@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/15/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on ThisWeekABC 3/15/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 3/15/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FtN 3/15/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on SunMornFutures 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on ThisWeekABC 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FoxNewsSun 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on FtN 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on MtP 3/15/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on (((FakeNews))) 3/15/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/14/20
>SG Adams on JudgeJeanine 3/14/20
>KAC on JudgeJeanine 3/14/20
>ThiccSarah on WattersWorld 3/14/20
>Pres Trump declares Natl State of Emergency over Corona-chan 3/13/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread: debate&sp=EgJAAQ%3D%3D



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Sometimes you explode the world and unMAGAers
Sometimes the world explodes you

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More like the trump virus, look how never trumpers are getting BTFOd by that

>America on the verge of a empire
>Canada and Mexico will be annex and all of the Americas
>Space will be the main focus soon

Is it time?

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Peep the date.

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In economics class, we were taught that adjusting the interest rate is a fine-touch knob on the economy, while the reserve requirement is a nuclear weapon. Even for very major economic downturns they don't touch the reserve requirement, because it's such a powerful thing. Why use a bazooka when you only need a handgun?

Trump just did something absolutely crazy, dropping the reserve ratio to 0%!!!
This means banks can loan money with....nothing! They can just loan as much as they want, nothing in reserve.

This VASTLY increases the money supply, and the velocity of money.
In fact, if this weren't limited to 90 days, I bet this would asymptotically increase it, literally into a hyperinflationary death spiral.

Combined with interest rates at 0%, this is literally the most insane economic stimulus America has ever gotten. I think this could be an inflationary death spiral. This is absolutely nuts. Madness

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what stream are we watching the old man fight on?

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that "soon" frog in the background...


They're really scraping the bottom now.

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I'll get in the FEMA pod #future60percenter

Delusional fag.



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Doesn't this blatantly violate the Goldwater rule? There's precedent for Trump to sue.

0/10, RegEx filtered

>You will never munch on megameme for MAGA

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From the Jew York Times:
> But two senior American officials said that some of the German news accounts first reporting the story were overblown, particularly with regard to any effort by the United States to secure exclusive access to a vaccine.

>The Trump administration has spoken with more than 25 companies that say they can help with a vaccine, one of the American officials said, and is open to speaking with others. Any solution, he said, would be shared with the world.

Germany story BTFO

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America is winning

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>Oh no we need more bureaucrats
No candidates, no platform, should stop typing.
Democrats are already dead.

Is Sheriff Clarke right?

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He looks trustworthy and not at all unhinged.

Reminder that over 20% of the US population have a pre-existing respiratory condition of some form.

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they have different versions of cushion, you might have bought the extra cushion. go for the medium the top section is lighter but underfoot remains comfy

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Good thing the exact opposite occurred.

trump is a fucking retard but my god does the bad sides of his critics come rolling up whenever they screech against him

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>BMI >25 is a pre-existing respiratory condition
it's ogre

Hell probably use all the money that he'll get from the plan by stopping the big names of the sex trafficking industry and child hunting after all this is over and pay the nation back that way. Your death spiral then turns into the restoration of the gold standard.

>media so obsessed with bringing down Trump they televise all the updates completely
>American people see how calm and collected Trump&admin are handling this, and see how freakishly worked up the media is
>if they keep watching after the event, they get to see more talking heads losing their goddamn minds about DRUMPF and say nothing about the facts and actual handling of the event
i'll never understand why the media people are so blind to their own antics

>ask to share information
>offer plenty of cash
>orange man bad
wtf am i missing?

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And 8-10% have asthma.

Sounds like the sherif is an ignorant nigger to me.

whatcha doin, sheriff?

It's not like I haven't pissed away $25 before
but still
holy fucking shit
what a god damn fucking mess

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How do you know those responsibilities weren’t absorbed within the organization? You can have 100 parallel agencies working on similar shit or you can consolidate.

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Trump threw a team together and in a week they got the entire private sector working together doing what each one does best and it’s going to handle anything this virus can throw at us.

People in this very thread were arguing that this virus was nothing.
Then later, people in this very thread argued that there would be no supply shortages, expressed contempt at the idea that people would raid the stores for toilet paper.

