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Fortunately Italy's oldest friend still has their back.
it makes me feel ashemed, i haven't even heard any media mentioning anything like this
tale as old as time
why should EU help italy when literally no country is prepared and what little each country has isnt even enough for their own problems?
Based China, there to help the needy
You're a leech, the burden was never put on Pooland to begin with
nice union
>first they fuck up their response to Turkish aggression
>then they let Italy fall apart
How is the EU supposed to federalize if they can't work together to solve a common problem? Thank God for China.
only when you're accepting migrants will the EU help you. shameful institution, it ought to be abolished
it's not like we could afford to do anything
LITERALLY what is the point of the EU if they can't coordinate on something of this level?
Fuck the EU. Brits had the right idea.
you can stop shilling for china chink, china will lose all manufacturing when this is over, prepare to revert back to 3rd world
EU - soulless
PRC - soul
China is better than you pigs. Cope and seethe more
Outside the EUs jurisdiction.
>china will lose all manufacturing when this is over, prepare to revert back to 3rd world
Fuck no bitch. My 401(k) needs to recover. Please stop being a little leftoid cuck and grow up.
all drug and every other manufacturing will leave china cuz of this, enjoy your last bat soup
Is there any European country with the capacity to help Italy or any other country? Seeing the latest contagion data in Europe, not Spain, neither Germany nor France.
Let's be honest lads, that sucks.
Not a single Italian responded to European plea to start washing their hands after taking a shit
>china manufactures 150+ drugs every mutt needs
>wuhan virus comes and shuts down everything
>nooo we wont take manufacturing from china seeing this is their 2nd time in 10 years creating an outbreak
its over
Coronavirus is an American bioweapon to undermine the Belt-and-Road Initiative (Italy pissed off America for making a deal with China) and attack Israel's enemies (Iran).
Russia and Iran say it's a bioweapon, so it must be true.
So? Me and my relatives in the states will just send back the research anyhow. Cope more
this desu
Why would manufacturing leave the one country that is taking it seriously now?
If it was EU jurisdiction they would just fuck it up for everyone
Eu should've fucking block all the borders and ports. All again we've whitnessed the lack of backbone of our elitist turds in smokings.
Millions of Italians have fallen in love with China because China sent a small amount of doctors, masks, sanitizers and ventilators.
The EU and the US sent nothing.
Wouldn’t it be the opposite since China has contained their outbreak? Nike, Apple and all the other American corporations have reopened all their stores in China while shutting down everything outside.
whats the point of research when nobody will be dependent on your virus fragile country? idiot
i thought you chinks have an IQ over a 100, you figure it out
We don't even have enough medical materials for ourselves, Spain has also been asking for help. No answer, because everybody has shortages of everything and all is made in china these days. So China is helping us too now, just like they did with Italy.
I'm sorry we failed you Italy.
you have doctors and nurses and they have overloaded hospitals..
What the fuck do shitalians expect the EU to do? Everyone is preparing themselves for whatever is coming, I can't imagine our government sending a single strip of paracetamol.
Besides the only thing the EU could've done (with powers they don't have) would've been isolating Italy weeks ago while they were still in their #KeepMilanMoving phase and would probably leave the union instantly
>Wouldn’t it be the opposite
> stores
nobody cares about that shit, keep buying those brands
>virus fragile country?
You stupid or what? China bvll is alive and strong, you old white pigs are the ones dying right now
Hate country cringelords who actually get teary eyed about this shite
You could say EU washed it's hands of the issue.
>china bvll
Cringe kys chang
This. If California asked Texas for help, it wouldn't be forthcoming.
We don't need a European 'UNION' we need a union of gamers
thats besides the point insect, manufacturing will move back to eu and usa cuz you cant stop creating virus from your backwards culture, drugs will be made on the spot
The whole of the EU needs help, not only Italy is affected.
it's like hitting someone with your car and praising yourself you drove them to the hospital
Two weeks ago. In fact epidemiologist accross all the globe said that it was going to be a fucking mess, I have not an exemple contra. They all said that we had to DO something, but doctors/physicists who often are political puppet played the "don't panic" card. Yes, we absolutely should have fucking crash the market and close every fuckong chunk of european border, lock the meatbags in their homes and control from distance.
