Um...what the actual FUCK Norway??!?!?!?!!? I thought we were friends

Um...what the actual FUCK Norway??!?!?!?!!? I thought we were friends...

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Norway? More like Norgay amirite

Truth hurts

Baste Norge is on a roll lately! Good on you.


kek its true. Us healthcare is one of the worst on earth. Americans are gonna get fucked by corona, millions of deaths but they're gonna hide the numbers


I hope they all die.

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Nuke Norway

Shut the fuck up potato nigger, your country is next

based though. Norway is full of crypto communists. YOu have my blessing.


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you tried this stupid ass thread earlier. It's fake and we all know. Fuck you and fuck off.

German doctor here. Norways health care system is run by feminists. They have been relying for years on male foreign workers mostly from denmark, sweden, germany, finland, russia etc. to do the actual work. Now that these people who run 2-3 jobs to earn enough are needed in their own countries, norways system is fucked. It is already starting.

>Americans sold their health system for outright kike greed.
>Made even worse by progressive policies and "inner cities"
>Gets called on it
>Gets butthurt

What's the problem? Can handle the truth?

Stop making these threads, no one cares about that shithole

That's italy not ireland

>American education

This is the third time you've made this bogus thread, get a life


More like Norgay

Norway probably has the largest group of assholes on the planet. Who else would live in perpetual winter??

No you fucktard that Ireland. Your flag is Italy
>Italian educashion

>it’s another eurotards shit on health system when same eurotards know they hardly spend any of their GDP on defense and their trust demographics are increasingly destabilizing faster than America’s, but as long as I type “seething” i’ll get em good thread

Guys Europe is about to take yet another horse of migrants and go 1488 because of it. Merkel knows that if they take one more wave the CDU is fucked.

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Admitting they're cucks.

Norgay been slurpin up mutt tears since we of discovering your country lol

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Your doctor is a part time cartel chainsaw lobotomist Paco.

look at the edit history brainlet

>Population less than NYC
>1200 cases
They are unironically safer in one of the US hotspots of the disease than norway right now

You still haven't discovered a way to leave your shitty ice-packed country. Try harder, cupcake.


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Norway is one of the Scandinavian countries that hasn't killed itself yet. No offense taken.

The friendliest looking people don't really care about friends.
There's a reason places like Belgium are so fucked up.

Goddamn Norway that stings

Mutts are not even developed enough to comprehend our development.
All american conspiracies with aliens stems from when mutts first witnessed norwegians.

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Return to Africa

fuck you norway you disgusting piece of shit gay homo faggots...TAKE IT BACK OR ELSE

>US army is used to protect Europe
Lmao, the delusion


Or else what? You gonna flood my culture with degenerate art? Put thousands of your soldiers on our soil? Pull us into your adventures in the sandbox? Help our elite hide their money in your offshore banks? Fuck around with the world economy? Push trannyfag shit on us? Have us dump money into Africa?
You're already doing that.
Unless you want to unleash a bioweapon on us there isn't much more you can do except maybe assassinating Hvaldimir.

based friendship with canada and norway disbanded,
friendship with poland and japan boosted

one little boomer cold and all the nation states wanna kick the monopoly table and start yelling at each other, jeez guys its not end times just yet relax

KEK based Norway

nice fucking repost u fucking cunt


Coming from a person that loathes the US healthcare system ... Norway should start footing their own defense bill and see where all that social utopia money comes from.


Norwegian navy. Lesbian central. Shipwreck experts

"defense bill" my ass
more like imperialism and petrodollar bill

Sorry, not sorry.
Truth hurts

How? If you try something we will just get NATO to attack you. Your armed forces are ours.

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>Us healthcare is one of the worst on earth
US healthcare is the best on Earth.
It's just not socialst/free to all eurofag.


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based shroomer


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We're 4 million ppl in Norwegen. Our PM gave 15 billion euros to norwegian buisness in order to save their liquidity, in addition to billions in other measures.

We have a buffer fund at 700 billion euros.

What have your supreme leaders done today?

>Pay for R&D for pharmaceuticals used by every other country
>People fly in from all around the world for cutting-edge cancer treatments

>Underdeveloped healthcare because we don't give free shit to niggers and dune coons

Gas yourself icenigger, the only good thing to come out of your unimportant country was Archivebro,

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>What have your supreme leaders done today?
Just run the whole world. That's all.
inb4 "jew". No, American.

I think they been hiding the numbers since before china had any numbers..I think there's proof of it

wtf the shade

US and A is FOKD mein frau.

Get a blowjob from yours. I bet Trump had his way with all the entire Norwegian Cabinet, some of those girls are thicc.

>US healthcare is the best on Earth.
If you'er rich
If not, well I guess webmd is good for determining if you got the wuflu

Why is every country so obsessed with us?
Get off our dicks, will ya?

>imagine being so butthurt by the travel ban


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America is done

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Blown the btfo out

praise kek ! ! !


America you shithole xD