What is there to gain?
Why do millennials want boomers ro die off?
she looks like a whore
Has the most perfect nipples tho
The gain is that you're fucking evil and you've tormented us our whole lives, and we're sick of your shit.
Tick tock, boomer.
They took everything from us. Kept it for themselves. Talked you down as you grew up because we were better but in their eyes deserved less. They deserve to die.
Imma fuk her pussy when she's on the respirator
housing prices crash in many markets
Boomer McMansions with retard tier upgrades are a plague
I mean i don't but there would be huge financial benefits for younger generations from employment opportunities, inheritance and various inflated markets deflating, such as real estate.
they honestly think killing all the geese that laid the golden eggs will result in all their golden eggs spilling out so they will get to have them all at once
nothing has ever worked that way, nothing will ever work that way, but fanatical fundamentalist atheists don't give a shit how anything works
in my country old people that can barely walk live in 2 floor houses going out only to stock on more food and waste healthcare while young people can barely afford one room apartment RENT
It’s not just millennials. Zoomers want your old asses dead too faggot.
/thread and dont ever forget it
Because boomers vote republican and the their program executor tells them to get "herd immunity".
>Why do millennials want boomers ro die off?
Millennials have been conditioned to hate everyone. Millennials hate the Boomers, and Millennials hate the Zoomers. Millennials hate the wealthy, and Millennials hate the poor. Millennials hate Bosses, and Millennials hate common employees. Millennials hate structured environments, and Millennials hate chaotic environments. Millennials are the dumbest and most hate-filled generation the world has ever known.
>what is there to gain
The war we need.
It's called inheritance retard.
Right now they are hoarding all the wealth. When they die, it gets pass on down to their kids.
We ain't dyin' off until you little turds learn to respect your elders.
Or until we get corona-fied, whichever comes first.
>fanatical fundamentalist atheists
You are an actual retard if you think "fundamentalist atheists" are a thing. We despise boomers because they are all too happy to sacrifice the young and the poor and because white boomers sold out their race for cheap foreign labor.
Obvious bait but I'll bite
They made their parent's lives a living hell.
They destroyed a prosperous society that was given to them for ethnic food.
They neglected their children and created several generations of shut-ins and psychopaths.
They sucked up all the resources they could and sold everything of actual worth for imported german cars.
Bailed themselves out constantly with the financial future of their children as collateral.
But most of all, they refuse to fucking die.
So does my fucking mother,
If you don't get killed by disease then you will likely spend your last years being tormented by the niggers that you love so much.
Game ogre boomer.
10% of you will survive the plague and riots.
Hey, don't talk like that about your mother!
It's ironic that they're the children of the most hated generation.
Every fucking generation that has ever had the displeasure of being around boomers hates them. The greatest, the silent, X, millennials, etc.
millennials will be blamed for the corona virus,
they get blamed for everything
fu they even blame us for the climate change, ww2 and vietnam!
millennial is just another word for judas
does she have the Corona Chan?
I don’t really have a dog in this fight, but if boomers did massively die off, rebuilding of the economy could begin instead of perpetually raising the debt and devaluing the dollar. The problem is that millennials don’t have a better solution, and want to only want to become what the boomers are today.
If you are fond of movies to help you understand IRL phenomena, I suggest watching Wild in the Streets.
Seriously user, you haven't noticed that EVERYONE IS COMPETING WITH EVERYONE for EVERYTHING?!!
Jobs, housing, welfare, status, food, sex, politic power....EVERYTHING !
I've said plenty worse when we're fucking trust me.
>What is there to gain?
A fuckhuge amount of job openings where companies actually have to compete for employees
A buyers housing market after tearing down the gaudy McMansions
A cultural and political paradigm shift that has the potential to undo the last 60 years.
all of their money and jobs
This, to be honest.
Boomers also voted for and profited from the political system we're having, which is about to destroy the future of their children for cheap shit.
It's very unfortunate, that the silent generation is hit hardest, and not the boomers. But, dear boomers, please be aware, that you fucked up the future of your children. It's not about the inheritance or something like this, even though some shitheads here seem to be even more greedy and entitled than your generation is. It's about the choices you've made and about how you fucked up the world so you can have the best out of it, fuck everyone else.
No one will those mansions.
The McMansions will fall into disrepair on their own. Cheap Mexican labor is not without its “features”
we get to own land again, we don't have to pay for their healthcare and they can no longer vote
Their parents' bank accounts, dummy. It's not that difficult to figure.
Because we're tired of their archaic mindset. I'm gen x and I've been dealing with their bootlicking ways all of my life.
