/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2117 - PANDEMIC EDITIONS

► Detected: 169,175 ► Died: 6,499

Venezuela under lockdown in 7 states, affecting 12 million

UK cancels "herd immunity" plan amid controversy

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Serbia under lockdown, affecting 7 million

Austria under lockdown, 8 million people

High cytokine in blood of critical patients

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

Bodies must be cremated

Patients can get reinfected, no immunity

Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

China underreports number of infections and deaths

China treating patients with "traditional Chinese medicine"

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

Denmark under lockdown, 5 million people

CDC approvals delay testing in New York

19:44: 1,228 new cases and 3 new deaths in Germany.
19:41: 1,452 new cases and 96 new deaths in Spain.
19:39: 924 new cases and 36 new deaths in France.
17:10: 3,590 new cases and 368 new deaths in Italy.
15:40: 232 new cases and 14 new deaths in the United Kingdom.
11:03: 1,209 new cases and 113 new deaths in Iran.
08:39: 10 new cases in Norway.


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>Dead: 6,496
lol, still only 6,496.
How many days has it been stuck at 6,496? Four days? Five days?

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>5814 TOTAL INFECTIONS +28,46%
last update: 15.03. 23:30 GMT
source: Berliner Morgenpost

>new fatalities:
9th death: Bayern, woman, 86, 13.03.: hospitalised with dispnoea, 15.03.
10th death: Bayern, man, 80, comorbidity, 15.03.
11th death: Nordrhein-Westfalen, woman, 84, serious comorbidities, 15.03.
12th death: Nordrhein-Westfalen, man, 81, 15.03.
13th death: Bayern, 15.03.

>RKI reports:
+1039 = 4834 cases
+4 = 12 dead
updated: 15.03. 14:00 GMT

Merkel: "Cut social contacts, wherever possible."
German virologist: "Don't put children of critical workforce together."
German virologist: Ibuprofen inhibits blood clotting, Paracetamol doesn't, probably better for lung infections.
German virologist: There will be a resurge of infections in China, when quarantine measures are ended.

Federal government to boost production of protective gear.
Bayern: Ministerpresident is going to call state of emergency on 18.03..
Politicians talking about "total lockdown".
Federal healthminister: "Supermarkets, pharmacies and banks are going to stay open, if it comes to further measures."
Germany closes borders with Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxemburg and Denmark on 16.03. 08:00.
Germany is going to restrict public transportation on 17.03..
RKI declares California, Washington and New York risk zones.
Köln: All events banned.
Berlin: 42 infections traced back to night club.
Federal minister of defence: Bundeswehr will aid during crisis.
300 Doctor's offices now offer self-test for home-quarantined. Free if ordered by doctor, 150€ if not.
Lüneburg: Teacher in gymnasium infected, 1000 pupils in home-quarantine.
Nordrhein-Westfalen: More restrictions on various social activities, almost everything banned.
Hamburg: All events canceled, all public institutions closed.

source: Welt, Zeit, ntv, others

other info:

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Israel has had zero deaths and 4 recoveries.
Aren't they so lucky?

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What should I fap to tonight lads?

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Fuck no corona chan got master chief

>no-name town
>no-name town
>no-name town
>minor city
>minor city

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yourself in the mirror

The time to prep is over for me. I hope I did enough.

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works on my machine

Why is this even a question?

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Dam we need a higher bump limit

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On a 0-10 scale, with 0 representing "no concern" and 10 representing "scared shitless"
how much are you:
1. Worried for your well-being
2. Worried for the well-being of those close to you
3. Worried by other effects of the pandemic (social, economic, etc)

>5 (was 3 before reading the myocarditis tweet)
>7 (parents)

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I will die i know it

its already "hitting" 3rd world shitholes, but no one notices because theyre not testing, and no one cares because its literally the flu
everyone in africa is max 30 years old anyway, so barely any deaths on top of all the other shit spreading there

Healthboard has annouced due the rapid spread of coronavirus. Testing patients with mild symptoms is no longer considered feasible. Only super sick get tested, oy vey 171 infected is too high. We have only done 1333 test total in last 3 weeks. Must save shekels

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Dont forget to thank these two retards for allowing this to become a global pandemic the likes of which our era has never seen.

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Great Britian has stopped executing the herd immunity plan. Such a bummer.

>mfw the US is going to be a hodge podge of some states locking down then getting reinfected by the states that didn't lock down
God willing we all die

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Lads what if elderly patients just die faster than young patients and that’s why we are seeing boomers fall?

