Happening cancelled

Happening cancelled

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Do you know what logarithmic means you fucking nigger?

Yes, nigger, i do. If covid was still growing exponentially the curve would be linear. It’s not, it’s tapered of, which means grows has slowed down. Nigger.


It'll grow again because the US, UK, and Third World are so unprepared. Once it infects there, the US and UK will be able to contain it somewhat, but it will spread unmolested across the developing world and eventually return. As soon as countries let their guard down, it will manifest again.
Countries will have to be locked for literally 2 years or more if they want to keep the disease away forever, assuming no vaccines are made.

>growing exponentially
You mean as in doubling from 1 case to 2 cases, right? It's a graph based on percent change from the last date. Not to mention that the scale is not consistent, hence being portrayed by log.
>look at left axis you triple nigger swede cuck

I know what a log scale is you dumb american nigger, are you denying that the rate of change of the rate of change of cases had slowed down? That would be the 2nd derivative, which can be really hard to see on a normal curve but easier to spot on a log curve, that is why i used that graph

It tapered off in china, in the rest of the world its only getiting starterd. Looks at the graph, by late feb it plateauded, because of China lockdown when cases were just begining in the rest of the world, now its starting to climb again as cases everywhere else ramp up.

The rate of change is based on y-1. Infection rate isn't doubling every day, wow, I'm shocked user!
The natural progression would be a flattening, but as your graph shows, it's become inverted as testing availability increases. Your thread is shit faggot

>US, UK, and 3rd world
What's the difference?

the growth is linear not exponential. check out that uptick as well. at the end.

as long as china, s korea, and USA are good.

We can always make robots to dig shit out of the ground elsewhere.

Exponential rate doesn’t mean just doubling every unit step you god damn retard. It is a special case but not the only one. Exponential just means that it’s growth is proportional to it’s size, how proportional has clearly decreased

>it’s tapered of


Attached: A988F000-E33A-4960-BA90-7C9305E26237.jpg (427x178, 12.3K)

It's pretty much peaked in that shithole China, I doubt it can do much more to Italy or the UK
Show's over lads, pack it in

remove the fake chinese numbers and try again

The slope is increasing

What you are trying to show has no real meaning. No one expected it to infect everybody in 1 week.

Your autism is trying to attach growth rate like it's a mathematical problem when it's not because of:
1) Testing
2) Virus incubation period

low iq

Your id is literally "Lazy" you porchmonkey.

>still curving upwards at the end

Kek. Listen i know what you’re saying, testing can’t cope with how much it increased, and you are right, from the graph i posted we can’t draw the conclusion that rate is decreasing. However, we can use the death rate, not cases rate, graph to draw that conclusion, as it is not affected by testing and incubation. Guess what we see there?

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>dead cat bounce

No wonder your country is being invaded by Mohammads and Jamals.

Smart enough to understand basic logarithmic disease/population models, too dumb to know how read it.

Attached: download (13).jpg (220x229, 16.69K)

>mutts law in action

you're posting cringe bro. Europe is the new epicenter

Attached: udklip.png (438x62, 10.13K)

It's called a logistic you retard

My point you dense fuck.

Disease has 7-28 day incubation period. Spike in transmission in waves every 1-3 weeks. Massive tick on end of graph indicates that spreading event(s) has occurred. Regraph as a log10 vertical standard horizontal graph excluding cases prior to start of March and you will see an exponential increase without leveling off.

Attached: 1584313224152m~2.jpg (189x135, 2.71K)

Logarithmically described

>if the curve was growing exponentially
>the curve would be linear
You dumb swedecuck

This is what immigration does to intelligence.
You are a fucking idiot Ali-Sven


>t. Has no fucking idea what he is talking about

yea, his SJW teachers probably forced him to drink unfiltered Somali sperm and that turned his brain into mush

Thank you for showing us how dumb he is

What's exponential on your regular scale is linear on a logarithmic scale, you moron. Fucking American education at it's best.

At this point I would be so emberassed that I'd delete the thread myself
Yet he keeps defending it

Yes it has increased growth recently because Europe got caught in it, that’s not the point of the thread though tard, globally it has decreased

Now plot total Chinese lies regarding Coronavirus cases.

and now we see an acceleration of infection counts because European government are less competent than chinks and gooks at handling this. Europe is fucked mate, and this is hurting the rest of the planet as well

>it only has an accelerated spread because it spread more

Now do only cases outside China. It's a nice site user. Humor me.

Attached: huh.png (842x617, 29.46K)

that early growth rate is wuhan which tapered off because of quarantine and awareness
its picking up again now that it has taken hold in Europe.

898 thousand? hmmmmmm

I expect the same thing to happen in Europe. An early taperinf as measurements are taken, perhaps even earlier as we can learn from chinks what they did wrong and right

And those numbers are only of confirmed cases.
It's 5x higher.

Yea something wrong with the site all of a sudden
92% death rate

Attached: cant compute.png (757x782, 30.16K)

its a logarithmic graph not a logarithmic scale

>Covid wipes out niggers in Africa

I love you Corona Chan!!!

In your defence, understanding things is hard.

ok you're a brainlet so let me spell it out for you: tell your fucking government to close schools and universities like everybody else is doing, and start testing everyone on suspicion like South Korea does. your country and UK are not helping on the problem at all

Found it
Knock it off guys.

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It's a graph on a log-lin scale, my US friend.

>If covid was still growing exponentially the curve would be linear
nigger you are fucking retarded beyond comprehension

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They don’t need to do that, people don’t attend anyways. My collegues daughter works at a kindergarten. Out of 50 only 4 came on friday. We begin lectures again on uni tomorrow. I expect very few people to come, and no I’m not going. This closing and banning stuff is mostly symbolic. People self-isolate and wash their hands like crazy right now. Oh and yeah, shit ton of companies do the same. The one I work part-time in is giving me a work laptop to work from home with. They are closing all offices for now

It has though. Even if you extrapolate the trend from the last few days - which is iffy - it's nowhere near as scary as where we would have been by now if the trend from January had continued. We might - maybe - hit a million total cases a month out, assuming nothing changes. Pic related.

Attached: covid_log_cases.jpg (640x1050, 71.38K)

Just shut the fuck up if you are this retarded, please

well shit lots of children trapped under the vatican

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He's right though. If it grows exponentially on a lin-lin graph, you will see linear growth on a log-lin graph.

>link for reporting coronavirus cases right there
Man I thought they'd fact check their shit before uploading a live database. I can't imagine even a "which video game character is the best" poll that would be so easily manipulated.

learn what linear means before using big words

he posted a log chart will talking about exponential growth
i don't think he knows what either means

Add Israel. Make it a nice round even number. 2x3?