Jewish serial rapist of vulnerable Aryan woman who got what he deserved ?


Innocent man set up and wrongly jailed by damaged whores and goldiggers ?


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I listened to Mike on The Daily Shoah a few days ago, and I understand what he is arguing, but slightly disagree with him. Women do not get a pass. Yes, Weinstein is a fuckin' kike who used and abused his power to fuck young women wanting to get jobs in Hollywood. But women do not get a pass on this, either. They're all fuckin' scum bugs - the Jews running Hollywood who do this and the young whores who trade sex for money, fame and cash. Al lof them are scum bags.

This is what i think

I would be concerned about the prospective lack of evidence in these recent sentences, like Cosby. These men seem to have been prosecuted on the basis of accusations. This sets a very bad precedent for the judicial system

that said

I do believe that this scumbag raped Rose McGowan, and likely others, through monarch mind control hypnosis. Unfortunately the reality of cult based mind control was swept under the rug and the whole thing was co-opted by the bullshit feminist metoo movement, which was damage control by the elite

>sentenced* on the basis of accusations

He was convicted on evidence, so it is very good.

It physically hurts me whenever people misspell such a basic word

He is a kike so lock him up and throw away the key. It doesn't matter if he is innocent or not, he is inherently evil. Good riddance.


"We tried to get the scene done as quickly as possible because I think it was really uncomfortable for him." - The Farrelly Brothers

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Fuck this Jew, I'm glad he'll die in jail. He called the women he raped "goyim" to their faces and singled out blonde women to defile.


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23 years because the state decided to shift the burden of evidence onto you over something ultra subjective and essentially unprovable forever because someone said. That’s what happened.

circumstantial evidence is basically the same as an accusation in a rape case. Its only worth telling what time and place they where together in a room with no cameras

i dont see how you can secure a conviction against someone for doing x in a room with no cameras when nobody else was there

wht about the t.hanks twat pic with a 23 under teh glass they gettin em all like pokemons

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>He called the women he raped "goyim" to their faces and singled out blonde women to defile.

most likely.

Cameron Diaz looks like a tranny

He shoulda been imprisoned for being a jew

>Women do not get a pass
What does this even mean? Women don't control things, women are not capable of being responsible for things. Jews created this system, and Weinstein is a Jew. Fuck him.
>This sets a very bad precedent
It literally doesn't.

I'm conflicted about it. On the one hand he's part of the group that set this entire system up, where men can be sent to prison at the will of a woman looking for attention, so fuck him. He'd be cheering it on if it was some other guy in the same position.

On the other, at most he's guilty of prostitution. These actresses did stuff with him because they knew it would get them high-paying roles. They're guilty of being prostitutes. They shouldn't be rewarded for this. I say lock all of them in prison for prostitution charges.
But, no. He didn't forcibly rape them to the point where they were screaming no and lashing out physically.
What he did was not rape. They chose to let him do it so they could further their careers.

God I hate women. And jews.

That woman who said "Imagine looking down and seeing that face between your legs".
Holy Shit, 43 years.

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heard he had no balls
illuminati pizzagate sacrifice?

Women don't have any agency. Punishing a pimp isn't rewarding prostitutes.

>it literally doesnt

No, it does. Courts convicting people based on accusations is horseshit. Just because a few bad dudes are getting cumupence doesnt justify it because eventually innocent people will start being convicted.

Its better that bad dudes, as shit as they might be, walk than the presumption of innocence being reversed

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If it's in a state or culture where prostitution is legal all's he did was trade acting jobs for pussy.

>actresses did stuff with him because they knew it would get them high-paying roles
Women trade sex for opportunites. It's always been this way. Women have nothing else to offer.

>Punishing a pimp isn't rewarding prostitutes.
Yes it fucking is you cunt. They wanted attention and victim-hood status, and they got it.
I hate you white knights almost as much as I hate jews.

>convicting people based on accusations is horseshit
How retarded are you? This has always been a thing.
>eventually innocent people will start being convicted.
Been happening for decades, brainlet.
>presumption of innocence
There hasn't been any such thing for White men in the US for at least 30 years. You principles died before you even started paying attention.

