What ever happened to the alt right movement of the mid-2010s?

what ever happened to the alt right movement of the mid-2010s?

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You're actively censoring it off of every platform you little shareblue kike

Imagine looking at pic related and think "Yeah I'm gonna censor people talking about that". Evil pieces of shit who should be roped and skullsmashed, every single one of you

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That guy could maul the word "chubbawuma".

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Died with Jonathan Bowden when little faggots like Spencer thought they could lead the vanguard, mutated into what we have today.

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There was never an “alt-right.” It was always a bogeyman made up by globohomo leftists in the media

>what is toxic whiteness
Being super duper white, the alt-right was super duper individualistic. They all turned on each other over petty slights.

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Trump turned out to be an establishment kike so all the passion disappeared

Asha Logos
Daughter of Albion
The Iconoclast
Mark Collett
David Duke
The occidental observer
RedIce TV
Gatestone Institute (Zionist but useful)
Lift The Veil - (but watch the whole show on twitch or DLive)
Know More News (all about jews)
Central Happenings Network 2 (Pol threads and Happenings)
Handsome Truth (If you can find him)
Bright Insight (Alternative History)
Pr3pper Chan (funny pol content)
Edge Of Wonder (Kinda lightweight - for normalfags first redpills)
Conspiracy Box (Eddie Bravo on talkshows)
Merciful Servant (Islam - search for secret societies on the channel)
Mark Passio (look up hs lectures)
Really Graceful
TruthStream Media
MCQ Bushcraft (Outdoors prepper camong stuff)

There is also an add-on called "De-Mainstream Youtube" which allows you to deselect MSM channels from appearing in the search

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too many jews and blacks. Civ nat is always doomed to fail.

We still have Kerry Bolton although he's never mentioned here

No you censored it off every platform you little shareblue kike. This is your "Post Impact" excuse.


Did the "alt right" even ever exist? Was it just a boogeyman personified by the media? Was it even ever decided what constituted "alt right"?

No shit. A couple of them threatened to murder me because I posted some unflattering remarks about Dickie Spencer.

lol my mom loves edge of wonder
get this Q shit out of here
the rest are good though.
except for Doovid Dukeman.

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You. Censored. It. Off of. Every. Fucking. Mainstream. Platform. Even. Cuckchan. By utilising. COINTELPRO. Slide thread. Techniques. You. Cumguzzling. Kike. Faggot.

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Dude looks white, never noticed that before


>Asha Logos
Cringe and probable fed
Cringe pseudo intellectual and inbred northerner
>Daughter of Albion
works for MI5
>The Iconoclast
Cringe northerner and brainlet
>Mark Collett
works for MI5 and a bit of a brainlet
>David Duke
boomer CIA fed and brainlet
>Red Ice
US Department of Defense psyop
Literal brainlet
>MCQ Bushcraft
not even right wing lmao

The absolute state of the alt-shite... Don't know the rest but they are probably shit as well.

Alt Right is a glownigger psyop which many brainlets have attached themselves to.

Wow, literally EVERYONE's a fed/FBI/CIA/MI6/Mossad/controlled op/psyop/gatekeeper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get some new talking points, you worthless shills.

>Jefferson Lee
>Eli Mosley
>Greg Conte
>Colin Liddell
>Matt Forney
>Matt Heinbach
>Jason Jorjani
>Daniel Friberg
>Josh Dietz
>Jack Donovan
>Nathan Damigo
>Greg Johnson

Weird that everyone in his inner circle seems to vanish. I'm sure RS isn't toxic at all.

Spencer is like rich racist Tom Buchanan from the Great Gatsby. His "sounds like money," he exemplifies "vast carelessness," and he lets others clean up the messes he makes.

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MIGA happened

everyone bailed when alt right media (TRS) started calling homo Spencer the leader.

You can't see them because they have been banned from Twitter, Reddit and Youtube.

Some people simply can't fathom people being so retarded, so they rationalize it by pretending it's feds being retarded. Although sometimes feds do that shit, so they could also be right. What a wild world we live in.

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You forgot Richard Spencer
Doovid Dukeman is CIA for sure his dad was a spook too
Red Ice yea
the rest I don't know but Mark Collet... I want his nazi waifu with the long neck.

someone red-pill me on renegade
except for the flat earth stuff they seem decent. i'm not a vegan or anything either.

He's still got a couple of boyfriends who are willing to commit murder for him, though.

the project was scrapped and the FBI moved onto something else

another thing:
The alt-right originally made a lot of cultural critiques, had a self-improvement focus, had stuff to share about women, and was edgy and fun. Then they got obsessed about blacks and Jews and let conmen like Jordan Peterson steal their bacon.

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Juden Peterstein fucked it all up

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the alt right never existed
there were some youtubers who went against the leftist propaganda
>most of them had centrist views
the right didn't get more right over the past decades
the left went full retard to the left making the difference between right and left huge

It was never real

It was cringe so people stopped.

Diverted, deplatformed, and memoryholed out of existence in 2017-2018 thanks to machinations behind the curtain in big tech and government agencies.

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Trump winning and being Bush 3.0 deflated it

It was brutally suppressed by the state and their funded actors. What the fuck do you think Charlottesville was? A group that had a permit upheld by a federal judge was prevented its 1st Amendment right of free assembly, its leaders unjustly arrested, and its attendees literally pushed into a crowd of violent terrorists by the local and state police. In the fracas three people died, which is amazing considering how many there were armed and the stated intent of the CHARLOTTESVILLE POLICE CHIEF to cause as much violence as possible.

And the result? While the violent terrorists got off with absolutely no repercussions, those who committed only the crime of exercising their rights as dissident voices were thrown into prison for purely political reasons, denied their right to due process and a speedy trial, and given not just ridiculous charges but ridiculous sentences by a partisan judges and blatantly biased juries. When Trump said there were good people on both sides, he was wrong. There were NO good people on the side of violent terrorists who used physical violence to suppress the rights of American citizens. It was the worst injustice inflicted upon free, lawful citizens since the massacre at Waco

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>wah wah my misanthropic edgy worldview gets censored wah wah
Deal with it, little Nazi.

caught in moral panic and became folk devils.

if evolved and split into trads, who came back from existance, based zoomers and new ranks of natsocs
alt-right itself was just a cocoon for the future right-wing


>Monkey believes this
All of your nazi shit is dead, bootlicking monkey.

Why not start your own social media company?

Trump winning. When Trump is out of office in 2024 youll see the alt-right movement again

not a nazi, retard
i'd never by in an ideology created by a G*rman

> Its da jooz fault the master race cant start their own social media site

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It was never a movement
it was a FBI honeypot

>Richard Spencer
The CNN contributor that went on a whiny rant about octaroons? No way anybody takes that guy seriously.

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someone said "racist"/"antisemitic" and they got scared

STFU boomerfag.

Josh Hawley 2024.

They moved on to the next fad movement: Queer Feminist Theory.

I joined the meme war and the rest is history!! Got tons of battle stars and I am doing my part to destroy the normies.

>too many jews and blacks
You could have just said jews. One is too many.

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very creative and effective diss.

>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources: chuckmaultsby.net/id154.html

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country


Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:

Jewish (((educational))) propaganda aimed at children sponsored by tax payers

Nope, it's the payment processors.
>potato drumpf
Nice job outing yourself as on offsite retard.

Jack Dorsey is not Jewish.

keith woods /our/ new aryan king

great analogy. whats your opinion on his two new partners? ed dutton/the jolly heritic and keith woods?