But that just goes to show that some countries can rebound quickly during an outbreak and continue production while some others might struggle. I mean, where the outbreak comes from doesn’t seem to matter too much when it infects the entire world, the only thing that really matters is how quickly they can recover to continue production no?
The only think the EU had to do was close its borders towards Italy.
this isnt true
Germany to send face masks to Italy to help deal with coronavirus
German government signs contracts worth €163 million to buy medical supplies, according to local media.
By Rym Momtaz
3/14/20, 1:16 PM CET
Updated 3/14/20, 11:39 PM CET
Turns out Italians aren't brown enough to warrant aid.
This comes after news of E.U. to send 2k euros for every migrant to go back to their countries. To 37k migrants.
Honestly, thank god this happened, it's just another step forward in showing the countries that are not France or Germany what they are worth to the E.U.
Brits know it. Eastern Europe knows it. Greece knows it. Italy will find out.
how can we help Italy bros?
>thats besides the point insect, manufacturing will move back to eu and usa
Imagine believing this. Like I'd believe it if you'd said "Vietnam" or basically any other Asian country. But the US and the EU? Christ you are stupid and/or underaged.
and have chink communist party hold all the cards? no, its over, this virus is chinas chernobyl, manufacturing was leaving already, but now it will leave faster
send them shipments of plastic american cheese
What countries did respond though?
How do you help when we're all on quarantine? It's not like we have spare doctors and medical materials just laying around. Also the EU is from what i understand planning to cover for a portion of the damages that the pandemic is about to cause to all EU members. OP literally created a bait thread.
literally every country is fighting the same battle
italy is only a week ahead regarding numbers
The situation is still salvageable outside of Italy and Spain. For many countries in Europe lockdown came at the right moment
typical European Appeasement policy, hasnt changed after WW1. Our politcian are such low life so scare to make a decision
News of this morning: Buses full of Moroccans coming to Algeciras from France to go to Morocco.
They don't want to stay in Europe anymore? Rats are the first to leave the ship when it is sinking.
Too late china's on the dock. France is literally on the brink of collapse, next week is going to be ogre.
The blacks have always received aid from China
lol damage control by the EU. Delicious.
We don't have any masks to send to the Italians
even chinks are going to vietnam, your time is running out, you wont become a developed nation cuz chink plastic isnt enough anymore
It's an apology, and when does China ever apologize?
Italy, of all countries, got an apology from China---for something Pakis exacerbated.
You obviously don't mesure how bad things really are. Here the reanimation beds are all taken in my region. We didn't even cancel local elections in France. Be ready for the shitsorm, it's happening this time.
>no, its over, this virus is chinas chernobyl, manufacturing was leaving already, but now it will leave faster
you really a pathetic subhuman gardengnome, if they send smt, thats not good, if they dont thats not good either
just die in cancer
I don't like Italians.
It's over hyped to hell. The best thing to happen in a while though. Everyone can see the fearmongering democrats and the unreliability of China. This should cause industry especially medical shit
>What the fuck do shitalians expect the EU to do?
No one's asking anything. Notice how these threads are made by either non-italians or clear shitposters? And anyhow as far as i know now commissions are being formed to ensure financial stability to the various european countries and medical systems
>It's an apology
Where, from who
When I said most countries I meant the 15 members of the EU to our east.
I hope HBO will soon make a tv show about Coronavirus like they did with Chernobyl
This is basically the Chinese version of the Marshall plan.
Stop sucking white dick, fellow yellow man
>immigrants leaving the eu because of corona
>also no jihadists in europe as well
You probably lost the atlantic hegemony this month.
They wouldn't have sent anything at all if China hadn't surprised everyone with their generous gift (I say "generous" because it is almost twice what Italy donated to China a month or two ago, at least with respect to pure tonnage.) That's all I am saying. If there are any facts that suggest otherwise please let me know.
Well your government shat the bed. My government reacted fast enough to start slowing it down early. The problem is that we don't have the brightest population out there(we have retarded gastarbaiters) so we have people who traveled to Italy, not going on self quarantine and infecting others.
Locking your country down doesn't happen on an EU level, and lots of countries have done that already.
Nah they are too busy financing anti-soviet propaganda. Mutt elites are still far more terrified of Russia than China. Being a proto-russian yourself you understand this more than most.
