Is there a word for this phenomena? Where women who turn 30 suddenly come more modest and traditional?

Is there a word for this phenomena? Where women who turn 30 suddenly come more modest and traditional?

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It’s called hitting the wall

Eggs running out

How oblivious is she that she's openly admitting that. Are women seriously that stupid?

>im an open book
you should be able to come to your own conclusions

also be wary of women who prioritize raising dogs over having children

It’s called novaries

Picked a random webm, no idea what it is.

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>turn 30 suddenly come more modest and traditional
this happens to almost everyone

What triggers me is that they hate literal kind hearted men

Some people are very unself aware, not just women

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Simps bro, the beta males, they'll do anything for that pussy stank.


Its the biological clock user my gf was 5 years older then me we had been dating for 3 years and she hit 28 and all of the things that turned her on about me being young/irresponsible became huge turn offs it happens to all of them

Literal perfection

You are describing the foundational finding of all of PUA theory. It's called hitting the WALL. Hitting the wall was the obvious manifestation of female mating behavior that allowed PUAs to create GAME.

Women become more "trad" as they age because their fertility and thus attractiveness declines as they age. Older females act more "trad" because they have more limited options and have a greater yearning for security for offspring instead of just having fun when they're younger.

Lurk moar faggot

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Roast vibes

You are conflating kind-hearted men with whiny bitch-like pussies.


women are into killers and rapists

Just rape and kill bro

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>Is there a word for this phenomena?

>Rational Male
It's okay user, i get it, you're a virgin/former old virgin and going through your self-improvement phase.
I hope you're done with it soon so you can settle down with a qt and start working on transcending social pressure.

No, but there should be. It could even have a catchy yet ominous vibe to it like toll paying does. Someone will think of it eventually.

>im an open book
what does this frase mean?



I think its basic animal instincts. You are horny as a teen. Then your suppose to fond a mate. Not spend decades partying.
"Oh hey, im 35, time to settle down and plop out some kids"
I have zero sympathy for white knight cucks that swoop in to fill this roll.
Nature was a bitch back then. You libed until 60. Then died. So people had kids at 14-18. And got married.
None of this bullshit today with 40yr old women having a downy child because "muh career".


>Are women seriously that stupid?

Empty egg carton

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It means “not hiding anything”


The lack of self-awareness is it fairly common to Western Women ?

It's the opposite of OP's pic.

Is that Katie Mara

I've been in a relationship for 2 years man. My fuck everything that moves phase was like 6 years ago. Your self improvement "phase" should never end, even if it produces diminishing returns as you age.
I'm 30, not an insecure 20 year old.

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Lol downy

So true

>"Got my pussy pounded by dozens of guys now I want some love"
Would try to match just to fuck her and leave her just so she could feel young again

Something something politics

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>profile pic is her riding a carousel while saying all that

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will she answer if asked how many black partners has she had in her life?



God that's cringeworthy

I can't even feel bad for her. She spent her younger years fraternizing with hopped up douchebags because she thought they were the shit and now that she's older and alone she doesn't even know how to phrase her words in order to make herself appealing. It's like if someone spent 32 years in a cube, then was suddenly released into the world.

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Here you are again, you have alot of porn on your computer.

No retard, a guy who treats them like a person is a "nice guy". They call emotionless autist who compliment them "nice guys" even though those guys aint close to nice.


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>Epiphany phase
They aren't actually turning modest/traditional it's just a sexual strategy. ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES

Why oh God why couldn't I meet one of these as a child and marry her at 18? I fucking hate my life

"being an evil whore who wants to exploit a poor beta male"

Epiphany please. 1st level redpill user. Lurk moar

Baby rabies

alpha fucks beta bucks
alpha lays beta pays

This. srs. wtf.
Whenever a girl tells me that I 360 and walk away in a heartbeat. No idea what the fuck they honestly expect to happen
>"oh herp derp it took 10 years and miles of dick but now she thinks I'm the best guy for her I guess I win the prize"

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You're even more stupid if you don't think noumerous simps are lining up to serve her.


Women have a dual mating strategy

As women age they no longer can attract as many alphas or breed healthy kids so they retire on a beta by pretending to love Jesus and “traditional” gender roles (I.E. woman is a NEET and the man is her ATM)

Usually they either go to church and pickup a beta chump who thinks she’s “the one” or scours Facebook to send a “Heyy” to that simp from high school or college who was in love with her but she mocked anyway.

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More politics.

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>Is there a word for this phenomena? Where women who turn 30 suddenly come more modest and traditional?


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She has reached the age where "bad boys" are no longer interested in her. There's an endless supply of (((empowered))) young women looking to "explore themselves."

Since bad boys won't fuck her the next best thing is a beta provider that won't notice her fucking the pool boy on weekends.

It's funny. Asiatic people aren't suppose to have pink nipples. This is quite odd.

She looks at the phone camera lens at the end of the webm as well. You idiots need to stop falling for the porn bait.

the wall

but typical female logic dictates that the men who don't want her are the most desirable. You're stupid if you think a woman can stay married to a guy she has no respect for, for any serious length of time.

>literally riding a carousel in her tinder profile

I dont care if it IS porn. Her tits are ridiculous.

>Heavily implying 18 year old men are wise, sophisticated and faithful to a fault.

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Translation: Chad and Tyrone no longer want me so I have to secure a beta male before my eggs turn rotten.

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>I'm an open book
I'd prefer a sealed copy

>Walk away

>people can't change and feel regret about their past
You all are such incels holy shit.

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Would risk getting corona'd for

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I looked at it again. Its still funny.

Beta walks away, whatever she does I give no fucks she needs to keep fucking bad boys until she drops dead

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Women are the literal destruction of humanity. Women reward evil with their pussies and reject hardworking good men. They want to dance with the devil but end up with a saint.
Women don't know what they want and they'll drag the world to hell to get it.

>scours Facebook to send a “Heyy” to that simp from high school or college who was in love with her but she mocked anyway
there is one woman from my school that knows she can mope the floor with my self esteem
this is not happening though, and she is still single at 33

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The one on the left ain't bad either.

>You can just unfry an egg, incel. Just time travel, bro.

Hehe no. Fuck you

Is that what you tell yourself to cope with marrying a whore, user?

Decent men, no matter how they look, get snatched up in their twenties. Same with women. If you're in your 30s and still looking you're fucked regardless of gender.

But it's not real regret, it's just fake regret that she ran out of fuel living that lifestyle and now nobody wants her used goods. Like she hasn't rethought her moral code in a fundamental way that led her to genuine shame at her actions, she's just no longer desired because she's 32 years old with the body of a 42 year old.

Dead Egger Syndrome

No I'm 26 y.o. virgin. I haven't talk to any woman casually like 3 years.

What you guys don't realize is that most of these women easily find themselves a beta husband with a good job. Way more desperate betas out there than Chad's or slayers.

Burn it at both ends and deplete any goodness a mate might see in you. Your soul becomes dogshit.

She looks like cockmongler's daughter.

Whiny bitch-like pussies get more pussy than kind-hearted men because whiny bitch-like pussies still disrespect women, which women seem to love for some odd reason.

I'm just trying to disappear. WTF would anybody want to live forever?

We used to call women who wasted their 20's "Old Maids". We need to modernize or bring the term back.

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