Enjoying your corona virus, blue state fags?

Would this be a good time for real America to finally kick out the leech states like New York and California?

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Nigger it's everywhere now.

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Someone should shop a magahat on a corona virion, but seriously this country won't be the same after this.

Ohio has 100,000 cases.

>leech states
Aren't most of the states taking in more federal money than they give red states?

Mostly the blue states

The ones who have it in the red states are people who recently have been to the blue states, moron

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(suspected) they just threw out a random guess the minute it first started.


You shouldn't laugh. See pic.

Fuck China, really.

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>leech states like New York and California

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Attached: california cnbc 2019.png (1058x290, 23.06K)

China isn't why we don't have test kits. It's also not why muslims such as yourself are so widely despised.

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Mostly in blue states*

Look how many people die of the flu in West Virginia

Compare that to california

>Look how many people die of the flu in West Virginia
Probably to busy dying of drug overdoses like most whites.

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So, people living in rural regions, and away from major ports of entry into the country are less propense to become infected with a foreign virus???????????? NOOOO FUCKING WAYYY Y!!!

No matter how hard you try to cope, you can't change the fact that blue states NY & Cali are the biggest and most important regions economically in the US.

Do redfags really?

Magatards would rather die than let this hurt Trump. It's just damage control. You should see these little people try to argue against testing. It's fucking hilarious. Anything to avoid media coverage.

>NY and CA
>Leech States

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Yeah maybe if they were as cautious against foreigners as much as we were in real America this wouldn’t have happened

not saying we shouldn't be cautious against foreigners

but there's clearly a difference in the number of foreigners that visit California and Florida than Wyoming and West Virginia

We don’t plan on doing any dying.

Blue states on the other hand. You better hope they come up with a vaccine!

This is the perfect opportunity to strike and finally rid our country of the leeches. We’re all tired of you. Just go on Facebook and look at everyone’s anger

It’s time to strike. Now or never

There is a difference in being cautious, and nobody bothering to visit your no name town.

Awww corona virus cope!

Take your meds.

>we're all tired of you

didn't the democrats win more votes last election? I know that it doesn't matter for election purposes, just saying that you're not the majority of Americans Cletus

Isn't it funny that a pandemic that kills older people breaks out when the older people reject the commie globalist manchurian candidate. Hmm.

based Missouri

how are rural hospitals doing these days?

Literally doesn’t matter. We have the guns, most of the land and most of the economy.

Enjoy your third world pandemic stricken hellhole.

i literally can't tell which candidate you're referring to here

Upstate is more American than whatever shithole you live in, faggot.

Compare Wyoming and colorado
Washington and Idaho

Wonder why the number of cases per capita are so different...

>west virginia
So, west virginia is a net contributor to the government? KEKEKEKEKE
You are so full of shit, the numbers are the other way around.
The green ones are net contributors, and the yellow ones are net takers.

Here is another map.

Attached: 21633.jpg (780x604, 132.94K)

Well, there's only one open communist running for president.

They literally are though. I dislike California as much as the next guy but this point is inarguable.

Keep taking those blue gives boomer.
>source: Ezra Klein

Did you crop that and put in into powerpoint?? Because it seems that that's what you did.

Now compare corona virus cases

>most of the economy
but you don't (see pic)

>the guns
you pussies won't do anything and this is implying rural America is a united front. The rural northern states didn't join the rednecks during the civil war

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Based old people genocide.

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>We have the guns
You want to start a civil war?
>most of the land
>most of the economy
Red states are literally net welfare queens.

Well hard to fight back when you’re dying of the plague
You think real Americans have health problems like you guys do?

They are, just ignore him, hes' full of shit.

no test kits, and shitty rural hospital, no problem.
I'm sure the fact that rural america barely has a functioning healthcare system has no effect on confirmed cases.

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Fuck off to your streetshitting hellhole, we have most of the culture. Whenever people think of America, they think of us.

