Printing Money

When people talk of the federal reserve "printing money", what mechanism is actually going on? Are they just issuing money to the government for free? Free money to banks? How does "printing money" work?

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Digital numbers added to a system. Jew created Fed lends to Banks, banks can lend 10 times the amount on hand to u and me using fractional reserve banking.

You know how the high score works on the galaga machine at the arcade? The big number with ASS written next to it? Like that. It's just bullshit Jew numerology.

not surprised that you don't get replies because we're not supposed to discuss this on 4chins in a proper manner.
I'll try to keep it short.
government lost control of the money supply in 1913 and control over itself in 1933 and in the same year the gold standard (gold represents the value of the dollar) was ended in its place income tax now backs the dollar.
Now all a government has to do is hand in a birth certificate to the Federal Reserve and they print money based on the value of all the taxes that person will pay in their lifetime.
The IRS is also a separate corporation that collects income tax and it goes toward paying the interest on the loan and never the principle

We're slaves

This is the best way I've ever seen of articulating it. Thank you.

indeed, the moment our parents signed a birth certificate we became indentured slaves though our names

wtf why is Yas Forums a fucking boomer board

When do you ever sign your name in Capitol letters. Look at your birth certificate, bank statements etc ALL CAPITOL LETTERS! It's all fake!

the attached article covers a lot on how the system is, and mentions a legal loophole at the end but it's unfounded.
Theses next links discuss the slave masters, aka the crown temple in the city of london:

Attached: Birth Certificate Slavery 1.png (1649x4070, 364.71K)

Wake up white people!

you're on the right track, the capitalization is a huge hint that our names are considered corporations

Exactly RR!

if anyone is interested here are some sources:
>The Truth About Your Birth Certificate...

>The Money Masters Full Documentary The rise of the bankers [3h29m]

>Money as Debt - Full Documentary

>The Federal Reserve Conspiracy

>Secrets of the Federal Reserve

>The Sumerian Swindle

>A History of Central Banking and Enslavement of Mankind - Stephen Goodson

The federal reserve has an “optimal inflation” model that they follow.
You don’t want too much inflation, for obvious reason, but you also don’t want no inflation at all, that leads to prices falling, production slows and inventories are liquidated. Demand drops and unemployment increases.
You need about 1-3% inflation a year for a healthy economy, and the fed works to keep this ratio.

Actual decent reddit tier explanation for this new fag. Good job leaf unironic

because you zoomer fags don't understand or know shit, and we are teaching you faggots

sit down kid, let the adults speak. just listen and learn, arrogant hoe

here's a good video for normies that can't understand this stuff without lol omg funny cartoon explaining it to them:

I'm only just getting around to reading my crib notes because... Well, you know, I'm a lovable retard. Very Good. Carry on. Graciousness abounds. Much Love.

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When you hear the quantitative easing or “fed injecting money” what’s happening is the fed is buying assets from troubled industries. It’s like almost always the banking sector. Fed buys the assets, transfers wealth to banks. It’s supposed to stimulate the economy and it kind of did back in the years of King Nigger. Whether it will work again is unclear. The danger is inflation.

They dont just give out money. They use money from the US Treasury to buy and sell bonds en masse from large commercial banks, in order to influence interest rates. Sometimes they will loan money to these banks as well, so that banks have more money to lend to the rest of the economy. They dont just give away money tho. And any profits the Fed makes go back to the Treasury.

The only mechanisms are scams. You can't print more money to create value.

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Found the jew. 1-3% Inflation forever requires constant new markets, more globalization, more immigration

>The danger is inflation.
The risk of inflation driven by increasing the monetary supply is greatly overestimated in modern industrialized nations.

This only happens when the amount of money in circulation increases while the supply of consumer goods and services is maxed out, meaning that demand increases while supply remains fixed. But these days, most industries aren't producing anywhere close to maximum capacity. The main limiting factor is scarcity of money, and increasing the amount of money available just means that businesses will ramp up production to meet the increased demand.

The fed prints money by making an entry on a digital ledger on a mainframe computer. This is called M0 money. The big banks and investment banks have bank accounts with the Fed.

For the fed to create “money” the government must issue a bond which is an IOU to pay back the money it borrow with interest. The investment banks like GS are middle men in this process and take a cut.

In the case of QE the fed just directly buys assets and the fed’s balance sheet grows. The fed gets no interest and the money supply in the economy increases.

Yes. It requires unlimited growth. It’s unsustainable.

Now they basically buy govt assets (bonds) typically
The bankers sit in the middle

They do all sorts of things with it. Currently they are swapping government bonds with liquidity in the stonk market.
They'll try and make it sound like it is on the up and up but it's really not.
They will call it "not QE" but it is
It's just another form of QE that destroys the value of your dollar to make the stonk market look like it is worth investing when it really isn't.

there is no money it's all an illusion

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It's the greatest pyramid scheme that hasn't been busted yet for some reason.

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This. The vast majority of all "money" does not exist as physical bills, just numbers in an account. It's all bullshit. When the FED prints money, they just say "yeah, this amount of money is now pumped into the system, sure" and everyone goes "OK" and the charade continues.


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Thanks for this

paper goes into printer motor go brrrrr brrrrrrr brrrrrrrrrr ink get onto paper then its left to dry then paper get cut up into smaller paper and sent to bank

Go to court and let a judge btfo of your "Freeman" bullshit


>issuing money to the government for free
that doesnt even make semantic sense.
the government is the issuer of the money. the Fed is printing money in accordance with what the government has made law.

>How does "printing money" work?
when the federal government declares spending, whether that be mandatory spending or optional spending under executive authority (the president and the central bank have some wiggle room), money is created by the Fed to pay for that spending.

inversely when federal taxes are "paid" the fed deletes/destroys that money.

you're full blown retard I hope you don't think you fool anyone with that petulant reddit tone

The (((fed))) issues loans to the US gov., then the US government goes to their local liquor store and cashes the check for cash money.