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The Fed just dropped rates to 0%

It's actually fucking happening. The economy will collapse

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>4999 come on CChan 1 more

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Time to come home frens.

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Lookner has been losing his fucking mind and not even pretending to be "agenda free" anymore. It's fucking beautiful, lads. If you're not watching his mind break, you're missing out on a the gears of a machine literally flying off while it's still powered on.

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>9 (father would be kill)

Sucks to be you. Who else /immortal/ ocer here?

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Here the source: zeit.de/politik/ausland/2020-03/covid-19-grossbritannien-herdenimmunitaet-virusbekaempfung

Don't worry Kraut.
We're still going with that plan

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if all the restaurants in my state close, does that include fast food places like mcdonalds and taco bell? i will still be able to go through the drive thru right? im a poorfag and the stores are out of all affordable food here and i only prepped enough for a couple weeks of because i dont really have the money to stock up. i got enough noodles, rice, mashed potatoes, and oatmeal for 2 weeks.

will fast food drive thrus or delivery still be open???

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Prepping is complete

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Day 19 of seclusion: I am eating only rice and beans. I stand naked in my street facing window every afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30pm. I shave my entire body every 2 days.

What's happening in russia, no way there's only 65 cases

gary pasta is best pasta

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UPDATE from PERU: rumors that starting tomorrow the gorvenment will declare LOCKDOWN and CLOSE THE BORDERS, normies in full panic mode and buying groceries like there is no tomorrow

UPDATE from PERU: rumors that starting tomorrow the gorvenment will declare LOCKDOWN and CLOSE THE BORDERS, normies in full panic mode and buying groceries like there is no tomorrow

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*happy German noises*

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My mayor isn't fucking around with the coronavirus

Russia is as Russia does

my sleep schedule is so fucked up cuz of these /cvg/s. What if I go to sleep and SOMETHING HAPPENS?

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Beer is the correct way to store water and carbs.

Kek loves me

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but seriously why did you do it?

So is Trump's refinance plan to sell the country to Israel?

Futa on female impregnation

Never left, but on the Internet I'll have some fun with the death cult larp

Hijacking your thread

how do I get normies and poor people to shut the fuck up about the memerus

I am actually required to do work and to get them to do work and I'm going to get fucked in the ass at the end of the year when I've only got them to do 8 months of work

>Corona-chan Vending Machine (orbiting sides edition)
>v3: mega.nz/#F!iLBgGQgB!-bgtUnvelP_YBpZW1zcLMQ

Reply with new coronas.

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>The companies that feed America and provide basic staples are bracing for labor shortages
>could leave them without enough workers to manufacture, deliver and unpack groceries in stores in the coming months
>supermarkets and distribution facilities face a difficult choice: how to keep shelves stocked with essentials while keeping their workers safe
>scenes similar to those seen before a hurricane, yet this time unfolding on a national scale
>challenge could soon be getting that food to the right places once local distribution centers are wiped out.
>“The replenishment cycle is going to be the real test here,”
>uncertainty about how exactly they will be able to replenish their stocks if factories and ports worldwide are short-staffed
>rationing sales of high-demand items such as bottled water, hand sanitizer and toilet paper
>products such as seafood, apple juice and garlic, which are heavily sourced from China, are likely to be hit first
>“We’re going to have two-, three-, four-month lag time until those factories get back up to speed.”
>“The issue is: Grocery stores are essentially giant petri dishes,”
>1/3 of fresh fruits and vegetables in American grocery stores at this time of year are imported from Mexico
>“I knew it would be crowded, but I decided to come today because this weekend will be even worse,”

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Good job user

So if I work in a call center with over 100 people sitting shoulder to shoulder should i just fucking call in to work?

BBW MILF Strap-on.

If there ever was a good time to panic it is now

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It's actually more the long term effects of ARDS.
Only severe cases get ARDS, that's about 20%.


Literally playing right now.


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>prep with tons of fresh good and frozen tendies
>get comfy
>power goes out all over the city

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It’s all good bro

Got a sore throat thats been getting worse the last few days, headaches, poor breathing, constant cough and woke up today with pain in my legs

am I fucked or what lads? I haven't even been out anywhere

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What's the myocarditis tweet?

>6 (just found out I have hypertension)
>5 (mom isn't in great shape)
>7 (I'm in construction and shit is already slowing down)

>all schools, universities and secondary institutions closed indefinitely
>nursing homes closed to non-essential visitors
>all gatherings over 250 people, at risk populations, critical infrastructure staff or international participants banned including religious services
>evidence of community transmission from 2 cases
>17 new cases in past 24 hours
>56 total

why is the user above you a racist faggot?

