To all the Europoors laughing at our Collapse

Just know this: If the U.S Dollar falls, the world falls.

We are the Reserve Currency of the world, that means ALL your currencies are pegged to our Dollar.

If our dollar falls, the world economy falls. So don't cheer when American falls, so will Europoors.

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Imagine the smell

pornography without relevance to discussion


please post more I'm trying to stop the gay thoughts of feminine trap penis.

are you stupid? they can just un-peg them, and trade their own debt for oil. they can buy from OPEC+. the US can be completely isolated at this point and the rest of the world wouldn't miss a beat. jews have completely ruined the government budget and restructured the entire economy into primarily services, goods are imported from foreign countries. you'll have to pay unimaginably high prices for anything and everything, and it will take years for the restructuring back into domestic manufacturing to settle back into normalcy. not to mention the entire world would have to gang up together, since the jew would most definitely have the US attack the russians and saudis if it happened.

they could, but they won't.

I'll tell you why: The US won't allow itself to loose this status. It will literally go to war against China and Russia, because they will issue a gold-backed currency and de-peg first.

World. War. 3. The war to end all wars.

it's not just that easy. faggot.

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>To all the Europoors laughing at our Collapse..
West Europe is getting it way harder than we are you dumb shit

don't give a shit bro. everyone's gonna die one way or another.

Good thing I just bought some bitcoin then.

What is this pre-high school economics?

Rollerino for finishing in 1

Its worth it desu



We want it to fall though.

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Roll for 0

hmm.. tickle their feet until they brap and play them like a brap pipe organ.

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There is one between 8 and 9 and another after 9...

why you ameriniggers think we're laughing at you? we've got it worse than you, we're collapsing without even realizing it.
shut the fuck up with your fuckin satellite overlord mentality.

rollgng for brapcow 0


Holding euros and shekels u fg.


you forgot to put on your memeflag schizo

This is quickly becoming less and less the case, op. We simply aren't capable of wars if attrition in all the countries who don't use our currency.

Let's go

>you forgot to put on your memeflag schizo
No i didnt deutsche fg.

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I posted Jews, because I know deep down Yas Forums would hate fuck em

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I hope you guys dont get hit by corona too hard. would be a shame when your defenses would suffer because of it

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Nah, Euro is stronger also America is a 3rd world shithole now

Conceptualize the foetor

Just collapse already. I´m tired of getting pegged.

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>Just know this: If the U.S Dollar falls, the world falls.
Good, can you hurry up with it plz, so we can already start rebuilding a non-fucked up world?

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I fucking love brappers.


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3 pl0x

>If our dollar falls, the world economy falls
Good. Hurry the fuck up you fat cunt.

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silver lining is that the last time it happened, fascism happened so.....

Good. Death to the hegemon. Lot of unfinished business.

Looking at you camp bondsteel.

ing for 3

i want in on this. rolling

Europe is stronger than ever, don't make us laugh.


come on 7

nothing to lose, nothing to fear
if normies get dabbed on by the economy I'm just gonna laugh

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Juden will be Juden.

10 get



What 'falls' will be a lot of imaginary wealth and a lot of illusions.
My neighbor will still slaughter and my garden still grow.
I don't travel and I don't sozialize as much - what is the big trouble? Just slow everything down, be more attentive to the surroundings, don't fly around the world but make your home a place worth living in...
The whole year round I hear colleagues and family complain about lack of time to achieve personal goals - maybe that is more worth to them, than the fact, that a new phone will be released every 5 month.

god just imagine the highway of bbc theyve been through

This is dedicated to all my White Brothers! North America, Europe & Russia should stop playing and ally together and crush anyone who oppose us. Once all of the planet is well shared between the Superiors we shall conquer the whole galaxy and improve humankind with all new discoveries.
Deus Vult!!

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Europe would be unironically much better with out Burgerland, mutt faggotry to fuck them up all the time.

Let Burgerland die and with it all the kikes that infest it and all the evil it has wrought on this world.





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I can actually see 7's face no stupid tats, nice hair, fair skin and nice enough ass. 5 3 and 1 would also do.

Rollin rollin RAWHIDEEE