/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2124

► Detected: 169,421 ► Died: 6,515

Argentina shuts down borders, schools

Venezuela under lockdown in 7 states, affecting 12 million

Austria under lockdown, 8 million people

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Denmark shuts down borders

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Virus affects blood circulation

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Finland only testing high risk cases

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

Wuhan scientist predicted Dengue-like enhancements before outbreak

Over half of China under lockdown, 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

23:20: 79 new cases in Brazil.
19:44: 1,228 new cases and 3 new deaths in Germany.
19:41: 1,452 new cases and 96 new deaths in Spain.
19:39: 924 new cases and 36 new deaths in France.
17:10: 3,590 new cases and 368 new deaths in Italy.
15:40: 232 new cases and 14 new deaths in the United Kingdom.
11:03: 1,209 new cases and 113 new deaths in Iran.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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Trump is gay and deserves to get corona

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you... did include a slampig in your prep... right?

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I love how IRL news look like the news from Plague Inc.

Trump was fucking spooked today during the press conference

► China 80,851 (3,199) ► International 88,523 (3,302): Italy 24,747 (1,809) Iran 13,938 (724) S. Korea 8,162 (75) Spain 7,845 (292) Germany 5,813 (11) France 5,423 (127) US 3,680 (68) Switzerland 2,217 (14) UK 1,391 (35) Norway 1,254 (3) Netherlands 1,135 (20) Sweden 1,040 (3) Belgium 886 (4) Denmark 864 (2) Austria 860 (1) Japan 839 (24) D. Princess 696 (7) Canada 341 (1) Greece 331 (4) Australia 300 (5) Slovenia 219 (1) Ireland 170 (2) H. Kong 149 (4) Philippines 140 (12) Egypt 126 (2) Poland 125 (3) Iraq 124 (10) Indonesia 117 (5) Thailand 114 (1) India 112 (2) S. Marino 109 (7) Lebanon 99 (3) Luxembourg 77 (1) Taiwan 59 (1) Bulgaria 51 (2) Algeria 48 (4) Argentina 46 (2) Panama 43 (1) Albania 42 (1) Ecuador 37 (2) Hungary 32 (1) Morocco 28 (1) Azerbaijan 23 (1) Guyana 4 (1) Ukraine 3 (1) Guatemala 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Malaysia 428 Qatar 401 Cze. Rep. 293 Portugal 245 Finland 244 Singapore 226 Bahrain 214 Israel 213 Brazil 200 Iceland 180 Estonia 171 Romania 139 S. Arabia 118 Kuwait 112 UAE 98 Chile 75 Peru 71 Russia 63 Slovakia 61 S. Africa 61 Vietnam 56 Pakistan 53 Brunei 50 Croatia 49 Serbia 48 Mexico 43 Palestine 38 C. Rica 35 Colombia 34 Georgia 33 Cyprus 33 Latvia 30 Belarus 27 Armenia 26 Senegal 24 Bosnia 24 Moldova 23 Oman 22 Malta 21 Tunisia 20 Macedonia 19 S. Lanka 18 Turkey 18 Venezuela 17 Afghanistan 16 Lithuania 14 Maldives 13 Cambodia 12 Macao 11 Dom. Rep. 11 Faeroes 11 Jordan 10 Bolivia 10 Jamaica 10 Martinique 10 Kazakhstan 9 N. Zealand 8 Fr. Guiana 7 Liechtenstein 7 Paraguay 7 Reunion 7 Ghana 6 Uruguay 6 Andorra 5 Bangladesh 5 P. Rico 5 Rwanda 5 Cameroon 4 Ivory C. 4 Cuba 4 Ethiopia 4 Uzbekistan 4 B. Faso 3 Chan. Isl. 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Guadeloupe 3 Guam 3 Honduras 3 Kenya 3 Seychelles 3 Monaco 2 Nigeria 2 Aruba 2 Curacao 2 Congo 2 Namibia 2 St. Lucia 2 St. Martin 2 Tri. & Tob. 2… Total 158/251

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just the flu bro.

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TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK, TIME IS TiCKiNG! ThE eNd iS NeAr, TiME iS RuNNiNG OuT! tHeRe iS sOmE TiMe LeFt... UsE iT WiSeLY bEfoRe iTs ToO LaTE...

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im trembly and weak... so scared...

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Give it to me straight!

Post the date you think First Contact will be made!

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I used to be team nothingburger but holy shit we are so fucked, I'm sorry for calling you all retards

Trump has it.

Know one of the Mexican cases, aged early 70s tested positive on thursday only mild cough and until now no fever

>7 billion people in the world
>6400 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little virus won't cause a pandemic

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I see so many conflicting opinions on whether it's a nothingburger or a real issue. Really wonder how it'll end up.

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Drink 6 beers on the head. You'll wake up fine.



Absolutely fucking SURREAL video! You won't believe the lengths to which chinks are going to contain the virus.

Would something like this ever work in Western world????

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Why isn't
on the thread links?

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Die in agony normalnigger.

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>154155 infected
>5798 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little pandemic won't cause an extinction level event

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>Work in a combined deli/pharmacy
I'm going to be forced to work until I catch the virus, aren't I?

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Biden has it

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April 20th, 2020

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It's OK. Some of otherwise intelligent IRL friends are still nothingburgers.