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So if you get it and you have a fever (but otherwise mild symptoms) can you take some aspirin for it? If I get it I’d rather stay at home than get stuck with some niggers in a stadium converted to a hospital


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you got sick time? call of a day or two. I called off friday

>What's happening in russia
Nothing. We were around the first to close borders.


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NRW is kill

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Sounds like SARS
Anyone else living with you?

will last u a week

Fuck off cunt

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for my coworkers? 0. For my family? 8.

Thank you.

Did you drink from the sink ?

>54 minutes till the debate.

wewlad, this is gun b a good one.

Bros... anyone have any information on if the virus is visible in the throat and how it looks?

Ive been ticking off every symptom besides fever so far however my throat is also white with a few ""virus warts thingys"".
Its probably tonsillitis but the fact I have pressure over the top part of my lungs make me a bit worried.

>9 (parents and grandparents)
>6 (shit's already going down)

Noice. Just come back myself due to this virus - prompted me to do what I had been intending to do. Godspeed lad.

Yeah sounds like you're fucked.
Pneumonia is the big one though... if you can dodge that you'll be fine.

I dont want to live in a world without CVG threads.
But I dont want to lose my family.

I cannot have both.

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>some shitty flu killed 6000 people in 4 months
why the fuck does everyone throw an autistic fit over this again?

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post folder sizes lads.
I need more.

fucking based.
Porn of CoronaChan knocking up country-tan's when?

the Republican states will finally have their revenge on california, where iowa refuses to do a lockdown and keeps sending their sick to california to infect people

Pretty damn worried about my health and the rest of the family because my mother refuses to stop going out to restaurants even though I prepped plenty. Otherwise I would be super comfy watching the world burn.

>Yas Forums is melting
This is better than the happening. I hope another stock market crash hits us next week and the interest rate will be negative. Then an econimic depression world-wide
All because you decided to go 'Just a flu, bro' instead of preparing.

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>5, not because i'm healthy, but because i'm lower priority over my family
>9, older grandma, older family, brother with two little ones, i'm concerned for all of them
>5, I didn't invest in stocks and I have means to bug out or deal with riots, my main concern is the virus itself

I have accrued 32 hours of PTO. if i miss more than that i would need to make it up

They've both been better than western governments and leadership. As shitty as nigger doc is he's been saying our governments need to take more aggressive containment measures for a month now

>end of the year

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May I request a pic of Corona-Chan looking gangsta please?

6 (parents, grandmother, sister who works in the hospital doing a job related to this COVID19)
10 -

No word on what's next. Not even from China.
Do we all isolate until we are sure the spread stopped? That takes months.
People will not accept this and riot for sure.

How will the economy ever recover? What will happen to my job? How will it affect the airline industry? No more affordable international travel for years? What will the gov do to repay all this? Will my savings vanish?

forgot image

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I did notice they changed the link to the study on the OSP site and now it has a 'brief guide'. But the full report is still here

>6(working on ambulance, the amount of people that are gonna abuse 911 is gonna skyrocket. Or I fear the local crackheads are gonna break in and raid my shit)

This virus only kills faggots.


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6 (ex smoker)
8 (Wife got a compromised immune system)
10 (everyone is a fucking retard and my stonks are down)


aye my parents in their 60s

1.3 (in my twenties, non smoker, no underlying conditions)
2.8 (parents, mom works in a nursing home, dad has underlying conditions)
3.8 (i think the economic impact and societal panic/chaos will be worse than the virus)



looks like u r ded dracula

there's no "what if" to it

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Its a lung thing. They were doing throat swabs for a while and then realized that they were stupid because its not in your throat. If you have a sore throat from anything its probably coughing or sucking dick.

Read this tweet thread:

Yes, glad everything is/gets shut down now.
Where are hotspots in the Netherlands? How is Enschede/the East?

Darkness best girl.
Autistic explosion loli fags fuck off

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>extreme measures being taken even tho we have less than 50 cases
Bros I'm scared

Get that on a MEGA link and I'll merge everything.

I'll take care of duplicates.

>haha fuck retirees muh vacation

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Good, now I need to drag the entire planet with me.

It only takes 1 case to set it off mate

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It is our duty as Americans to bring Coronachan to West Virginia. How else will they develop herd immunity? We are doing them a favor.

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Sounds like you just turned 35.

