I was just laid off due to COVID-19. Who else has lost their job (or hours)?

I was given instructions on how I can file for unemployment with no waiting period due to a public health emergency. Anyone else get laid off?

>inb4 "you were dead weight"
Everyone at my workplace (74 people), save for a skeleton crew of supervisors, was laid off.

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What was the reason EXACTLY you got laid off for?

No, because what I do is important and I would be relatively difficult to replace.

Sorry to hear user. Not me but my dad makes 6 figures and might get laid off because the hospitality market is freezing right now due to a travel ban. He doesn't deserve this it's so fucked.

No user but I have lost money, I'd try to survive on part-time at the moment if I were you.

Were actually shifting into mandatory overtime since were apparently a CDC designated quarantine center
I'm only a little miffed because now I'm actually going to have to do a little work instead of shitposting all shift
t. custodian

Revenue decreased 40% in the past week and it's projected to continue decreasing.

So are teachers but they are getting furloughed (with pay).

Yeah, I hope here's some government assistance.

Careful, you don't want to catch it.

I'm very sorry that you were fired. Laid-off is just nice-sounding new-speak.

you were literally dead weight

remember all those times you checked social media at work? all those times you talked about sports? all those nice lunch breaks? yeah you were dead weight

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There is a difference. In common terms you are fired with cause, as in you did something to deserve it. Laid off is when it's done for other reasons, such as economic conditions.

Fired implies it's for-cause. Laid-off is for purely economic reasons.

I'm a 100% commission salesman so I work my own hours.

I work in the restaurant industry and it’s looking like the government is mandating shutdowns across several states I’m sure it will hit us at some point. I have several months living expenses saved at least but most don’t.
If people can’t work there’s going to be mass looting that’s probably why national guard was mobilized

>I was given instructions on how I can file for unemployment with no waiting period due to a public health emergency. Anyone else get laid off?
Im a substitute teacher in th Scaramento area and no work for me for the next month.

i work a homeless shelter for teenagers. We were given 20 extra sick hours--they are offering it under the guise of realism and compassion but under the fine print are unable to be used without cashing in my other 22 sick hours first. Realistically if we don't go to work we'll have exposed kids, including immunocompromised ones, on the street. I don't know how I fel bout this, but I am healthy and fit... and it feels like the right thing to do?

My boss is asking if I can earn more than 45 hours a week over this.

what industry do you work in?

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>tfw work in call centre and all these quarantined fucks can still call up and moan

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based neet retard

Bullshit. Nobody gets laid off because revenue was down for one (1) week. You're full of shit. Did you get fired for jerking off in the staff room or did you make this whole thing up?


Found out that my store was closing and I won't have guaranteed work for the foreseeable future.

They may have been struggling prior to the epidemic.

You're lucky. My work stays open even in times of disaster because they're greedy cock suckers. I'll just be calling in sick all week.

we are currently trying to maintain contact with local cdc and the licensure that funds our programs. We have no idea the extent of our power when it comes to enforcing compliance in quarantine

Trump has been and is going to make this problem so much fucking worse. Literally all he needed to do was tell people just to stay calm, it's not a flu, calmly begin gathering supplies over the course of February, the economy will be a little depressed but we'll bounce right back etc. Intsead this stupid orange nigger has all but guaranteed our total economic collapse with nobody prepared and everybody panicking all at once. This is the first time in my life I've been genuinely scared that America might not actually exist as such in two years from now. Depending what that kikeified orange nigger does from now to summer we can end up having such a catastrophic fall the impact will break us apart into multiple pieces. Can you even imagine if this shit gets California and Texas seceded to Aztlan and Yankee states fighting the south, or whatever remnants of the federal government fighting like it's in Syria against different militias? Every day I come here I am less and less confident that we're actually going to be able to recover from all this.
>money goes brrrr

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Who else ready for zombies?

Wouldn't it be a net-benefit for society if immunocompompromised homeless teens die?

my boss said no to wearing my s10 to work and playing ooga booga with the quarantined kids

Work in the asphalt field, season hasn't even started yet. I can't afford this shit, i'm legit helping out on a house flip for money right now.

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Work at a funeral home. Businesses about to boom.


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I know people this is affecting and it'll get worse. My friend fell off a ladder, got real messed up, ot of work for awhile, surgeries etc, covered somewhat by workers comp but not enough to pay the bills. His wife took up a second full time job on top of shopping, basically doing everything because he's still fucked up. Well, her gym shut down until further notice along with her other job this week. If no income, food shortages, and panic get worse, we're in for a happening we've never seen before. Say your prayers anons.

he's a boomer and a lard, how exactly doesn't he deserve it? are you fucked in the head or something?
you were dead weight, but see it as a chance to improve yourself so you can get a better job next time, creating a bit more wealth for your overlords than in whatever replaceable shithole you were before
so what kind of job was it?

Steal some shit on your way out.

I don't think of it big picture. I think of it small picture of getting a roof over their heads. Some of them are astoundingly brilliant. few and far between, but there.

Been put through this for years already. Good luck faggots.

