Canadian Yas Forumstard spergs out on brown teen


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Based kinda

No dumb MUH JOOZ and other nazi Karl shit

>he is a faggot who can't argue the points he should have made.
unbased and bluepilled

he's not a Yas Forumstard lol. what kind of Yas Forumstard uses female equality as a slam dunk against islam?

Honestly you people laugh at public transit harassers, but you really dont have enough insults yourselves. The average person thinks of 1 insult per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 insults a week. Over 100 a month. Epipets will be worth their weight in gold in a few months because everyone needs to vent.

poor guy has ptsd from being surrounded by all these shitskin invaders.

can't wait until fatimah goes home and beaten to death with a shoe

canadians waking up

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This. He's not one of us, he's just a normie that's started to lose it.

god I wish the indian have said: "bye, have a nice day you too"

>poor guy has ptsd from being surrounded by all these shitskin invaders.

second video in the twitter link a shitskin tells him to get off the train. This guy is going rouge next week.


i can't imagine having to take public transportation even once. i'd rather walk a hundred miles on broken glass.

>A normie who is starting to lose it

And yet he's doing more to curb the insanity of the world than you I'd wager

Nice use of fresh pasta.

your social anxiety won't be triggered that badly, it's mostly people looking at their phones.

i've been on it plenty of times. being around retarded city-dwellers doesn't make me anxious, just depressed.

This faggot...

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everything he said was logical as fuck.

what is deemed a 'racist attack' in 2020, would be considered a 'compelling lecture by a dedicated professor' 20 years ago.

He's good. We should get him on Bloodsports. Maybe have him debate Destiny.

Fucking rad

>what kind of Yas Forumslack...
A fucking leaf

Just nuke the world. These kinds of cucks are scum

It's always funny when boomers overdose on redpills
This is why we tell schizos to take their meds

he is autistic and smart enough to be redpilled. Give me a few hours with him and he will come out as a 1488 nigga.

oh so a different kind of bluepilled got it

lol your time is coming ahmed. I will look at you upon the brainspattered sidewalk and smile.

Hopefully more of these leafs wake up
Have a nice day shitskin

that dude looks like he's on the verge of going full blown joker

bitch is probably lucky he didn't start rummaging around in his bag

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Cunts like this who pick on the mentally handicapped should be smacked in the face.

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traditional revisionist narratives about ww2 pose the idea that hitler and the nazis were not controlled opposition, which is demonstrably false.

He's bluepilled.

He did well all things considered. Funny thing is that he's not even NatSoc. I guess now he'll understand why muh democracy is a jewish tool to grant legitimacy to their puppets who will bring in voters so the political whores no longer need his vote.

Come home white person of all other Identity be it lgtb, "liberal" etc. Come to the National Socialist Revolution. We can discuss the proper path amongst ourselves after.

there isn't enough evidence for that theory. However there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that the allies were backed up by globalist banking families and that immense amount of resources were put into stopping germany.

Your argument doesn't really add up.


Based and jimmiesrustledpilled

>Hitler was the real™ jew
Anglos and Americans will suffer consequences beyond their comprehension for their racial treason

> THE N!H15


The comments are beyond cringe one cuck wanted her cashapp to buy her lunch


all you need to do is ask one simple question: who funded Hitler? The wall comes crashing down.

Churchill did nothing wrong when he prevented the nazis from butchering the slavs.

Suddenly ... a wild simp appears out of the undergrowth.

Hitler funded himself by kidnapping a Rothschild and ransoming him back to his family for half a billion dollars.

lmao, hitler didn't recieve funding from any globalist financial sector. Which is why he lost the war. All of the materials for the war were taken from neighboring conquered countries and made with neighboring and native german factories/manufacturers.

There was such a discrepency in material resources between the germans and allies that the germans were forced to use horse pulled carriages and use far less vehicles (such as tanks, fighter planes, armored carriers) than the allies.

Still unconvinced.

what a weird motherfucker. one minute he sounds like a Nazi the next he sounds like your typical lefty leaf.

>Churchill did nothing wrong
Except for when he allied with the Soviet Union who was in the process of exterminating over 60 million Christians in order to go to war with Germany (who repeatedly offered them peace deals).

Wrong. Rothschilds were already giving the nazis money. It was a ruse that the nazis took Rothschild's possessions, did they harm a hair on his head? No.

>scroll down comments
>click more replies
the first one is
>It's truly outstanding just how racist brown people truly are. You migrate to a Western nation created by white men/women, narcissistically believe it belongs to you, you arrogantly question our identity, and then you pretend to be victims. Your brown privilege is insurmountable
absolutely based.

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Little by little the white man is waking up.

>It was a ruse that the nazis took Rothschild's possessions
prove it.

>did they harm a hair on his head?
why would they harm a hostage worth over half a billion dollars? they needed money for the war. they also seized all of his assets.

the author of these books was labeled "anti-semitic" for pointing out jews funded nazi germany lmao

based i wish people stood up for gender equality more and told sand people where to go

>Can twitter do it’s ting
>jus tryna

Well spoken man

cant find that based comment, where is it?

look at this one, they want him sent for reeducation. these deradicalization centers are actually beginning to open in canada, not even joking, look it up.

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dude is mentally unwell and probably takes a lot of shit from shitskins on public transit since he was a kid

the bolsheviks killed a lot of people. they didn't kill 60 million tho. this claim was made by solzhenitsyn who used some kooky professor who used projections of people who would be born.

Look in the fucking comments. Wtf did they put in the water for zoomers to talk like this?

dude that isn't any form of evidence. They call literal zogbot magatards "anti-semetic" despite them doing everything to please their jewish overlords.

Come up with better evidence.

Your takes remind me of the boomers who say "ANGELA MERKEL IS HITLERS DAUGHTER"

>defending the bolsheviks
>praising churchill
>boomer conspiracy theories about hitler
found the coping boomer lmao

the majority of zoomers are non-white

i think its disappeared


what a retard, imagine looking at some chick wearing a hijab and think "thats who the problem is"

Hitler was in the bavarian soviet republic. He was a communist. The nazis killed in the night of the long knives were the ones accusing him of being a communist.

The guy who made Hitler chancellor was a jewish banker with the Stein family. He extorted Hindenburg into making Hitler dictator of germany. The young plan was a plan to collapse the economy of weimar, to bring radical change to german society.

based lol

Solid metrics.