In other words, what FED fears is a "japanification" of the economy, where the government public debt is too high, sustaining zombie companies and a deflation that incentives people to save more because they'll never see a currency devaluation even in a worst type of saving.

no. they don't hand over a birth certificate.
this is in the same realm of "knowledge" as the "sovereign citizen" bullshit we will laugh at on video.

>You can't print more money to create value.
you sure cant.

that's how it literally works. go back to getting sucked off by a dog you dumb fucking methed out leaf.

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lmfao its the same fucking bullshit!

in reality they are literally just fucking printing money and devaluing the dollar the same way zimbabwe did when it was starting to starve

fucking leafs my god lol

wheres fed guy printing money gif?

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no, it doesn't create more value.
it creates inflation and the money unit devalues.
this is basic economics and you can see the effects of this shit in zimbabwe, Germany, anywhere in the past century that experienced an economic crash.

reserve requirement is now 0.

They create new money and buy government bonds and other assets to keep interest rates down.

It’s an over convoluted scheme involving fractional reserve banking which is basically why many economies before have us collapsed

And it’s the jews every time

Well first off it's not actually printed. You think they actually print and move it to some secure bank vault? No, it's all numbers on spreadsheets. Anyways, them pumping money into the repo market allows liquidity amongst the banks. Imagine it as a space where banks can pull out short term loans for a day and then return it the next day, with a tiny bit of extra. Quantitative easing is the Fed literally just buying shit assets and transferring said toxic assets from the banks spreadsheets to the Feds spreadsheets.

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It’s inevitable

The Federal reserve controls the money supply by setting the "risk free rate" aka the interest rate. They have a few ways of doing this. They can do so by issuing treasury bonds that pay interest and principal... Some of our taxes go to paying these bonds. Anyone can buy these bonds and they are extremely safe unless the country defaults.

The FED also gives out loans to banks via the "discount window" where banks can get loans for ultra low interest rates. They then lend this money out to you at a higher rate or buy stocks and hope for gains.

During the great recession the fed did "quantitative easing" where they bought bad mortgages from the when the FED buys something it increases money in circulation ... When the FED sells something it reduces money in circulation.

Essentially whenever the fed issues currency that money is always due back to the FED with interest. Here is where it gets interesting. Banks can loan out more than they have in the banks ... It's called a leverage ratio... This is a cause of inflation... Essentially it boils down to the fact that money isn't really real as much as it is an idea.

If you bought a house and then sold it for 70000 more that money dident come from anywhere .. no one printed it it causes inflation.

This system is slavery with extra steps keeping everyone always working as hard as possible without ever getting anywhere.

|It's even worse these days, who is to say they don't just add a few extra zeroes to their bank accounts?

Not like anybody is even around to check that shit since it is all done by computers now.

did you read anything I posted
plus you have the mark of the slave and i don't

why would I bother going to court against the system when I know it's run by the same people who operate all the banks.
if those are supposed to be my initials then no I'm not RR

This is probably the best explanation ITT.

yes, they do hand over a birth certificate because it has a securities trading number on it.
Go get your long form and prove me wrong, if it doesn't have a securities exchange certificate number on it I will never post this again

you can post the answer quickly, we're all using the same internet
chop chop

Unless you are prepared to literally annihilate anybody who gets in your way then you will never be a "freeman". Imagine thinking you can use a rigged game against itself.

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They create money and use it to buy treasury bonds. The treasury uses tax payer money to service that bond, pay it back plus interest, whatever the rate is. Most tax money goes to this, where the money goes and how its re circulated when it goes back to the federal reserve, who knows?

>no, it doesn't create more value.
no it doesnt create more value. (wtf are you arguing for?)

>it creates inflation and the money unit devalues.
sure a bit. although it's important not to overstate inflation. there are alot more important factors to inflation than printing currency, which is why the US can't reach it's inflation goals no matter how much it prints.

>this is basic economics and you can see the effects of this shit in zimbabwe, Germany, anywhere in the past century that experienced an economic crash.
and sure as fuck cant cause hyperinflation. hyperinflation is the result of a loss of production. the wartorn examples you gave had hyperinflation because the government had to keep trying to pay it's soldiers to keep order while at the same time productive forces was pushing up costs resulting in them needing to print more in an endless loop.....they didn't just one day decide to print more money on a lark.

you need to get to advanced economics.

where is this "freeman" bullshit coming from, is this a new shill script/buzzword I'm seeing?

>sure a bit.

From you, leaf.

We're all slaves because we don't fight back.

you're the one using it, who programmed you?

Of course this optimum inflation rate is just made up whole cloth, has not and cannot be scientifically tested. Meanwhile low inflation has prevented millions of jobs from being created just because Volker stated a 2% number off the top of his head and it became gospel and s sacred cow

depends on the condition leafo.
creating currency with no inflationary pressure from prices isn't going to cause any noticeable inflation.... you'd have to get in there with a microscope.

When you print more money, the money's value approaches the value of toilet paper. Since toilet paper is at all time highs, this is actually a very fiscally responsible time to print trillions of dollars.

yet if i saved 1000$ back in the 90's it's worth only 10$ now, lovely.

The amount of Federal Reserve defending shills on Yas Forums is insane

Printing money is just as it sounds you fucking idiot. They print money and give it to the gov. Everyone else's USD devalues. It is an indirect tax on everyone that holds US dollars even non-citizens

The privatization of every nations currency is what the main issue is here because we're all in the same debt scheme (except for Syria of course).
the cry of the shill is "national currency stagnates business!" when in reality it allows business to move away from the nation

I like how it keeps evolving