This thread is for those of us who didn't stock up, what are we gonna do bros?

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went down bunnings today, got me a fire axe and a hatchet, gonna bust into peoples houses n steal shit once we on lock down

Good thing we can shoot fags like you here.

Tfw got everything exept P3 filter for my mp5

not be consumerist suckers

>What are we gonna do

Nothing, you'll be fine. Unless you don't have literally anything at all, in which case you'll have to risk going to the store and meeting your new gf coronachan

idk but im scared

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Shoot preppers

Maybe instead of making these threads 3 times a day you could go out and prep

You know what to do.

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Start putting out small animal traps tonight anons, you can snare up bunnies, snakes, small dogs, roof rabbits.

Break into closed stores

Have you tried waving your arms in the air over your head, running around in circles and going, "AHHHHHHHH!" Try that first.

Smart idea, sadly stores in my area have overnight armed guards just standing at the front like they're guarding the fucking Queen.

I use Lysol wipes to clean my bathroom and now the store doesn't have them reeeeee

You need to have bought traps before. Good luck using primitive traps with no prior experience, you'll just be wasting bait.
But I am a proper and have traps. The 110 conibear is the preppers meat getter.

My advice is to go innawoods and forage and hunt for resources. If there are any plains, live like a Scythian.

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well, the grocery stores will be open tom,orrow and they will restock the shelves so im pretty sure were fine

at least you still have your secret stash of beans hidden inside the walls right. everyone has that

If anons are lucky they -might- be able to get traps via local animal control for "pests". Sadly you are right about most anons not having experience.

Get out of the green areas and you will be fine.

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My walls have pink cotton candy

Since you failed to prepare, you must go out and burn down mosques and kill anyone trying to stop you...

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The only thing I couldn’t find on my list was toilet paper. I grocery shop twice a month. Guess I’ll have to shower after every shit in four days since I only have three rolls left. TP is worth its weight in gold


where can I buy a machete

I stocked up big-time my parents live next to me and they have zero they expect me to take care of them

I prepped, but what a depressing day here in nevada on this sunday. Seems that the situation finally hit everyone psychologically, and everyone is depressed. It will pass in a few days or weeks.

Get a pork splitter, sharp, heavy and intimidating.

>Only 16 rolls of TP
That's 16 days MAX

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i didn't buy anything in prep because I knew my deadbeat brother would eat whatever I had while I'm not home.

Would he eat a shotgun shell?

I haven't prepped but I got ducks, chickens, quail, and a pretty decent garden growing. I should be ok for about a month if shit goes down. Only problem is that I'm right next to the hood so I wont be surprised if niggers try raiding my ducks n' shieeet.

Use one for some anti-negro voodoo, might scare em off

>1.5 rolls of TP left

It really is over lads

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yeah, but then i'd have to feed more to 4 other people.


You live with 5 mooches?

Same here
It's the end bro

Only shitty pasta was still left in the store (til they restocked it)

Spray + sponge or bathtub.

Go to the store and buy food? I went this morning and got a whole bunch of chicken, Rice, some nice chili cooking stuff and a bunch of other yummy stuff.

Throw an empty can of beans over their heads and while they turn to see whats all the noise sneak past them

I can't express how depressed people are today in my city. I think it rubs off. And it's windy and cold and snowy.

two of them are my parents, who are not mooches but would try to feed me if I fed my brother. my older brother and younger sister also live with us, my older brother might be ok with me feeding the others. not sure what I would do with my sister

>jack off
>eat cum for protein and calories

You are your own food dispenser.

They still have water supplies at Costco where I live. Problem is that it's all Arrowhead. I'd rather be dead than drink that shit.

We're fucked even without corona-chan making a mess of things. We're already poor as fuck since neither me or my brother can find jobs, mom gets disability and handled most financial shit but she had a stroke on Friday and is comatose with basically no chance of recovery from what the doctor told me this morning. Said money doesn't come until Wednesday but it doesn't matter because we can't access any of it, and we're getting close to the last of what we stocked just to last us the time in between pay periods.

No ones knows what to do after 16 days using 16 rolls. The TP industry sells double rolls, triple rolls, and paper towels, but no one knows the value of gold when the value of gold crashes. I hope you own guns. Don’t let the preppers take your stash user

>what are we gonna do bros?
Bust in some guy's door with a weapon and hope he's not armed
Nothing worse than going from a stealing to a fight

Trade her for goods if she's already used goods. If she's actually unused protect her.

Your better off drinking tap

feeding people isn't easy.

I suggest you look harder for a job, im sure grocery stores need extra help now

if she's ok with me feeding my egomaniac brother who thinks work is beneath him, sure i'll protect her.

Get ready to meet my waifu in paradise

Also go to a food pantry, churches operate them. Google food pantry in my area

i'm not worried. my country doesn't have many or any happeningfags or people stocking up, so if shit hits the fan the army is taking over and distribute rations
comfy. i don't get why people in the anglosphere are so anarchy-ready. can someone explain?

if any factories have worker strikes see if they have temp work.

I've been trying, for the past several months. I put out at least 2 applications a day. I call back to places regularly. I haven't even gotten an automated rejection, that's how much I'm being ignored. I'm convinced at this point that I'm blacklisted or something. My resume isn't even crap, I haven't had major employment gaps until this shitshow.
I live in Hawaii, there are no factories here, everything comes from the mainland
now that I think about it, we're probably the first to be well and truly fucked if shipping gets shut down or disrupted, so there's that to look forward to if this gets any worse.