Raiders get fucked again edition
>Post em

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Reminder that if you're not bunkering with enough other people to cover an entire twenty four hour day in shifts you are a sitting duck

There's more of us.

I still don't understand the 2 giant bags of baking soda, why the need for so much?

I won't post shit, cuz this isn't anonymous. Beware when peepers become raiders. We've lived our lives for a moment like this. Ready is a way of life.

You can have annunciators, like driveway alarms, motion sensors that will alert you. They have been around forever and aren't very expensive.

Baking, toothpaste, light cleaning, multiple uses.

you stupid ass wh*te bois think you're hot shit until you start panicking, have suicidal thoughts and shoot yourselves and each other. At that point street-smart, black chads raid ya'lls stash and take over yall women.

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Mix with drinking water to increase ph level of blood. Covid is only viable in a ph 7.0-7.5 (normal blood ph lvl). Baking soda taken over a few weeks in increasing amounts can increase ph lvl to 9+ killing the viruses.

The second or third time a cat sets off your alarm you'll start ignoring it, you aren't going to last

Lol, you're not black. How sad must you be to LARP as your inferior? Anyhow, I think we will be fine.

You not understanding how important baking soda is hurts me a little

I see at least three niggers with bling on their teeth. Even if its just plated silver, there's more coin by taking the back side of a hammer to their teeth than it costs to spend the rounds.

Might want to watch out which hood you roll into. All I see is more stacks of preps waiting to be melted down.

Lol niggers are alive because whites pay taxes.

Literally all we need to do is stop feeding you and “y’all” return to a state of nature with 90% starving to death.

Ammo-sexual faggots in their gay army cosplay. Slow clap for OP.

those guys fuck each other on that stuff

L O L you complaining about the larping nigger while you and your boyfriends play fort HAH! You the manlet sitting on the water bottle throne?

Based. Fuck ammosexuals, fuck jannies, fuck trannies.

Thought the exact same thing. Fake MOP suit really seals in the cum.

>he thinks his larp group can stop me from teleporting behind him with my katana
Nothin personal bucko.

And also yourself

How come these preppers never have wives or even gf's? It's always 2-3 guys living together...

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[distant mechanical whirring noises]

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We based nigga.

Checked again.

Just means more supply caches to hit.
Molotovs work wonders on entrenched positions with many flammable items.

It's probably not its intended purpose but mix water with salt, baking soda, potassium chloride (low sodium salt in supermarkets) and magnesium salt (pharmacies and health stores) and you have a full electrolyte mix. You can fast indefinitely and still be able to operate normally so long as you drink this. I have done a month with no food whatsoever using this personally.

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QRD on baking soda?

>all that water
yeah virus will come on it's stumpy legs and crank off your water supply, retard.

Will I make it bros?

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>no childcare items
>no feminine items
Proof you guys are just planning on sucking each other off

pls delete
This picture is very offensive!

considering your country's strategy is just letting everyone be infected, no.

Guys help I’m a sex addict but I’m also a prepper and now the girls I used to fuck off dating apps aren’t going out anymore how do I COOM in pussy?

I have travelled many miles from the lands of the Canadian Grocery Defense Force. I have come for your grocery items. Just walk away from the TP and there will be an end to the horror!

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looks like the only thing left for you fuckers to hoard are the testicles needed to pull the trigger

Time to become a rapist raider. can get honey by the keg?!

/mom/ threads should be banned.

not enough pop tarts Nigel

>15 gallon keg of honey
i'm impressed and jealous.

You dare not heed my gentle words of advice!?

Chad, start the excavator!

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it would make more sense to get gallons of water than the little water bottles. or even better like the 5 or 7 gallon jugs from the sportig good section

My house is made almost entirely of bottled water... It won't burn.

Because people with family's most likely cannot afford it compared to single men with no dependents

>didn't buy a ventilator and take a nursing course on how to intubate himself
You are a dead man.

Picked a random webm, no idea what it is.

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The second time a cat sets it of is when the cat gets shot.
Subsequent cats will be burned by flamethrower.
Disgusting vermin.

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That's really beautiful. I want to be a chad raider now.

I pick rando one too.

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More like """"""""""""honey""""""""""""".
You amerifags have never seen true honey.

It's sniffy cat yay!

Where's the monster energy drinks and chicken tendies? You call this a prep? Prep H more like it, H for homo that is. KYS OP.

It's worse than we thought lads.

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>i hope raiders enjoy 12 gauge toe poppers

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Is this enough protection?

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LOL at you. I can get honey with ease where the keeper can tell you exactly what they fed on. We make honey like crazy in the mountains here.

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Knorr is sold in the US, well I never knew

What's that you say?
Once you've used up all your resources, you'll have to come out here with the rest of us. We've been out here shopping like kings.We own the outside.

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absolute fucking chads
I want to go to there
and I'm not talking about the supplies ;)

if consecutive numbers, a prepper dies and raider supplies increase

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All those dudes got Pompeii'd by hot asphalt.

>implying the virgin prepper and his 12-year-old son can hold off a pack of 30+ feral raiders armed with an assortment of glocks, mac-10s, and sawed-offs

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This larping faggot right here.

a saturation attack with inexpensive molotovs will do the job
Nice cardboard walls, prepfag

whites have zero survival skills

I see bitch tits in these guys future from all the BPA in those cans and bottles of water.

No fags

are they jarred hotdogs?

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gtfo out then

I'm just going to call the police on all you hoarders

yeah, did he feed them on burgers or kfc lmaooo


Begin facilitating the donation!

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 69 rolls per day. If you have a family of 45, that's 6 gorgillion rolls a week. Over 420 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>hold off a pack of 30+ feral raiders

thats alot of meat I can sell desu

>all those gay guns

Pointless. A 308 long barrel will pop their tops from half a mile away.

Check the surrounding homes for TP, leave no man with a clean ass!

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Those canned hot dogs look badass.

>not having several dogs as an alarm system


>find preppers compound
>Find vent stacks
>Fill the ends with peepeepoopoo
>Wait for another vent stack to appear
>Fill again and repeat process for a few days
>Assless chapped raider bro waits for annoyed preppers to come out after later vent is poo'd
>Tazers it
>Now we have food water and a sex toy
We didnt even need your stuff preppy

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Raider here
reminder the plastic they use for bottle water is not stable for long term storage. Enjoy your plastic poison.
Anyways, raiders will set fire to your house with long range napalm arrows, and snipe you as you come out to put it out


Fact, white hipster faggots have zero survival skills, but real White people have been arming and prepping for this day since survivalism was spread by mimeographed news letters!

Niggers just nig. The greatest killing race is not brown.

Amazing isn't it OP. Bottled water, toiletries, female family members, all scooped away in the blink of an eye. Despite all your guns and preparation, you lost it all to the SCOOP!

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holy shit this retard again

Thanks for the heads up

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>Anyways, raiders will set fire to your house with long range napalm arrows, and snipe you as you come out to put it out
absolutely based & raider-pilled

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Careful user, you could get confonscated

>Sensodyne toothpaste

130IQ lad! ;D

Im retreating to my pastoral neighborhood. We're already working out plans to interwork with neighboring towns in the countryside. We've also got a large concentration of private farms. It's gonna be cozy.

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[Hate raiders]

>too little toilet paper
I wouldn't even raid you.

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