>Inb4 get a job
I've worked my ass off my entire life. Very little was ever handed to me. I grew up as a commercial fisherman, so to say I had to work hard is an understatement.
All their stuff basically. Imagine if say, 15% of boomers died. All those houses free, job openings etc - it'd be great. We could actually afford to own a house & get real jobs that pay well. The only real problem is the remaining boomers would immediately vote to import billions of niggers, but maybe they'll be too sick to do that.
And I just generally hate them. Smug faggots that had every opportunity they denied to us, and then gloat about it. It's the gloating that gets me. I actively want to get Corona & then go soread it to any large groups of boomers I can find.
>Right now they are hoarding all the wealth. When they die, it gets pass on down to their kids.
how do you know leftist goverments, comprised of fresh immigrants who now outnumber whites after the boomers have died, will not make receiving inheritance illegal, and redistribute the wealth of the boomers to new immigrants?
they will simply claim that the boomers had so much wealth due to their white privilege, and for social justice to be created the wealth must be redistributed.
>Every fucking generation
I bet you think "everyone" smokes pot, too. I bet you think it's racist when someone says "All" blacks are degenerates. Most people respect their elders, and most people understand that there is certain wisdom among people who have lived longer than yourself. Are their idiots among the Boomers? Sure, but there are idiots in every generation. There are a countless number of Millennials who want communism because they are too busy whining and moaning about having to pay down their college debt. Wealth is produced, it isn't given. Many, many Millennials think they are entitled to wealth because they are too juvenile and lazy to produce it for themselves.
This but unironically
I assume this is VA?
but yeah fuck boomers, there's a million reasons to hate them, i don't need to list them or justify my position to anyone
>What is there to gain?
1. Much lower taxes, because no more paying for their pensions and medicare, which they DID NOT pay for and get solely from the taxpayers pockets
2. Housing, it gets freed and drops in price
3. Political power, boomers have a monopoly on politics
4. Business, boomers practically have a monopoly on business, millenials will inherit business
There is EVERYTHING to gain and absolutely nothing to lose. All boomers must die ASAP.
Every prince wants to inherit a crown.
It's in Boston actually.
Because of communism
Because they are selfish narsasitic assholes. We are in the ‘everyone does right in their own eyes’ age. It doesn’t last long.
color me surprised
Because Millennials/kids are stupid and everyone knows this. So China, along with George Soros, and other international players whom may have ideological differences but align in hating the US got together and started a demoralization program in American schools. They new they could never invade and if America was going to be destroyed it would have to be from the inside. So, they set to work subverting the youth of America and made the kids believe socialism/communism is good, freedom is bad and capitalism is the devil.
nice perky tits, too bad she ruined the rest of her body.
>Why do millennials want boomers ro die off?
They don't naturally. It's state sponsored inter-generational warfare memes.
A natural meme would be generational cooperation, as a father raises a son, the grandfather helps. Every age has a role, such is the natural order. In an unnatural world, it is twisted and disoriented.
Homo homini lupus est.
>oh no, not the boomerinos!
Feels bad man.
Less white guilt cucks, meme flag nigger lover
Fuck you
The later end of the millennials and the zoomers as a whole think that their parents debt doesn't transfer to them when they die. They know nothing about contractual obligations. They're incredibly ignorant.
>nice perky tits, too bad she ruined the rest of her body.
Okay who is it?
smoothbrain failures need someone else to blame and scapegoat
Yas Forums hates neoconservatives and immigration, both of which were pushed by boomers and gen X.
Liberals hate how all of the old people are NIMBYs and see them as part of the affordable housing problem because they keep blocking looser zoning laws. See california:
Hustlers want to move up the corporate ladder and can't wait for the day of the pillow because they just won't fucking retire for some reason.
Furthermore, in america the family (including extended) is under siege from subversive media and the idea that once you hit 18 you get kicked out and have to fend for yourself, which was way easier a few decades ago. This breeds resentment and reduces the amount of perspective a millennial has about the old.
As long as you don't claim the inheritance, you can't inherit debt, retard. And if the debt is higher than the inheritance, then just don't claim the inheritance, Absolute fucking mongoloid.
Their money.
cheaper real estate
I hope your dad or mom dies, faggot.
It's too easy to just blame boomers, the subversion injected into America at that point was always going to destroy us, which is why it's so important to keep Jews out to begin with. You could just as easily blame the "Greatest" generation for falling asleep at the wheel and allowing the Jewish Bolshy bloodletting of Germany. You could go back even further & blame past generations for allowing Jewish slavers to operate on their shores, or allowing Lincoln to have his civil war. The truth is that we were doomed the second we ratified the Constitution without implementing protections against Jews and foreign interference.
