I have came to know some jews and some gnostics irl, living with them and there's obviously differences in their mentality BUT they are somewhat similar in how they relate to others. I mean how and with whom they choose to talk or have for example, but more generally speaking- interaction patterns.
Gnostics and Jews. What is their relation, historicly and in the context of modern times?
Gnostics were Jews! All the Gnostic scribblings of the Late Classical period are Jewish.
I thought many of them present themselves as Christians, at least until ~600 AD. If at some point that changed, why do you think it happened?
Yes, and.......?
Like the rest, you know the word 'Kabbalah', but fuck all else.
Read these: QBBH, TBRQA, TIPSA, just a few expressions.
Well? Nix of course.
Nice question for a change!
Most of the writings can be located to Northern Egypt c100bc to c400ad.
They were authored by Jews, but used variously be different sects.
Coptic Egypt was rife with these scribblings as found
in the documents discovered at Fayum and elsewhere.
Many are online to read for free.
Just Google 'Gnostic Writings' and go from there.
the wisdom is only for a select few, not the masses.
>Nobody in this thread has even read the Pseudo-Dionysus
Bunch of docile cattle, I tell ya
Yes, and it's a Pseudepigraphon scribbled by a Jew.
Note: no takers for the Kabbalah. There never is.
QBBH is beyond the beyond.
Even most Rabbis don't understand a word of it.
Bare Bones rundown
Gnostics are "Jews" (read Abrahamic religion) who believe Christ is a prophet
Christians are "Jews" (read Abrahamic religion) who believe Christ is more than a prophet and is the actual son of God (same god as Jews)
Muslims are "Jews" (read Abrahamic religion) who believe Christ is a prophet (not son of god) and Mohamed is also a prophet
Jews get influence from babylonian paganism
Christians get influence from euro paganism
Muslims get influence from arab paganism
Gnostics (literally knowledge) seek the single thread of truth woven through all three of these religions of Abraham and their various pagan influences
Gnostics weren't jews.
Jews utilized the works and teaching of the occult, pagans, and gnostics of a time prior in order to fashion their religion. Gnostic = A person with a brain who understands theology. There's nothing special about it and religions are watered down version. Some civilizations had less bullshit surrounding their theology.
600 AD.. you need to go 1000s of years back BC as to where the body of work started.. long before judiasm, christianity and islam even came about.
> Most of the writings can be located to Northern Egypt c100bc to c400ad.
Aka nothing to do with jews. The writings came from the old kingdom with dates back to 3000BC and even further beyond that. Jew's documented history doesn't even come into play until 1240BC and no there were no jews in Egypt. The egyptians kept detailed records.. They were never a part of Egypt and had fuck all to do with their teachings/writings. They were documented as a random pack of hillside tribes that looted caravans and outposts in between mesopotomia and egypt.
> They were authored by Jews, but used variously be different sects.
> Coptic Egypt was rife with these scribblings as found
You mean the new kingdom which was essentially a party town for greeks and romans once the empire fell dumb faggot.
> in the documents discovered at Fayum and elsewhere.
Many are online to read for free. Just Google 'Gnostic Writings' and go from there.
absolute shit brain dumb fag.
OP let me know if you want actual factual references vs this contrived bullshit revisionist nonsense .
I'm only familiar with the Bogomil teachings. They were found ~800 AD on the Balkans and the people practicing them are seen as the ones transporting gnostic traditions from the middle east to Europe. So these considered themselves Christians and the church were after them for obvious reasons. But the middle ages are unknown to me.
What happened after that is the snake metaphor for making Europe work, then the Americas and now the clown world.
I would greatly appreciate any information bridging the old times to the present.
think of it as like I'm 12 and learning calculus
Certain elements of Judeo-Kabbalism ARE understood by modern Rabbi and Metaphysicians.
Especially of you count the Sephirot as part of the greater cognitive troughline we know today as ‘Kabbalah’- which most do~
The Anatomy of God can be grasped to a certain extent.
Yet another LARP made to bait goyim into doing stupid shit.
back to your corona illusion
Literally everything you said in this post- with the exception of the last paragraph- is blatant misunderstanding.
ESPECIALLY your conception as to how all Gnostics interpret Christ
Do you think I fell for that, (((retard)))?
Elaborate on that
Why masturbate crap written by jews anyway? WTF
If you care so much about abrahamicoomers the least you could do is track from where they plagiarized and edited all their shitty tales.
you know, if the conspiracy is true that would mean that the jews are the the fucking best because without them inventing the money system, the world banks, globalism in general, Europe would've been all barbaric villages, the Americas would've been good maybe, but the point is that nothing of what you take for granted would have existed. No one born in a place of more than idk, 50k people would have had existed in a world without the "jews" because if "they" didn't create the stupid reality in which 80% of the population lives, none of that would have happened. Looking at the planet as a closed system the entropy would have stayed much larger than what it happened to be during the development of the last few hundred years. fag
gnostics believe the jew god of the old testament was a retard son of a single mother who was cast out and created man and angels to serve it. look it up.
