An estimated 20 billion stars in our galaxy harbor life. Our galaxy is 100k light years wide...

An estimated 20 billion stars in our galaxy harbor life. Our galaxy is 100k light years wide. We're located near the middle of our galaxy.

What are the chances that Aliens have sent us some sort of heaven introducing Monolith-like AI?

Or are we all alone on our planet with our sometimes sociopathic elites?

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Would you as a human give gorillas something which would radically change their lives?
Why would aliens do that for humans?
Aliens that can travel between stars surely have the wisdom to not interfere with nature.

That is IF and only IF they have found their home within nature. If we found an ALIEN gorilla, hell yeah we would interfere. We wouldn't fuck with terrestrial gorillas b/c we share the same natural home, so we've been told.

Aliens don't want contact with a planet full of niggers and Jews.

Low because evolution advanced life in our galaxy is possible on only a tiny proportion of planets. We're probably the only ones here.

You are trapped here for a reason, I think.
If you leave and there are other living beings out there, you are so retarded you would be a liability.

>An estimated 20 billion stars in our galaxy harbor life

Bullshit. Other than or own, many planets have they PROVEN to harbor life? That's right. Fucking ZERO. They can (((estimate))) all they want, but they don't know shit.

There are no other aliens or other lifeforms. Its just this planet.

Alien shills will bitch and moan about this fact. Here is what I say: If aliens exist, fucking prove it. Show me an alien. Protip: you fucking cant

You guys think that is no coincident, the momment Beetlegeuse started to deflate, we got the coronavirus?

Americans everyone

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>20 billion planets
>unfathomable amount

We've only been advanced for a hundred years. Are you sure there aren't at least a million or so planets with intelligent, space-fairing lifeforms in our galaxy?

So where is your proof that aliens exist? Where is the proof that other planets have life. Oh wait, there is none.

You're projected human circa 2020 thoughts and instincts onto beings who have progressed probably many centuries.

It's like a caveman learning about the automobile and thinking how he would love to use it to hunt mammoths.

Yes, because most stars emit more radiation than our sun and are more unstable. The proto-planetary disc also produces gas giants more than rocky planets. And most planets are tidally locked which also reduces chances of life. Our solar system is very, very unusual.


Go suck G*ds dick lmao

honestly if you doubt there's some kind of life in the universe aside from on our planet you are top tier huge faggot retard with an IQ so low you're dangerous

look at all the shit alex jones talks about RE using drugs to communicate with off-world beings. when you understand that time is light and light is linear, and that quantum entanglement is a real thing that exists, it's very much a real prospect that such a thing is possible. shrug.

What if the scientists already took those factors into account, user? Why wouldn't they?

Your numbers are a few years old. There have been more discoveries in the last few months about other solar systems and the results were that it's highly unlikely there are many systems that could lead to evolution of life. Couple that with a low chance of abiogenesis and then it becomes clear why this galaxy is empty of higher life except for the Earth.

Anyone have an archive link to the thread about the major & minor alien civilizations who control the known universe? According to OP of that thread, our governments have been in contact with a "minor" alien civilization that controls our area of the galaxy. That minor civilization answers to a "major" civilization that is significantly older and more advanced. The "major" civ has banned AI, with no reason given. In addition, we are prohibited from FTL travel and cannot travel beyond our solar system, with the consequences being complete destruction of our civilization. The "greys," the typical alien archetype on our culture, were real and illegally visiting for hundreds of years. They no longer exist as a result. In the grand scheme of things, neither the major nor minor civilization really cares about us, so long as we don't detonate nukes in space or develop true AI.

It was a post from 2018 or so. Somebody posted it last night. It's an entertaining read even if a LARP.

I think aliens are probably real just not in the "muh Roswell" or "muh pyramids" evidence. Some ufo stories are legit. I dont believe abductees. They're larpers. People like david icke have 100 books because that's how he makes his money. Really most alien stories are bs. They probably do exist though on some level

Extremely demoralizing if true... :(

it's not don't worry

By stars I meant *planets

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>low chance of abiogenesis

"Life is water dancing to the tune of macro-molecules"
-Albert Szent-Györgyi

Yes but it also means we have a chance to and that we should travel the stars. It's the biggest humanitypill as well.
Also, there could still be cool planets with weird alien animals on them. :)

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Could you find the post from last night?

>weird alien animals
they wouldn't be that weird. They are still bound by the energy economy, and the forms are dictated by efficiency. The scales would be quite different though as gravity varies.

Pretty sure we're closer to the edge than the center

Humans are sapient and use structured languages to communicate. That is a very far cry from mere primates. The only restraint would be the intentions of those who among the sapient would gain ownership of the technology.

The Abrahamic God is real. It is actually a Level 6 Civilization; essentially indistinguishable from what the layman would consider a god. It created this pocket dimension specifically designed as a containment vessel for It's pet: Humanity. It is very disappointed with us since; trying in vain to teach us unworthy microbes how to better ourselves. Very few individuals with mental patterns worthy for uploading into It's collective consciousness upon their expiration. It even sent a bio-probe down to live among us and teach us the way but we nailed it to a cross and tried to kill it. When It gets bored with our antics It will end the experiment and reverse the Dark Matter generator and collapse this forsaken universe; Experiment Classification: FAILURE

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>An estimated 20 billion stars in our galaxy harbor life.
Absolutely made up bullshit. There is no evidence life exists outside our solar system, absolutely none. There is probably no other life anywhere in the universe.

