Why do Germans keep backstabbing other European countries?

Why do Germans keep backstabbing other European countries?


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european """""""union"""""""

Our hospitals have severe supply shortages for medicine and other medical supplies, so why should we give it to other countries when we need it ourselves? How is this backstabbing? Make your own shit, nigger.

Fucking krauts did the same with Italy. They blocked 830.000 masks meant to be exported to Italy.

fuck you nazi

germans are guilt-fetishists. They lovev to 'member the 6 zillion juice, but if it comes to a grave situation, they save their own asses.

Hope your entire family will be exterminated by the coronavirus. You sociopaths of Europe make me sick.

he's right you know

rip eu

That's the excuse you faggots used too when you STOLE a shipment from china meant for Italy. It wasn't yours to begin with you absolutely fucking niggers.

Germany has always proven to be backstabbers

no he isn't, germans have always acted as a cancerous tumor to europe.
watching greeks beat up german ngo workers makes me coom.

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>Running Germany
They are run by jews, just like America, Italy and Switzerland. Nice D&C, faggot.

because the Krauts hate europeans

Once a Nazi, always a Nazi.

Euros should team up or something.

Okay Jews.

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mountain krauts cope!

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they're taking all shipments that go through germany too
so if you're a landlocked country that just happened to use a german port, you're fucked

love when the shit tier thief countries bitch at germany for not giving them enough. learning from the greeks

You are not seizing "your stuff", you are seizing shipments from China meant to go to other countries. You are literally stealing like fucking niggers.

Dispotech ordered 830.000 masks on the 4th of March from a German exporter and China sent the order to the Germany to be shipped to Italy. You passed a new decree banning all exports of medic instrumentation. How. Fucking. Convenient.

You are the cancer of Europe and you deserve to die along with the Deutsch Bank and your little communist Mutti.

I hope coronavirus will kill in the millions in your country. You know no shame and deserve to die like the subhuman you are.

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Read the whole news fag

I know. How can they hate Germany? Merkel is so fucking BASED.
I'm proud of Germany for their tolerance. I hope they let in 1 million more migrants.
g-d bless.

that's the true
today's germans hate europe and themselves

Hitler hated Slavs even though they're genetically more related to the oldest dna found in indoeuropean skeletons



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95 sounds about right
but not percent

whew lad, why so mad?

switzerland isn't in the EU you dumb mutt

European countries like Bosnia, Italy, Greece, etc are suffering because Germany is using them to house migrants.
I'm Bosnian, was in Sarajevo a couple of months ago and got into a fight with a bunch of shitskins who are only there thanks to Germany promising them a new home.

95% is correct, because of doubling interval

because they don't want to risk bringing more of the virus to germany? you stupid fatass mutt?

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kys kraut fucker

I trade one bar of gold for one mask, how does that sound Bergjude?

> g-d
Kys fucking kike

fuck off potato nigger.

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But mama merkle is always talking about the european family. Families sacrifice for one another, they stick together even when times are tough.

Because our national interests > any other
So fuck off cunt

Unironically fucking die.

Typical kraut hypocrite, we should have nuked the fuck outta you back in the WWII.

I hope Slavs will steamroll and rape your ass again, v2.0 in XXI century.

>I know. How can they hate Germany? Merkel is so fucking BASED. I'm proud of Germany for their tolerance. I hope they let in1 million more migrants. g-d bless.

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I can't help but feel sorry for Germany. Literally carrying the white man's burden of Europe.

>being this selfish
so youre still a fucking racist then? a fucking selfish nazi nigger that only cares for himself? nothing has changed even after nuremberg and the mass rape of your german whores?
fuck you german nigger, after this virus shit is over i hope usa gives half your country to poland

European nations are independent. cope mutt your states are all controlled under zog.

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They stop our supplies because they don't have their own, it's starting to be very bad in our country i suppose that im the lucky one because i have 3 respirators but today i go to few shops and everybody was coughing i don't know if it's covid or not but still this is fucked up.

Some peoples don't even buy masks and they don't care or they simply don't believe something is happening. I mean it's bad i hope Germans will stop being pathetic and let us take our supplies or we also can leave EU still will be better option then stay and listen bragging about migrants and other BS.

lmao you don't have the power to do that. England controls you and you're its bitch

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>so youre still a fucking racist then? a fucking selfish nazi nigger that only cares for himself?

stfu conservatard. fuck your shitty jewish america.