Agreed, that user is a pure idiot, liar, and shill..
100% misinformation.
>You’re defending a ‘Jewish’ thing, therfore it’s wrong
I’m not defending anything. The post was just factually incorrect and portrays an ill understanding of Gnostic history and theology.
Do you CHOOSE to come off as such an insipid, pathetic Sheep?
Nah, it was really OK before you jewed Egypt, India, Lebanon, ... and forced people to flee to Europe.
You are simply psychotic and suffer from grandiose.
Learn to read, closeted homo. There is no reason to care about this.
Jews were always useless and there isn't much you can learn from circlejerking over their cringe LARPs.
Finally, an actually decent comic addressing Gnostic creation/Birth-of-Thought/Fruit of Knowledge myth.
Still doesn’t address Valentinian Gnostics though :^)
would love it if you point me towards a resource with info about:
-how these traditions ended up in Europe
-why gnostics don't bother to do any kind of control over the masses, while as the conspiracy says the "jews" invented the second reality in which the seep reside. you know, the reality build over nature, nature being it's platform. like how we have the cities to channel the creative power of humans.
-current hotspots of thinkers. like idk cities, libraries, think tanks, idk hope I described it well enough for you to get what I'm after at the moment
Something tells me that you’ve never actually read a book in your life, especiqlly about Gnosticism or Judaism.
1.) There is literally no such thing as ‘useless knowledge’, provided that you have the capacity to retain it. Unless you’re made to choose between two sources of knowledge- and you only have the resources to learn one- there is NEVER a reason not to learn a piece of information beyond cowardice or ideology. Clearly you’re just so fixated on your ardent fear of (((them))), it must be both!
2.) Once more- it’s not that I value Gnosticism as superior to ‘muh pure pagan/neo-Abrahamic Europa thought!’ in any capacity, I just hate pathetic fucking retards like you who speak of things that they don’t even comprehend.
Reconsider your thought processes.
80% of the people you know, had know, and will interact with have. And they pretty much make up most of the existence of this stupid think you call "myself". So technically yea, most of "you" did fall for that. bet you also reside in a metropolitan or generally vastly crowded area so soon you'll see some consequences of that. Hopefully you continue your pathetic breathing thing and don't consume too much.
had known*
I mean- I think he was just referring to Kabbalistic tradition, especially post 1500/s following the Hermetic revivalist movement in Europe, as one of the key spheres in whch Judaism and Gnosticism overlap. I don’t really think much more needed to be stated to answer the OP’s question.
Also MERKABAH is unironically the most based Judeo-Kabbalistic mysticism school
Wrong. Gnosticism and the Kabbalah both state that people are meant to achieve transcendence (gnosis). Gnosticism urges its followers to help others to achieve gnosis. Followers of the Kabbalah believe that it's not their responsibility - that it's every man and woman for themselves, and that, eventually, each soul will achieve gnosis on its own. The Kabbalah promotes a selfish, hedonistic lifestyle. The Kabbalah is scum and so are its followers.
I have been Gnostic since I was a child. I will assure you that Jewish people are not Gnostics. Gnosticism is a SECT of Christianity and Judaism, which means it is not part of any major religions. There are Jewish Gnostics, but they aren't real Gnostics. They are still bound to Judaism.
>every man and woman for themselves
More accurately- every man- as even most modern sects of Kabbalistic mystics and theosophists believe that only men are capable of comprehending AIN SOPH
>The Kabbalah promotes a selfish, hedonistic lifestyle. The Kabbalah is scum and so are its followers.
Which is why it isn't Ascetic Gnosticism, that is for sure. Gnostics in general don't like pleasure (other than the simple normal joy of obtaining knowledge).
Fucking finally.
There are Jewish Gnostics- many followers of KABALLAH and MERKABAH- for instance.
There are Christian Gnostics: Cathars, Valentinians, and some Coptics most famously
And there are countless other sects- Platonists, Islamic Sufis Schools, and even Hindus- thag make up the tapestry of belief that we now know as GNOSIS
a redpill for those who follow nietzsche's philosophy, This is your philosophy's origin
“Pleasures of the body are finite- pleasures of the body are INFINITE”
-Attributed to Epicurus
okay after this first bump they came
1. Yes, fiction.
2. Ask any spook about the kind of shit I've been through, retard.
Thanks. I hate the tapestry. I prefer the fundamental Gnostic principles. I hate major religions and authorities.
You wrote the same thing twice, and I can't find the quote.
Why do you kikes and golems brag about your shit here without any fear of punishment? This is strange.
