Friend sent me this. How much truth is there to this?
My dad works for Nintendo.
He already activated the Stafford Act.
My dad owns a dealership
Get it over in two weeks eh?
It has already been forecast that the Pandemic will last into 2021.
0 percent
>roomate dad friends
My wifes boyfriend also told me this
My wife's boyfriend works for Walmart, he can confirm
Oh shit a stafford act just flew over my house!!!
two weeks is nothing. i got at least 4 months of food
people have been posting shit like this about nyc and washington for like 2 weeks
wanna play hackysack?
It's a larp. Because you're a dirty shareblue dyke.
My BBC bull's sister flew into my house.
Respond immediately or you mother dies in her sleep. Faggot.
girl my mom works with has a brother in the irish military
they are planning military quarantine around the infection clusters
holy shit
a text message. this is insane
Anything that ends in please share or please forward should be deleted and the sender's contact info deleted immediately after.
I would say assuming the nation will be under quarantine at some point is not far off from reality. It will def be surreal watching military personnel move into my city. Scary shit.
This. These people are dumbfucks.
It's fucking nothing. People love to LARP like the fucking faggots they are. A few days agp, a whatsapp voice message went around by a woman who said she had intel from an insider that our government would impose a nation wide state of emergency the next day and that we should stock up on food and whatever. Guess what, nothing happened.
This is good advice. Please share and forward to other threads.
wait so this thread was right?
My dad owns a strip club that Trump Jr. and Michael Flynn go to regularly. They told my dad that they saw coronavirus fly over there house. Also that you should be stocking up on toilet paper, because they will enact an Executive Order to ban production of Toilet Paper. Apparently, we are heading to a TP-backed dollar system now. The memes were true, TP is going to be worth its weight in gold within the next few weeks.
>my dad works for nintendo
Eat a bag of dicks, retard.
You know what they say, a roomate's dad's military acquaintance (who evidently has never been trained in any kind of discipline or opsec) is the kindling which will light the spark which will ignite the charcoal which will roast the bad orange man.
Doesn't matter if it's real, similar things will take place sooner or later, watch the latest Jason Bermas vids
Lol imagine thinking a quarantine in this country would work.
why did you put that gay face there?
Slow roll out.. It'll be extended for months to come
I know a very wealthy person who knows a hospital director. Not a LARP. He claims that the hospital director received a letter telling them to make preparations for two weeks of martial law.
It’s happening
has he gone far more like?
Are you being serious?
Pick only one.
Remember what Q said : Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter - Antifa and Nazis are the same - The NWO Nazi World Order (???) Q patriotism welcomes every races, every colors, every religions.
Lel, me too. Who doesn’t have at least a months worth of supplies in their house?
When is the new Battletoads coming out?
>Look at this fake fearmongering shitpost text I made guise
>Ahahahha aren't I funnie?
>Pls upboat n giev gold now!!!
I need more beer
huh? it was sent by a friend you inbred nigger. I don’t know what to trust during these times
can confirm, just did a shit and did not wipe
this shit is real!
When Tom Hanks is released and given a clean bill of health this happening will be over. Stock up on coronavirus memes because they will be disappearing soon.
my dad is a janitor
Well duh.
It is stupid stuff like this that makes all the other happenings seem worse.
Is what you are describing country wide or is it just the affected areas like the West Coast or the NYC area?
I am Nintendo
Kat a cute
My dad works for the CDC and said a cure has been developed and deployed through chemtrail delivery systems
Did this series end yet? I kinda dropped it five years ago
lol whos gonna stop me from going outside, the quarantined cops?
Automated drones shooting to kill.
Martial law is coming. Violators will be shot on sight.
the guy from mortal combat?
We see this same “my dad’s wife’s boyfriend is in the military and told me a thing” shit every happening