>Dude, trust me

So I know a woman who never gets sick, so I asked her how come she never gets sick while everyone else is coughing their eyeballs out (this was way before any of this corona shit) and she told me it's because she drinks a spoonful of black seed oil (it doesn't sound so meme-worthy in my language -"ulje crnog kima" for my fellow croats) every day
I remembered that just now so I bought some and I gotta say I no longer have any problems with my allergies since I started drinking it. Do your own research and tell it to your boomer relatives who might be at risk.

I even managed to find a video on it

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2 (literally nothing is happening here)
8 (mother lives in Italy)
9 (it will be absolute disaster for economy)

any broad named kenzie holy shit

>4, I was a 1 until a lot of the early research papers started panning out to be true
>9, both of my parents will die if they catch coronavirus
>10, because niggers and muh money machine go brrrr

>5 (just grandma who's with my parents anyway)
not too stressed about ((le flu)) itself, but i'm not looking forward to whatever will go down after the whole thing blows over

M26 nurse finanon from Tampere here. It was confirmed, I got corona. Currently at home quarantine.I'm drinking whiskey with honey and listening to Ozzy's new album. I feel like absolute shit and got 38.9 fever. Coughing my lungs out and muscle pains all over. They just told me to stay at home and heal here. Fuck I'm scared but optimistic. I'm going to beat this virus. One whiskey glass at a time.

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I was geting away in early teens, but grandpa got seriously ill and that event pushed my back

but this is necessary
a wildfire clearing away the detritus of the developed world

T-minus 4 days until the boogaloo

>9 (Myocarditis tweet means my good health is literally making me a risk group, my immune system is going to eat my heart alive.

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welcome to the herd

How many people will die in the US?

I saw a lot of credible estimates of 450k to 500k, but seeing how retarded their response is, and how people are in denial a out what what needs to happen, I'd say one million is both realistic and even probable.

How fucked is China. I haven't seen anything past their fake numbers. Are they back to work?

Masshole reporting. Case confirmed at our local hospital. Multiple people coughing in my workplace. I want China to fucking burn to the ground. If my grandparents die from this I will scalp any subhuman Chinese national I encounter.

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So when does she start growing a cock?

>1. Worried for your well-being
>2. Worried for the well-being of those close to you
>3. Worried by other effects of the pandemic (social, economic, etc)

> 4
> 8 (Father had a heart attack last year and is coofing/complaining about pain in lungs. Brothers have asthma)

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enjoy infertility

>2 If I go something went critical with my lungs at which point I want to die anyway
>9 not because I have a lot of at risk people in my life but I only have one person over 60 left, my mom

Russia sealed their borders back in January

>bought 300 plant based protein/meal bars (pea protein not onions) and 15lbs of protein powder for $100.09

free shipping for orders over $100. 5 different flavors of bars and 3 flavors of powder, I'm set on macronutrients for the next 3-4 months. All the protein bars were "best use by mid-late 2019" but in my experience protein bars still taste fresh for at least a year past the "best use" dates. As long as they don't shut the water off I'm gucci, cant beat supplementhunt prices

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Maybe a 6-7

Couple weeks ago I was sick. It's mostly gone away but I still have to blow my nose. Today I had blood in my urine. Could be something else, could be coronachan. What a time to be alive...

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>four people from bolsonaro's security team tested positive for coronavirus in U.S.
>bolsonaro today

oh no no no

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>my throat is also white
this means it's bacterial

SARS 2 is primarily a disease of the lower respiratory system. Problems in the upper area, such as runny noses and throat pains, are most likely caused by something else.

Asthmatic here

>Have had a sore throat a few weeks ago
>Cough and stuffy nose
>Its gone as of a few days ago cought happens once every 5 hours
>No headaches
>A few days ago slight irritation in lungs that has persisted to today
>No headaches but randomly get sweaty hands
>Muscle fatigue setting in arms primarily

Low death rate or not, I'm scared, it is not the sequence of events of Covid 19, but it is new to me, usually every year I get a cough but thats it.

Should I even bother if thi sis some kind of conspiracy to kill us?

If your attendance is good i would say go ahead and take a day or two. Some might say those are schitzo strats but it feels were close to a lockdown since this thing is potentially mass spreading a symptomatically all over the US right now.


>tfw website for coronavirus in Poland has four labels:
>"recuperated" [literary put in quotes]
Theeeere weee goooo

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Enjoy your tits, retard

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It does start in the throat and travel down to the lungs. Ive only fallen sick like 2 days ago.
Sore throat is one of the symptoms and the fact Im starting to have pressure over my lungs where the bit that conserned me. Maybe its just regular pneumonia.

g-guys we might all be fucked. I just sat here thinking really deep about all of the consequences and I WANT OFF THIS RIDE!



Everything else is cope deluxe!

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