COVID 19 has been here longer than we thinkg

I’ve done Pediatrics for 8 years. Every single flu season it’s the same symptoms and the same results. I can usually tell you by assessing a child which strain of flu they’ll have before the test comes back, this year was different. The flu tests were coming back negative, but these kids were sick. They were being diagnosed with pneumonia via chest x-ray. The fevers wouldn’t break and they couldn’t stop coughing. We had some kids miss almost an entire month. I was one of those with a reoccurring fever. I’m certain we’re late to the game.

I would be inclined to send a few samples off for a serologic test when it comes out. This test is different from the ones used to diagnose active infection. Essentially the serologic test would allow researchers to test the blood of people who were not confirmed cases of Covid-19 in communities where the virus spread. The tests would be designed to look for signs that people have mounted an immune response after being exposed to the virus.

COVID-19 started emerging in early December. Given the incubation period, that means infection started in November, and given international travel and tourism rates, it DID NOT TAKE 3+ months for it to come here. It's been here.

I've had numerous friends across the country who've had bad colds in the last few months, that we now believe were actually Coronavirus. We only just started testing for it, and even now the testing is severely limited, so in all likelihood, many have had or do have it, and it's gotten passed off as just a typical cold - because it IS just a bad cold for the vast majority of people who get it.

The normal colds and flu that we've already been dealing with kill thousands every season - This just doesn't get talked about because it's the media can't use it to panic us at this point.

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Check em.

Based and checked


I wonder what the point of shutting down everything really is. It's not to 'keep the civilians' safe. Happeningfags will (you) me but Corona is literally a non-issue. There's something else going on.

I have been telling this for the past three months.

I just had what I thought was a head cold/mild sinus infection about 3-4 weeks ago. Now I'm not sure? Am 27 if that matters.

Good thread

And think about it, it would explain why all world's governments are a bit hesitant about testing, they know the truth and know that testing will just rise panic and lead to chaos, their strategy has been breaking the news little by little to lessen the impact of when everyone realizes the majority of the population is already infected.

This wouldn't surprise me at all. At the beginning of the year I endured an absolutely savage "flu". At first I thought it was a cold, but there was no sinus congestion and the symptoms included vicious full-body aches, so my immune system was going into overdrive, clearly. I concluded it was a flu based on the aches, but there was no nausea, either ... odd for a flu.
Lung capacity has felt reduced ever since then. Not cripplingly so ... I actually only notice it when I'm NOT moving. Pretty active (daily gyming), and have had no issues on that score. But when I'm just sitting there, reading or whatever, I sometimes feel weirdly short of breath. Consistent with something neurological, which is what Corona-chan apparently does.
Was on a thread last night full of anons reporting basically identical experiences around the same time. Plus, tons of schools getting emptied out in November due to 'mystery viruses' that definitely weren't the flu.
So yeah. Evidence suggests its been making its way through the population for several months now. In which case we've almost certainly already seen the worst of it and this whole panic is hysterical madness.

I was sick early January, still sick but getting better. This is the worst i had in my life. I thought i am just getting older
But it is my suspicion also. Didnt go to dr, took amox, helped but not to the complete recovery. Coughed to the point of puking. My senpai made fun of me when i told them i may already had it. Other senpai members had it light

How long did the symptoms last? What initial symptoms did you have?

Isn't this obvious though? Corona is a virus family, right? This is just a new one for human populations.

My father has had 2 clients described having the worst sickness of their lives around January. Wouldn't surprise me if it has been here.

Same in UK. Something was going around mid to late December last year that people were describing as flu but without the usual flu symptoms.They were myalgic/fatigued, coughing, headachey with high fevers, just wanting to sleep all day.

There was even that one claim by some user in October last year which further points to what we think to be true.

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>tfw was sick in nov and dec when i was in china

1. Allows them to blame the market crash, which was inevitable sooner or later since the entire FIRE economy is fake and gay, on a 'pandemic'.
2. Establishes precedent. Gets the population used to being herded around.
3. Gets everyone shut up indoors where they're nice and 'safe' ... by which I mean, the establishment is safe from them. Last year there were mass street movements breaking out all over the planet. Elites had to be worried.
4. Big market for another fake vaccine.
5. Further entrenchment of the managerial police state.
All of which is to say: plenty of motives for the ruling class to take this fake crises and get everything they can out of it.

