Guys what the fuck do i do? I am pretty much out of TP and everywhere around me has none...

Guys what the fuck do i do? I am pretty much out of TP and everywhere around me has none. I have tried cutting down on my usage but this is what my trashcan looks like after not even two weeks since the happening. Should i have hoarded? What am i going to do now.

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Use a snowball.

Fill out your will you're a dead man. Nice knowing you user.

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Tissues, Napkins, anything

You can’t flush that shit

Get a trash can and bag it? like sucks dude but hey next its going to be shitting in a latrine if water goes.

cut up your shirt and use it

yea, you have to throw it out the window into the neighbor's yard

I love this new meme

Saw this coming and ordered a bidet on amazon. Two days later I installed it, checked my order and it had doubled in price and was out of stock

I am serious guys, i guess i could use these little amazon basics face towels to wipe my ass and then rinse them in the shower or something? My shower is pretty close to my toilet so i could probably woddle to my shower, change the shower head to that strong concentrated mode and blast all the shit off my asshole like that right?

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What you need is right on your flag

use a leaf, or your flag or something.

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Honestly you people laughed at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few days, because everyone needs it.

post results

>Country full of trees and paper industry
> Wash with water?
>Use magazines
> Revenge of India

Just do all your poops outdoors where theres plenty of leafs to wipe with. Also grass, if you do it doggy style rubbing your put against the floor. Morning dew helps clean it.

Yeah, jet spray your ass

>cut up your shirt and use it
>not serious
i am serious....

DM Me, I got some TP for the cheap. Will ship too for a reasonable price.

Whatever will we do?

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You mean like actually washing your arse?
>I dunno user, sounds kinda risky

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There's still a shitload of unused paper on those rolls. Why don't you use them until the end?

I bought this 12 pack of TP like 12ish days ago and i am down to the last roll. How do i ration this to make it last?

Man it is paper thin what is left, it's not enough to wipe. I guess i could rip all the paper left on them off to get a couple wipes if i am really desperate.

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Just get in the shower and wash your asshole

you just go the store and you buy some retard

>TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few days
They're only like, 200 grams. Sounds like a shitty investment.

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that balding guy is looking pretty cute right about now teehee im a girl btw ;)
can I get some of those toilet paper rolls teehee ;)

I guess if it really gets desperate i can rip off pages off the only books i have. But it will make me lose some progress on my learning but it is what it is.

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Just go to stores and steal it from the bathrooms I got 6 rolls from walmart and at least 3 pounds of brown paper towels from the bathroom

You are a such a faggot for this go get TOPPED

Confusiush say, man go to bed with itchy ass; wake up with stinky finger

Underrated post. Parasitic women deserve death.

use any piece of random paper or packaging
or leaves
or just wash your ass with water and soap

jeusus just get dude wipes or shower after you shit. life isnt that diffcult

>One roll per day

Go get a thick, useless book (like communist manifesto) and use pages of that to wipe your ass.

>one roll
Dude what the hell? How long you spend your time on shitter?

Get the fuck back to r*ddit, you fag. You're not welcome here.

Shit in your hand and throw it at the wall.

If you are in Ontario, I have TP and tons of other stuff hoarded. Maybe come visit me?

>this is what my trashcan looks like after not even two weeks

I count, not including the ones completely buried and out of sight, 10 toilet rolls.

So you basically use an entire toilet roll every day? lmao

Just get wet wipes and maybe you won't have to use a hundred rolls of toilet paper to wipe your ass after one shit.

Use your imagination, retard.

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Get a bidet or have a shower and wash your disgusting, dingle berry shit stained asshole after you shit you fucking dirty mutt. You SHOULD be doing that after every shit anyway you stinky horse manure smelling motherfucker you.

Yeah, i am in Ontario; Mississauga to be exact. I just like to make sure it is clean that is all, how are you suppose to get it all in just one wipe? Taking some little girl shit or something. I grabbed a couple things from the local shoppers while i could but it was out of most shit when i went.

Come on guys, i don't use that much TP.

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Just hop in the shower retard

This, Jesus. People use water all the fucking time.

You know what you must do.

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you have to conserve, user. I went from 2 rolls a day down to one.

To what, literally scoop the shit out of my asshole like some barbarian? There can sometimes be a decent amount left behind, i would have to like step on it to get it down the drain or something. Plus my hand would still stink even after washing it just due to the nature of it.

How? Measuring out the amount you take, double folding it or what?

Enema in the shower. Get an adapter for the shower hose

A fucking leaf asking what he should use to wipe his own ass. How fitting.

my first wipe I use a normal ply. the followup wipes I pull the plies apart. It's not as comfy but it works.

Grab yourself a shop wetvac and go like the spacemen do.

Are you retarded? There is still some good tp on those rolls


Just take a shower.

If Yas Forums had a smell, it would be the worst smell.