How long until "urban youth" start looting?

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school is closed, my guess is in about 24 hours.

If the loot is really heavy the military walking around can help them carry the weight

When did they stop?

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going with 48hr

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There is a strange quiet over LA today. My guess is niggers are preparing to riot any minute now.

When did they stop?

The moment they announce city quarantines in the style of Europe, the nignogs will loot

La will be first. Check em.

What the hell is there to loot?

You mean when the "teenagers" start being "disorderly" as the media likes to report.

Tonight or tomorrow probably. If you see niggers out tomorrow morning it's coming. Otherwise they would never get up on a Monday morning

Speaker, Trainers and basketball tops.

Once they get bored of playing video games and watching TV. I'd give it about a week.

What a racist! Picture is totally out of context, they were rescuing those shoes!

This is the correct response

other peoples loot boxes

>neighbor downstairs runs an asian goods shop; is literally a former VC
>other neighbor downstairs runs hardware store; served in Navy; Vietnam-vet age

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Niggers aren't prepared for a happening like this. Everyone is ready now. They rely on looting & panic in times that dont call for it. Any nigger that tries is going to get fucking murdered this time lmao

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LA faggot here. It's weird. People are quietly buying up food and guns and it's eerie. Every one knows that shit could go down.

The real question is how long till Based Koreans start climbing to the rooftops?

Wednesday. Screens hot this post. With the way everything is ramping up, Wednesday at the latest the chimps will start chimping out. After 4 or 5 looters shot dead Marshall law will be declared and that will be the end until shit blows over in 2 weeks. Bet.

Lets get #coronavirus loot crew trending

When Chaos begins I will go looting aswell. You're dumb when you don't use that opportunity

Make friends user, maybe you'll get to be part of a bonafide roof militia

>former VC
Get down there and buy an AK while you still can!

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Things are completely normal right now. We are weeks away from that. Whenever the fast food places and convenience stores shut down and they start getting hungry, that's when.

they're both my friends. VC holds my mail for me sometimes.

Nike closed all of their stores.

Sounds like easy pickins.

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>implying niggers loot because they're hungry
Oh my sweet summer child

Why not just martial law and curfew at this point?


Yes. This. Former Deputy here. When cities and immediately adjacent suburbs go on lockdown their habitat will be disrupted and they will go full blown loot mob. I was in Katrinas aftermath.

Looting is based and redpilled
Prove me wrong


Mid April. I'd suggest a staged rolling nationwide quarantine to keep the ooga boogas down to a minimum, but everyone's shifted into overreaction overdrive now so I think it's going to be everywhere at once, which is a really bad move. We aren't Italy. No one's going to be singing out of any windows. Unless their screaming sounds like singing.

>based and redpilled
>niggers do it
>proven wrong

I can't wait to go the Porsche dealership a few blocks away and steal myself the new 992 Turbo S

The ooga booga needs to happen. Dumbass white city dwellers get what they deserve.

Look at all those reparations just sitting there.

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If you live in an open carry state, might want to start doing that to get comfortable with it being on the hip at all times

Try harder. Let me just fix it for you.

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anything that isn't bolted to the ground

Urban might vs Uber Reich


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Sounds delightful

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Next friday

LA Lockdown Tuesday

Because a gradual move is better than an immediate one. People don't handle well to sudden changes so you gotta ease them in

i dont see urban youths. i see a lawyer, doctor, and mathematician

I also think this, personally I think NYC is the canary in the coal mine for when civil unrest will start

Many people in the inner cities have poor health and pre-existing conditions. Their lungs are destroyed from smoking blunts every day for years and decades in addition to the pollution of just living in the city. Diets high in salts, sugars, saturated fats and a high prevalence of diabetes and other diseases. When they start contracting the disease, the fatality rates are going to be extremely high. It will be difficult to form looting mobs in the long term when everywhere is struggling for breath and drowning in lung jelly.

>Because a gradual move is better than an immediate one.
Depends on how you want them to react.

ironically theres 3 white people and 3 nigs in the picture, nice

i see tree decorations

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turkroach spotted

Once they start I'm going to best buy and acquiring graphics cards.

I live in a state with few of them so i don't see too much looting during emergencies but i'm worried that they will still chimp out soon.
stay frosty lol
At stores anything they can get their hands on. At your house, food. In my state only grocery stores and pharmacies are staying open so i assume electronic stores will be looted.

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Post pics of asshole and I'll let you know. I'm a professional asshole raider doctor, I can help tell you

First, you know the rules. Second, you still have time to make friends and group up.

Buy a fucking KA-BAR USMC and just stab fuckers from corners.

Not hard

Prediction : a stonetoss comics will end with a black saying "corona virus epidemic?"

>tranny couldn't get alpha male provider in time
nope, ur fucked.




First places to get hit: Tennis shoe stores and liquor stores

Your hearts are in the right place, but the city is wrong. Chicago in flames by Wednesday

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should I hide out or blindly trust big muscle boys

out with you satan

German glownigger here. Partial shutdown from tommorow. Already got the message that i am allowed to take my offcial gun home when leaving the office tommorow.

Based and sphincterpilled

Niggers eating hipsters? I can only get so erect!

rollang for Detroit

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Atlanta will be first to burn.

Shut the fuck up and bend over for jamal and his 10 other nigger friends

Is Germany redpilled

alright then how about for DC

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piss alright I'm out of yank cities filled with nogs
unless Atlanta is one

At least my colleagues are. Still way too many retards who believe in CDU/SPD/GrĂ¼ne

Also get yourself some razor blades and keep them hidden on you within reach. Start slashing throats and cutting nut sacks if you get cornered and gang raped. They may (probably will) kill you for it, but they'll never forget you, especially the one you castrate. And maybe you'll do the next gorl a favor by making them hesitate enough so that she has time to get away.

Looters good, fresh meat delivers itself to me, taste better if they die painfully, blood blood!

I will be heading to a boomer neigbhors house house to steal one of these bitches

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Lets be real, its gonna be Baltimore by tuesday

quick somebody check nigger twitter

my bet's on Baltimore

>I just sent myself this text guys, please use it as proof and share with boomers on facebook

Are u saying kneegrows have poor future time orientation and are unable to plan? Bigot!

Are wiggers getting older with no replacements? Why is there always a middle age white guy that hang out with black looters?