It's not madness. It's about power, it always is.
COVID-19 is most likely biological and media warfare used as a last resort measure - last resort as it tanks the markets - most likely to unseat Trump and get the executive branch in the US under control again.

I had all types of body pain, muscles, headache. Nose and eyes were watery, sore throat like 3-5 days, then real painful cough. Cough went deeper. Couldnt stop coughing. At that point took 7 days mox. Just slept, then got better after 10 days. Then worse again, fever again. Cough wasnt deep but like at the top of the throat. Weakness. Now almost back to normal.

I got sick early February, before cases were confirmed I’m the United States. Dry cough with runny nose and spitting up mucus and sore throat even had a low grade fever one day I felt mucus in my lungs but I coughed it out. Now I have a slight sore throat not bad at all. No fever at all and no coughs or runny nose. I agree that this spread has been here for months.

that was definitely on of the spookier posts of Yas Forums

I don't usually get sick but it was horrible cold sweats I had every night for more than a week among other symptoms. I now believe I had the virus.

The worst of it was over within a few days. Shut myself up in my apartment, took plenty of vitamin C, scoured my throat with a tea made from cayenne, turmeric, ginger, and honey. Shortness of breath lingered for quite some time ... couple months.
Initial symptoms were: gross feeling in the back of my throat (felt like a cold was coming on); fever; depressed appetite; full-body aches; cough.

OP I believe you. I caught a "flu" (like none other) back in October while I was in San Jose, California. It was so bad I had to fly back home to Australia for treatment.

>Based and checked
Nice attempt at shilling your own threat though.

Checked sir/ma'am

What were the symptoms?


Pretty sure I had it for about 3 weeks around November, early December. Went to the doctor twice and they didn’t know what was wrong. Got tested for strep and flu but came up negative. Rode it out and was fine.

What kind of bizarre cope is this? Were you seeing people's lungs liquifying? No? Then it wasn't Wuhan Virus.

Reminds me I did have flu like symptoms in early January but rode it out, had a hot toddy to knock myself out then went in to work anyway.

>treatment for flu
oh for fucks sake.

This. I lived in California in November and got a flu with the exact same symptoms.

How much of a nothingburger fag do you have to be to post shit like this?

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That's not what he probably means, it could have started somewhere else, got wide spread around the world and happened to mutat in China and came back to US in it's current form.

Forgot about the cough. Yeah, that was bad. Especially combined with the headache.
Totally enervated, too. Didn't have the energy to get off my couch for probably 5 days or so.

>oh for fucks sake.
You have no idea how bad it was. And I didn't want to die on a waiting list in California. I was treated the second day I landed in Sydney.

Read the posts before posting faggot.

Works as a janitor at a medical office.

What surprises me as a pole is that you do flu tests, i've never heard of it here in Poland. You just feel bad, you get a free week or so, take some meds to fight the fever and that's it. Why do americans do flu tests ? It' literally just a flu bro, why waste time and resources on it ?

>Were you seeing people's lungs liquifying? No? Then it wasn't Wuhan Virus.
Except most people don't get hit anywhere near that bad.

I agree that the panic has grown in a very unnatural way over the last week. And yes it makes absolute sense that there would be a lot of Wuhan spreaders starting local community spreads in January. With a conservative doubling rate of five days one piece of shit from Wuhan would make 2^12 =4000 new cases anywhere in the world at this point in time. Not to mention airports probably having a higher r0.

I’ll check these for you OP so you don’t have to do it yourself

somethings up anons..... this is all TOO perfect......

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cool story

You're full of it. Talk to any virologist and you'll see it's real. Thing is that animal viruses have started to jump in the last decade. sars, mers, corona1, novel corona. It was just a matter of time before one learned to reproduce on distance. Closing everything down in uprecedented, but was caused solely by Italy.