Gabe Zolna commenting on Harvey's 23 years and his own divorce rape.


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>>Punishing a pimp isn't rewarding prostitutes.
>Yes it fucking is you cunt. They wanted attention and victim-hood status, and they got it.
>I hate you white knights almost as much as I hate jews.
This guy White Knighting for these whores is a simp. The fact is, qomen use their body as a trade for goods and services. Like I said, they are all scum bags.

...and it's the only thing that men really want from a female.

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>On the other, at most he's guilty of prostitution. These actresses did stuff with him because they knew it would get them high-paying roles. They're guilty of being prostitutes

If this is all it was (and this is what the hordes of batshit feminists actually believe makes him a rapist) then he wouldnt deserve to go to jail at all and it would be a case of bitches being bitches

however, he is guilty of IRL rape through monarch hypnosis and literally forcing himself on teh womans, such as Rose McGowan who he completely destroyed

unfortunately the real issue which is mind control, satanism and cults isnt brought up

and this is partially the fault of the woman, because they refuse to incriminate the cult system and the luciferian shit they are all involved with




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>They wanted attention
Did you just figure this out about women today? Basing your politics on what women want or don't want marks you as a complete faggot.
>qomen use their body as a trade for goods and services
Yes, and they always will. It's up to men to control society to manage them. Yet here you are whinging about women getting upcummies when a filthy Jew rodent gets ruined.

The guy was contacting literal "ex" Mossad agents, the Black Cube, to mess with women and almost ordered a hit on Jennifer Aniston. It could have gone much worse for him

All of them are trash
The best part is even though this vile kike is going down, he wasnt convicted on all counts so that made the bitches SEETHE

I want both sides to fucking lose but weensteen going to prison forever is fucking awesome!

The only good Kike is a dead one, and the Jew is always a predator from the day it gnaws its first foreskin.

He should only go to prison if his ex-whores forfeit the millions they made thanks to him.

You know, sometimes on Yas Forums I see that pre-plastic pic of Lana Rhoades when she was still Amara Maple, and I feel bad for her being lost to the (((business))), but then I remember it was her own daft idea


Antigun Dim donor
He deserves death

Anyway, the #metoo movement was a failed character assassination of Donald Trump. Harvey took one for team Jew and I'll say it's highly unlikely that he'll serve much of those 23 years. The number itself is a giveaway.

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Lmao, why is his dick broken sideways?
Nevermind, who cares

>Yes, and they always will. It's up to men to control society to manage them.
You are nothing more than a crypto white-knight simp.
>it's always men's fault bla bla bla
>women have no agency therefore we can never blame them for anything they do
You know what happens to dogs when they bite, faggot? They are put down. Women have at least as much agency as dogs.
But little bitches like you will always be running around defending their honor to make sure they never experience consequences, and therefore never learn from their actions.

I hate you and others like you so much.

> (You)
>...and it's the only thing that men really want from a female.
Women's only value comes from their hole.

Cameron diaz just isnt hot and never was
I lol'd at her casting in Gangs of NY but she was unable to ruin that masterpiece of kike filth

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bit of both perhaps

>Cameron diaz just isnt hot and never was
Fuck, she hit the wall hard, eh?

Yeah, it sets a bad precedent, youre too stupid to understand that
But weensteen going down is still awesome

this is true.

he did actual rape tho, he used monarch trauma mind programming to force Rose McGowen to disassociate from her body, put her into something like sleep paralysis and fuck her as she watched from outside her body. Watch the movie Get Out to understand more about how this works. Many of these celebs are born into satanic families that torture them as kids and program them so they can be accsed for sex like robots

100% fact

>pressured women into sex acts in exchange for roles

>literal video of evidence of that taking place

>basically the mentality that gross jews can manipulate who they want with money/status

good ridden to the kike pedo, reetoo was bullshit but he deserved it

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Good. He's not needed. Never really added any value.