Send a white (actual white, not like Italian """white""") gf
germany will make sure there's a safe coronafree path for migrants
LMAO China trying to bribe Italy with masks and ventilators since they are the ones who brought COVID19 onto Italy.
China is helping Italy because over 20 million Chinese go to Italy every season to take photos and make 100 person lines in front of every piece of art history. Chinese business booms solely thanks to Italy. You don't see as many Chinese in France or Spain, but take one step in front of San Marco and it looks like Beijing.
lmao corona de cristo
we could always offer our prayers, alcohol and food. None of the korona tv programms i've watched today has mentioned about Italy asking for help.
>since they are the ones who brought COVID19 onto Italy.
Germans brought it to Italy. Keep up. This is why you aren't poppin'.
We will help Italia
usa didnt send shit after cracking the world's economy in 2008
China, Cuba and Venezuela sent some doctors
The main variant of Covid19 virus in Europe is actually the C strain, the same as the one in the US. The most common strain in Asia are the A and B strains.
thats what they get for using chinese slave labor to sell their "luxury goods"
Africa pretty much told the world to get fucked during the 2014 Ebola epidemic too. They still owe us for all that R&D we did for their disease.
Based, China is better than any western degenerate power, join the eastern bloc brothers
The US bribed every european country after ww2 to enter their sphere of influence
>You don't see as many Chinese in France or Spain
Jesuchrist, USA.
Welcome refugees as a whole
>1 person from munich got it on his china trip
>germans are fault
>africa and usa are one and the same in their reactions to problems they create
You said it, not me.
I think Italy may go communist
There can't be full lockdown in the first place since not all countries produce all medication themselves so trucks with medicine and materials still have to move. The lockdown is on tourists, workers and similar shit. The flow of goods has to continue since the EU is pretty much interconnected at this point. Would've been best if we have a single European government so the reaction to the virus could've been more coordinated and covered the whole of the EU from the get go. Sadly retards will REEE against federalization when it would've actually helped us all if the EU was a single country at this point.
So you're saying that the virus currently present in europe developed independently from the wuhan virus?
we dont have a communist party
we will have whatever force in power make an economical deal with china, it's wont go beyond that
We have the biggest chinese diaspora in Europe, my government is incompetent. Epidemiologists rang the bell several weeks ago, but all the media-politic spectrum tried to mock fearmongers, now the prime minister is shitting his pants on TV. Some will say that politicians are corrupted, this might be true, but our pieces of shit upthere are even worse, corrupted cowards.
Based fuck shitaly and fuck eurangatans
you gonna show them your "herd immunity" plan? lmao
I hope Italy get the fuck out of EU like the bongs after this.
China doesn't export revolution. They only support anti-globalist regimes when absolutely necessary and are more than willing to hang them out to dry if it gets them a better deal (they did this with Venezuela for a bit during the last coup attempt.) It's probably the only reason why they are tolerated by the globalists.
Yeah, or got brought in from the US where they only started testing this month.
Italy was the first country to block flights from China, so it wouldve came from Europe like the UK and its cases from the French ski resort
>getting all those chinaman (you)s
they already give up on this and go as well full shutdown mode, johnson idea was retarded as hell, the nhs would have collapsed in this situation.
>the nhs would have collapsed in this situation.
I'm pretty sure that was the plan. Would make it much easier to privatize.
They didn't block ports. Stop spreading this utter lie, they didn't close their borders, that's a blatant fact.
non argument, also add soyjack next time so i can look at some picture, make it OC too
what's the source for this?
t. microbiologist interested in this
i am not going to shill for china but they did the equivalent of locking down every single country in the EU and forcing all of them to stay indoors while they re-routed critically needed resources to the worst hit areas.
EU doesn't have that kind of coordination and didn't invest in hospital/medical equipment capacity asian countries did after SARS/avian influenza.
china deciding to supply europe was a good move but they aren't obliged to do it the same way mexico/the US wasn't obliged to help other countries during the swine flu pandemic.
>They didn't block ports.
What kind of Chinese person takes a boat to Italy?
there still hasn't been a full shutdown yet, despite the UK being on track for italy numbers in a week
why would anyone want to save a china puppet country
you were laughing at us before you started having problems
Attitudes like this is exactly why you vermin deserve to perish. Coronachan needs to cleanse Europe of the subhumans infesting it. It's about fucking time western scum got a taste of their neoliberal imperialism.
