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For me, it's Iqualuit


Burlington has already closed all public venues two days ago.

Literally everyone got this text from a friend of a friend of your cousin's nephew who works in Ottawa.


>Sources: Mon cul.

Just keep the Hallmark Channel running and I will be cool with it.

I want it to, I hope it’s true.

I work in luxury and filthy fucking Persians and chinks keep coming into my store for nothing. Filthy immigrants bringing their foreign viruses

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Guys i really need to wipe my ass but the tp is running out...

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Jump in the shower retard

I've heard Quebec has like 230 cases.
Quarantine us

I hope so. I don't want to go to work in the morning I have so much shit I dont feel like doing and I am getting paid either way.

wtf is lockdown?

they gonna force everyone to become a neet like me? lol, as if these plebs could even handle my level of inactivity

never, ever again say "tomorrow at midnight" you dumb nigger. half your audience will misunderstand what day you mean, and the other half will assume YOU dont know what day you mean

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What do you think the LEAF is for

I expect restaurants and shit will shut down this week as well except for maybe delivery services.

Good. Ontario has been way to slow on this.

They need to make that step before the retarded fucks in my province will MAYBE close my college.

I want to stay cozy at home.

remember that guy last month who made a thread about the lady collapsing in the MTL subway

Really hoping in 2 weeks they shut down the entire country and I cant go to work

It's time for the meek bucko

This, not happening yet.

how about we all just start looting and shit to speed up the happening I'm sick and tired of waiting

hold on there champ
if you're not at work who is funding my neet lifestyle?
we can't all be parasites and i've already called dibs on this lifestyle

Literally everybody I know is sharing this shit, based on what some radio host said, or some friend of a friend said. There's literally nothing indicating this is true. Maybe it would make sense for say, a major metropolitan area like Toronto, but there's really no reason for all of Ontario to lockdown given that so much of it is small towns and wilderness. Whatever, I don't want to live my life in fear of some gay virus

I'm ready to off my neighbour so hard first thing when things go down.

In Minecraft, that is.

For me, it's Haida Gwaii

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Dont worry you'll still get your neetbux I just wanna join you for a month then back to work for me

I suggest all Canadians actually read our Quarantine Act, its insane.

I REMEMBER THAT! there were lots of people getting off the subway and it seemed as if no one really cared. what's up with that? was she a super spreader?

any deaths in Canada yet?

may it never end!

ok cool
see you in mincecraft

for me, it's newfoundland

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stop spamming your shit

Only 1 in BC so far.

Wasn't that dude like 85 and in a nursing home? If Corona didn't get him, the regular flu would. He was on his way out anyway

I will sell you one roll for $100

rip to that guy, stay safe dudes

rip toronto

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Prince George here, they arnt saying it but there are cases here, and if there are cases here already then vancouver and the whole lower mainland is mega fucked

Are you me?

Yeah. Nothing major. Ontario is going off with cases lately so I expect deaths there soon. Alberta seems to be handling it effectively enough.

Newfound has its first case but there are over 160 people in isolation, at least a portion of them awaiting test results. Hope to see more cases come from them. Even the chief medical officer said to expect more confirmed.

glad to know there are others that want the day of the rake

We are all part of a mosaic in leafland.

i just hope i'm not his neighbour

if so i don't know what i said but it was probably just a joke bruh


Hope you fucks got your RPAL's, because shit is going to get chaotic.

This. My brother is a doctor he says the people who die are all over 80 and already have existing cardiovascular problems.

He says this shit is way overblown.

The death rates are high because the only people that get tested are the ones with bad symptoms.

There’s like 10x as many people that have had it but never got tested because they thought it was nothing. The actual death rate is probably very low.

Just keep grandma and grandpa inside for a while. This is mass hysteria, it’s out of control.

Probably not.
Unless you are some (definitely) gay boomer who doesn't work and blasts boomer rock all day and has called the cops on us too many times.

He will see the rake. He will fear the rake.

And as long as my college stays open I'll be spitting on his car doors every day coming home just in case I catch the sickness.

Here's the Real Secret:
Covid Sterilizes Everyone!
It makes it impossible for infants to ever survive into adulthood.
No children born after 2021 will ever have their own children.
Scientific Facts:
Infects all unborn babies.
Reduces life expectancy of infected infants.
Attacks gonads, further reducing fertility.

