Fat people are gross and stupid.
Fat people are gross and stupid
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Wow she looked amazing before.
beware fatties who become skinny, they are the worst women.
I agree
this is why I laugh at white cucks that date latinas. Every single one turns into a balloon after marriage/kids.
Get yourself a white wife racetraitors.
Obesity is worse for the individual and society than crack. Fat people must be sentenced to prison
I don't understand how fat people let themselves get fat.
yeah at least the whites are obese hambeasts before marriage as well
>tfw no braphog slampig
All women balloon after having kids if they don't make an effort to stay in shape. Have you looked around? Plenty of fat white whales. And there's plenty of sexy latina MILFs. I know a few from work.
Political because fat planet people are a drain on all aspects of society
False, you can be healthy at any size.
I would fuck the most horrendus hambeast imaginable if that saved the white race. Fuck instant gratification, fuck narcissim and fuck individualist cucks.
Hey, leave the americans alone, what have they ever done to you?
Your children will be shot though. You do realize white nationalism is coming right? You have to be a fucking retard to make a couple halfbreed mongrels at this point in history.
Spics always pack on the pounds and age like shit
Still would. Especially if i knew she used to look like that.
you can tell she was gonna get fat.
so speaks the 300lbs+ boomer
I was going to say the same thing. You can tell from her frame and the fact that she's already got fat on it when she should be in her prime.
True. They're absolute cunts.
Aww did she break your heart. I’m guessing she refused to date you as a hottie, then gained weight so you thought you had a chance but she still said no
>False, you can be healthy at any size.
It's a fact fat People die significantly earlier from all causes.
Fat People need to be incarcerated for their selfishness and their harm to society.
>low iq
Did you ever meet a smart fatso?
>I would fuck the most horrendus hambeast imaginable if that saved the white race.
Okay simp.
from thiqq to long gone in one year
Twist ending
lol, luckily I don't have to because the majority of beautiful women are white.
Holy shit
She's going to snap her ankles
no one will fuck you kek
>Fat people are gross and stupid.
They're also easily upset. Something about fat people cause them to be constantly irritable. I hate to be around fat people, especially in any situation that presents even remotely stressful scenario.
Think I went to school with this bitch, she has a really hot younger sister
>Fat people are gross and stupid.
If you can't llift your own bodyweight, you're unfit to reproduce.
If you can only lift your bodyweight, your pathetic, and need help.
If you can lift double your bodyweight (one arm push ups, pistol squats, one arm pull ups) you're a decent human being.
If you can lift 3x your bodyweight, you're in good health and the greeks will be proud.
4x, 5x, etc. and you're a pro
I am to lift 3x my bodyweight.
I saw this happen to this broad I knew. We both worked at a pizza place back in the day and went different directions. The only direction her weight went, unfortunately, was north. I don't know if it was her descent into feminism or the general lack of actual trying that caused the weight gain, so it's a chicken-and-egg sort of problem here
>double your bodyweight (one arm push ups, pistol squats, one arm pull ups)
This is a generalisation. One arm pull ups are pretty elite.
I'd rather be fat than Canadian.
ur right, I need to get to 3x
How bad do you want to cry
They're also lazy and have no self control.
Nah, she's just bulking.
In a year she'll be swole as fuck.
Fat people are part of the modern degeneracy. Period.
Sick habits.
I guess I'm elite then but I want to be able to do that and carry say an 80 lb backpack at same time.
The tats are the worst part. I bet she’s a mudshark
the white ones balloon up too though except they also age 10 years in 1 so it's even worse
Imagine browsing stufferdb before/after and then posting threads here hoping other anons post braphogs
I may love fat women but I will not participate in your deception, you rapscallion
coronachan is also obese remover
Wow. She looks like a 25 year old at 18 and looks like a 40 year old at 21.
So are spics in general..
Wtf happened
post moar
not true
I want to know who did this. I have a few pointers for them.
expected a meme flag from this kind of shit
Okay you homosexual
>white nationalism is coming
this is potentially the worst fit-to-fat I've ever seen
jelly of those biceps
uhhhh, sauce?
fuck it's like the three evolutions of a pokemon
She's a big girl...
I thought work from home was gonna be awesome.
Turns out I live in the ghetto.
Why don't poor people enjoy peace and quiet?
victim of feminism, bad genes, or just doritos?
>This SARS... uh this current crisis