Wow, so the virus infected the best states first huh

yes but he's not a globalist or a Manchurian Candidate unlike Trump or Biden who just do everything AIPAC/Israel tell them. I'm glad "Real America" supports a foreign government influencing our politics

You pic is bullshit, the colors are flipped. You cropped that shit and put it into a shitty powerpoint slide.
Funny how the image is shit, but the rest is crisp.

>Well hard to fight back when you’re dying of the plague
So you admit you just want an excuse to kill people?
>You think real Americans have health problems like you guys do?
How do you define "real Americans"?

You're coping hard. People know of Hollywood and New York way more than the South.

Yes the “best” states. Full of people who speak your language too

Look at based Texas barely being touched by the virus. They’re the new leaders now

importing slaves, getting obese, and shopping at Walmart isn't culture

Texas is full of people who speak his language as well.

At this rate we won’t have to do any killing at all

Do you honestly think a state like Kentucky or Tennesse has citizens infected like the average New Jersey or Massachusetts resident?

Foreigners (worthy of visiting the US like Japanese or Brits) find real America something worth visiting. They’re starting avoid the blue states like the plagie

>2000 election map.

Get with the times OP.

No one speaks Spanish in Texas, right

How are you coping so hard? You obviously have no idea what foreigners know about the US.

>At this rate we won’t have to do any killing at all
Why do you want to kill people so badly? Who hurt you, user?

>most of the economy
KEK. you are so full of shit, you need to lay off of hannity for a little bit man.
See pic related. The only red states worth a damn economically is texas. apart from texas, all the red states are little poor give me hands.

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>Implying it's not all over Burgerland now

You're not even testing for Corona, only 15 tests per million compared to 350 tests per million here with much much lower population. You are the epicenter of corona atm.

>West Virginia
>Most pro-Trump state in the U.S. (where his 68.5% of the vote there in 2016 was his highest percentage in any state)
>0 cases

Attached: WV2016.jpg (400x500, 68.43K)

No one said anything about killing. The Rona will do it for us

No were just better prepared outside of the blue states for corona.


A grand total of 38 people have been tested.

Oh, shit.
What's WV, Venezuela, Guatemala, Somalia and Papa New guinea's secret?
Shit, they gotta be doing something right if they don't have corona cases? No?

Or could it be that those are poor regions with shit health infrastructure and less capable of testing and recording the virus?
NAHHH. They are just uber men.

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Even if what you’re saying is true (it isn’t), then blue states are even dumber for giving us money lmao. We would never EVER give you a fucking dime

We are entitled to the money
You aren’t

That’s the difference

How am I supposed to take this exchange?
>You want to start a civil war?
>Well hard to fight back when you’re dying of the plague
You're a bit of coward in owning up to your own words, aren't ya?

You just need to point out.
I legit feel bad for WA though. Apparently their state's population is the most at risk.

>Even if what you’re saying is true (it isn’t), then blue states are even dumber for giving us money lmao.
>We would never EVER give you a fucking dime
>We are entitled to the money. You aren’t
cope of the century

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We want our freedom from the shackles of tyranny of you guys. Just like how the UK heroically exited the EU, we want to be free of you guys influencing our laws and culture

It’s time for a divorce and now is a good time especially when you guys will want our money to help fight a disease that’s mostly in your areas

You are literally arguing for gibs from the gubmint lmao.
Welfare queens.

We aren’t California though

Imagine living in a corn producer state and claiming that the wealthiest states of your country are leeches

>We want our freedom from the shackles of tyranny of you guys. Just like how the UK heroically exited the EU, we want to be free of you guys influencing our laws and culture
>It’s time for a divorce and now is a good time especially when you guys will want our money to help fight a disease that’s mostly in your areas
We already established that you guys take way more than you give. Stop with the disinformation.

Yeah you give out more corona virus than we do. That’s been established already

Because blue states actually have businesses and people. Not even a shareblue, but California, washington and New york being hot spots shouldn't be a surprise. Plus Atlanta and Denver being very visited airports. Texas will definitely be hit hard.

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>Enjoying your corona virus, blue state fags?
>Would this be a good time for real America to finally kick out the leech states like New York and California?

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