Please die. Choke on your own blood as you perish, you disgusting colonial rat.
t. puppet country
seethe more mutt
can't really remember that they called for help, i only remember how they said that we shouldn't become like them and that we should take this seriously. now we did and they wonder that we can't send them any help.
based taiwan, the true china
no one here was laughing. We were all too busy buying tilet paper
>china will lose all manufacturing when this is over
Guess what happens to the rest of the world if that happens. Europe the third world nao.
If i didn't have a few Anglo friends i'd be laughing too but they are pretty pissed and want Johnson's head on a pike or as they put it they were ''digging a ditch'' for him.
Actually scratch that. Europe sent China masks and equipment in the early weeks of the epidemic so they are just ''returning the favor'' and trying to score points with their vassal in Europe(Italy).
Did people already forget this?
>based taiwan, the true china
You are more correct than you know.
Same goes for you and China, or the USA and us. And it's just our nature I mean there's a reason it's called Schadenfreude even in English...we're just really really good at it
Eh, what should the rest of Europe do? We are facing our own pandemic situation. We are out of resources 1 week into the crisis.'
Our hospitals are manually making face protection masks from rubber bands and transparent overhead paper.
thats not how it works, Europe wasnt a third world before china opened up, it wont be when PRC closes or loses their manufacturing shtick
Yep taiwan sure is based for laughing at dying white people. I always forget that in Europe the Left hates China and also hates whites (like all leftists.) This is probably very enjoyable for you.
thank you china, you truly are our greatest ally
Less than half of Europe is first world, you guys sure dont fall in that part
shes so cute
yeah taiwan is based, prc is garbage shithole lmao
>a Chinese recession won't affect us
Reminder that this person is a 15 year old redditor. Please do not take them seriously.
kys ching chong shill
>It's an apology
It's not an apology. It's a tit for tat. The EU had sent China help but everyone here has already forgotten. So the Chinese helping is just giving the favor back. This fake narrative that China helps but the EU doesn't is propaganda tier shit.
Europe had to react before hand, that's the point. All the signals were absolutely clear we've been facing a pandemia, ot was written all over the newspapers backed by the freaking OMS. The absolute state.
YOU were laughing, i remember all the posts and cheerful banter, i dont forgetti
i admit this is true, we were also laughing at chinks (actually beating them up in the street to tell all truth)
t. bat eating zhang
We have no federal government
You can't screech about the EU being evil big gubmint and then whine about it not doing enough at the same time
2 strains - L and S.
well , they voted for him so they die because of him, simple as
update your script zhang, this isnt the 1980s
not as much as it will affect the PRC
reminder to use arguments next time
>Eu should've fucking block all the borders and ports
>EU blocks Italians etc. from leaving Italy and Italiand from coming back to Italy
How do you think that would have went? :^)
>they voted for him
They didn't. A portion of the Anglos did but a lot did not. Yet they will all have to suffer his retardation since the virus doesn't only choose the idiots who voted for the herd immunity clown.
>i remember all the posts and cheerful banter
It's an imageboard where we waste our time roleplaying as countries. I think no one takes this seriously. If it hurt you I'm sorry but honestly it's just dicking around with flags.
That's why the EU should be a federation so when things have to happen there is no friction.
>You can't screech about the EU being evil big gubmint and then whine
Ohh yes you can. All that money ??? WHERE IS IT STACKED ? JUNCKER'S LIVER ?
There's still a "birthplace".
>YOU were laughing, i remember all the posts and cheerful banter, i dont forgetti
i also remember how many times italians here laughed when some retard jihadists here did something, I DON'T FORGETTI AS WELL MARIO!
why? China has the industrial capacity, infrastructure and know how to overcome. If their peasants are to become poorer then so will yours.
I don't get why other EU countries are so butthurt about china sending aid to Italy. asian countries and tourists are obsessed with italy since they still think they are descendants of the romans with nice architecture and a long cultural history. its not surprising they'd want to help the most civilized country in europe.