You people are just fucking wrong about everything. You're a bunch of retarded boomers who don't know shit. You react when things happen and mitigate the fallout, but you're not anticipating anything.

>superfluous position eliminated

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go get sick damnit don't be cautious don't listen to the CDC go live laugh love i am a NIGGER

It's about the guy who handles foreign aid for foreign healthcare systems.

the nice grill at the store was nice enough to explain the difference, sorry it doesn't work out for you

>Recession starts
>Capitalism failes again
>80% of millenials support socialism
>But muh Venezuela

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>wtf am i missing?
Election year, Democrats have no candidate or platform that can get them elected, they will just resort to the usual: cheat, steal, use worldwide media as lapdogs...

>Germany story BTFO
>believing the over-reactive first reports to begin with

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Trump should do the same to his critics

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Not really, governments do tend to get involved to help stop pandemics.

Just a flu bro.

There are no supply shortages.



>get home from a comfy Sunday outside just in time to learn about The Fed Jew's latest Huge Coom
>had no idea Blimpf showed up again @ the coronachan presser
>rewatching the presser
>Blimpf reads the names of all the 'Big Grocery Store' CEOs
>gets to Dollar General
>calls CEO Todd Vasos 'Tard Vasso'

Blimpf simply cannot stop shitposting or shitpronouncing, can he

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The media literally incited panic. Why are people hoarding toilet paper? Because the media told them to, and monkey see monkey do. Why do you even need that much toilet paper? How much do you use in 2-3 weeks? Journalists should swing.

I wish Trump could do that.
Can you imagine hundreds of these reporters going “missing”?

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>Don't be in the present goy

Trump thrives because he only lives in the presence, with his mind firmly under his command. He's englightened.

wew lad

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Yes and yes.

is there ANY way to verify the 'trump told germany to give usa the vaccine only" story?

all of this "just a flu bro" and "omg flu conspiracy" stuff is making me start to worry. people arent really this stupid right?

>orange man bad

Looks like you got it just fine user.

Trust the plan. Keep trusting, Any day now.

I'm not going to post a CNN link for the debate, but if you search on Youtube, you get a lot of alternatives

> debate&sp=EgJAAQ%3D%3D


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Had asthma when I was a kid. Grew out of a decade ago

It's already debunked.

>play chess with dad using political figures as pieces
>having to explain to dad that "while you captured nancy pelosi, you're still in check"

>Recession starts

A recession is a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales. A recession begins just after the economy reaches a peak of activity and ends as the economy reaches its trough. Between trough and peak, the economy is in an expansion. Expansion is the normal state of the economy; most recessions are brief and they have been rare in recent decades

What an ignorant nigger you are.

>but you're not anticipating anything.

I anticipate chaos, and Trump delivers every single time.

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Anyway the toilette paper is produced in mass in the stats even in canada why the fuck do peoples think toilette paper will stop being made suddenly

these were midweight, If I could just stretch out the middle of them then It would be "acceptable" as in "yeah I could wear these on my feet as things that were supposed to be socks without being constantly aware that they are shit socks"
it almost feels like it is a production error since the other parts of the sock fit fine

Boring, unpersuasive.

Just a flu created by Clinton, bro.

How long would a quarantine last, 3-4 months tops? Then add some time for production and distribution to start back up again.

>(((New Canadians)))

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The virus is nothing. What’s actually happening is a reaction to the panic being caused by the media hyping this thing up to 11.


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Does it get triggered by infections? I am in a similar situation and I only really get triggered by cats and when I get sick now.

holy fuck 200lbs at 6'3" wtf is this disease gonna turn humans into skellingtons?

You got btfo'ed in the last thread.

So sorry we didn't panic at the first sneeze you schmuck.

Link please.
I refuse to believe even Canada is this fucking cucked.

you're stupid for thinking it's anything more GET IN THE FEMA POD WE NEED TO TEST YOU AND SEND YOU TO THE FEMA CAMP

> Lives in the present moment
> Sees life as a series of battles
The God-Emperor is more redpilled and testpilled and fiveringspilled than I had ever dreamed.

