Behold the greatest happening of the decade possibly the century. How you guys holding up?
This happening is starting to get scary
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Never been better. Spent over 1k on food and goods last month now I am enjoying the shit show from my couch.
the worst part is seeing how full of shills this place is. I remember when pol would always zero in like a laser on the kikes, but here we see everyone falling for kike media and blaming china, thinking Trump is going to "set things right and drain the swamp", it's almost like the past 4 years haven't happened. the blackpill is how easy the kikes have power over low iq white people.
I have no guns
I wish I had guns
Pretty great. But I am a doomer and I want to die so this is my natural element.
Gen X here. I feel the same. Literally can't lose.
Same. Gun laws in the european union are a meme
I'll sell you ine if mine
Wish that were me. Can't imagine how comfy this would be if I lived alone and bought at least a years worth of supplies beforehand.
at least you don't have 10,000 niggers living on a hill 5km from you
t. Riofag
What about air guns? They're unregulated here up to 500fps. Not enough to kill, but it's enough to pierce the skin and hurts like fuck. And you can simply MOD it to make it more powerful. Better than nothing
You're right about being able to spot shills. Because you are one
It's a planetary shutdown. Nothing scary about it. Fun hasn't even started yet. Are you a pussy? Are you larping, anonino?
>inb4 you have no guns
No, but I have really sharp knifes and a sharp mind. I will slaughter people for a can of tuna. Make no mistake. Waiting for fallout conditions. That's the environment in which I thrive.
One thing you have to get inside your imbecillic skull is that the world isn't was it used to be. Life is different now. Adapt now, or die. Only the fiercest of animals will survive this. This is not a drill.
I'm enjoying watching the jew media talking heads finally realising their little necks are on the line and their world is closing in on them.
Maybe never to return. Feels good, man.
watch,,Fukashima vids,,,,cars,,water flowsaround corner,,,seems OK,,,tostart.,,terror andeath follow.,
,,,signs>"this way to higher ground if you Dont WANT to die you dumb slants."
Look at this little shit planet. You are a creature on it, and so am I... What's to be afraid of? Seriously. Worst case scenario, you'll die.. Death, at this point, will be more of a blessing than a curse. What are you afraid of pussy? Are you afraid of becoming one with the universe, much like before you were born? If so, why is that?
People are pathetic. I'm ashamed of being born into this world, and yet, I realize that I had no choice to begin with.
>itt Zoomers first habbening
Either you're a warrior of the new world, or you're a dead veteran of the old. You choose.
It’s fun now, but imagine for another 3 months. 6 monthe. 1 year. Imagine a coup happening while you’re at home. How comfy would you be then?
Lol at your airgun. You should have been getting your RPAL leaf bro. You'd have sweet guns by now. Even a mosin(garbage rod)nagant if you're a poorfag.
what the actual fuck are you talking about retard?
>Imagine a coup happening while you’re at home.
Why would I care? I have plenty of ammo and food/supplies.
Unless you live on some farm, you’re absolutely retarded for saying that
> Unless you live on some farm
Imagine not living on a farm
All my years browsing here, all the “it’s happening!” threads, weird to fucking think that now it actually is.
I wish I did, but I’m in a city
Very comfy. Then I get to kill people without repercussions.
>big dreams
It's a nothing burger, I'm going to work tomorrow like I always do.
>happening of the century
oh no, it's getting way better than this user just you wait
How bout a trade? Fiat is about to be worthless.
You sound like a woman. Are you without the bepis?
He's just Dutch. They're all like that.
Joyfully. This will wreck the liberal order.
Its weird how everyone is acting like its happening and its non-stop panic on the news yet life is completely normal (for me anyway).
Its not even that scary user, don't be a cuck
Look how well it is going in China
lmao when the shills offend eachother and pretend no one is a shill
It just hasn't reached you yet. I can see it starting to kick off around me here. Give it a week or so.
Kek, yeah. Can't all be predators.
You'll be dead soon so don't waste your time worrying about it
>t. Shill
Kek. This is next level.
We asked for it , not gonna complain now let it happen .
asa,,,longtime village idiot/ranch dog,,,looking tothe future$,,,thinkingetting small sled for Deadservices?,,need "untouchables" license.
Reloaded a bunch of .303 Brit and rimmed Russian cartridges today. Deprimed a bunch of .357, .308 and 30-06 today. Basically I'm now getting ready for the potential riots and raiding.
Im happy that I fucked a milf last weekend from Tinder so I will atleast not die as a virgin
haha do all the niggers have illegal guns too citizen?
Are you drunk user?
Drunk...with a gun?
Fucking loving it, hoping it just keeps escalating. Been waiting for something like this - you can't fight entropy forever. Mother Nature gonna bitch slap this whole world back down. Or it's God, toppling the modern tower of Babel. All the arrogant works of Man brought to nothing - I pray for this daily. So let it fucking grow, let the panic spread, let the fear consume the normies! Leave a nice meal for the birds & rats!
We're only at most at 3 right now.
We ain't seen fucking NOTHING yet.
I'm extremely itchy and getting hives due to anxiety
This is what I'm worried about. Having panic attacks and not being able to tell if I'm actually sick and having trouble breathing or if it's just a panic attack. Hold me
stop, my penis can only get so erect
you mean the time when progressives/commies and tradcucks go to war and kill each other (usually the progressives though as they're anti gun ownership and the military is largely tradcucks) and the jewish status quo crumbles only to be replaced with real leadership who will do what everyone else feared to do due to repercussions from murrica, slaughter the shitskins and restore national borders is finally coming? the thing people have been dreaming about for at least the last 100+ years?
i'm starting to wish i had a gun(s)
Stop being scared, you develop real diseases from being anxious, for real, don't be psychosomatic, you are going to catch the usual Flu, being scared put your immune system in stress and lower it, keep calm, relax, just stay at home and enjoy the free vacation.
It’s always you /cvg/ happeningfags who are the biggest fucking pussies.
I have no skin in the game and really nothing to lose if shit collapses, if things turn an upside then I’ll still be where I am as well. I’ve kept a straight face about this whole thing since late January, and considering you panicfags are still losing it months in just shows your weakness.
You don’t deserve to live or propagate with such weak and pathetic genes.
great, as long as I can Yas Forums post it's gravy.
warfatigue,,,,wearing you down.,,or,just Breaking!,
.OP?,,,Beafraid,,be Veryafraid.,,,then turnon your MAN gene.,,,Sharpen thedgers,,tie aspoon ona stick,,,KILLARAT!,
Reminds me of the good ol' days after 9/11!
Fucking krundge
This is why we're so adamant about our guns here.