>accepting the debt
qt, gib sausa
Swiss Slut
I have never been treated badly by a boomer
My own peers have treated me like shit for my whole life though. Boomers are based. Millennials and zoomers are narcissist cunts
>financial benefits
>real estate
Oh yes, you can give that to poor refugees.Your feminist bitches in gov are prepared to do that.
This is an example of the other thing I hate about them - the absolute lack of accountability. "No, China made you hate boomers, because they hate Capitalism! Not our own shitty, hyper-materialistic attitudes that tell you to stop complaining about being permanently underemployed when we imported. Mexicans to replace you!". Fuck you, get the coof and drown in your fluids you Boomer fucks
>what is there to gain
The biggest generational transfer of wealth the world has ever seen
These losers on here think that somehow they get a do-over on all their bad life choices and somehow they'll wind up on top if someone hit a societal reset button.
To put into perspective, what was minimum wage and average salary?
>t. Fundamentalist atheist
Actually pretty based
>Boomers no longer around to keep fucking up the country (ie average age of the senate is 62)
>Cheaper housing
>With boomers out of the way we have a chance of solving problems
>No more endless nagging about how great of a generation they are
Just to name a few benefits...
For someone pretending to be sick, she has a lot of makeup.
I thought she was peeing when I saw the thumbnail. Was kind of disappointed when she was just squatting.
>based millennials
Access to Social Security.
Because they're dumb, short-sighted and have been fed the lie that boomers were hording everything they think they're entitled to.
I look forward to the day where boomers actually die and it's revealed that they were the only ones paying tax dollars for whatever social benefits these entitled pricks receive.
Eh, where the fuck do you live...
>They don't naturally
we do, shithead.
>In an unnatural world, it is twisted and disoriented.
we live in the unnatural world, and boomers created this world for us and hate us with passion, and actively replace us with immigrants through voting and holding all political and economic power. If boomers were actually okay, they WOULD NOT have created the shit we are living it, NO MATTER how much "muh jews subverted them". You are a fucking shill and in the actual civil war traitors like you will be put against the wall, you fucking boomer apologist.
Any young white male understands that women, boomers and immigrants are his enemies, ALL of them, and that none of thm can be trusted or be given any power. Only young white males should rule, and the rest must follow, be forced to follow or be destroyed. This is absolute, this is how it should be, and anyone who disagrees is a traitor that should be destroyed.
she ourgal user
Nuclear warfare
Okay thnx, she still is nothing to me. I thought maybe she was some porn star that some of the more pathetic seem to fawn over.
>potential to undo the last 60 years.
Boomers are the last conservative generation. Millenials are sucking each others girl dicks
>male allies
so she means faggots. also, literally fucking whom?
what to gain? Work-chairs that these boomers are hogging up. Hospital chairs that these old fucks are hogging up. All of the fucking resources at these old fucks are hogging up! Anyone on the day of their 66th birthday should be taken outside and shot like an old dog!
As a gen x I will disown all millennials and generation z in my family. They are lazy and scammers, all of them. My sister passed away and had 4 kids, none of them will ever see a penny from me, period.
Humans are supposed to compete as groups though, our communication skills and ability to work together is our greatest strength.
>Millennials have been conditioned to hate everyone
This is true. Who used experimental social engineering to make millennials that way I wonder?
You spelled my name wrong on my coffee again.
Post your DOB.
the first three or so points here are defeatist bullshit
and this is mindnumbingly stupid:
>export all manufacturing and agriculture overseas
ya, okay
>(ie average age of the senate is 62
Yeah people in AOCs age group are much better
>>With boomers out of the way we have a chance of solving problems
Extremelt generic non statement
>>No more endless nagging about how great of a generation they are
Extremely petty complaint
Reminder that her boyfriend/fiancé is a boomer.
>What is there to gain
Houses for one. That and you are the most evil, retarded generation. You permanently destroyed america by flooding us with non-western slaves. So this is all about revenge. We don't just want you to die--we want you to die painfully.
Xers will inherit the political power because even though you and the zoomers outnumber them 3 to 1, only 13% of you can be bothered to vote.
Supporting boomers is the variable in the economic equation that requires high rates of immigration. Boomers indebted future generations for their lifestyle, the sooner they die the less we have to pay.
sounds gay, what do her feet look like?
Boomers karma is coming. They are gonna get treated badly in the retirement homes