Listen, I'm a gun owner and a staunch supporter of gun rights. But if there was ever a time to take the guns, that time is now. An apocalypse type situation like this is exactly when people are most dangerous. We need to stop crazies and the risk that they fight back against the govt. Trust Trump guys he has a plan. The military and police are here to protect us. If you dont forfeit your guns if asked then you are anti trump and want to war with the government. Hes managing the situation perfectly and if you want to rebel you are stupid. I implore you guys to get rid of your guns
OK, it's time to take the guns
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not funny. Very serious
weak b8 m8
Lame b8, giving you a -8.
Nice try bloomberg
Right back at ya bootlicker
A government only fears an armed population if they're up to no good. That's why they took our guns. Don't be cucks. If they come fucking shoot them all and kill their attack dogs too.
If the Gov can seize your hand sanitizer by saying you're "hoarding" them, then they sure as shit can say you're "hoarding" guns and ammo if you have more than 5 guns and 100 rounds of blammo.
go fuck yourself
Jokes on you faggot OP. Bait threads and cigarettes sustain me.
Lmao at this beautiful new pasta
nice reddit airsoft pic, I came
All edge no cut.
no armor piercing ammo
Hitler took the guns. Ironic.
also ..
OP is a faggot
shitty bait
We really need to start prosecuting you retards.
>Listen, I'm a gun owner and a staunch supporter of gun rights. But if there was ever a time to take the guns, that time is now.
Literally kys redditfag.
Shill harder.
has a group of nogs ever been shot (at) by someone when they jump someone in a herd like you see in .webms? other way to ask: have guns ever been used aside from protection of one's home/store?
OP is a faggot
ok retard
Fuck off Dave.
Saiga 12 is bootiful
>Hitler took the guns Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chavez took the guns, and I’m here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms! It doesn’t matter how many lemmings you get out there in the street begging for them to have their guns taken. We will not relinquish them. Do you understand?
Hitler took them. I thought you loved hitler
Hitler did not take them. In fact his gun legislation eased gun laws and made it easy for Germans to own both pistols amd rifles.
He took them from Jews so they couldn't defend themselves. Very wrong
pretty much all the guns in your picture are pieces of shit, so
Nice flag
>staunch supporter of gun rights
>We need to stop crazies and the risk that they fight back against the govt
this is bait.
you too
You're a fucking idiot and a lunatic.
Kill yourself.
Fake and gay.
All this is just a cover up for them to lockdown the country to take our guns. The time is now. Prepare.
Fuck off.
Hitler didnt take shit faggot.
>I'm a gun owner and a staunch supporter of gun rights. But
No buts, faggot. KYS.
Only Jews with more than 25% semitic dna and Jews not part of the NSDAP.
You don't let illegal immigrants own guns when you want to deport them.
fuck of faggot, you think anyone believe your shit here?
You guys are so gullible. All these years of claiming there's a civil war coming and there's nothing to show for it.
>Listen, I'm a gun owner and a staunch supporter of gun rights. But
Neither a gun owner nor a gun rights supporter. Commit suicide.
I'm inclined to agree with anarchobro. People have been living in defiance of, and isolated from natural processes for too long. The weak do not fear the strong. The weak and ignorant are impowered more than the strong and smart.
As long as me and mine can avoid the chaos,
>why contain it?
post your guns then
also sage
don't excuse gun confiscation, FOOL
Ah. Wikipedia and a meme as your sources. Nice.
We don't need sources in arguments to defend unalienable rights given to us by god and the natural order of nature. Now go hang yourself, you faggot kike.
Trust is a two way street.
If the police can't trust me to remain responsibly armed, then I can't trust them to abstain from inferiority-complex driven faggotry.
Grabbers will get lies or bullets.
Based Anarkiddie.
Not an argument. Provide your own counterevidence or an argument debunking the meme or the Wikipedia page. Or just kys, idgaf
That’s pretty funny. Thanks to Obama the gun/bullet industry ran 24/7 for 8 years. The American public is armed to the teeth. I only have 3 shotguns with a little ammo. But I know of MANY people who have 10,000+ rounds and 50+ plus guns. Thank you Obama
>Listen, I'm a gun owner and a staunch supporter of gun rights.
Nice LARP.
Fuck off. Slide thread. Sage all fields.
Yep hide thread sage
Fuck off
My girlfriends dad is a state police captain and supports the 2nd amendment more than anyone else that I know.
Military and LE are not made up of robots, democratic retards often forget this.
>advocating for boots to take your guns away
>calling others a bootlicker
You kikes have never, never learned how to sound normal when you concern troll shill. You always always pull this, 'I'm a supporter of X BUT you need to Y," shit. Is it your neuroticism that compels this habit? Seriously, you plague rats have become such one trick ponies while continuing to reply on that one trick, that if the world were just, you'd all be locked up in mental institutions for the insane already.
eat shit shill
Come take guns and youll surely retrieve some bullets.
>Hitler didnt take shit faggot.
Hitler created the Volkssturm, the people's army. Regular folks with MG42's, KAR98K's and antitank weapons.
Hardly a gun grabber