when the internet goes down and chaos reigns how are we going to identify each other so that a larger raider force can be created?
When the internet goes down and chaos reigns how are we going to identify each other so that a larger raider force can...
If you don't know the code already you're too new to join.
To be honest that is a complex question. I just naturally click with like minded raiders, already discussed this with numerous security guards for my bank.
>how are we going to identify each other so that a larger raider force can be created?
By the dead, stripped bodies next to the signs "retards will be shot".
Do you walk the path of light
Are (you) feelin Yas Forums?
>he doesn’t know
If anyone tells the newfags the code, then we must abandon the code. Sorry. Everyone FOR their own
just say based pepe kek
Pretty sure I know how to identify a fellow Yas Forums autist. What to say and what response to expect. But I won't fucking tell.
the only good smoothskin, is a dead smoothskin
ill keep a card taped on my door if im still there, just simply say "niggers" and ill let you in
Triforce or fuck off
I assume there isn't a single specific word but rather a set of Shibboleths learned from years here?
Based Fallout 3 image, so tired of seeing that boring New Vegas shite being posted and praised everywhere
"Traps aren't gay, kike"
I'm just a lucky guy
Virus kills 99% of people.
Laugh at your gay raider outfit as I help myself to your supplies and drive off in my exotic car I just took cause everyone else is dead.
Stay where you are, we'll find you
You're a big guy
Anyone with a gas mask is bound to be an early /cvg/ lurker
People who actually know the code, this is a great fucking idea, flash the sign at my camp. And I'll give you a hot meal.
Good job getting infected
>muh hazmat
Yh and covid-19 is the food packages and that suit as well
it was such a fucking comfy game
Dont worry, we'll easily identify your dead rotting corpse
Ill be wearing a shoe on my head so I can group up with the oldfags. Nobody wants to be with you newfags and zoomers
>And we continue to call each other newfags in the ruins.
Fuckin based and czekd
yup, the legit good old days of gaming... now everything is pozzed out the ass
Fallout 3? Yes it was.
Women will just show their tits.
KEK has spoken.
Still have memories of my first play through, finding megaton after wandering off in the wrong direction for ages, my first power armor, walking around a bend and seeing rivet city for the first time. I think im going to have to play again to get hyped for the collapse
Hello BASED department?
stay safe, stay healthy
what is God? good answer safe, bad answer unhealthy, no answer...
Does anyone else have enough autism to carry one around in their wallet like I do?
4clubs is the answer.
Sorry user you can power on robots and build lazers but you can't salvage parts from the thousands of opportunities to build a working combustion engine.
was sittin in a bar 10 years ago and he pulls this card out of his wallet and uses it as a coaster.
It was strange at the time, but now I know what he was sayin.
buy a satellite phone and lurk pol
Megaton is also a pretty fucking good name for a settlement let's be honest, probably the most memorable in any fallout game
no it's just you
Code word is "Cook Cook"
i blew it up... am i bad person?
Call back is "makes a mean Brahmin stew"
>Shady Sands
>Vault City
Pic related is /NoKnock/ gang logo.
Only raderchads allowed no wimmins.
Nah, I blew it up on my first playthrough. You're only a retard if you didn't get bobblehead first
Codeword: Cunny
we meet in the men's bathroom of the abandoned McDonald's in Post, Texas. Just knock on the door and someone will ask you who it is. Say "Teenus". You will then be asked what kind of watch you have. Say it's a Citizen Watch, from Ross. The door will open. Come prepared to leave your old life behind.
the glow is just a hole but it's alright, shady sands' name is okay but the settlement ruins its name for being boring, vault city is also alright
Ill identify you after I put a bullet in your head raider
>no cozy two story house
>no autistic kinda cute shop owner
>no climbing to the top of sheriffs house to shoot mini nukes at the citizens
White skin - just look at the prisons
Fallout 3 was so damn good, why did Bethesda fuck up so bad with Fallout 4?
Look me up on the nextdoor app when you get in town, my first name is Adolf
the elevator music in tenpenny tower and its general emptiness really kills it for me
nothing gold can stay user
i think thats a universal phrase only we understand. although if any of you fags are not regulars in the commie thread im gonna shoot you at point blank and loot your shit
Crotchless pants
i slaughter everyone in there every time. i like to watch the guests run around the courtyard and cower in fear. i also make sure to strip Tenpenny and dismember his body before throwing each part off his balcony. good xp
Yep. And 8 of Diamonds for 8ch refugees