We're unironically switching sides again LMAO get fucked eurocu.cks

We're unironically switching sides again LMAO get fucked eurocu.cks

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Fuck chink subhumans
Fuck EU kikes

yeah but we're gonna need to choose

>Choose between cancer and tumor
I choose no

Bring back Salvini you faggots. Pathetic that you think your country's only choices are to be whores for foreign powers.

I really wish you niggers would bring back the Roman Empire.

they cant romans were white these ppl are niggers

U.S and EU did nothing or very little to help Italy. China actually sent supplies and whatever they could, while dealing with their own shit at home. Ditch the EU.
We still cool tho, ya?

fuck Law and fuck Chaos

Based. Nordcucks and Wh*tes on suicide watch.

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fuck you. nordcucks are smelly shits like drunk Varg.

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One day, we will. Everyone will bow to Italy.

Oy vey Salvini-kun

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Meloni was a huge embarassment with Giletti with muh regime comunista muh NO CIVILTA muh democrazia.

That ugly bitch has sold her ass to american neocons.
She ought to be removed from her party, she was just a disappointment.


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the moron can only close the borders we need to expel all the foreigners.

I consider myself a patriot yet I don't care as much wbout Italy but rather I want to see all the arrogance of the "real Europe" disappear once they realize we're not dropping dead like flies out of sheer incompetence. I want to see the second French revolution when the arabs and niggers they imported will run out of gibs. And most of all I want to see Germany in ruins. Take my strength coronachan!

Italexit now!

come on in, the water is slightly pissy.


how's Salvini going to fix the massive debt

rise fascism again

So much for EU solidarity. Borders shut and Italy told told under no uncertain terms to fuck off and die.

True colours shown, and people wondered why we voted to leave.

>Cucking for china

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China of course but Meloni is ruining everything.
A lot of liberals were turning against the EU in favor of China and she insults the chinese government live on TV, thus alienating those who may have joined.
Dumb bitch

Imagine being this much of a Stockholm syndrome cuck.

They first gave you the virus, then a 2 million masks in a PR stunt, and you feel for it, LMAO.

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fell for it*

More than the got from the EU, they refused to help.

they also sent expensive medical equipment and skilled medical doctors.

They want us to be their closest european allies, thus opening them the doors of the Mediterranean.

Better than the EU as long as they don' t fool us.

>they gave you the virus
i know youre baiting memeflag but stop it nobody believes this meme anymore

Brought to you by China.. looking for a brighter free future? Consider China for your next home.

Fuck not again

Imagine betraying your European brothers for fucking chinks.

The (Chinese) left can't meme. Holy shit.

fuckin based.

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What a humiliation...

They don’t even give those masks for free, shitalians must pay money lol

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please don't leave us medbro, i dont wanna be stuck with these n*rdcucks

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>european brothers
only mutts believe this fantasy i bet you jerk off to this

the writings are cringe but the drawing conveys his message.

How many masks do you think the EU has?


>Better than the EU as long as they don' t fool us.
Kek being this retarded, i hope the other Europeans kick you out of the EU and let you get fucked by China. for being so insolent.

>t nobody believes this meme anymore
O yeah bet you are going to blame us, right? you sold out to cheap propaganda for 2 million masks, pathetic.

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>And most of all I want to see Germany in ruins.

Join Britain instead, thanks pastabro, we rebuild Rome together

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>imagine believing Reddit as a good source
The mask were sent free, we are paying for the other equipment such as respirators and iron lungs

Fucking based. We had a shipment of masks through germany and merkel seized. Now china is giving us 30 million. I will submit myself to our chinese gloriois leaders.
Please china save us from the evil of the west.

>as long as they don' t fool us
good one
what meme you dingus? It came from china. Everybody knows it.

yeah so EU could fucking die.
If we leave without even paying fully our debts Germany is fucked dumbass.

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I wish them all the best with the outbreak, but my god are these shitalians on the internet retarded.

Fuck the EU, but reminder that 90% of Italians are literally niggers.

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Fuck you cuck.

