CBC: 'New Canadians' To Be Prioritized For COVID-19 Intensive Care

Age demographics dictate ethical necessity for prioritizing care of newly arrived immigrants, Health Minister says

>Ottawa has released controversial new medical care guidelines for COVID-19 infected patients, including an edict to give priority to newly arrived immigrants over 'old stock' Canadians.

>"The simple reality of the matter is that the majority of old stock Canadians are over the age of 45," stated Minister of Health, Patty Madju. "What we know so far about the virus is that younger people are far more likely to recover without suffering permanent health complications, so ethically they must be given priority over late-middle aged and elderly patients.

>"Since the majority of old stock Canadians fall into the latter category, new Canadians will automatically receive priority when allocating available beds and resources such as ventilators."

>The province of Ontario has only 210 ventilators, 40 of which are for infants and children, for a population of over 14 million. Current data suggests that only up to 60% - 80% of the population could become infected with COVID-19, and of that portion only 14% will require intensive care to survive.

>"Intelligent allocation of resources in a scenario like this is crucial to maintaining a strong economy and confronting the virus head on," said Madju, adding that "we feel that in this case, we've made the right decision for the future of Canada's economy and the well being of all Canadians."


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>government sacrifices it's native people to save foreign Invaders
I'm sorry, leaf.

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People over 40 are more likely to need treatment. We all know this is treachery for its own sake.

Jesus Christ. The fucking state of that I mean I know I can’t talk in bongistan but I hope this virus wipes out 90% of the west. We need a hard fucking reset

This gonna redpill alot of people here I would guess

>ohhhh nooo more people died so we have to open the country to the world even moooooore

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I clicked the link and I can not find any of these quotes at all.

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just another daily reminder that western governments hate their people, want to see them dead and replaced all in exchange for the promise of 10 pieces of silver offered by the ZOG satanist cabal they work for (it sure as fuck ain't their citizens)

Sounds like they take an obvious fact (old people gonna be left to die) and put a race spin on it.
Or will they prioritize immigrants over "old stock" Canadians of the same age?

I'm so fucking mad I'm boiling. The fucking gall of these shitskins!

Well yeah, that's the whole point. Shit like Trump and Brexit made them realize they need to kill of the older generations and give more voting power to brown people.

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This is fake AF read the article people. It says nothing like this. Also her last name is Hadju not Madju. Fake and gay!

>government sacrifices it's native people to save foreign Invaders


>native people

>foreign Invaders

Judaism is right about white people.

You literally made all of this up, I can't find anything you said anywhere on the internet. I hate this country as much as possible, but this is fake news.

Well with all the immigration requests to bring over their mothers and fathers you'd think hey had a lot of "old stock" over here too.

I don't even know if this is a joke.


Fake, but good one. When these outlandish stories are posted, they're always true. Finally got a fake one.

Euthanize all Muslims

Here we go boomers get ready to due so bums get it free. Well deserved.

He technically isn't wrong.

fake article doesn't exist

This is insane, someone do something about your elite.


just go visit his link you mouth breathers, its fake. I googled it aswell an no results. based trudy is based and your too ignorant to see it

>implying this isn't what they're going to do

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Yea, sounds about right.

there was no Canadian nation before whites ( and won't be one after) you dumb fag

Thanks Trudeau

>I clicked the link and I can not find any of these quotes at all.

this is a good test for liberals/npc to show them and see how they react. will they get mad is the question.

The article is fake, but the demographic implications of triage policy are absolutely true. They aren't dumb enough to openly publish it like this, though.

Rolling for Montreal in quarantine

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Canuck-fags...what a bunch of wimps.

What tribe was the canadian nation?
I know it's hard for faggots to understand but these nations were built by pioneers.
There was no canada before the settlers.

If it's believable to the public then there's something wrong with the government.

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This. Same as there was no nation here before, just a piece of land with scattered nomads.

You should have made it "settler Canadians" instead of old stock. That's the new leftist term. I'm sure they consider old stock to be racist.

Fake and gay

peak clown world

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where is the article? your link doesnt go to what your posting

Sounds like left wingers will be assassinated over this.

Someones white loved one is gonna die because government prioritized an immigrant. Civil wars will come from this.

the show hasn't even started

This. People eating each other isn’t a nation

stop posting fake shit your fucking scum bag, people like you should honestly kill yourself and the world would be a better place

i think coronavirus might unironically create the massive number of white supremacists the normies pretend already exist


Got a link to the actual article? Yours doesn't mention your claim at all.

MY MY how far the white man has fallen

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HAHAHAH no. Whites will roll over and die like they've always done.
Not even your pithy little DEUS VULT WE WUZ JEWS memeflag will save you.

The article is fake, but can you refute the contents? Triage is going to have a massive disparate impact on whites in western countries because the white population is older with more preexisting conditions.

>70 year old pajeet gets ICU bed
>30 year old white Canadian doesn't

"You see we had to give it to Patel here because as a new Canadian he's likely to have a higher chance of surviving due to average age of new Canadians"

>Muhammed and his 8 wives get the hospital beds first
These are the fuckwits who have been lecturing us on how to run healthcare on here?

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The link you provided doesn't say any of that. I also searched the for the article and found nothing. This thread is b8

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>Patty Madju
Nice touch. For once OP wasn't a faggot.

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Beyond treasonous

your an idiot, if this wasnt the internet I would punch you in your face

this is fucking fake and gay

Either the people revolt right now or they will die off. What the fuck is wrong with the Canadians? They can fight but don't. Have the demoralization really progressed that far?

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I immediately bitched about it to my dad lol and none of us are Canadian in my family. Just more fuel to the fire of me being paranoid reactionary. Thanks OP. Not the first time either lol.

Triage is going to affect the older people much more. A large portion of immigrants move as a family, so I'm not sure how much "younger" they even necessarily are.

If the triage winds up with more browns than white because of an age difference, that's incidental, because the alternative is "60yo Male in critical condition, 35% recovery chance with ventilation", "25 yo Male in serious condition, 85% recovery chance with ventilation." "Oh, but he's brown, so let's go for the gamble."

I could see Yas Forums going "Yes, and?", but most doctors don't think that way. A life is a life.

Chill it’s fake. Click the link the article says nothing of the sort. Congrats to getting angry over it. You are sane.

>The province of Ontario has only 210 ventilators, 40 of which are for infants and children, for a population of over 14 million. Current data suggests
capitalism would build more ventilators, not ration the handful currently existing.

Don't worry, this is a self-rectifying situation. Once Canadians begin to actually die en masse there will be angry taxpayers rightfully insisting that they get their money's worth over some refugees who literally just showed up off the boat to get a free handout. This kind of injustice just won't work in the real world, once politics and social media fags stop tooting their own horn as if their policies actually work when the SHTF.

>What the fuck is wrong with the Canadians?
It's fake, but "replacement migration" aka ethnic cleansing is going on all over the west, not just Canada. Your own country is experiencing it. So I'd rather say "what the fuck is wrong with all of us?" rather than single out Canadian snow niggers.

fake and gay
thanks China or Russia for keeping Yas Forums incels on the edge of their seats, don't forget to also agitate the left


None of what you posted is true. Go be a nigger somewhere else.

at this point how can the people not kill those in charge

shutup you are ruining our fun

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Replying to my own post here. After reading the whole article, I can't find where OP gets his information from. Looks like the fake news faggots have duped me again.
Daily reminder that 90% of the bullshit on Yas Forums is fake, as per usual.

The irony is that the Canadian government could be overthrown by a stiff breeze and yet its white populace accepts open tyranny without so much as a peep.

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