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To all burgers and bongs listen up

Nationwide lockdown is unavoidable, just a matter of time. Make sure you have everything you need now. All normies Zerg rushed the stores as soon as our prime minister announced lockdown

You do not want to be lacking anything at that point. If you use medication make sure you have them stocked for as long as possible

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fuck off

The nothingburger fags were so clearly wrong 2 months ago. Nothing has changed and we have less time left. Embrace reality while you still can.

Anyone has a .gif map of her progress?

What’s up losers check out the life you are throwing away by being here, you could actually know people and do things. But instead you have to make a big conspiracy to panic everyone. Wow what a great hobby to have instead of getting laid

Everything will be daijobou

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>imminent economic crisis
>food depressions
>retards reacting retardedly
we fucked

same boat. i apologize for thinking it would never take off outside china. i don't want to eat this burger

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you might be asked to work to keep the pharmacy working but the deli will very likely be closed

damn that image is sad

digits decides first world leader to die from the corona

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I think my government is intentionally trying to get us infected, there are articles saying 60% if Britain needs to be infected for her immunity, pair this with their reluctance to close anything or go into lockdown it seems they're trying to get people infected for this 60% goal, it makes me fucking mad because they have the mentality of "don't worry bro only old people will die" which is just immoral

In Middle Earth know how to defeat Corona Chan. Pleas

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she has a very ugly face


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In the end it doesn't matter because now you are underprepared and paying the price

Serbia is now under national emergency and lockdown, effective 16th of March 00:00

Boris won't lockdown I can assure you that.


work won't mean anything when the dollar loses all value


"My occupation? You can just put down 'superspreader.'"

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it's ok user

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Sadly, the one on wikipedia stopped getting updated on the 29th, and the livestream with the list of numbers only lets you scroll back 12 hours. Would be pretty challenging I think.

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the pope

>inb4 not a world leader

holy shit I am drunk because that has me in stitches, thanks aussiebro

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Thank you kindly for your concern friend, but i dont think we will go into lockdown anytime soon and by then the normies ravaging the supermarkets will have died down and stocks be replenished, in worst case scenario the army will deliver food directly to us

Just wait until the dead hit triple digits per day

Kate stop spamming this shit and an hero.

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rate my gear

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It is a cover up by the freemasonic cult to undergo a depopulation program. This has been hinted through various videos and good ol' Bill Gates also had a TED talk on it; pretty interesting. In the genome there are 33 filler nucleotides which serve no purpose; why are they there? A message or even a sign (they love their symbolism) that it is part of their "plan"
This can be easily done using the global media which they control to incite panic. How to incite panic? Hit em hard and fast; hence the past few months everyone was saying its a nothingburger and all of a sudden a 180 flip in the past week
And the kicker here is that they are using the coronavirus to cover up the actual killer. There have been prevalent studies showing for damaging 5G waves are to not just humans but nature itself. It has frequencies which go up to 80GhZ which is essentially microwaving anything near it.
Alliance Corporation
New Spectrum for Canada – 70 and 80 GHz Band - Alliance Corporation
We here at Alliance are excited about the new 70/80 GHz band being opened up...

Beautiful thing about the 5G technology is that it can act in 2 waysd
First and foremost it acts as a surveillance tech; this can be operated on low frequency ranges; possibly even up to 25Ghz. Secondly it can act as a weapon by essentially turning on a "kill-switch" at any moment to disperse high energy frequencies killing or maiming anything which comes close.
Lastly the hotspots around the world where the 2019-nCov is hitting seems to be EXACTLY in the same areas where mass 5G was setup; ESPECIALLY in Wuhan. Remember, China and Wuhan are one of the first countries in the world to set up 5G; they have had this technology since the mid 80s

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is burger


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Massachusetts closes all restaurants and bars starting Monday night.

Why Americans do this?

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It's a staged approach, over 70s are now being isolated with a ban on mass crowds to follow. The UK's plan is risky, if it works we could come out of this a lot better than other countries, if it fails we are fucked worse than Italy.


Any good webms/pics from outside the Big 3 zones? Spain and France are getting spicy

It kill less than any of the five common disease daily and even less than road accidents. In any country.

Old rich people are raising a stink because the disease are naturally designed to kill or make them quarantine themselves out of fear until a vaccine is finished.
And old rich people have amazing morality, you can see in how they forced everyone but themselves to quarantine out of paid manufactured mass media fear mongering.

3 total dead and only 4 people in intensive care in Stockholm so far.
Are Swedish authorities being lucky with corona not managing to spread too much?
Has the virus mutated to a less lethal strain before reaching Sweden?

Why are we seeing so few lethal/intensive cases in Sweden despite 1000+ infected? Sweden, much like Italy, also has a very old and unhealthy population.

off by 2


Why is she white?

Nationwide quarantine for the US in 24-72 hous. True or not?

This is the beginning of WW3, Anons.

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hold me bros

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I seriously hope you guys have useful pets like dogs (actual dogs not meme dogs),


Your gov is the most insane of them all.

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>tfw have to physically show up to work tomorrow despite having the ability to work remotely
anyone know this feel

your government sounds lazy

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Boris Johnson

for freedom, of course

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This post was the first time it occurred to me how much more fun the apocalypse will be if you can be drunk constantly. Brb stocking up on booze.