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>white man's burden of Europe.
these motherfuckers havent changed a single bit you dumbfuck. theyre selfish and crafty fucks that show their true faces during times of absolute crisis.
think about why they had no qualms at killing whites and taking over their lands in ww2. theyre greedy evil motherfuckers that should never ever be trusted. the EU is probably some stupid ass attempt by the germans to turn the entire europe into germany or something.

IIRC Hamburg port authorities have seized containers from China with masks and gloves destined for Switzerland. We used them for ourselves.


then die for israel then if you hate those whitoid germans so much. prove that "da only white race is da american race!"

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holy shit the 1 roll per day memes are real??

I would be extremely surprised if you aren't a Pole or a Jew.

They stole 830000 mask from us.We ordered them from china and were on their way to Italy. First they blocked them, after we cleared the misunderstanding(it wasn't an export) and unblocked them they said that they can't find them anymore, the masks """disapperared"""


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i think he is. poles and germs always had heat on each other even before ww2.

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Nope it was the european stock not the german one.


Dude, masks bought by another country were just seized, because .... 'we krautz, european solidarity fucking meme'

krautz did exactly same thing back in 2009, bailed themselves out at the cost of everyone else in Europe. No wonder Brits are getting the fuck outta here.

So due to your logic everybody should die because Germany is good at stealing stuff ? You degenerates don't even know how to do anything so you bring peoples from different countries to make stuff for you. I mean holy shit... you already taken migrants i guess you will need more to wake up from your fucking pathetic ignorance or you know what i would not be even surprised if you let them destroy you.

So much for EU solidarity.
This kids is when you know globalisation and diversity are such a big fat lies.

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You are next, faggots.

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lmao a mutt behind an EU flag. hilarious.

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fuck off communist

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Of course. Poland has the unfortunate position of being between the 2 land powers of Europe. They need to change course if they want to survive the collapse of American hegemony.

poor form on germanys part
really poor form
if true i hope germany suffer from bad karma.

We love backstabbing each other in Europe, we've been doing it for literally centuries before your country even existed.

We're still around, just let us get on with it. Don't try to pretend its just Germany that does this, we all love a bit of backstabbing over here.

You wouldn't understand.

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>calling anyone else backstabbers
Lol the irony suck it pasta nigger

When have they not?

>krautz did exactly same thing back in 2009, bailed themselves out at the cost of everyone else in Europe.
Wouldn't you save your own life first before that of your neighbour? Also they bailed out the anchor of the Euro, Greece.

Fucking based Mario

He's right
Also the European Union is retarded

So much for it being a European "Union"
So much for there being a common market and free movement of goods

>Why do Germans keep backstabbing other European countries?
That's just how Muslim countries are.

Exactly. If we have to be hypocrites and accuse anyone of intriguing and backstabbing it must be Britain.

Shut the fuck up muttnigger.

Though this is wrong.

Well let's be real guys.

-America don't care they have their own problems unless it's oil we are talking about.

-China couldn't care less they just trying to cover up their fuck up and send at least some doctors and supplies.

-Russia is just waiting for good reason and when it comes Germany would get some fine anal from Russia. Can't wait to see that shit happening kekekek...

Looks like another war against the Germans in in good order. Who's with me?

I think anal is haram in Germany now.

winner takes it all

Shipping from China takes about a month you dumb spaghetti nigger. If you really ordered from China you would've done by plane directly to Italy. Use your brain for once.

it was not before.that of a neighbour, it was at his expense and to his detriment.
krautz as usual are blaming everyone else for their mistakes, also expecting someone else to pay the price, bulgaria should know all about it.

US has more soldiers in krautland than krautz have army.

absolutely based redpilled and truthpilled
may the eternal german dissapear from our planet once and for all

Who could have imagine that even in a globalist economy, countries will look after their own interests, even if it fucks over a trade partner?

Reminder that Corona-chan has killed Globalism.

Yeah they're dead
But they're still admired worldwide and their legacy will carry on for generations even after you're dead. Nobody will remember you, but they will remember them. Also nobody remembers Hitler, Strasser, the Kaiser, Mussolini or anyone of those fucks except when it comes to making fun of them, or to remember how fucking bad they were.

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But user Switzerland isn’t part of the EU. What are you saying?

It was always problem with Germany because they see them self so high. They will have son fun time sooner or later i mean Angela will destroy them even more.

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He's right, Ahmet. Germany is being a nigger to everyone right now.

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Even though I am Chink I feel so embarrassed to see stupid NK propoganda

It's German tradition.

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Correct. They're literally stealing our medical supply en route from China.

While our hospitals are running out.

chinese propaganda is just as bad though