Imagine hating your own country this much

Attached: Annotation 2020-03-15 193650.png (528x332, 209.85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the proof immigrants never really assimilate.
They will always see their host country as a cow to milk to death for their fellow immigrants;

Undocumented migrants are people too. Just because they were born in the wrong country doesn't mean they should be treated any differently than a native American.

Traitors like you deserve death

The question was specifically about illegal immigrants too.

Based. Kill most and place the ones that survive on reservations.

the absolute state of democrats
they are a not a party for the american people that is beyond doubt.

Nobody has a problem with Immigrants. Nobody. But the question ACTUALLY being asked is "How do you make criminal aliens unlawfully in this country feel safe stealing government resources from legal citizens?"

It's amazing, they've policed their language past the point where they can have functional conversation.

No malarkey tonight.
Riden with Biden 2020.

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>born in the wrong country
You mean shitholes?

OP says nothing about the status of said immigrants’ documents.
I would rather an illegal know that they have corona than not

Yes it does
>filename related

Attached: Cuck-ThisIsWhatYouAre.png (766x1024, 268.07K)

>implying america is not a shithole

>wrong country

Then they should get off their lazy asses and make it the right country. Fuck I’m tired of coloureds being such losers.

i can belive stupid people like you exit ... or do you like pedos drug traffickers human trafficker hiuman slavery?

I don't understand how Bernie fags are so insufferable. Literally everything they do makes me cringe. Pic related.

Ironically I actually support some of his policies regarding environment and fucking over the ((1%)). It's just him and his followers are just so fucking beta I would feel dirty voting him in and seeing all the fucking smug reddit posts and the tranny NWO.

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Biden actually said "undocumented alien" wander why that's not making more noise?

Ideological purity testing is the sign of an authoritarian cult.

Link to a livestream?

gr8 b8 m8
>Undocumented migrants
>Just because they were born in the wrong country
No, the basic issue would be that they immigrated illegally
>a native American.
considering the offensiveness of this term to injuns in the context of how this faggot is using it, no.

No bleeding heart leftist would ever use both of these terms in the same post. You are all dumb for falling the bait. Or maybe I am dumb for responding. I guess there's a slim possibility that the poster was being sincere.

I actually just googled the post to see if it was pre-existing pasta. Apparently not. It should be now. Good job user.

see the sticky

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>1 post
Kys kike shill

Fuck ‘em. Them not getting treated for the virus is just another reason why it’s better to just deport

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because it's better to have them fearful and avoiding testing and running around infecting people.

I have a problem with immigrants.

>as an indigenous person
Yes, such a fine indigenous person, not like all of those other people who were born in no location.

Immigrants never assimilate because assimilation is a social phenomena that takes generations. A person cannot assimilate.

I like Jimmy Dore and a few people like him. I don't particularly care for Bernie's policies but I appreciate his critique of the establishment. I feel a bit sad for them.

Electing Bernie would have been certain death for Dem victory. Biden doesn't have much of a chance either, unless they can use coronavirus and somehow pin it on Trump, which is likely their plan 100% now.

He forgot it wasn't 2008.

Native americans are dead and gone because enough of them thought like you.

Look at these cucks

I agree. Nations are not borders and passports, nor do you assimilate by passing a test or living somewhere for a few years legal or not.

You have to be raised in the language, values and identity of that people. You need to have absorbed their meta narratives and allowed them to form your worldview. You also need to have loyalty to that ethnic identity.

Jews are the biggest destroyers of America precisely because they have never assimilated, even after four or five generations. They see themselves as the antagonistic victimized other, blessed with the power to destroy traditional American identity, either through ideological subversion or mass immigration.

Attached: israel-to-expel-african-migrants2018-01-050.jpg (886x625, 110.04K)

>they should be treated any differently than a native American
They should be put on reservations? OK.

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Shut your hole. I'm sitting here in beautiful Key West enjoying amazing climate, atmosphere and hospitality. If you dont like it stay in your communist tenormin you ass backwards vodkanigger

Notice how they say "immigrants"
They're literally illegal criminals

Such an easy win for Trump.

I mean it's not a bad question in this situation given the nature of trying to contain and delay the virus but obviously they shouldn't have been here in the first place.

Gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8

Why do I get the feel they dont mean immigrants but undocumented wetbacks?

they mean they are indian (the feather/firewater kind). It's typical identity politics where they have to state their bona fides for the rest of the mob so they can rate their opinion according to the victimization chart.

Self-deport. Now.

Based, Frenchbro, very based.

They were born in the right country, you pozzed faggot.


This would be a non issue if the rednecks in america weren't racists. We can all coexist peaceful

Im so happy that the USA is paying for what they have done to us, even my primo already has 4 children he is doing gods work i hope i can get to the usa and have a few hijos

OK Spic

Rednecks only live around other rednecks out in the sticks. How could they possibly effect race-relations between white urban liberals and their black/immigrant neighbors?

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>against NWO
>supports green new deal
Top jej

Agreed. Ship them off to reservations and kill them if they leave.

says the Jew
do any of the diaspora Jews who move there assimilate?
are they as much a cancer to you as they are to us?


I mean yeah. Jews in the USA marry non Jews more often than not. Non religious ones almost always marry non Jews

I hope you and the immigrants die

There's nothing wrong with that question.
This isn't hating the country, this is just not hating immigrants.
Which you don't get, because you're hateful towards immigrants.

So drinking mouthwash?

No, bigots and Nazis like you do.

This obvious bait got so many triggers, my niggers. Wtf??

As for the main subject: illegals should feel safe enough to get a free test and if they are positive, be herded into waiting quarantine areas. This keeps more citizens safe than if untested illegals were running around. They will be running around as is during this pandemic, either we knew their virus status or we pretend they can’t spread shit to other ppl

While it infuriates me, the logic is that illegals can still carry/mutate the disease, and thus reinfect Americans. If they fear deportation, they'll avoid testing and thus continue to be human cesspools and spread the plague.
Fuck off, faggot.

showing how retarded and gay you are, nice

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