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noooo not dr fauci, steve wtf
what is he mad about?
That a Zionist (Trump) from another zionist (Rothschild) is more popular then him. So this man that is a Zionist (Soros puppet) wants to attack trump and try to become champion of zion for his master soros.
rewad the tweet
trump gathered a bunch of doctors to talk about corona virus. they're not supposed to gather together, they're supposed to stay very far apart from each other. this is not setting a good example for people!
He said this is his "job" full time lmao
I'm not watching this trash. Anyone who gives this idiot money is a fucking retard who probably also stockpiles toilet paper.
I find his OCD hilarious, his OCD is hilarious, quite funny how he has OCD.
this guy gets 12k a month to do this btw
he's right you know.
trump is more concern over the stocks than giving people real facts about the virus.
This entire administration needs to be jailed.
>12k a month
That's actually a fair amount as long as he doesn't live in a tax-prison like California.
it's a fuckton just to be a shit disturbing kike by profession
explain three quarters of usenet forums, that predate reddit, all doing the same thing
it's a separation of thoughts. a form of paragraph. get over yourself
nah only retarded newfags like yourself do that shit
i really dont think blank lines are necessary to separate one sentence thoughts. Fourchan is a pretty compact site.
For example, my next thought begins with this sentence.
No, Trump is part of the plan, I hope he gets thrown out of office and someone who can really bring change, and do what Trump claimed he was going to do in 2016!
Soo anoyingly jewy.
I want to coom on Lookner's nose
Post screencaps of those usenet forums mr oldfag.
A paragraph is 4+ sentences not 1. The alternative is that he's neglecting to resize the quick reply window to see if he actually needs double returns but most people doing it are reddit tards.
You'll notice most people double spacing after every sentence are also anti-trump or otherwise constantly shilling in some way. It's not a coincidence. These are shills and newfags who don't know how to use the site.
And I'll assume you're just doing it on purpose.
The US is fucked, it's gonna get worse than most European countries.
He was screaming for them to tell his mother what to do.
oy vey! they should work from home! it's safer for them !
Nobody really does this; it's conditioning from Reddit. Not trying to be a dick just trying to help you understand.
Shitskins diversity makes everything worse.
When will these parasites realize the only person able to truly protect yourself is yourself.
>That a Zionist (Trump)
Lol this has to be the biggest, most pathetic cope in history lmao. I hope you understand that no one that isn't paid to post here believes you.
Shut up faggot.
The news Jew does have an agenda, shocker
it really is this simple. newfags please learn and stop complaining about it.
Like who?
Well thought our retort, stalwart.
Watching him try to type is really painful
What a pathetic kikel
He's mad about where people stand, and handshakes
He thinks people are going to look at Trump/CDC and say "Oh they are social distancing, I should do that too" or not. Cause normal people really act like that.
He's really going deep
Oh wow leftists are fibaly realizing that politicians are not all powerful gods and you have to take care of yourself.
Kathy Griffin gave him a shout out the other night
He thinks that is the right side to choose lol
But I mean, it is like when a Jew sees a penny on the ground, so....
We can't really blame him for his instincts
Bitch please, your insult is completely random and doesn't deserve a response other than "fuck off."
Wouldn't it be discriminatory for them to NOT hire one of us?
stfu crapitalist consumer. trump is a zionist billionaire elite just like the rest of every politician and billionaire.
Yeah he chimps out every single time something autoplays instead of just turning autoplay off
>reinforcements have arrived
Show flag.
>The alternative is that he's neglecting to resize the quick reply window to see if he actually needs double returns
I've been on this site for like 10 years now and wasn't aware that you could resize the quick reply window. This shit was the main reason why I didn't bother posting too often. I fucking hate that small reply window. It got so frustrating that I actually started looking for chrome extensions that can resize it. Now when you mentioned that you can resize it, it's like that corner "grabby" thing appeared like magic. At first I was like: "wtf is he talking about, you can't resize this shit". Then I looked at the message box and saw the option right there in the fucking corner. It was invisible to me for TEN FUCKING YEARS. Jesus Fucking Christ!