>what the fuck, it was a subtle joke, why are you taking this seriously
many surely joke, but not all
actually good post, we need to rebalance the EU and to make it an actual federation
>I don't get why other EU countries are so butthurt about china sending aid to Italy.
i'm not, every help for italy is helpful right now, doesn't matter where it come from.
everytime I read a german post I feel like the stereotypes about you guys are true after all
Europeans are the biggest LARPing faggots
first was the HRE, which was neither holy, nor roman, nor an empire
now there's the European Union, which is neither a union nor European.
It is presented as anti EU propaganda forgetting that the EU sent help to China.
>whoa china sends help but the EU doesnt
>praise glorious chinese overlords
Lies like those are annoying and are a great way to gather (you)s if you are a pathetic human being.
>What kind of Chinese person takes a boat to Italy?
Are you insane?
What about all the hugeass container ships? Chinese ports to European ports is one of the most popular routes for cargo ships.
Eu only saw the light because there was an external threat, then a false long peace.
its not about capacity, they cant lower their wages and cant compete with countries like vietnam, indonesia and etc anymore, they need to become a developed sector based economy, if they fail, they will fall harder than soviet union and their time is running out
Becareful that tp pile will not fall and collapse your plywood house
i mean they can always move to another eu country they are in the eur-- oh wait
i know so many tories and its so funny to me to watch them go into meltdown.
I read this paper. the L strain died out because it was aggressively controlled and easier to detect since patients showed symptoms quickly.
just wanted to see which strain was circulating in italy. i'll also point out that the virus evolves to be more lethal unless there is natural selection isolating and controlling it since viruses will evolve to reproduce faster so that it can infect more people. i wouldn't be surprised if it evolved the same way in europe before the quarantine.
The virus can't live for weeks on surfaces though. It couldn't have been brought to Italy by a container ship.
China just showed the world it can quickly change its industrial output to produce whats needed and has already started getting back to normal production you fucking retarded potato autist untermensch
we pretend to be mad, so China keeps sending stuff
Very hard to do since you have all those small minded politicians around Europe who wouldn't want to lose their tiny scraps of power. There is also external pressure from the USA, China and Russia for this not to happen or Europe will become too powerful, being able to throw its weight with a singular purpose.
We blocked flights from China in January after a couple of elderly Chinese tourists in Rome fell ill and tested positive, the first corona cases in the country. They were sent back obviously
how the fuck was it not an empire???
furthermore it was holy the fucking Pope crowned Otto
Clearest statement on the Italian strain I got without a paywall
yeah and soon they wont produce anything, say bye bye to manufacturing
I hope all you retards who shill China for free get infected and die
Not surfaces, but people (the crew), most of who are young and show no symptoms.
it was only holy per name because the emperor was butthurt about the pope
indeed. we will likely get fucked too because of shortages.
anti-EU memeing is quite common especially from south europeans here. you are channeling your autism too seriously my man.
EU didn't prepare well at all anyways while most of the countries who contained it was hit with SARS before and prepping for MERS/avian influenza.
I wish there were chinese posters on here so I could ask them for a qt chinese gf to celebrate the alliance of our great nations
Well who wasn't ask his alter boys
Trump has intentionally kneecapped American testing capabilities so I would be unlikely to know if I were infected.
>German humor
>anti-EU memeing is quite common especially from south europeans here
No, it isn't. It is Russian diaspora and one buttblasted Greek.
t.someone who've lurked long enough to know
"altar boys" sorry. Tomorrow is home office and I got wine here
The roman empire was dead in the west.
The various germanic tribes, Goths, Visigoths, Vandals and whatever, claiming they're the true heirs and bribing/extorting the pope to crown them emperors every couple years, don't count.
The eastern part survived quite a bit longer though.
You realize the epicenter of our crisis is nowhere near any damn ports, right
A chinese nurse apparently asked for a state sponsored bf recently. They would probably kill for a cute Italian NEET boy.
obviously you never seen the spanish and italian flags. all they do is trash on the EU/make fun of northies.
Still not enough. Ports, airports, stations, etc, everything that is happening right now should've happened at the very first case reported on our soil. This is a big political move I'm perfectly conscient about that, but that was the only thing to do, epidemiologists and virologists knew that since the 80's, Bill Gates talked about it several time because he's informed about these issues. Informed, qualified people knew what was going to happen and they said it in public, multiple times. Thousands will die out of literal incompetence, on Europe, the land of Koch, Pasteur, Von Loewenhoeck and Malpighi. A disgrace and a lesson.
