Chris Kyle vs Jesse Ventura: what really happened?

Listened to Jessie Ventura explain the situation on Joe Rogan ( ), and now I'm more suspicious than ever. This is the best place to discuss this matter, because we all know that you don't become the governor of California unless you're a ZOG shareholder.

In the clip with Joe Rogan, I started to get the vibe that Ventura was just straight up lying. It really doesn't make sense for Kyle to have fabricated the entire evening, and when Jessie says "even his SEAL buddies tried to testify against me", my fucking jewdar was screaming.

The icing on the cake is this MKultra-looking faggot who ended up killing Chris in cold blood during all of this. Again: you do NOT become governor of California without (((powerful))) connections.

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MKultra faggot who murdered Kyle on a rifle range.

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damn, im kinda sad he died, he looked kind

38th Governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003

Kyle was a complete piece of shit and absolute ZOG-bot

shame he didnt get whacked sooner

Chris Kyle was a literal asset of ZOG. Jesse Ventura is a champion of the Aryan race in comparison

Fuck both those nigger lovers

Noveske, Ratliffe, and Hastings were all killed by dia/cia traitors near this time and its way more interesting than these two massive fucking faggots




Chris kyle was a habitual liar and didnt do half of the shit he said he did in his book.

>lied about shooting looters in houston
>lied about shooting carjackers in texas
>lied about having an extra silver star and a couple of bronze stars

And thats the short list.

Why do you retards come up with dumbest terms? Although I do recognize that the jews have way too much influence on US foreign policy that doesn't negate the fact thats its honorable to protect the homeland. I'm convinced that the good goy meme on here was started by Israel itself to weaken the US military.

> imagine hating a tool because someone misused it
If a carpenter you hired used a 6lb sledge to drive finishing nails in your trim. Would you hate sledge hammers or the retard you hired?

MK-Ultra is still being used to this day by the Masonic Elite and the CIA! Why do you think their are so many sleeper agents who get caught in the act?

>its honorable to protect the homeland.

shooting civilians from 300+ yards away
literally fulfilling kike prophecies
>protecting the homeland

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>shooting civillians
Nice and convenient strawman you fucking kike. Why would anyone praise this guy if all he did was shoot civillians?

guy was pretty based and banned jews from entering his office, he called them (((lobbyists)) but we know what he meant. Curiously enough he also struck a deal with Corona to export barley to Mexico for production.

>Why would anyone praise this guy if all he did was shoot civillians?
Because burgers are fucking retarded and base their existence on what Fox/CNN tell them?

Because they have no identity and will latch on to any shred of "patriotic nationalism" that gets tossed their way?

Show your real flag Moshe

He zapped lots of semite hadjis tho


just because they weren't wearing a uniform doesnt mean they're civillians dum dum.

Well said.

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>muh zogbots

Because theyre a bunch of stupid ass faggots who cant even find girlfriends
Most anons here arent such retards but many such cases

>muh zognald
For sure coined by an incel or literal asshole licking faggot
End of

Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of you edgy little faggots. You chose not to enlist long before you knew anything -anything- about the Jews. Now you act like that was your reasoning all along. Fucking pathetic.


You mean muslim sand niggers?
Fuck off retard

>unironically believing in "the taliban" as a legitimate threat

you're either a glownigger, a kike, or a reddit transplant

either way, gas yourself

Cope harder twatwaffen reject

>Jesse Ventura
Aside from this gay shit, reminder that Will Sasso does an amazing Jesse Ventura impression

Taliban is in afghanistan smoothbrain

Skip to like 35 seconds in get get past a mediocre Alex Jones impression.

Youre a cringelord faggot
>muh zognald
>muh miga

Youre a skinnyfat virgin
Seethe elsewhere

You're dripping in "faggot veteran who realizes he made all the wrong choices and isnt quite resolute enough to #22everyday himself so he seethes online to take the edge off the self hatred"

Please dont stop, it's so enjoyable

He's an american vet, does the lying really surprise you?


Thats fucking gr8 m8

>comes into thread about Chris Kyle's murder
>acts like an insufferable, edgy little faggot
I will pray for you.

Youre dripping in your own jizz at a rats nest battlestation surrounded by piss jugs

>>muh zognald
>>muh miga
did you reply to the wrong post or are you just a 3rd shift JIDF shill?

Ive never met an australian who wasnt a $0¥ boy pussy
Go hide in the septic tank from the wildfires and chink flu, bitch

Youre accent is gay as fuck too

>the vietname war is over

Likely the wrong poster tinfoil user

>comes into thread about Chris Kyle's murder
>beats chest with patriotic fists
>displays laughable levels of cope and general retardation
>likely has a punisher sticker on his truck and his wife fucks niggers behind his back

a story old as time

That was perfect, but were those fags trying to push the official 911 narrative?

>3rd shift
>dinner time

You east coast user?
Thats gotta suck pretty bad

>Chris Kyle, a mothafucking pussy ass bitch lied now his wife cant have does moneyz from book and movie

Yeah, Bryan Callen is a faggot. Will Sasso is kinda retarded.

Where was the chest beating, you delusional reject? Are you underage?

Jesse Ventura is legitimately retarded. Lmao, me and my buddy used to get baked in college and watch his conspiracy show. Also went to see him at Borders when he came out with his book. Was legitimately terrifying that he was our governor. Although, the democrats here are extra retarded so w/e.

Also, I don't have any sympathy for any form of government welfare parasite. I'm sure Chris Kyle was a piece of shit too. Bad enough that he was a drain on society.

