Can I get a quick rundown on proper prepper groceries to get and gun to get?

Can I get a quick rundown on proper prepper groceries to get and gun to get?

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Squirt gun and lots of bottled water.

>Can I get a quick rundown on proper prepper groceries to get and gun to get?

too late now, should have listened.

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>need food!
>need gun!

dude, the game is over
you lost

lol u ded

probably too late.
for weapon, if you have a waiting period in your state for guns, its too late. get a cross bow.

what ever is left for groceries.

hope it is a nothing burger (but it isnt)


1 burlap sack of lobsters and a plasma rifle in the 40-watt range

water and preferred drinks
things you like to eat, more of the long lasting ones, canned, frozen

Dry goods. Rice and beans are best; oats are also great. Lentils, wheat (not flour unless there's nothing else), sugar, pasta, chickpeas, dry peas. Peanut butter is good. Canned fish or meat is good, but not priority; doesn't last as long and more expensive.

Regarding guns: if you have cash to spare, an AR15 and a high capacity handgun. If you can only get one, get the handgun unless you're truly in the boonies. Sccy makes good, very cheap guns. Even a hi point is better than nothing. Any pump 12 gauge is fine, but suboptimal, especially if you don't have shooting experience.

Lifelong prepper, AMA.

never forget: personal self-defense is your personal responsibility

don't leave it up to the state or worse, to chance and luck

carry a gun

protect yourself and your family

don't beg the state on your knees for permission to protect yourself, your loved ones and your home

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Nah my town is pretty chill. All grocery stores still stocked, etc

aren't beans a meme filled with anti-nutrients and not ideal for survival

Also: check stores like rural King and fleet farm. You can eat seed potatoes that come in the giant burlap sacks, if nothing else.

Beans need to be consumed with rice for a complete protein. You cannot live on rice alone, or beans alone, but you can live on beans and rice.

nice, yeah I'm gonna look for a high capacity 9mm and maybe a 5 shooter. gonna grab some lighters and groceries during this week.

Not in the way people say, but you do have to prepare them properly. You can't just throw them in a slow cooker if you're living off of them. Soak and rinse a minimum of one time, preferably two, before cooking.


anything that you can make food out of that won't spoil in a month(nutritionally irrelevant as eating ramen for a month isn't going to kill you), vitamin C, NSAIDs, antibiotics if you can get them, some stomach medicine in case you need it, n95 respirators if you can afford them(arguably not worth going through too much hassle to get, nothing else is worth bothering with at all)
you need a swimming pool's worth of water to survive the infrastructure going down for more than a few weeks, and if this is what you're prepping for then 90% of your budget should be a shotgun and ammo becasue it's end times(not going to happen)
tl;dr get any kind of shelf stable food that won't make you throw up if you eat it for a week straight and plenty of medicine so that you don't have to go to the pharmacy while semi conscious from a bad flu

Any high cap gun is fine. M&P, Glock, sig, xd, fn, even the off brands. If you can, try to have at least four mags if it's going to be your primary gun. 250 rounds is probably plenty, you don't need to go nuts if you have other things to buy.

Also: see if there's any stores near you that list live inventory online for food. You can also try to set up a pickup online.

Last year I made the decision to trust my life on the street to Second Chance body armor. I got the level IIa because it stops the most rounds. plus I got the Trauma Plate for the front.

What scares me is that, although I can fit an extra trauma plate in the front, I cannot fit a second one in back. As of late I have taken to duct-taping a second trauma plate to the area of my back where the heart and vital organs are located. Then I put my vest on.

Here is the questions. The ducttape solution, although tactically sound, is hot and painful to remove. I would like to go to the single-plate solution in back. What I am worried about is repeated hits to that area with .308 ammunition. I have a high-risk security job and I fear that I would be the target for repeated long-distance shots to my back.

Are any of you aware of a thicker plate that could stop, say, .338 Lapua or something like that? Is there a better way to do the second plate?

BTW, I am, of course, usually carrying a pair of ceramic plates in my briefcase so that I can shield my head. My SO (we work as a team when necessary) has a similar accessory containing a breakdown NEF single-shot 300 WinMag with an 18 bbl. The plan is that I shield us with my body and “catch the rounds” while she assembles the NEF. I lay down covering fire with my 23 (Bar-Sto .357 Sig barrel) and she makes the long shots. I will then throw smoke grenades to obscure the area while continuing to lay covering fire. The problem, of course, is when I have to turn my back to run, and then the problem crops up.

Get a revolver. It's cheaper and you know it's going to work.

