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6 Million

They did even worse shit than even that. they found corpses of Jewish infants who had had their foreskins cut off, fucking monstrous.

Holy shit.

The nazis turned my great grandfather into a lampshape three times

B B B A S E D NAZIS sorry about the banks bros

They burned books.

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Hitler stole my bike

What did the Nazis do? They enslaved the faeries and made them into their personal concubines, that’s what!

A Nazi guard rimmed my asshole but only dabbed the tip of his tongue around my concentration camp purse which caused great frustration because it made me wish he'd just shove his tongue into my gas chamber fully. When I complained of this to him, he called me a faggot. What the fuck is wrong with Germans?

The nazis removed my grandfather's foot and used it as a vase. Then they trained a polar bear to wank him to death.

Yes, the Nazis were extremely cruel in their infamous overseas colonies, especially under the leadership of Gauleiter Erwin Rommel.

German shepherds with poisoned teeth, personal visits from Hitler, masturbation rollercoaster. This trauma is genetically inheritable goy.

its true I was the ink


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66 million

I'll have everyone in this thread know they turned my nana into a lampshade
how dare you all

Hitler personally killed more than 700,000 Jews by poking them to death with a needle. My grandfather survived Hitler's wrath three times because the needle kept falling into a nearby haystack. The haystack was made from the nose hairs of murdered Jews, and the needle was made from the iron in murdered Jewish blood, by the way.

Oy vey, are you trying to discredit the 666 million Jews who died during the Shoah?!

What a shoah.

he ran over my dog, fucker

And the funniest part? Yas Forums can't disprove this. go ahead, try.

lurk moar

Only retards argue holocaust
Chads know they had it long time coming

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Nazis used to eat puppies and kittens raw. Like just literally bite their heads off and shake them back and forth like lions would. They would actually reach up through women's vaginas and pull their insides back out. These people were monsters. It's known that they used to carve out room in decapitated Jew heads to use them as shoes. Then they would play a game called "squishy Jew" where they would dance around in a ceremony dedicated to Satan and whoever was the last man not slip and fall in the blood and gore won the privilege of eating the breasts of Jewish virgins. Everything and more you've read about the Nazi menace is true.


Six million. It's hard to believe they actually killed 8 million Jews. I'm not even German, but I feel I should apologize and mourn the loss of those 10 million people. To think, our world was robbed the genius and beauty of 12 million Jewish minds. Never forget the 20 million.

corona virus was created by nazis


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That which can be claimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

cutted genitals and ejected the peener in the weener you guys

My great grandpa was turned into a grandfather clock, while still living, every time the clock would chime it would be the pendulum sloshing around inside his stomach, his head was locked inside the clock face which became his "real face", it's unbelievable, but it happened. White people are evil

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They made chicken-leg shaped grenades for the Afrika Korp and landsers dropped them from trucks when driving through villages.
Of course hungry children swarmed them, and got all blown up. That's evil.

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More. Thank you.

Based. And here I thought I didn't need another reason to love the Nazis

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>it's unbelievable, but it happened
every time..

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Based and b8pilled

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You named your dog fucker?

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The Nazi™ used to bury jews and africans alive all the while making they read "Mein Kampf" outloud.
Unbelievable, but it happened.

Kek based

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Nazis tied both my parents to a bungie cord, and at the bottom there was a an oven with an open door on top. They pushed them and everytime they bounced to the bottom into the oven they would burn and eventually turn into ashes. It’s unbelievable, but it happened.

>on a nazi website
>denying the 666 quintillion
You are literally the poster child for self-hating Jewry. You make me sick. Seek help from your rabbi.

nothing wrong

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don't forget the 666 million jews and the 1350 million africans and the 41 million trans and the 28% of every homo being beaten 1000 times by masturbation machines :(

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based lmao

>and yet he still survived
>hard to believe, but it happened


Nazi scientists had figured out how to convert human fat into synthetic gasoline. Hitler turned his panzers south into the Caucasus, not for oil... but to continue the drive south into Palestine and round up all the Jews there and convert them into gasoline for his war machine.
Unbelievable, but true.

Wow I just lost respect for him.

It must have been that one then.

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Can I get sources on evil african genital cutting and ink injecting into the eye? Oh it's all witness testimony? Ok

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Cutting genitals...that's someone else's specialty

That guy is a jew. Fuck his kike bike.

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The burden of proof is on you, dumb faggot.

>Dead: 6 million
lol, still only 6 million. How many years has it been stuck at 6 million? Seventy years? Eighty years?

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>first 3 IDs
>all green
>St. Paddy's weekend
very interesting frens

also Nazis are evil so maybe Yas Forums should stop supporting them idk

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I can't believe 20 million were dead, 30 million is just too much of a loss. How could we let 35 million die, we should've entered the war sooner. Maybe 40 million wouldn't have died

>nazis are evil
Americans still believe this while actively destroying the world country by country

Ngl it would be pretty cool to make a weapon out of iron harvested from the blood of a massive genocide

Underrated post

The nazis increased my rent and wouldn't give me back my deposit when I moved out.

many Americans are against this. And most of the Ameriflags you see on Yas Forums supporting Nazis are also in favor of our aggressive imperialism.
Please do not stereotype all Americans, I'll bet you wouldn't like it if I assumed you were a man-hating SJW just because your Prime Minister is one.

Maybe they're wondering why you would blind them just to throw them out of the murder trip train?

you mean germans ?