don't let anyone know about your coronavirus prep the FEDs will come and take your stuff.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Facilitating the donation
If I ever rob someone I'll just say I was facilitating a donation


is this the guy that was selling the stuff on ebay and amazon but got it all taken down?
and now some fucking assholes just steal it all from him without repaying him? lmao what the FUCK

Oh no, now some dirty kike can't make a quick buck off a plague that will kill 500k Americans? What will we ever do?

that's no prep. How tf can you prep with 17k hand washer only?

remember to hoard 18000 bottles of sanitizer to sell for 4x the price then complain online when you get your shit pushed in too

Yes but he said he was going to donate the stock. Spoke too fast I guess

he got outed for being an asshole and the world came down on top of him. if you're an asshole your rights won't matter because no one will help you, because, you're an asshole.


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The guy was a real piece of shit.

Property rights aren't important to you?

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That wasn't a prepper. That was a profiteering Jew. I don't agree with the state taking his shit away but fuck him anyway.

Right? Where's all his toilet paper?

Imagine thinking we care about this greedy Jew getting kiked

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>Haha I'm a petty and bitter slave with no balls so I like it when countries who are more free slide toward government overreach and totalitarianism.

Fuck off chink.

Seems our constitutional rights are being striped away during this time.

Buying/owning 18k bottles of hand sanitizer is legal. Buying 18k bottles of hand sanitizer and then scalping them during a global pandemic is illegal. I don't understand why people can't differentiate between the two.

They have him ass raped by a BBC carrier of Ebola over and over. Leave sanitizer and toilet paper in his cell.

>17k hand washer only
Sell them for $25 each online and earn $425,000, which is enough to buy a home in the mountains far, far away from the infection of civilization.

Ahhhhhh 1933
Mommy make it stop

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>Buying 18k bottles of hand sanitizer and then scalping them during a global pandemic is illegal

You have a law for that? Serious question

He's a slobbering retard for giving an interview to the New York Times, the fucking toilet paper of record. He deserves this.

his only crime was not being Hebrew

>is this the guy that was selling the stuff on ebay and amazon but got it all taken down?

Yea and then the retard talked to a journalist from the Jew York Times. He let them take a big photo and everything. What did he think was going to happen? Normies don't understand concepts like supply and demand.

but he get rekt because of market regulation over this product.
He should have taken the TP meme instead.

I legitimately did not know that. Can you tell me which law backs what you said? I think it's genuinely interesting that they have anti-kikeage laws.

Seeing a Jew government jewing a jew price gouger. Hitlarious!

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>scalping them during a global pandemic is illegal.
It absolutely is NOT illegal. Laws related to "scalping" supplies concern themselves with food and water. Not specialty butt wipes.

Yep, in Fr it's regulated for pandemic alert. Don't know about muttland tho

state authority took his shit not feds

He probably made a plea deal to donate the supplies so he doesn't have to do jail time or pay fees.

>its an airborne virus
gotta give the simps a worry stone to pet, i guess

What's your point?

this is the most Jewish and simultaneously reddit post I've ever read

But rights are supposed to protect assholes from other assholes he din do nuffin

Lot of commies showing their true colors in here

Checked. Fuck that guy. Preppers who prepped over time for themselves are fine. Greedy selfish hoarders buying everything up to extort people for should be hung in the town square

Prep fags BTFO

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The gov can be huge faggots for taking his shit, and simultaneously he can be an even bigger faggot for jewishly hoarding it in the first place. Hth

God why is everyone so obsessed with sanitizer when soap works just aswell, went to supermarket two days ago and there was plenty of soap on the shelves, it wont matter anyway when everyone gets infected eventually

No. But laws don't seem to matter this week because toilet paper crisis or something

We will just be sending this to Israel, thank you goyim, so convenient to have a free market like this to take your possessions away from you in.

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>Greedy jew?

Yep, absolutely

>Government should take his legally owned goods?

