Yas Forums claims to be redpilled

>Yas Forums claims to be redpilled
>still believes that men who like

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Ok groomer

only by definition you fucking nigger

>Come home from work
>See man banging your 5 year old
>High five him and go to your room
The cuck is strong in you

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dunno op is pretty fucking based

ok pedo

Attached: christian feminists age of consent.png (628x185, 23.04K)

Would 14 or 15 be a good age of consent/marriage?

90% of Yas Forums are just useful idiots.

Oh no, Christians dont want degenerates fucking children, wow those evil Christians, I love muhammed and his 6 year old wife now

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If they are too retarded to handle a gun, they are too retarded to trust with opening their legs so no

A 20 something year old marrying a girl who's 15+ isn't pedophilia.
Feminists are wrong.

>supporting feminists
>implying that a 16 year old is a child
Does this trigger you, user?

Attached: file.jpg (1800x1800, 742.09K)

You pedos will be raped by actual demons for an eternity in hell.

>too retarded to handle a gun
Yeah, no. Lol.
Mary was betrothed at 12.

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Feminists back then were nothing like feminists today retards and the fact that you two dont know that tells me im arguing with retards so im out

Ok groomer

>Christian hater is a pedophile

Nice straw man but you don't know what feminists back then were like, unless you have a time machine or read (((wikipedia))) articles, go back to plebbit kike.

>youll- youll go to heck!!
truly third-world cope

See beaner, do you not know about your own continent?

Hes got a point, claiming that irrational older bitches led by jews back then are somehow different from irrational older bitches led by jews today is completely stupid.

should be 13, not every 13 year old is ready but some of the are therefore should be legal

i'd also support feminists in banning pornography and prostitution, there's good things done for bad reasons but now's not the time to be picky

ez solution to this: 2 ages of consent. age of consent 1 is 15 as long as the other partner is, say, 20 or younger. age of consent 2 is 17/18. from that age and above you can consent to sex with anyone.

muricans are retarded. you're either on the camp of "if you are attracted to women younger than 30, you are pedo" or "women above the age of 13 are infertile old crones"

Fuck you no aoc in germany is 14.

I don't agree with that, the old enough to bleed rule was good back in the old days, but that shit would not fly in any way these days, at least in the Americas, 16 would be the minimum if AoC was lowered.

Your daughter will have sex with a man

Feminism had a point back then. You're acting like it was always the same lesbianic degenerates the whole time. You're the one on the side of the current feminists though, being a fag and a pedophile go together all too commonly.

it's actually similar to the solution i presented. it's 14 as long as the other partner is 21 or younger, and from 16 (not 18 as the map suggests), you can go with anyone. i personally think 14 is a bit young and a 14 yr old with a 21 yr old is a bit much, but that's just me.

i don't give a shit where it would pass and where not it should be 13 and that's it the closer you are to 13 the better (of course closer from the right)

Again with the straw man, Feminism always had a bad cause behind it as women are inherently emotional creatures, if you give a feminist movement power they will grab onto any little thing they can change and change it, and I'm not a leftist kike, if we're going by your labels I'm an ancap

The age of consent is generaly 18 because by 18 women's brains are as developed as they could be. No point waiting longer, as they dont advance any further.

So since women cant make decisions intelligently, you force them to hold off as long as possible, to avoid them ruining their lives.

If you want to lower the age of consent, and still keep a clear conscious, then you need to take women's rights away, and make the decisions for them.

Kys rabbinical golem

Women will never make logical decisions unless guided by a man, they are emotional creatures, men are logical, it's simple, though arranged marriages are not the way.

>age of consent was upped by feminist protestant movements
>calling OP the golem
Hello (((You))), fuck protestants and fuck kike feminists

>support feminists

retard detected opinion discarded.

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wait I'm confused. so why does pol support pedophilia, but cry when Muhammad rapes a 13 year old white girl from Europe? pretty hypocritical and racist, don't ya think

Age of consent should be 13
Fite me

Keyword being rapes, that's why, rape isn't consensual despite what incels on the internet might tell you.

Mein Neger here gets it

This is the ideal female form. You may not want to admit it but this is what peak performance looks like.
>not fucking your own 5yo daughter
Its like you want your daughters to be sluts

Predictably, the right-wing accusations of pedophilia has only ever been projection.

Nah its your kind the ones who rape literal children, 6 yrs olds

What exactly does that have to do with anything we're discussing?

Have sex incel

Listen here, OP. You've posted an anti-Christian image in relation to what anons call 'hebophilia.' I do not recall any biblical source on age of consent. If you could travel back in time and ask the Levites in the desert (they were our only ancestors who lived in a desert), they'd probably say
>whenever she's ready
because they lived in an extreme environment where God fed them bread from heaven and they were threatened on all sides by enemies. The last thing on their minds was being inoffensive to people on the internet several millenia later.

Already did with my bodypillow of your mother.

Pedophilia is normal in men. Young girlchildren are better than women. That's why the feminist socialists banned child brides, they can't compete.
Man sexing his preteen daughter is NOT rape

i'd also support commies for shooting libertarians and acaps, they're far more based than you and i can give them free helicopter rides later

Age of consent is 14 in Brazil, and loli is legal. Feels good to be a monkey sometimes.

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pedo-philia pedo = child 13 >= year olds are not children
> girlchildren
you sould like a pedophile what is not natural


nobody on pol thinks that

if you're not attracted to pubescent girls you're literally a faggot

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Judge not lest ye be judged. Anyways, whites are living in captivity, so they don't know what's good for them. Women ought to be married as soon as they're able and if the parents of both parties consent. It's a moot point because at this point our economy could not support typical living standards on a single income in most cases.

>implying i don't support the return of a real patriarchy with arranged marriages at 14
the only women who desire freedom are jewish women. all stages of feminism need to perish.

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>sticking banananananas up my ass for the science god because facts
>cutting a fucking hole in my boy's crotch is okay because at least I'm not a kike
>btw vote for a turbokike because drumpf hasn't literally nuked israel yet lol

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[spoiler]I don't find that girl attractive though[/spoiler]

Nothing you can do about it pervert. You won't change anyone's mind. All posts like yours do is prove there is no fixing you people and you deserve to be executed.

enjoy being a pawn of the roastieocracy. if age of consent didn't exist nobody would look twice at girls over 20