There will be no more generations.
When there's no children.
When Covid babies die at age 6...
Then Civilization Falls.

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I see Dr. Chang is a great follower of CCP stats

what part of it is insane

you just legit posted a picture of my house, lol

It's for sure mass hysteria. If you get it, but are young, with a decent immune system, you'll have a rough couple weeks, but probably be just fine. Follow regular procedures: wash your hands, avoid crowds or packed public places and wait for it to all blow over

if i went through the training but lost my PAL card, can i still buy a rifle? i'm in the system

Battery punk.

yes b'y
thanks to Yas Forums i was prepped a good month ago though, so now i'm sitting pretty

you have a beautiful home, Newfie. I've always loved the look of those sorts of places. Looks pretty cozy

Buddy, luh. We gots pasta and rice and to for months.

They already shut down my workplace. This is a place that NEVER closes, not even on Christmas, but this made them change their mind. People are going crazy.

You'd at the very least need the PAL#.
Call the CFP and get a new card issued like you're fucking supposed to.

That's where I'm at with it, but then again, that's how word spreads, especially in times where the news aren't the most trusted sources. Won't have to wait long to find out at least. Stay safe, anons.

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I will hunt you down and exterminate you off the face of this planet, along with your friends and family.
You deserve to die and I'm waiting outside for you fucker.

No, you have to show your card when purchasing guns and ammunition. You're fucked. Maybe you should check one of your purses again, it's probably still there. Faggot



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i'll bring over the salami and toutons sure, and no that is not a euphemism

Just rebook.

It'll be less crowded later.

Rumors are starting that Trump will announce US lockdown tomorrow. THIS IS IT. THIS IS THE HAPPENING.

thanks. you're good shit.

A stick of Maple Leaf'll do.

Are you that much of a sperg? People aren't going to think the day after tomorrow unless they're anal retentive or something.

gotta show the card? are you fucking with me? that's too bad for me then.

I heard the same thing too. friend of a friend that works for ontario health.

thanks, pal. it is quite nice

I did but I'm not part of a gun club so I can't buy a restricted weapon yet

the digiridoos don't lie, i'm comin by with my viennas in tow

If you're in Ontario, that is not actually a requirement for R's.
At the very least you should have a shorty 12 gauge or something.

Watch out for buddy whistling Dirty Old Town. Just walked down the street headed your way. He's half cut.

The disease itself is now what I'm worried about right now this is a health crisis which is very rapidly causing a financial crisis hence the US fed lowering interest rates to 0% and pumping in 1.5 trillion in liquidity into the market. This is it boys the Fed blew its loan used its nukes fired its last bullet after this if the selloff continues in the market we are horse fucked as in at the very least we are going to a recession and if it gets as bad as it could get it could become a new depression

Moi chu au mexique en train de fourrer des putes mexicaines, je reviens a Montreal dans 10 jours

Manitoba fag here so it's a requirement for me. I have two 12 gauge pumps and a surplus SKS

I commute through that station LOL

Well I used to. My job stopped existing this week.

that buddy. can't tell the mind of a squid, yes b'y he's stunned and gone right out of er. i'll be fine tho, old dog for a hard road

What are the Queen Charlotte Islands? Leave the totem nigger-speak elsewhere.

More like hide the gay

Women are always leaving their purses somewhere and loosing them. pfft

>Leafs BTFO

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*Iqaluit you fucking chink

because tablecloths don't exist, right?

Right on! He's stunned as me arse but you can't lie, the old dog can carry a tune.

You should be good, then.
You want #4 buck (not bird) shot or larger.
If you can, get shells that have 8 pellets rather than 9, as they tend to pattern tighter. Using "flitecontrol" shells are also a good idea if you can afford it. Otherwise, go with 1oz rifled slugs.

my mom came in and told me this today lol what

what was your job

Warwick Rhode Island goes into National Guard enforced lockdown tomorrow at 5PM.


Oh I've got a lot of slugs and buck shot


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>tl;dr is any place can be designated a government quarantine facility and anyone sick can be taken to those quarantine facilities. Quarantine officers can determine if you are infected or not regardless of tests done.

cbc is over reacting so that makes me less worried

whatever clown broadcasting canada says is true is always the opposite of reality

everything is going to be fine