Notice anything goy?
Notice anything goy?
Is that blue picture on the right with the gold colored tree and book something related to Judaism?
"Tree of life".
an award befitting the king of the jews
Based. Gained power among their circle only to stab them in the back.
That he actually reads a shit ton of stuff.
thanks juden
Try harder.
top kek
No, I don't have autism.
Just some jew award he got for being very jewy
That he actually reads a shit ton, but I sort of knew that already
>an award befitting the king of the jews
And what is that award ?
>The Tree of Life Award is the highest humanitarian award the Jewish National Fund presents to one individual or family each year in appreciation of their outstanding community involvement, their dedication to the cause of American-Israeli friendship
Is Trump a zionist ? It appears so
Are Trump supporters uneducated SHITBAGS who unironically vote against their own interests ? Yes.
All of miss america is blonde
actually true
No computer and hot girl poster.
No need to. Trump unironically went on TV to suggest the Twin Towers couldn't have fallen due to planes alone and explosions had to be used. Stood with Michael Jackson till the end. And because the no.1 most hated goy in MSM after Adolf Hitler.
If anything (((media))), (((deep state))) and some (((anons))) here have in common, is that they all obsessively hate Trump.
he's taking a picture of himself in his office which is still weird.
oh and jew stuff on the wall
It's 4D checkers user.
no computer
Love how he still doesnt use a computer or cell phone
Jews stole our Yggdrasil.
Is that hiram abiffs' key?
>some (((anons))) here (...) all obsessively hate Trump.
Are these "(((anons)))" deep state actors and media assets ? you're too deep into the cult. Start noticing things user, try with his friendship with netscapeyahoo and israel. His daughter and the awards he received. You're not a real user if you haven't noticed the things. Like his membership to ZOA or AIPAC for example...
Are you paid to shill Trump here ? Be honest for once.
>Trump is a nazi I swear
Try harder
The French are such subhumans
>inb4 56% mutt
I'd rather be a mutt than a faggot cocksucking discount kike. I'm glad your shining city of culture has fallen to the barbarians you little shit. Couldn't have happened to a bigger faggot.
How does he shitpost on Twitter?
>Are these "(((anons)))" deep state actors and media assets ?
They're just kikes. They love to spam pro-Robinson or Tarrant threads. We've had a problem with them for some time. Lurk more, (((user))).
The prestige-fixated decor.
>I can't refute what you said, you hurted me with the words you said you're so mean instead of apologizing and agreeing with you i will insult you and your country. That'll show you.
All the never-Trump neocons are against him though. The real hard core weekly standard William Kristol types.
>out jewing the jew
>this post
go there and never come back, hasbara shill
>as if tommy is not a certified zionist
Imagine unironically being "pro Trump" in the past 4 year. Imagine being that much of a mutt circumcised jewslave faggot? Damn.
>No arguments
>Only eternally kvetching about Europeans
OMG, i never really bought into jews being a bad thing, but this picture convinces me that jews are the worst and need to be punished. I never thought I'd say this, but Hitler was actually right
>Tommy Robinson the jew is the same as Tarrant because...
Very confident pose. Steepling fingers, expressionless gaze, relaxed but upright posture, powerful bold attire. Nothing to distract him. He has become confident in the offer you offered him,
>These political puppets pretend to hate this man but agree with him on every fundamental anti white policy there is. I MUST SUPPORT THIS MAN.
Based retard proving that the jews are right about goyim.
Have not seen any stabbing happen.
>this man but agree with him on every fundamental anti white policy there is
> Based retard proving that the jews are right about goyim.
Ironic that you would say this last part.
Based retard proving that the jews are right about goyim.
How can a Non Jew be the king of Jews? Wouldn’t that be insulting?
Cameraman wears mask. Covfefe confirmed.
These bitches
Lots of crystal ball looking doo-dads in back
Nice picture of yourself.
Yes, because you only live to make us look bad. When you are living proof that what the jews say about goyim has some truth to it, you’re a fucking faggot that should be put into a camp.
Who said anything about a non jew?
>Have not seen any stabbing happen.
Should have been around when Trump killed Israel 2.0 aka (((Kurdistan))) project.
Lindsey Graham and other neocons sperged so hard they were threatening another (((9/11))).
you're 100% chinese
He went to Pakistan therefore he's a jew? Are you high? That perfectly aligns with his beliefs and mine that there should be a seperate space for every race. Pakistanis in Pakistan aren't my fucking problem.
The window in a window office isn't for the occupant, it's for visitors.
>I have no good rebuttal
Why am I supposedly Chinese?
>there should be a seperate space for every race
Unless those races are filling separate ecological niches, that doesn't work more than a few generations.
That is my rebuttal. If you are a zionist and you disregard it, that is your problem, not mine.
Tree of life award. So what kill yourself seething mudshit. MAGA
Sure it does. What happens in shitskin countries isn't my problem.
You're too old to post here, zionist boomer.
Wait are you saying the goyim were serving Jews in Korean and Vietnam war?