Abso-fucking-lutely not and he should be shooting people over it. That sanitizer is his, it belongs to him. Stop him from selling it at ridiculous prices if you want to sure but you can't fucking take away his belongings because he's a cunt. What the fuck.

he dindu nuffin

Cuz they're sheeple. I have a hand sanitizer here, haven't even used it. Just been washing my hands 24/7

>Mr. Colvin does not believe he was price gouging. While he charged $20 on Amazon for two bottles of Purell that retail for $1 each, he said people forget that his price includes his labor, Amazon’s fees and about $10 in shipping. (Alcohol-based sanitizer is pricey to ship because officials consider it a hazardous material.)

>He added, “Just because it cost me $2 in the store doesn’t mean it’s not going to cost me $16 to get it to your door.”

>Mr. Colvin said he was simply fixing “inefficiencies in the marketplace.” Some areas of the country need these products more than others, and he’s helping send the supply toward the demand.

Hope someone shoots this jew faggot.

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Selfish nigger-tier behaviour. In a time of global crisis his first thought is for himself and not the well-being of his community. Absolutely despicable, and he deserves everything he gets.

The guy's a retard. He could've sold it easily to some chinks online, just keep it on the downlow and start moving stock. Instead he goes full sperg, talks to the media and online. The Government are always thieving cunts, no need to make their job easier.

The government just stole from a private citizen, that is disgusting. Just one more reason not to trust the government.

HS is regulated to avoid scalping because it's an effective protection.
TP isn't. So he bet on the wrong product here and got raided.

I think people are taking issue with the law itself you fucking retard.
The free market could've fucked him just as hard as he's trying to fuck the unprepared -- by not buying his shit and letting him PANIC SELL it later at a loss.

But let's imagine a scenario where a price-gouging law would be legitimate:

Imagine a billionaire who hates all you absolute faggots (rightfully).
Let's say he sent out teams to clear out all grocery stores of all their food.
Then he put it in a warehouse and just sat on it, or offered it for sale at 10,000% markup.

At that point, government would be sensible in stepping in.
So where is the line?

We don't have them. What this guy did is literally how every jew in this country got rich. But he's not part of the tribe so...

I unironically fail to understand why price gouging is illegal other the federal government sucks donkey dick.

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no, it was being an honorary jew

Price gougers should be hung.

The free market will fix it

It doesn’t even do anything

>plague that will kill 500k Americans?

a fucking flu lmao

imagine saying you hate the greed and selfishness of jews and then sticking up for a goy that acts like one
the age of selfishness is over



agreed 100%

price gougers prevent shortages you absolute retard

Yes, we do.

Checked. Based and redpilled.

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>facilitating with the donation

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When have you ever heard of the AGs office raiding any Jew corporations for hoarding?

>it wont matter anyway when everyone gets infected eventually

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not a shortage in his personal storage at any rate lmao



All that shit is now is some democrat politicians house.

just now, during a serious pandemic amidst a global economic disaster, after this retard hoarded medical supplies to sell for 20x the price he bought them for

don't play dumb. you even know it's a hoarding law.

We do and we don't. 30some states have laws against gouging, but some don't.

Must be done incrementally so the goyim don’t notice. All at once may upset a lot of people. Honestly he’s lucky the feds took it and someone didn’t kill him for it instead.

Prep is not hoarding

I'm glad they took his shit. It's not legal to sell critical goods at insane rates during a national emergency.

If he had 20 or even 50 bottles, you could say it's a scummy thing to do, but not over the line. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH 18,000 BOTTLES OF HAND SANITIZER.

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>jail time
for what exactly?
>o'er the land of the gibs! and the home of the kike!

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Why isn't pic related in prison then? Oh right, he's a tribesman.

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had this faggot charged 1-2 dollars over the store price then none of it would be an issue, but he had to 4x it because he is a greedy faggot. I hope they throw a book at him

if you don't understand how that is freedom you're just a communist traitor

Once the Dems take control of the White House and senate, you can be sure as fuck they will use the same tactic with GUNS.

They'll say, oh you have over 3 guns and over 100 rounds of ammo, you're hoarding it, and they'll kick in your front door and seize it all.