Live 2 hours north of sydney got a terrible flu in the middle of our summer here! (first week of Jan) didn't think anything of it, but it rocked me, fevers sweats in bed for 4 days with no energy. Now Im starting to think it was corona.

Explain the mass deaths in Italy right now, then? I agree something isn’t adding up. The CEOs and elite all bailing because of the potential unraveling of society that comes with the reset? How could you get every country to be on the same page without somebody spilling the beans somewhere

if that's the case, what about the infertility? are we on the verge of an extinction and won't know it for a couple years?

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If this is true then it is scarier then the virus being true. If a theater play like this runs without can hitch then they would only keep escalating seeing how everything is possible.

He isn't saying the Kung Flu isn't real, he's saying it's already swept through North America and the panic is therefore retarded.

not a common symptom.

Doctors smarter then you determined it's a new virus shitty bait

Indeed. Next up: fake alien invasion.

Nigger I’m a neet and discovered this a month ago.

heard some stories about some military olympics in china back in october, all the us team was fatigued and didn't win too many medals, might have already been the virus they brought thwre
might just been an excuse for their lack of performance, or maybe even the chinks doing it to them, who knows

I got super fucking sick in January, 103 fever, rough painful cough, exhaustion, all the shit. They tested me and said it was just an upper respiratory infection. Obviously they weren't teating for covid-19 back then. My wife got sick for about a day or two and then was completely fine, while I was fucked up for 2 weeks. Cough persisted for over a mo th before really clearing up.

nice medical blog faggots

1000% correct. You are not the first medical fag I have heard this from.

this shill talking point is being pushed super hard every day here. just think for yourself, if something so contagious was active in the US back in Nov/Dec, the whole country would have taken notice and hospitals would have been overburdened then. this isn't something that can be hidden from the public.

In late December I was working at a ski resort. By the time I had got there (dec 12th) all of my new coworkers were sick. Typical symptoms, coughing, fever, chest pain. After a week I had no symptoms. A week later (jan 1st) I started coofing constantly. Bad fever, coofing, chest pain, etc. Had it until jan 16th when they finally wouldn't let me return to work until I went to a doctor and got diagnosed with bronchitis. A few weeks later once we were all healed and coronavirus was ramping up one of my coworkers made a joke he thinks we all actually had it. I didn't take it seriously at the time but it now has me wondering. Ski resorts are huge for tourism, if someone wanted to start a pandemic that's a good place for ground zero.

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I also had a really bad cold in november last year. Worst i've ever had. I took around 1800mg of ibuprofen a day and zoned out pretty often the few times i was awake for a few hours. I got the shakes and couldn't breathe properly.
It took me around 4 days to get over the worst and didn't feel any hunger whatsoever for a few days.
Yet I still feel like i haven't fully recovered.

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I remember this post. I remember totally believing it because it wasnt at all framed like a shill or larp post and the shills for and against didnt really touch the thread. There were some real posters calling bs but even they seemed skeptical and were more litmus testing the OP.


I'm a medic. Around October-December we had an enormous spike in Trouble Breathing calls... we pulled the data this afternoon, and it was a 220% increase compared to last year.

This thing started around Halloween in Wuhan. It's fair to say its been circulating in the US since then.

Had a similar experience when I went to Chicago in November. Terrible flu that caused dizziness, fatigue, body aches etc...
Ever since I can feel a decreased lung capacity and had neurological issues. I'm pretty sure Corona has been around for a while, at least in the USA.

Just went to the fucking store and everyone was saying the same shit. A thread today on the topic got 320+ replies

Also, I'll be praying for you user.

My wife and I brought our 3rd and 4th children, two beautiful twin babies into the world back in November. Pediatricians and NICU staff truly do the work of the Lord.

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Why does your flag look like a Pop-Tart?

Common symptoms of this mystery illness seem to be fever, cough, night sweats, fatigue, headache and muscle aches among others. Anyone experiencing voice loss?

What's this mean? An unknown covid was being diagnosed in canada in October?