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Kyle is a typical SEAL. SEALs draw the worst kind of person, the "quiet professionals" that want to be worshiped and known. There's a reason why the majority of books on SF written by someone currently/previously SF are written by SEALs. For some reason, the media and pop culture decided to adopt SEALs in particular as the epitome of the perfect warrior.

t. current green bean. I've worked with a few SEALs and they're almost exclusively narcissistic hivemind pieces of shit

US military = professional international police force. It's a job with benefits.

This idea that Kyle was a bad guy doesnt make sense to me, it's made with no evidence. And this response that anyone who was ever in the military is automatically a shitbag is the result of Muslim influence, underage users, and pussies who love that they now have am excuse.

If you believe, like 90% of USA believes, that Jews arent behind wars AND you believe that radical Islam is the #1 threat to our planet, then joining the military makes sense. 10 years from now when the ZOG redpills have permeated society so much that people know about AND join...then I'll blanketly call them pieces of shit.

Jessie Ventura is a liar and a nutcase.
Fuck him!

Found the Hadji

It’s suspicious that some random dood shot him. You would think they were eyeballing crazy guy nonstop... how did he get a jump on them

I don't care what their reasoning for being a welfare parasite bro. Fuck them. Get a real job and contribute to society instead of draining it.

>believes what theyre taught by the trillion dollar Israeli-owned media and government, that Islam is #1 threat
>join profession to eliminate threat
...i dont understand your reasoning

Ron Paul 2012

He made up some story about punching Ventura.
>Kyle says he punched Ventura for saying "Seals deserve to lose a few"
>Never happened
>Story spreads Kyle confirms it with people when asked
>Ventura seething as it makes him look bad to former seals and totally fabricated
>Kyle won't take it back anyway because he's a sociopath good old boy. >Ventura sues Kyle for label or slander or some shit idk
>Kyle gets killed going to a gun range with someone he knew was a maniac
> lol why would you do that? i know
>Ventura still suing because the story is still circulated as truth
>Court finds him to be obviously correct, since Kyle CLEARLY fucking lied about it
>Wife has tears in court hearing, because she has to go since Kyle is dead for some reason
>Boomers, thin blue line-cucks, and other mindless Fox news viewers triggered
>Only the book publisher had to pay money, Chris's family is totally fine, apart from the fact he was brutally murdered
>Faggots lack nuance and think Ventura actually said that shit and Kyle actually punched him
>both are retarded btw lol who cares???

Whiter than you Pedro

yeah I'm a green beret too. those seals are a bunch of jerks. also i have a black belt.

Who should we believe?
>come on quads

>He made up some story about punching Ventura.
>Never happened
>Court finds him to be obviously correct, since Kyle CLEARLY fucking lied about it
Lol, why would I believe those 1st two lines? And why do you have so much faith in the Jessie Smollett court system, fag? (((You))) smell suspicious.

The Jessie Smollett court system????

>believe a meme flag defending zog bots
tough choice

The Chad Juba Sniper vs the Virgin NAVY Seal

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You are a retarded faggot for wasting peoples time with this shit. Chris Kyle was a murderous thug for ZOG, use your goddamn brain retard.

why do so many people hate Jesse Ventura? he was a badass SEAL and stood up against the deep state intelligence community and their propaganda.

Kyle tried to ruin his reputation by lying because Jesse didn't support the corrupt deep state like good goy Kyle.

>Jesse knows 9/11 was an inside job
>Jesse laying down some real truth.

This guy isn't like the zog soldiers of today like Kyle.

It was Minnesota. Not California.

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You should unironically move out of the United States, faggot. Do you think Chris Kyle was trying to #ownthemuslims for Israel? Do you think he believed the 911 story, like most people? You're such a fucking tool, I'm ashamed to be united with you on this board.
>muh meme flag
More. Kikes. Live. In. Your. Geoflag. Than. Israel.

Any proof that CK (33) is dead?
More than likely he's training seals today or operating in a foreign theater.

i bet you are american and just posting things to make people mad

Trying to justify despicable behavior via "he din know bettah" is proof positive that you are indeed a nigger

>posting to make people mad
Where did I do that? More kikes live in America than Israel itself, which makes me WTF at the retards calling me "memeflag" who 99.9% of the time are using the red white and blue.

Are you a fucking hadji, or retarded? If you believe the 911 official narrative and sign up to kill jihadists, how is that despicable to anyone you idiot?

Ventura was based as fuck and made his state a shall issue state when zogbots refused to issue CCW permits.
Thats all you really need to know the jew hates a populace capable of self defence, CK seemed like your run of the mill zogbot, if he was alive today hed shill for israel.

If the SEALS run a mission and no one writes a book about it, did it even happen at all?

Checked. Thanks for that angle

The CK smear on Ventura was a perfect deep-state "hit." The smear, that Ventura mocked a dead seals family and said "the seals deserve to lose a few" was a termination, it took away all Ventura had, which was his honor and loyalty as an ex seal.

Ventura proved it was a lie in court, using CK's own details. It was open and shut, CK is a liar, but the courts were never going to help a renegade against a deep state agent who always followed orders (CK) Kyle was/is the traitor, for destroying a comrade for the pleasure of the deep state and zog. Kyle is 99% sure still alive and well.

>If you believe the 911 official narrative and sign up to kill jihadists, how is that despicable to anyone you idiot?

>How is being a literal retard incapable of enough critical thought to ponder the pathetically inept staging of 9/11 and murdering innocent Iraqie for the benefit of Israel not despicable

A novel premise.

Kyle is a known bullshitter though. He expects us to believe he was sniping niggers during Katrina.