Ask your boss what would happen if revenue dropped 40% in one week and it was projected to stay that way for at least one month.

Top kek

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I'm a slave to Walmart but because of my savings I was thinking of taking a few months off as a leave of absence to wait this shit out.

panic MOAR faggit

You mean temporarily laid off.
Either things get better and you'll be rehired or they won't get better and steady employment will be the least of your worries.

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KYS snowflake

What's the name of this charity and others similar?

i work in logistics for charmin unironically in green bay wisconsin
i think my job is safe kek

Damn, have employee thefts risen?

All you greedy money worshipping kikes are about to find out the hard way why the Christ you rejected admonishes you to look after say the poor, homeless, widows and orphans etc. You are all about to find out the hard way that having massive vulnerable areas of society exposed during a pandemic all but guarantees that YOU are going to be exposed and that you and your family are going to get sick and die because of it. This is definitely the punishment of God against the world and it is a just punishment. You will not escape this unscathed and people you care about are going to be dead by this time next year in case you didn't notice and leaving homeless children to be infected and run around spreading contagion you're going to figure out the hard way will make our economic recovery take longer if it even happens at all.

not at all
we are allowed 1 packet of tp, 1 packet of kitchen rolls, and general health care items every week for free

Any business that can't survive a drop in revenue for several months was going to go out of business eventually.

You MIGAtard boomers are literally dumber than niggers.

>They thought their capitalist masters actually cared about their livelihoods!!!

Keep chasing that dream dudes! One day you'll be the boss LOLOL!!!

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Sorry to hear user. I feel like you're the first in a LOT more to come.

I work in aircraft manufacturing which is a hand on facility. When we close, I'll likely be out of luck too.

if you are wanting to donate shelters generally have finnicky donation policy. I imagine all of them right now are accepting non perishable meals, simply for the ease of administering them without having to go through a whole decon procedure. Part of our newly released doomsday plan has a halfassed food prep plan on what is to become a 'staging area'. In all honestly I couldn't tell you what the fuck is going on right now. We, speaking for ourselves and not other shelters aren't hurting for monetary donations or even supplies. Most of the licensure that funds us and ensures that we stay open mandates that we have X amount of supplies. We're just....severely understaffed. We're required to maintain a staff to client ratio. Can't stay open if we exceep that ratio. I'm trailing off here. But if you are wanting to help I would call your local shelter and ask how you can help. Adult shelters are easier to get a foot in the door. youth shelters have federal background checks, etc to navigate through first.

Own a small business that relies upon large gatherings. Business down 90%, so pretty screwed atm desu

>genuinely scared that the jewnited states might change from an unsustainable liberal globohomo shithole into literally anything else

Did you just blow in from reddit or what? This is a good outcome, in the long run.

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printer go brrr

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There may have been rustling in the kitchen, if you know what I mean. But I swear no one was around.

The one man hoping for the shit to hit the fan.

> be in the gun industry

Shit is booming. I'm selling guns/ammo like you wouldnt believe.

Covid-19 for gun seller of the year.

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What was your job?

same I’m getting double time and hazard pay lol

Just retired last month. Really good timing.

This is so true. America is literally Hospitality : The country. God we might be so fucked.

Seems like a larp but on the off chance it isn't, what was your job before they fucked you off?

>tfw rig manager has to lock up the bog rolls and water

I guess they had too many people working at the dildo factory, sorry for your loss.

user what if it's really a nothing urgent. Won't you feel ashamed to have lied and /or because of the tranparancy of said lie..?

>Work in sports media as a desk writer

See you guys at the bread line

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You can claim unemployment while still having a job if hours were cut.

I'll probably get laid off either this week or the next couple of weeks. Our jobs are nonprofit and are based on government funding. Because all the money is going to be focusing on this virus, our organization is going to get fucked hard. Only advantage I have is I've been in the company for 3 years so the freshies will probably get laid off first before I do.

yikes. somehow i'm really not surprised. I work for Csat solutions (computer repair for dell, lenovo and apple) they will probably do the same damned thing since they dont' hire directly. they shield themselves with a temp agency.

Yep, my supervisor said the CEO read a study by a scientist who claimed that the USA's infections will peak in early May, using stats from the rest of the world. But due to the lack of testing and lack of regional quarantines, it might peak earlier.

everytime I see this I swear that dude's forehead grows

So, in other words, they're jews.

If you can handle the next few months, then you will be good. But hunker down.

>Pictureds face when tumblerism wont save her from dying of pneumonia

Every pub in Ireland has been closed in 20 minutes ago. Midnight. I know 5 people already who’ve been furloughed. No money. That’s it.

This shit has consequences lads. These were 5 decent based people.

>Any business that can't survive a drop in revenue for several months was going to go out of business eventually.
Not true.
There are some businesses where the revenue is razor-thin, if at all, during start-up.
(Restaurants, especially non-franchise, for example.)

Yup. Dewine is quarantining restaurants and daycares meaning both GF and I are about to be unemployed for a while. Im fucking livid I didnt stockpile because I was so certain this was a nothingburger.

I work in finance for hospitality and its going to be very bad. very very bad.