do have is very lacking in manpower: Acording to the plan named "ARMY 2020 REFINE " As part of the plans, the British Army will be reduced by 23 regular units, and by 2020 will number 117,000 soldiers, of whom 82,000 would be regulars and 30,000 will be reservists.
In your honest opinion...do these numbers project security?
Birth rate for White women in this county is almost 4.0 but deaths outnumber births because of all the boomers
I know man. Just lay off the whisky. It’s not gonna help right now. Stay strong and God Bless you user, we are fucked.
Spics finally coming to grips with the fact that most of them are Amerindians and mestizos, not whites
same. i'm disgusted by this country more and more every day. if you want to know what the true average american looks like, go to a DMV. la creaturas crawling all over the place like something out of /x/. fat spics, fat boomers, fat niggers, fat mudskin mystery meats, and a bunch of FOB chinks and pajeets no speaku enlishu abloopajeetabloo. every city and even small cities and regular towns are nigged up. violence in major cities is worse than literal somalia. wading through shit and garbage on the daily, obese mudsharks with starbucks milkshakes all over the place, gut hanging out and a halfbreed in tow. and that's just the demographics
>no worker's rights, corporatocratic bootlickers all over
>median wage is stagnating or even decreasing, middle class is shrinking
>everyone is either a six figure pajeet or a non-chink/pajeet and on meth living in a trailer
>welfare state
>effectively as high a taxrate as europe if you include "shadow taxes" like payroll, sales, and capital gains. yet the infrastructure is crumbling and there's no free healthcare or uni for how much we pay out the nose in taxes
>tax money just gets sucked up by jewish noses and we see no return on it at all
>we pay the R&D costs for all medications while the rest of the world buys for cost. you can get insulin for $2 in india that costs $200 in america
>everyone actually is retarded and uneducated, and i do not consider university the sole provider of education. people here do not learn anything on their own, they don't read books, they don't know basic science or history or anything else
>toilet of the world, a billion welfare shitskins crawl over our borders to get on gibs every day
>politicians are a bunch of senile boomers, literally no one under age 70 is even a candidate for president
>one of the most corrupt governments in the world
>media is clickbaity cancer on levels not seen anywhere else, where other countries' news media at least puts on the pretext of being professional
I wish Abraham Lincoln went through with sending all niggers to Liberia all those decades ago, it would've fixed so much.
look at this coronashit. suddenly everyone realizes we have zero worker protections and everyone is already squeezed to borderline poverty, and NOW it's an issue that people can't take time off work if they get sick. communism is obviously not the answer and i shouldn't even need to state that. but at some point you have to think, what did people working in the 60s have that we don't today? they could support a family on one income and be prosperous. today you just can't do that, not in any city or any town or any state in the entire nation can you achieve that kind of middle class prosperity on one income from an average joe job. worker's rights have been eroded so fat jews can milk more shekels, the average man was thrown under the bus for the sake of shareholders. jews have ransacked this country. and boomers here go "YEEAAAHHH, FIRE HIM! YEAAAAH, TAKE HIS HOUSE AWAY, STUPID FUCK, IT'S HIS FAULT FOR GETTING SICK!" it's disgusting.
when japan has a natural disaster, their people ban together in peace and work to get through it. america gets a single snow flurry and suddenly everyone is doing combat in the streets and fighting over poptarts and toilet paper. the US is a mutted-up shithole of sociopathic money hungry obese bumblefuck TV addicted retards. I'm god damned ashamed.
what is our national culture? Mcdonalds? walmart? is america a place that's enjoyable to live in? are our cities beautiful like copenhagen and florence? do our trains run on time like germany and japan? are our citizens wealthy like switzerland and norway?
Thank the *gnlos for that last one mate, america is a failed experiment with no national culture or religion.
I know things are getting bad in our country user
but calm down
Remember that we still have the following
>free speech
>lots of land to buy
>huge country
>the constitution
>no BS Euro laws
It's not all bad
I'll tell you what our issue is:
I can still remember when this country was still way more than 56% white, it wasn't always this way, but now with spics breeding like rats and ruining our communities, people don't trust one another anymore
Also the internet becoming more socialized and our litigiousness became a monstrous nightmare
Everyone can record you
Everyone knows what you're doing
But ironically nobody knows one another
>I can still remember when this country was still way more than 56% white,
they didn't get here on their own, Gary. you brought them here. boomers inherited a 95% white nation so what do they do? shit the bed and turn it into a 30% white atrocity
I was born in 1997
America was still pretty white until around Barry's presidency
I feel bad for any young white kids that will never see a white majority USA unless the people of today do something