Life is difficult to happen and every time we look further into it it seems more and more impossible that it can happen naturally. One of the most re-published (highest h-index) biological researcher today says it's perfectly reasonable to think life/abiogenesis will never again occur during the life of the universe.

Why does it make atheistfags so uncomfortable to think that life is unique to earth?

We're nowhere near the center. We're near the edge in fact. Get your facts right.

There is proof that aliens exist.
Soft disclosure has been happening a lot the last couple years.
Proof is all over the place.
Space Force will be the entity that discloses it all.

Gorillas can be taught language - sign language, since they lack the hardware for speech. Koko the gorilla measured a higher IQ than certain groups of human. Should we try to uplift gorillas in addition to other groups?

I don't think that a species smart enough to figure out interstellar travel would subject themselves to "white man's burden".
Let me tell ye of the glory of lyrans!

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user, stop...that's obviously a tall-tale made up by some /x/er.

What would cause them to take on the appearance of humanoid cats?

What would they do then?

Using the socratic method, starting with that question, I figured out the meaning of life.

One gorilla does not speak for them all :P
There is a difference between a species that developed linguistic abilities on its own compared to one that did not. That gorilla physiology does not permit complex spoken language indicates the lack of evolutionary demand for such a thing. Human beings, on the other hand, not only developed multiple, different spoken languages, but technical languages used to describe the purely abstract. The fact we can comprehend "interstellar travel" is sufficient for an interested passer-by to expound on the subject. Koko, IIRC, could understand magazine articles and ask for things, but she did not demonstrate having an imagination (in the sens of innovation, but correct me if I'm wrong here). Moreover, her life was extraordinarily unconventional. In the context of your argument, it would be as though a human were kept captive on an alien world in order to painstakingly learn that specie's manner of communicating. I imagine it would be easier for a more advanced species to learn and use the languages used by a simpler one.

Aliens? They probably would come to observe. Learn about primitive intelligent behaviour.

If mammoths were still around, you damn well bet I'm gonna want to hunt one in a truck.

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What about photos of planets from high powered telescopes like Kepler that find habitable appearing planets in their solar system's ‘goldilocks' zone?

This one's only around 500 light-years from us

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Not really, it just means life is far more precious than we care to admit or are capable of comprehending, which is, i suppose, the true tragedy

That's an artist rendition

Space is really fucking huge. Problem is, the likelihood of other forms of intelligent life within our sphere of influence are pretty slim.

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Really good chance Earth is the only planet in the universe that harbors life desu. If not, then the distances between stars is so great that it is reasonable to not even be worried about finding other life.

It’s time to accept Jesus as your savior.

Sounds like God flunked in science then.

>The fact we can comprehend "interstellar travel" is sufficient for an interested passer-by to expound on the subject.
I don't know. It seems like more of a current year human instinct than a future species instinct.
It's kinda like: a guy pulls up in his car to a group of kids playing by the road. "Hey kids, wanna check out my car, wanna learn to drive?".
The kids are in a certain stage of development, the man is in another. You could advance the kids by getting them into cars/driving, but why do so? Let kids be kids. Let them experience and enjoy their current stage of existence. I think aliens would have the same attitude with humans.

>really good chance
given operation blue book, Bob Lazaar, and many physicists acknowledging and understanding the diagrams he made. No, it's not a really good chance. Shame on you for thinking God is a small time ant farmer.

It would be pretty funny if our universe is some student's failed experiment

Not sure let me Chrome it

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Colgate toothpaste nigger talking shit about number one. Your country is a tourist cesspool of degeneracy.

There's always the petri-dish theory. could be possible.

Read deeper. Harbor LIFE. Not intelligent, complex life, just life. It's likely that basic microbial life exists all over the universe, but multicellular organisms probably only exist here because of a one in an infinitesimal chance.

>Sounds like God flunked in science then.

Humanities more like.

It's theoretically possible, but then again so is anything with a human's limited perception leading to inevitable uncertainty. This is why Occam's Razor is an important tool in finding the truth.

Aliens are on Earth, but they didn't favricate the virus. It was actually humans in an effort to destroy china and bring in NWO, probably on behalf of the jews, who are in a war with the Maitre and the Reptilians to conquer the Earth
If the virus gets too steong and we can't stop it, the council of 5 might step in and help us. Ghey have helped Humans countless of times, many times have we been on the brink of extinction but they help us survive, see the asteroid threats from the past, no way Earth just gets skimmed by them and nothing happens, they have the power to save Earth and they do it, they defend us.
Whh though? What makes us so special?

They saw us recently, and decided that we were a disease to this planet, and decided to introduce covid 19 to clean shit up.

Looks like hippy shit

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Don't worry, user. In the short epoch of your post, I noticed you.

this, you're a retard

Plants on mars.

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