I was talking about the "other" corona psyop. the "WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIET"
>I have been Gnostic since I was a child. I will assure you that Jewish people are not Gnostics. Gnosticism is a SECT of Christianity and Judaism, which means it is not part of any major religions. There are Jewish Gnostics, but they aren't real Gnostics. They are still bound to Judaism.
1.) Spoken like a vacuous ideologue. Fiction is useful knowledge- perhaps the ESSENCE of useful knowledge insofar that it can guide is to understanding. Fiction doesn’t exist in isolation from reality- rather, fiction contains a myriad possible reflections of The World. Read Nietzsche’s ‘The Birth of Tragedy’ for more information- but essentially, fiction can give us great insights into the zeitgeist and consciousness of a civilization or individual. Even poor fiction can still benefit us in this respect. You just hold fiction in ill-regard since you seem the Utilitarian sort- if it doesn’t speak of realty, it musn’t be useful no? Your loss.
2.) Okay. On the tenuous possibility that I’ve misjudged you, can you give examples as to how your personal experience/what you’ve ‘been through’ validates your shitty, ideology-stained understanding of Gnosticism? I might take your opinion more seriously depending on your answer.
It’s referenced in Bertran Russel’s ‘The Conquest of Happiness’- that’s where I got the quote from.
Psychedelic trance
If you ever get high and lose control of your thoughts and emotions, you trip out and see or hear things, usually patterns or thought loops, your mentally undisciplined.
The entire practice is a quantum metaphysical mastery and acknowledged wisdom of what you might as well call God, since it can be best described as intelligence, love, light, and infinity. It is all aspects of Consciousness, which you are a part of, which all life, and non life are a part of.
Magick and occult practices aim to perform hypnotic trances that can speak to this intelligence, that can communicate and transcend beyond time, space, and dimension. Telepathy, manifestation, and immortality are just a few perks. Telekinesis and conjuration are others. It is like ripping through the fabric of the quantum field and hacking your reality.
A very good example of this level of Tom foolery is when you are constantly thinking about something and eventually you start noticing or experiencing more of that thing, or lack of that thing. Based on emotion, perception, thought, belief...
I know not many will understand this but this is basically it. Once you realize how connected you are with everything, that's when you can start scratching the tip of the ice berg.
1. Nice pilpul. This also happens with children's TV shows.
2. It doesn't matter, either you see it or you don't.
You post gore, child porn, openly threaten people, harass posters giving personal information, why are you so sure you will never get caught?
Many Gnostic conclaves attribute this ‘Unversal Collective Unconscious’/‘Existence’ to The Monad, ‘The One-That-Is-All’, in which every aspect and inhabitant of the immaterial and material world is ultimately a ‘shard’ or permutation of this singular, utterly incomprehensible Godhead.
It then rightly follows that WE are God.
More than that.
The be gnostic means to know God.
There is no a requirement for any formal religious outlook for gnostic thought.
The absolutely most accurate movie about Gnosticism is “The Matrix.”
Neo is the stereotypical gnostic character, Gnosticism revolves around knowledge and experience not belief.
1.) I wasn’t attempting to evoke Talmudic lens- rather Nietzsche or William Blake, as they are two great influences in how I see fiction- but since you seem adamant in your intent to label me Jewish, I guess I’ll just have it leave it there.
2.) I’m disappointed! And here I thought you’d tell me about your turgid past as a secret Anti-ZOG agent...
Not this at all.
Jesus was a gnostic.
Buddha was a gnostic.
Anyone who is a truth seeker will become Gnostic ultimately.
It is through drugs I went from atheist to gnostic.
Well said
>The Matrix
Homestly, Phillip K. Dick’s ‘VALIS’ is probably the best Gnostic analogy you’re going to find. Does it better justice than Matrix.
Really, the Gnostic Spirit permeates all facets of media. That is to say- the essence of rebellion against Determinism and a certain Faustian/Luciferian edge.
If you’ve ever read Faust or Dostoyevsky, or perhaps read Berserk, you’d see what I mean
Anyone who seeks the truth will become gnostic by definition.
The goal of Gnosticism is to know the truth and the truth sets you free.
The perfect example is the matrix. Why?
Neo is asleep, he has to accept the truth that his reality is an illusion. However even the matrix is an illusion within an illusion.. this is illustrated by his ability to see even when his eyes were burnt out. This is also the point of the last phone where he says “I can feel you know and I know you are scared.”
The idea is we have been trapped by an illusion we call “reality.”
But what is reality except the subjective experience of the consciousness that perceived it?
Part of the idea is throughout history certain characters have understood this, Christ, Buddha. It is important to note that just because they understood it, does not mean that their followers understood it.
The example of this again is Morpheus, he is redpilled right? But he never understood that Zion was another layer of illusion.
Even the machines were an illusion within the illusion.
Neo like Christ had to go through death and be reborn.
I prefer the analogy as a psychological experience.
The matrix is most understandable to your average joe, even then it confuses them.
Yes I have read Faust