Does America have the necessary infrastructure to manage the Corona 19 virus?

Does America have the necessary infrastructure to manage the Corona 19 virus?

Attached: nurse.jpg (878x1744, 301.47K)

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the CIA has a cure




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post moar pls

>Does America have the necessary infrastructure to manage the Corona 19 virus?


Fuck I want corona now, is there any moar?


>Does America have the necessary infrastructure to manage that much BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT!

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I'd manage her infrastructure if you know what I mean

No but these digits say that that ass has the necessary infrastructure to manage my dick

damn what a plump pooper

I have the necessary infrastructure to wreck that ass.

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>get corona
>cant breathe but the rebreathers are all taken by boomers already
>this nurse comes in, attaches a hose from her asshole to my face mask
>"My gas will have to keep you alive user
Thx Corona

Her ass could contain most of it.

Perfect for BBC

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Mutts law.

Possibly in some areas. Im a crit care nurse in california. Ask away. I also worked on an ambulance for a long time.

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Sweating bullets over here.

When I was in the hospital recovering I had a cute nurse who I got to sniff every day. I miss that.

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Why do nurses have the nicest asses

My dick has a better chance at handling that ass than the US has managing COVID-19

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My dear nurse, I appear to be having difficulty breathing. If you could just...

she got the MEATS yo

Perfect for my BWC

nurse in OP's pic has the necessary infrastructure for a BBC

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Big ass hoe


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MOTIVATION during time of crisis

imagine the smell

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Yes, just need the political will.

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thicccvirus wen?

How do I convince this nurse my case of corona would be cured with doggystyle sex

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When we reach Italy levels expect lots of crying women that can't cope with war time conditions and sheer amount of corpses.

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I coomed 4 times yesterday night STOP THIS

is nursing the best profession for a male?

Yup. All this will weed out all the bitchbois as well.

Its a good profession. I started at 96k/year

>Does America have the necessary infrastructure to manage the Corona 19 virus?
Nobody does.

No, were overwhelmed by foreigners.

Just wait till this thing hits Skid Row in Los Angeles......oh boy.

Fuck no, our infrastructure will crumble like every other nation's.

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Hell yea that's some nice infrastructure right treee

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We're fucked royally.

Mutts law nuke us already

We look well equipped for this

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have a (You)

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>what the bot?




You know what, pal?

We've done this before.
Time to do it again.

What can I say, great minds think alike.

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I'd risk corona by sucking farts out of that thing

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SNIFF mind

based and XXXpilled

Absolutely unprofessional. Women think modesty is for slaves.

how many boomers with heart conditions do you think died because the fat arses of the nurses gave them a heart attack?

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no, no country has it
that's why you all gotta redpill the normies and tell them to isolate the fuck up for 14 day
0 contacts with other humans
avoid letting them move at all cost
redpill them on masks and hand washing,
redpill them on how the virus spreads
redpill them on the virus dangerosity
redpill them at all cost.

No you don’t

I was trying to find that pic. Helllllloooooo nurse!

no. If we got rid of all non-whites in this country we would.

The costs of having net negative contributors of the non-whites in this country + the higher risk behavior patterns of non-whites means that our system would be overwhelmed at some point. The only group that are net positive contributors are whites. Whites are also risk adverse in their behavior patterns when it comes to being a pool for disease spreading. ie: Whites are the least likely to group into cities and prefer to spread themselves out. Whites are the most likely to wash their hands and perform personal hygiene that stops the spread of diseases. etc.

The costs non-whites inflict on public systems, the risky behaviors of non-whites, the less forward thinking of non-whites, etc. all place burdens on whites that can not be over come by the shrinking white population.

All amply developed females should be mandatorily molested.


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unironically looks like she only fucks black men

She’d be 100 lbs heavier if that was the case

there's not going to be many humans left at all, soon.
All you're safe in my woods. Where I used to target you, I'll have your back, now.
Yea, you were always in view, always a target.
Everything's changed now.
Everything's different.
Your life is worth a lot, now.
You're safe, where I live.

>tfw have a fat-ass nurse fetish

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this is a 3rd world shithole
You just stay right the fuck in china africa or latin america, mofo
Just keep your fucking ass at fucking home
go to europe free bigs

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>redpill them at all cost
i want to see it all crash with no survivors
the tragedy is, it won't

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Who post this stuff?
For some weird reason, I don't think it's White women OR black men posting it.

that whore obviously works in a plastic surgery clinic
she's not even attractive that is shit-tier work

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fuckin this