This is the asshole that cleared out sanitizer across multiple states and tried to gouge. Preparing in advance for a supply of personal needs is something even the government recommended. But clearing out supply over a large area is equivalent to trying to corner a market. He should be shot.
Like pic related on eBay. This guy sells Lysol cans for $27.00. I jumped on his ass and now the claim is a Greta-like claim he is also donating the massive profit to charity. Charities are also not allowed to gouge in a crisis, even by proxy.

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Did he actually break a law?

Yes but you don't give two shits about the Jews, Chinese, Oil companies, Pharma companies, media companies try to do the same thing. Fuck off communist.

because he didn't break the law, retard.

Neither one of you are Americans
don't use big words they can't understand, anons.

That wasn't prep tho. They guy was specifically scalping supplies so he could price gouge.

I still take your advice tho.

Where is the law against it?

No. He deserves to be scorned, mocked and ostracized. He does not deserve to have his legal personal private property STOLEN BY GLORIFIED PURSE SNATCHERS.


lmaoing at all the mutt cope when the government takes away their property

damn, you guys are even worse now than when Comey was in charge. Sad!

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No they don't. You know what happened in my small city? The chinks came and fucking bought every N95 they could in the city and then waited a few days for them to restock, and they bought them all again. They did this 2 months ago with the excuse (oh they are for a hospital in China)

Bullshit. they were scalping them online for $20 a mask and you know it. price gougers literally get shot in emergencies. you know that right?

Remember that it’s called retail and you’re knowledge of economics is abysmal.

I just talked to my lawyer friend and as he put it "gouging a necessary during a national emergency is extremely illegal."

>inb4 sanitizers aren't necessary
They are in this case so it gets lumped in.

This is an excellent point

>how dare you accuse me of what I'm doing, allow me to prove you wrong by disposing of the evidence that can be used against me, that'll show you

retards man

who do you think I am you shit burgling turd huffer

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

This is how I know you're either a Bernie voter or not an American.

>valuing ethics over tribe
Holy Christ, kill yourself.

You’re defending a kike? Fuck off

Too bad for this guy that using your hand sanitizer on the enforcing officers isn't an effective deterrent.

Thought Experiment;

17k hand sanitizers is a very large amount which could help a whole lot of people. Assume that he wasn't price gouging, in fact, assume that he wasn't even selling them at all.
Should they still be seized?

If yes, explain why your food supplies shouldn't be seized.

Was he not though? Matt's brother was named Noah. Sounded pretty jewish when I read about it.

>price gouging, 32 states illegal

Hoarder used his own money and now that the price is high he can profit.

You ban him and shortages will happen in a month.

Supply and demand is a law. Not a suggestion.

Fuck ethics. Unforeseen consequences

>At that point, government would be sensible in stepping in.

Wrong. The solution is to hunt his family.

Because it is fucking immoral and judaic. There is absolutely no value this guy is producing. If he was making his own hs he’d be within his right to charge whatever he wants. Instead he is taking product outside of normal distribution and using it to target the unreasonable costumer, screwing over everyone else in the process, all this in a time of crisis.

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented actions, work against the commonwealth and the commonwealth will work against you. Not a time for scalping, settle the legal matters with whoever is left after.

Look at all the Jews in here on a predominately natsoc board, kvetching about lolbertarian rights to price gouge because muh markets

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No but our government has 3 branches. National Emergency means executive branch is basically in charge right now.

When a business breaks a law they fine you or take you to court. They don't come and take everything you had for sale and tell you "thanks for the donation". They overstepped.

For anyone too lazy to read what happened.

He and his brother went to almost every store in 2 states and bought out all the hand sanitizer to create a shortage. Then sold them online from 10 to 70 dollars each. All of which is against the law in his home state during a state of emergency such as a pandemic.

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>against unreasonable searches and seizures
Its unreasonable to enforce the law against illegal price gouging?

Lurk moar, moishe

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Why not just force the stores the ration?


Would you enjoy that?
You enjoy watching your friends and family fall down to your level, rather than trying to build yourself up to their level?

