Leader of the Alt Right says Hillary would be better

Wtf I am now a HILDAWG

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Spender isn't the leader of anything but his own aids brigade. He's a faggot and a doofus

Watch your fucking mouth Trumptard. Richard Spencer personally got your orange faggot elected.

Weird how he's not banned, yet everybody else is...

He's not banned because he doesn't sperg out and scream KILL ALL JEWS like you guys do on a daily basis, Trumptard.

Nobody had even heard of him until AFTER the election, when he started going around explicitly associating Trump with the Roman Salute.

Richard Spencer is yet another Satanic e-celeb posing as 'alt-right'

The absolute state of the alt-right.

I’m with her now

You call everything you don't like Satanic.

>spill drink on your shirt

He is such a Jew.

Wow, (((they))) are really scrapping the bottom of the glownigger asset barrel...

Spencer is literally just a Democrat but racist. He agrees with everything the Democrats believe, he agrees with all their policies, he agrees with all their aims. He's just racist.

All you ever needed to know about him was that picture with him and Laura Bush.

I've been following Spencer since his interviews with Bowden

not everyone came to Yas Forums in 2016 you disgusting Trumptard redditor
spic Fuentes literally still has a blue check

mcfucking kill yourselves you retarded nigger Jewish shills

>wignats still actually believe they got trump elected

Trumptard cope.

>Leader of the Alt Right
Who is that faggot and who is alt right?

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Why are you so sensitive about this, are you some kind of WITCH?

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Richard Spencer was always and always will be a fucking pussy bitch who has about as much chance of building a white utopia as Hillary has of being remembered fondly by history.

>Leader of the Alt Right

Uh huh...

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She would have feasted on babies while drones gas the poor.

Basically. He supports every Socialist /Communist proposal but with a "for white people only" caveat.

Is he still fucking that lefty chick

Glow faggot spencer cock sucking bitch

#Hildawg Gang

Show flag

The fact is that we don’t know how Clinton would have handled it, this guy is a faggot for stating what he did as fact.

Lightswitch brain Trumptard

Trump certainly is incompetent, but I’m still convinced that the corona virus “crises” is manufactured by the neurotic media kikes.

glownigger drops the veil and comes out of the closet, absolute shocker

Nice meme flag m8 been here since 2011 Spencer has always been an autistic little bitch.

Ummm...hello, Based department?

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"Richard spencer is the alt rights Leader"
Dont make me laugh

The fact that you follow some no name faggot e-celeb shows you are the least Yas Forums poster here

Richard Spencer is a faggot

Go cry about it Trumptard, you know it's true.

Yeah, the trump-hating trend is getting out of control. He may be zionist cuck, but how the hell is he worse, than literal globalist jews from democratic party, who fuck kids, hand out gibs to niggers and promote degeneracy at every turn?
I've watched few of Spencer's recent videos and he really went down the hole of severe mental gymnastics to justify not just hating Trump, but actually choosing dems over him.

FuckTrump and fuck his Great White Hope worshippers. The sooner they die, the sooner we can correct our future course.

Has it ever dawned you that he is one of them?

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>Alt Right

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You mean Trump or Spencer?

>but how the hell is he worse, than literal globalist jews from democratic party, who fuck kids, hand out gibs to niggers and promote degeneracy at every turn?

im not convinced trump doesnt fuck kids given his long relationship with a notorious pedophile. he's also been close friends with all those globalist jews for decades. as far as degeneracy goes, trump has 5 kids with 3 women and publicly promotes nigger tier just "grab their pussy" mating strategies.

only place where he differs is that he is against handouts for niggers, ill give him props for that

Go back

This guy is such a faggot.

I once respected this guy. Yas Forums was right, I feel so ashamed

Eat dicks spender aids faggot

He's not even a nazbol. He's just strom thurmond but gay

Trump has botched some of the handling, such as trying to cover it up instead of addressing it head-on. But didn't he ban travel from China pretty early on? That was a good move and given how many Dems called it racist, I bet Hillary wouldn't have done that.
Overall it's probably a wash, she would do some things better but Trump also did other things better.

Jesus, did Dickie have a stroke?
Not only that, but hasn't he found out nobody fucking cares about him anymore and we all just want that attention whore to fuck off?

I mean, it would be hard to do worse than Trump right now. I guess Hillary could theoretically go full Boris and actively try to encourage infection for "herd immunity," but that's one of the only worse options available.

Not everything "socialist but racist" should be nazbol. Hitler was way more on to the left from modern capitalism.

t. shill nigger lover

Fuck everyone posting in this garbage thread

Where are the conehead posts when you need them?

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Holy shit, you know shit is fucked up when I agree with Glowing Spencer.






ON ????

Why do people even listen to this guy when we have nick

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Well then he’s not a faggot, because race is the most important factor of all. A communist white-only world is heaven.

that guy is a CIA plant

>Richard Spencer
Fuck off with this fed op.

>this is bait

He took part in the tiki torch, he’s a glow nigger.

Fuck off glownigger.

I mean he’s not wrong. Zion Don is really fucking up bad. Hillary would be worse in other ways though

OH NO! Controlled opposition says opposite of what he was originally told to say! BOO HOO HOO

He's not wrong. The same can be said had Jeb or Ted won. Trump was never cut out for something like this.

Oh well. It's most likely Trump and his administration's incompetence will kill more old boomer Trump supporters than it kills off Democratic voters.

It's a real shitshow. No politician even tried to achieve what Trump has, as far as demography. Spencer has the phenotype of a bureaucrat, the same people who didn't even sell out the West, but gave it away. In their depths they are bug people and irreversibly so.

>racist Democrat
Wow there's a new angle. Unfathomable. I'm literally shaking.

Spencer's a joke at this point, doesn't even have a movement anymore and is just sputtering cringe bullshit

He's not wrong though. Shillary is a scumbag who wants nothing more that access to the halls of power and associated privilege. She is often a capable administrator of the status quo because it maintains access to power.

Trump is a midwit boomer patriot who ran for office I guess because blacks and hispanics needed more work? He spent so much energy being the King of Israel, that he forgot to have an administration capable of handling a major domestic crisis.
He traded in jews and shabbos goys with the ability to maintain a functional occupation government for the jews ans shabbos goys who love Israel the most of anyone.