Take a look at the Coronavirus death graph

Looks like Spain is gonna challenge Italy for European deaths.

Meanwhile America is very close to South Korea's path.

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america is probably better measured on a state by state basis.

We're gonna make it bros.

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Pizzas are already slowing down. They couldn't handle it. We are just starting and will surpass them this week.

this is because US cannot even find their deaths, there are so many. you guys have had the virus since january LMAO

United States is about 99 times bigger than South Korea.
South Korea is approximately 99,720 sq km, while United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km. Meanwhile, the population of South Korea is ~51.2 million people (275.4 million more people live in United States.

All the data is completely unreliable



I sincerely believe this. Half my family is insistent it is a conspiracy and is praying for Trump before dinner

u sound like a psychopath commentating a horse race

>none of the countries are going exponential
it's literally nothing

why do you conveniently ignore Japan South Korean and the other not following the model ?
Italy and Spain are dirty shit hole?

It's just not going to happen. This is the kind of disease that just btfos old and vulnerable people and doesn't spread neatly enough while undetectable for any apocalyptic growth.

Also the United States has 250,000,000 people in it. South Korea has around 500,000-1,000,000 people tops. Its considerably easier doing a full quarantine when your population is literally the size of a mid size city and the country itself no larger than Maine.


look at the y axis.

>South Korea
>500k people

Lmaoooo you got me good user

it's on a logarithmic scale retard.

Nigga do you know what a log scale is?

too low.

Wtf are you talking about retard. South Korea has population over 50 million

>South Korea has around 500,000-1,000,000 people tops.

Please tell me this is bait, because if it is, you got me.

Linear at worst. Nothingburger.

Not only are you completely off on population numbers, but youre completely ignoring people per capita. The US will have a much easier time stopping the virus easy than some small high density nation like Singapore where the disease will spread much quicker.

>it's literally nothing
doubling every 2-6 days, its worse than the alien from "The Thing" escaping the ice sheet into civilization.

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It's an exponential scale you retard

>33% daily increase

theres that number again

Something doesn't make sense here

if you have 1 case and tomorrow you have 10 cases, it's increasing 10-fold a day
"doubling" is meaningless unless you're speaking going from 50k to 100k, memeflag faggot

China should just be scrapped from these graphs

You're a fool if you believe any of the numbers coming out of China.

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but death rate is also important

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What are you on about you nigger? We have the numbers we can clearly see the trajectory of predicted cases. Italy's numbers wont stop slowing down due to the quarintine for at least a 10 days and then we can see the true effectiveness of quarantine vs no quarantine.

Its still anyones game, good luck every country and the highscores

it's likely so much higher than this in every country. They control the numbers, they control the testing, they control the coofing.

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>people per capita

Based family.

What's wrong with this website?

CHECKED, might as well just nuke everything.

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The difference in mortality is caused by the diffence in the age of the infected.

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Corona virus rapes the old and sickly.
Spain and Italy are filled with old and sick boomers.
Do 1+1 moshe.

South korea tests more and so they catch the cases in younger people that might not end up in going to hospital whereas the italians are testing people who report symptoms so their numbers likely show the proportions of serious infection that result in hospitalisation whereas south koreas show the number of cases in a general population.
Just speculation

But we will indeed take some casualties.
The fallen frens will not be forgotten.

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I just checked, so glad you're wrong. I ain't getting no qt waifu if there's only 500k of them.

This is correct

>South Korea has around 500,000-1,000,000 people tops
fucking retard. having a high population density is bad, and SK has 50million squeezed into a small area.

Finally someone else makes this crucial point. The high mortality figures are due to testing only being done on people who've already been hospitalized, and hence seriously affected by the illness, whereas others get a little sick and recover but are never tested.

>China lied
That would be a first!

who would have guessed China lied about deaths

Keep coping faggots.

I caught it. Just today I started showing symptoms. Headache all day long, muscle/joint pain everywhere. Fever. I feel like fucking shit.

How do I get over this?

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This is a death graph. The infections are exponential. If people were dying exponentially, then..

commence the shitposting

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Stay home, wait it out. I have it also.

Spain is fucked. Spanish people hate breaking routines. They love to shrug potential problems.
"No pasa nada" they say.

>He took the bait

Vitamin C, antivirals ASAP, weed. Stuff I've seen suggested here today.

Spain isn't fucked lmao, this absolutely genocides boomers and spain has too many of those.

>living in 3rd world shithole
>not sick yet
I envy you guys so much

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>China was lying


I've been eating tangerines, is that a reasonable amount of vit c?

Where do I get antivirals?

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>cant understand log graph
found the retard!

These seem to be very accurate. Let's say there exist 6 times more cases in Italy than they currently announce.
6 * 25000 = 150000
150000/2000 = 75
0.75% deaths which would be pretty close to both Korea and Germany.

UK trajectory looks iffy desu

Isn’t the x axis on this changing daily?
First it was days behind Italy, then first hundred cases and now first 10 deaths.