All protein sources contain all essential amino acids. You can eat enough rice to get all the EAA you need. "Complete proteins" is bullshit.

A time machine that will take you back to January. Jesus Christ, user, why did you ignore us? Day in and day out, we told you guys to stock up and plan for this. Did you just ignore us or did you fall for the nothingburger pasta?

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rice is not enough to stay alive, the imperial japanese navy and army found this out the hard way

>he thinks he will still have a chance
why didn't you listen???!!

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For the love of God, do not listen to this guy. Modern auto handguns are just as reliable as wheel guns, and don't require a gunsmith to fix when they have an issue, unlike revolvers. More importantly, they're MUCH easier to reload and shoot, especially for a novice. Revolvers are even more expensive, now.

Jalapenos and pickles. Shit lasts literally forever. I got a jar of jalapenos from 1998 I still occasionally eat a few.

I feel you, OP. I listened but I'm a wagie living check to check. Finally have extra money to buy things and everything is sold out.

8lb sack of jerky, jumbo bag of cheetos, 3 bottles of diet coke and a left handed hammer, you'll be better equipped than most on here.

Why wheat and not flour?

Check stores people don't think of for food, and high end stores.

Rural King, fleet farm, Menards, gander, Cabela's, etc

> Canned fish or meat...doesn't last as long and more expensive.
There is a reason why it is more expensive, you get more calories and more quality nutrition per unit of weight compared to shit food like beans and pasta.

Imitation crab meat and a FAMAS.

Flour doesn't last as long. In an emergency, you can also just soak wheat berries in water and eat as cereal. Preparing food from flour without cooking is terrible. But yeah, main thing is it just stores way better.

You don't get more calories per dollar spent, at least in America. It's a good supplemental item to have, but for normies starting out, you can typically get a pound of rice or other dry good for the price of two cans of fish.

Not saying not to get it, it's just not the cheapest option to keep you alive.


"Polyphenols and Phytic Acid Contribute to the Low Iron Bioavailability from Common Beans in Young Women"
"Low iron absorption from common beans might contribute to iron deficiency in countries where beans are a staple food. High levels of phytic acid (PA) and polyphenols (PP) inhibit iron absorption"

Shotgun rice beans. If you have the first the other two are free.

You're too late. RIP

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I have a .38, and .357 revolvers and a rifle that can fire both calibers. Inexpensive, interchangeable, and accessible ammo. This solution has been beneficial for me for a long time.

Long term protein and carbo rich non-perishables. Rice, Beans, Barley. Frozen Chicken. Shit you can cook in bulk that will last a while and preferably give you some variance on the type of dishes.

Ur 2 l8 m8. Shoulda prepped in January like the rest of us.

Hey guys did you see the news? Covid-19 is spreading. They say get prepared.
> Comes on Yas Forums

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Based gecko



Remember, if you run out of food you can go out and kill a bat and make soup.

if plan A requires taking multiple 308 balls to the back i think you'd better come up with a better plan.

>tfw always had a gun
>”youre never gonna need it why bother hiding it from everyone”
>world begins to look like its ending

Damn, now im glad I have a gun

Hahaha faggot. I hope you don't live in a liberal area, otherwise you'll be getting some 'diversity' in your neighborhood. Better welcome those refugees into your home, wife, and children.

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You don't need a real gun a plastic one is fine (norman doesn't know)

Lotta water
Lotta frozen milk
Lotta oats

>all the happeningfags itt larping like this is the apocalypse
So fucking cringe. Just get some groceries delivered if you can, OP. Don’t leave your house/apartment for nonessentials but this isn’t the end of the world.

>not having so many guns of various calibers that you just use what ever ammo you pick off the dead bodies

if your town is fairly isolated from any urban centers or mass transit, start a fucking town militia and close off the entire town to the outside world

You're way too fucking late to start prepping.

>Just get some groceries delivered if you can
Oh w8, ITS TOO L8

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you were supposed to start prepping many weeks ago. the lockdown is about to begin, prep time is over. you didnt listen.

The US Government suggested back in the Cold War regarding fallout shelter rations that one can live a whole year on nothing but grains before nutritional deficiencies kick in.

You need to stock up on alot of toilet paper, the average person uses 1 roll per day. Heard they will be worth their weight in gold.

You are very late, properly wont be anything worth while left. Try to get rice, beans, canned good and vitamins.
If its all gone try to get some dog food, it is very healthy, lasts for a long time, and very few people buy it.

I'm doing with 1 to 2 rolls per month.