I agree with you but having a corrupt system turn on its own like this is one of the best parts
That slimy kike knows he got railroaded and it makes his suffering so much sweeter

but should people be convicted without hard evidence ?

i still dont think so, no matter what a scumbag this guy is, purely because it will lead to innocents being convicted

is this why they're afraid he'll get epsteind in jail, because of his ties to mossad

The real black pill is how the White Knights, and the media, portray these actresses as innocent women being preyed upon by wicked men who now must be punished. The fact is that our current day sexual dystopia is rooted just as much in women’s nature as men’s. White Knights and the media never talk about such taboo topics as female hypergamy (mating up), narcissism, infidelity, deceptiveness, and masochism. No. You'll never hear them talk about that. Fuck these cunts. They're all scum bags. These fuckin' whores are not victims. They're parasites, and opportunists.

>i get so mad when wamen act like wament that i cant even
You are a child who isn't mentally capable of politics. Try to imagine any great man of history being as impotently butthurt about women being sluts as you are.

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Also, it should be noted that the casting couch is not illegal. Roasties let themselves get fucked for fame, glory, and favors. It's a quid pro quo and no different than prostitution. When and if their dream goes wrong they can now blame the original dick they rode and set themselves up for civil suit payouts. The whole network is full of whores pretending to be Sweet Polly Purebreads and sleazy LA Jews like Harvey.

Demonrats are the real rapists

Harvey Weinstein was actually a good goy

He is still facing charges in LA tho.....

there was hard evidence of him offering roles in exchange for sexual favors, not too sure about the rape, he got pretty close to the max sentence for the crimes he was actually charged with (2 out of the 3 were dismissed in court for lack of evidence)

>the casting couch is not illegal. Roasties let themselves get fucked for fame, glory, and favors. It's a quid pro quo and no different than prostitution.
Well put. You said it better than I did. Exactly the way I see it, also.


Except in this case, harv knowing he eas unjustly jewed makes it that much better
Even if he serves 5 years, he will be broken beyond repair at his age
Jail sucks dick
But I hope he never leaves jail

thats called prostitution dumbass

yes but if it isn't called out the culture isn't going to change

>bad precedent
Repeating a phrase you heard on a tv lawyer drama doesn't make you intelligent. White men have been railroaded for less for a long time.
>the casting couch is not illegal
It should be.
>It's a quid pro quo and no different than prostitution
Which should also be illegal. Being Jewish should also be illegal.

it's still not right plastic paddy

>When and if their dream goes wrong they can now blame the original dick they rode and set themselves up for civil suit payouts.
One other observation: Do you notice that most of these #MeeToo cunts were post-wall? So that means all of these whores are fine with this as a transactional situation - trading sex for opportunities - but when they hit the wall and job offers dry up, they cry #MeToo.

what did he do to get 23 years ?

An antigun Dim donor is a piece of shit
Seethe jewboi, your hero will never leave jail alive

checked and based

>Women don't have any agency. Punishing a pimp isn't rewarding prostitutes.
You are a fucking white knight, captain-save-a-ho cuck. You treat women like innocent little children and then say they're our equals.

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Any Jew incarcerated and kept from the general (decent) public is a good thing.

huge lack of evidence. hes a piece of shit for sure but the women accusing him most of the time not only fucked him but served up younger actresses to him as well

one felony count each of forcible rape, forcible oral copulation, sexual penetration by use of force and sexual battery by restraint.

>You are a fucking white knight, captain-save-a-ho cuck. You treat women like innocent little children and then say they're our equals.
Yeah, it's hilarious, isn't it? "Muh poor Wamanz! They didn't know what they were doing!" Get the fuck out of here with that shit.

what did the fucking jew do to get 23 years ?

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Bad. He may be a disgusting kike gremlin, but whores whoring isnt his fault.

Insufferable faggot, thats the kind of shit people learn about in fucking high school, not some gay csi shit your granny makes you watch after wheel of fortune
Fucking smoothbrain, Seamus is right, youre just a stupid fucking retard

I told you laddo

The Woman Question is a harder red pill to swallow for White nationalists than the Jewish Question.