He probably donated it when he realised the storage costs.

for what, spending money?

>He probably made a plea deal to donate the supplies so he doesn't have to do jail time or pay fees.
He didn't make any deal. He said last night he would donate it to the media, in the morning, the government shows up and the reporter jokingly says, "they are helping to facilitate his donation."

For those of you who only read twitter and Yas Forums, here's a local news recap:

>dude and his bro buy up a a ton of supplies
>try to list them for huge multiples
>all sites they tried to list on shut them down
>state AG's office issues a Cease and Desist order pending a price gouging investigation
>buyer, whose purchases were NEVER SEIZED and only attracted ire for trying to SELL his stock decides to donate it to a church group (to take the heat off and get a tax break for donating)
>local media and others camped out waiting for him at storage facility where he was supposed to come hand over the keys
>doesn't answer his phone because he knows it's a trap to media blast him
>tells storage facility to let them in
>AG staff and church folks etc. show up and take the donation after storage wagie opens it up

His stuff was never seized. He was not penalized for buying it. Nobody would have done a thing if he just kept it. He admitted he bought it with the intent of flipping it at gay gouge levels, a crime in our fine state.

That is all. The government is not just arbitrarily going around seizing prepper stashes.

>It absolutely is NOT illegal
It may or may not be depending where you live. Some states, including mine, have laws against price gouging in times of crisis. This fucking cypto-kike got everything that was coming to him for being such a scumbag.

>the 5th amendment is just no longer a thing
Was there just compensation for this taking of private property?

Libertarians take note that the principled get their shit pushed in regardless of what they’re principled for. Fuck all systems and employs of honor.

He broke the law.

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that nose tho

America is trying real communism.

cool, that was my suggestion here yesterday, that he donate it all and take the tax deduction. not that i think he read it.

I see the STATE KIKE DEFENSE FORCE is back in action

The government literally did him a favor.
People like him would get the rope in times like these.

Take this as the real warning, Yas Forums. Don't let ANYONE know you have prep.

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>supply and demand is price gouging

digits of satan

>still trying to lie and say price gouging isn't a crime
Kike, please fuck off.

Unreasonable seizures. This was not unreasonable, dummy. It was perfectly reasonable.
It was also still illegal, immoral theft. This is not a contradiction.

you literally justified the government taking away your shit a few posts up
shut the fuck up and kill yourself boot licker.

noooooo stop having a triple-digit iq and the attention span of at least a goldfish!

Is that the dickhole that bought all the hand sanitizer in Tennessee?

He said he was "going to donate them" publicly after he was outted. They're helping him donate :)

If he didn't plan to donate it, I'm sure they'd reimburse him the MSRV before charging him with criminal price gouging

>sell $2 hand sanatizer for $20 get btfo by the government
>sell $trillions of toxic assets labeled as AAA rated, crash global economy, millions of people have their homes foreclosed on, get bailed out by the government and blame it all on subprime niggers
God Bless America boys!

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the people that say this are always ancap laissez-faire retards that think the market is working efficiently when people are abusing it to make a profit. there's nothing efficient in ANY sense of the word with some retard literally going across statelines to artificially create scarcity during an emergency so he can upsell products. In a perfect ancap world he would be shot and his goods stolen. In a perfect world he would be shot and his goods donated to medical practitioners. We'll just have to settle for the imperfect world where he has his shit stolen in exchange for his freedom.

Break the social contract, you lose, end of story. Don't price gouge, or you deserve to get shot and your shit confiscated. It's why there's a law for this.

defending an ancap kike retard? Fuck off

Gouging is an aspect of production, not reselling unless producers and resellers don't compete in the same market. Especially when the producer(s) and resellers compete in the same market.
Usury is an aspect of monopoly. Opportunism isn't usury, it's gullibility or instant gratification cost-add.

Bernie's never going to get elected, stop dreaming.

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Yes. President declared a state of national emergency and there are pretty strict about price gouging. No DA would take any pity on him, and no jury would find him innocent with 18,000 bottles of hand sanitizer. He could end up in serious trouble for that.