Erasmus program, and give subsidies to farrmers so they don't block the highways with their trucks
It's really just that
On and refugees ofc
I for one, welcome the sino-Italian century
You've clearly have not lurked long enough.
>Spanish flags Russian and Anglo diaspora
>Portugal Russian diaspora
>Italy i know of at least one Ameritard diapora there
The only genuine European that hates the EU is the Greek poster and he's retarded and has bought up in the propaganda of his own government. The one that fucked the Greek economy.
>be cancerous country that constantly blackmails and threatens the unions
>never once act as a valuable member
>get into trouble
Fuck the Italians.
Agrofunds for Poland and Lithuania
; ;
Gebt Raum, ihr Völker, unserm Schritt,
Wir sind die letzten Goten!
Wir tragen keine Schätze mit,
Wir tragen einen Toten.
Mit Schild an Schild und Speer an Speer
Wir ziehn nach Nordlands Winden,
bis wir im fernsten grauen Meer
die Insel Thule finden.
Das soll der Treue Insel sein,
dort gilt noch Eid und Ehre.
Dort senken wir den König ein
im Sarg der Eichenspeere.
Wir kommen her – gebt Raum dem Schritt! –
aus Romas falschen Toren.
Wir tragen nur den König mit,
die Krone ging verloren.
It's okay bro
you did..what you could..
norf / souf autism has nothing to do with EU bashing
Many things the average midwit thinks are pointless, but have immense value to the local markets. The issue here isn't the EU, it's the cancerous Italian government that has been nothing but anti-EU for quite some time.
The EU is giving more money to you eastern faggots that have like 5 people infected than us. Also only giving us back part of the money we give the EU, while not allowing us to print our own money that we need, while Germany without our strong crisis give themselves the right to pump 550 billion into their economy and nobody bats an eye. GO FUCK YOURSELVES. I SHIT ON YOUR RETARDED WANNABE PSEUDO-CONTINENT.
Is China pro or anti-EU? I can't get a read on their angle here. I feel like anglos are pushing the "China just cucked the EU" angle but I am not sure.
send mammi
send your cute mongol feet ;)
That's because Italy is known for switching sides what if they switch to coronavirus side right when the help arrives?
relax Ciro
You mean the same northies faggots who call everyone south of denmark shitskins and leeches? That's fucking rich
Germany literally blocked medical supplies that were coming from China and were headed to Italy. Confiscated just because they wanted them, no fucking reason. We are tired of being treated like this by you unwashed bidetless barbarians
of course they're anti eu, the weaker we are as an union the more leverage they have on the single countries
The EU should have reacted earlier and closed the external border uniformly. Now it's too late, I hope somebody will learn to not make this mistake again in the future. Anyways the EU is in an urgent need of a reform since years.
this post was written by Chinese hands
I'm strongly pro eu but being on int and reading what other europeans my age think about us is making me reconsider my position
It is time, Hans.
please dont fail for it its going to be ugly once time has come
just shut up already
My hands are Italian just like the dick I put into your sister's cunt every night
wow China thanks for this doctor that no one can understand, maybe after I learn mandarin for 15 years he will be useful
we are actually one of the few net payer and a founder state
meanwhile you are what? a tax haven?
read this
The easiest way to make them immune to this sort of flattery is to help them out when they ask. That's why we gave you faggots all sorts of free shit with the Marshall plan since we knew you would sell out to the USSR for gibs the moment we looked the other way.
>The EU should have reacted earlier and closed the external border uniformly.
the eu can't close any borders, only the member states can do this.
Wrong, we blocked the ones for Switzerland. And Italy is not the only EU country in a medical emergency now.
Typical China. They have a grandeur complex where they view their country as the center of the world, and treat others like vassals. This is Chinese hierarchical behaviour towards Italy. It’s all very Confucian.
voto comunque pd, nel caso fosse poco chiaro
Fuck off Chang
>we gave you faggots all sorts of free shit with the Marshall plan
lmao tell me you don't unironically believe this
That was a different occurrence. Yes, you faggots have done this more than once.
It didn't happen today, and it's funny you say this when we've been accused of being in an emergency just because we're dumb and poor while you can handle it easily. Go fuck yourself.