People are retarded. Especially the ones who visit these threads.

for plausible deniability the RWWS (Right Wing Wolf Squads) have to do the work

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there is literally no shortage of anything you fucking retard
please give a list of 17 grocery stores in 15 unique counties (at least 25% must be operated by women or PoC) that are unable to restock their shelves

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>always focused on the present
>therefore not focused on the past, which cannot be changed
>therefore not worried for the future, for it is not here yet

Sounds like he has some wisdom. Many could learn from him.

>Lucian Grainge
jewish head of universal music
Has Corona virus!
jews can't escape justice.

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go with the light cushion if it's irritating the bridge of your foot

based and Stoicpilled

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I wish Trump could use this crisis to take out these journalists and add them to the Coronavirus deaths. It’d be worth it to clean house.

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This is how every objectively great man has ever thought: Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, etc.


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I went to Walmart supercenter to buy deodorant and there wasn't any toilet paper or paper towels.

>nothings sold out in my flyover shithole so no one else has empty shelves

Doesn't get triggered by anything anymore. I still have a nebulizer just in case though. With plenty of Albuterol.

last I read was this

Viruses like dry air. It's why flu season occurs during the winter. Most of the eastern US is humid as fuck during late spring and summer, not to mention spring rains. It's why most quarentines are only until April 5th right now.

>Tfw no massive GOP rallies and marches like the DNC does
>Tfw can't fly my ancap flag in front of commies

It fucking hurts

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bad ID
reminds me of the idea of permanent revolution, or of these two quotes

>"Why do we have to do the next thing? It never seems the sort of thing I should do."
>"We have to do it because we're not personalities, but personages."
>"That's a good line - what do you mean?"
>"A personality is what you thought you were, what this Kerry and Sloane you tell me of evidently are. Personality is a physical matter almost entirely; it lowers the people it acts on I've seen it vanish in a long sickness. But while a personality is active, it overrides 'the next thing.' Now a personage, on the other hand, gathers. He is never thought of apart from what he's done. He's a bar on which a thousand things have been hung - glittering things sometimes, as ours are; but he uses those things with a cold mentality back of them."

>You should have eyes that always seek an enemy - your enemy. And some of you hate at first sight. Your enemy you shall seek, your war you shall wage - for your thoughts. And if your thought be vanquished, then your honesty should still find cause for triumph in that. You should love peace as a means to new wars - and the short peace more than the long. To you I do not recommend work but struggle. To you I do not recommend peace but victory. Let your work be a struggle. Let your peace be a victory! One can be silent and sit still only when one has bow and arrow: else one chatters and quarrels. Let your peace be a victory!

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Buena suerte cerveza corona

Vaccine trial for the win

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ah, maybe next year, son,

Well on the bright side, the grocery business is booming.

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>but the store shelves are empty! That means there's a shortage!
Retard panickers will never listen to reason.


Yo when does the debate begin???

When the vaccine kills the trial patients is when the real suffering will begin.

Yay Tulsa. We're not all terrible.

>nothings sold out in my flyover shithole
And you'll wonder why you keep losing elections.

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Oh. You believe local stores are factories and warehouses. Yes, I see how you’re confused.

Shit. Thanks for the link!

12 minutes

Sure, but idk why people are hoarding that much TP when these things don't last forever.

i thought trials weren't going to start for at least a year or did i mishear that?

You're really bad at your job. Sad.

What's with all the concern faggotry and overreacting like women?

Ew keep that the heck away from me. I don't even like the flu vaccine. I don't trust anything the government will give me for free.

there's apparently a shortage of yarn
else they would have fucking finished to tops of these god damn motherfucking pissshitting socks

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Good Christian people.

time and space both came of the debate. "when?" is an irrelevant question

Are we going to watch the old dementia patient and the old socialist debate?
>inb4 WE

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Didn't King Nigger have nearly 0 interest rates for both his terms?

No, thanks.

the butthurt is real

Oh no, don’t get me wrong. I’m a trump supporter. I rely on you retards to keep him in power. I still think you’re a lower form of life though. And most of you are also fucking retarded.

This fucking dumbass is going to get us all killed

Financial analyst user here:

>What's with all the concern faggotry and overreacting like women?

Sloppy shilling