We will,once this disease kills off all bleeding heart and commie boomers

>they refused to help
It's worse than that. We currently have shipments full of medical supplies we bought mainly from asia, and that we need urgently, stuck at the frontiers of multiple EU states, including Germany and France, because they said they were seizing all medical supplies in their territories for their own emergencies, even though they are not at critical stages yet.

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>He thinks you can just default on your debt without consequences.
Ok your opinion on anything is irrelevant, you are a fucking moron.

>China infects you deadly virus
>they are our ally


Enjoy the virus baguettefag, go make a flash mob of people dressed as smurf to spred it out a little bit more, you braindead nigger

Yeah, that's what Salvini would do. Not just him, however.


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Why so excited?

Italians are pretty cheap whores....just took one plane worth of aid and some good PR to buy you off.

>siding with china
I highly suggest you read up on what china does to any of it's "allies" when it gives out financial support

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Liberals turning in favor of China? are they serious? KEK

Misery loves company.

The Chinese can't meme

chinks are literally demons, imagine actually siding with them

lmao youre seriously implying i wouldn't join them just to watch Germany and their eurocucks club burn

Shows you what they are. Leave them, regain your sovereignty and dignity once this is over.

Shocking that though. Good luck, we'll be joining you in a few weeks.

Charles Manson Extra-Lite

The fact the equipment was sent for free is what should scare us.

What's up with the yuri vibes of that cartoon?

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He is talking iiiiiiiiHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA

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If you really want the EU to fuck off, then I would suggest becoming more independent rather than suckling at the tit of another power

So, you wanna Greece but 10 times harder? Ma che cazzo dici?

Italians are pretty insufferable to think that rest of Europe is having a party. Most countries are just 1-2 weeks behind having the same disaster.

Not sure, are you expecting europe to send doctors and nurses, when everyone else is about to be overrun as well?

>change name to Italian Roman empire
literally a new country, what now faggot
>b..bbut you cant just change name to dissolve a debt

No, you cuck


How about not taking our supplies while we are running out as we speak?

>change name
That functionality was nerfed in the last DLC as it was a big exploitation.

>more independent rather than suckling at the tit of another power
They can't, Italy is powerless alone. They have one of the worst demographics in the world, a very low fertility rate and a faltering economy. Of course populist like to blame all this on the EU, but i doubt the general population is dumb enough to fall far cheap Chinese propaganda. Either way they will have to work with the EU.


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Russia in the 90s got away with that.
And even Britain won't pay all his debt to EU.
You are the real moron here now show flag kike or just btfo.

>Fuck chink subhumans
>Fuck EU kikes
Then kill yourself faggot

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what an idiot you are.
I said that we are paying for the equipment but the masks were free.

Can you read, did your mom teach it before a nigger fucked her tight ass in front of you?

What is a sovereign credit rating? What are discount rates for overseas investments?

Sure, everyone is free to default but there will be consequences.

Yeah, gifts you have to pay for is a very Chinese thing. It's the whole idea behind their b+r investments so far

Is that evil Ma Do Ka

>Create virus by fucking bats
>Hoard all the masks in the west
>Start to give them for free under orders from your goverment
Fuck off chinks, your PR campaign won't work here

Makes no sense, why not use your own ports to import from Asia?

Vessels coming into europe from Asia make a stop at Genoa.

if we switch to a cryptocurrency there should be no hard consequences.
Also I'm not saying to refuse to pay but just cut some unjust debt due to speculations.

And I think that if our economy starts running again we could be able to pay the debt.

We were richer than France and Britain in the 70s/80s

>China gives it to you
>suck them off for some masks

If you could figure out how to fix Italy, anyone could have done it. Tthe world is just not as simple as you imagine it to be. That is why your opinion is completely irrelevant, other than the one vote you have.


>Either way they will have to work with the EU
Europe is gonna be really fucking busy for any kind of organized help and will die later. I think we can expect benelux or v4 or balkans doing some temporary relief alliance, but EU is finished.


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well as you can see we're never alone, we had based Gheddafi 10 years ago and the chinks now and highly doubt americans are going to murder Xi Jinping this time

No, the Mediterranean should not have to choose
It should be on the league of its own, I'm one hundred percent serious
If socialist traitors and liberal governments would fuck out of Southern Europe than it would be a superpower just like in the good ol days