>They have a grandeur complex where they view their country as the center of the world, and treat others like vassals
lol that's not a uniquely chinese thing
>Marshall plan
>free shit
dis nigga be tripp'in
I'm sure that the special comissar of the EUSSR could've sent tanks on the borders, without further explanations. You know, treaties, agreements ; all letters on a sheet of paper.
Maybe if the EU was a federation this wouldn't have happened. Supplies would've been spread appropriately and the the most needed sections as they are done in a singular country. Well you have only yourselves to blame for this and whomever blocks the EU from centralizing.
Radio Free Asia is a globalist mouthpiece. It has absolutely no credibility and is merely a front for the mutt government.
You few billions could easily be replaced. Right now, you're the biggest threat to the union. You retarded government unironically blackmailed the EU in ways noone ever has. You're a bunch of incompetent rats who've been failing for decades, and not want to blame the rest of Europe for your demise.
we literally cannot do anything to help you as much as i wish my country to help you , we are in full panic mode here
seek help
Also there would've been a coordinated response and the closure of all boarders at the same time. But noooooo EU baaaaad!
>which was neither holy, nor roman, nor an empire
>merely a front for the mutt government.
you are one of the reason corporation get away with stealing billions. at least stfu
>we are in full panic mode here
Only the selyaks in Sofia are panicking. We're chill here in the province
>full panic mode
how many have you tested so far?
Italy has been the goodest goy of them all in this regard. Literally unironically fell for the retarded EU idea of cooperation bla bla bla. It's all bullshit. It's just Franco-German imperialism hidden under a thin veil of self-congratulatory bureacratic wankery. I hate every single European country, you all need to fuck off and stop bothering us. Go do your retarded "unions" without us and the destruction you bring us
shut up, you arent even a country, just a bunch of bureucrats leeches
The EU is a dystopia.
You can't mix a French with a Hungarian, we are way too much different.
>You few billions could easily be replaced
Cool, where do I sign?
>this post was definitely written by Chinese hands
Nonsense. Both are white and Judeo-christian. What more do you need?
Europe is just far too diverse of a place, it will never federalize.
European federalisation is inevitable, you want it or not, my brother.
You're delusional if you think chink party drones can write English so eloquently
> I base my political opinions depending on what I red in albanian cheese-making internet forums like 4chins
currently in Gorna Orahyovica can confirm the streets are empty
full lockdown mate, also that number is 51 now will be 60 tomorrow
>You can't mix a French with a Hungarian, we are way too much different.
We are? You probably won't even know that i'm Bulgarian if you saw me on the street. Even if i start talking you'd probably mistake me for a Russian since that's what you know. So don't talk about stuff your small brain clearly had trouble processing. We are way more alike than you'd think.
>this post was definitely written by Gipsy hands
For one of their cultures to be dominant over the other otherwise it won't work
>fuck the EU, we can do better alone
>wtf EU, why are you not helping us noooooo
1 macaroni = 1 prayer
Not your brother, not your friend. Nothing except death is inevitable, your retarded 90s imperialist dream least of all
>the streets are empty
No shit Sherlock, it's the middle of the night. Also there was a warning on the news not to gather at bars etc. so no night life is understandable.
arent bulgarian half turk half slav rapebabies? i agree you probably look like any other med and no one would really notice, the frog is delusional
>noo you can't give the EU more power to organise itself like a federal state
>noo why isn't the EU doing anything HELP ME EU
I for one welcome our new chinese overlords as long as I can be their females' sexual plaything
European federalisation based on regionalism rather than historical countries for more equity. We've far more interests in common than you think.
>we'll stop you from being able to help yourself, and then call you a whiner when we don't give you what you would have been able to have on your own if we didn't take control
And they say Italians are the best at mafia
no.. we failed you ;-;
only thing they will give you is debt and shitty infrastructure, but enjoy
That regionalism is just so the imperialist dream can be achieved more easily, shove it up your ass
>Don't give any real power to Brussels, they're evil bureaucrats!
>Nooo, why can' they help us and are incompetent?
Bros before hoes.
Fuck Atlantism
i will pray for Italy, isn't enough?
No chang. Just no.
I can stay with you guys but I'll need to see a check for a qt french gf, sorry but it's the new rules
we Yas Forumstards now
Italeave 2020
They are being punished for not taking in boatloads of doctors and engineers.