God bless you, user. You literally changed my life.
The whole elbow bump thing is stupid.
It puts you at half arm's length close to a person.
People need to get into fun sports like fencing or HEMA to understand something like this.
>agenda free
>is a kike
c`mon. my suspension of disbelief is ruined.
Yes, joe Biden is certainly the herald of change.
fuck off
his streams are so fucking boring. he has zero charisma and just reads tweets and bullshit. pathetic
>everyone is a jew
This is why I use a memeflag most of the time, so retards like you don't bother me with your brainlet takes and just post your buzzwords and r*ddit pics like the NPCs you are
Jew panic and nitpicking is totally backfiring, perhaps because they've been doing it round the clock for four years.
Why is the mutt surrounded by actual country flags?
We say "show flag" to memeflags not actual country flags.
Also show flag.
Are you retarded?
You use a memeflag because you're on a proxy and posting about American politics from fucking Cambodia doesn't make any fucking sense.
you still said the line. confirming you're an amerimutt
>can't even understand what's happening in the picture or the point it's trying to get across
>being this fucking stupid
A Jew supporting the 2A. It's about time.
If Trump were a kike there'd be 0 attempts by the media to cause Coronavirus panic just in time for the elections.
They'd be quiet about it just like they were with swineflu and ebola when Obama (an actual kike puppet) was President.
>because you're on a proxy and posting about American politics from fucking Cambodia
"If I just make up some random bullshit, maybe anonymous strangers on the internet will think I'm smart and then I'll """win""" an internet argument!" You're pathetic
You said "amerimutt", confirming you're a massive faggot.
More likely it's thumbposters thinking their paragraphs are longer than they actually are.
>non-americans aren't annoyed by memeflags and proxies
ok kid
Thanks for taking your gay flag off.
>"If I just make up some random bullshit, maybe anonymous strangers on the internet will think I'm smart and then I'll """win""" an internet argument!"
Now that's just projecting.
Rabbi mad
>media was quiet about ebola
Lying little faggot, news stations are saying corona is nothing to worry about, they did the opposite with ebola you dumb cunt. Why do you retards even bother trying to lie on the internet? You know literally everyone can just look up what you post to find out it's a lie right? Kill yourself
so every country that hates america is a homosexual. mutt logic at its finest. choke on a burger. i can never understand why people like you still defend trump and capitalism...
based lookner
Oh look a new jidf created meme. Unable to be funny due to its overtly seething nature. The general autistic misunderstanding of humor that comes with the kike neurosis.
Also keep in mind that the interest rate for the FED was at 0 from 2008 to 2015 and no one gave a shit. Rates only rose after Trump became president. Now that they're being cut back to the 2015 level there are a billion shitposts screaming about it all at once.
They're seething because Bernie will never be president.
they get so assblasted bc people use line breaks. muhhhhhhhhh reddit.
lol i bet theyre girlfriend's vagina (if they have one) has """"tyrone"""" spacing. built for bbc
that's because /ptg/ came from r/donald!
Imagine actually buying political theater unironically and thinking they would ever allow a non-kike to become president,retarded fucking 70 year old boomer.
You're going to die first asshole
mutt's are fucking npcs i swear...
suck some nuts, my faggot leaf redditor faggot
>media is quiet about corona
Ahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhhahaha it's all they talk about
Ah yes doubling down. The very most Jewish thing you can do.
>news stations are saying corona is nothing to worry about
No they aren't. They're deliberatly trying to cause panic. Trump is one of the few trying to calm people down.
If you can look it up so easily, do so. You shills could totally blow me the fuck out right now right?
Look at all those Jewish owned companies pushing homosexuality.
btw did you know /ptg/ has its own janny? the janny is basically there to get rid of good posts and keep the dotards from getting ass blasted from logic and anti capitalist factoids.
Now that's just a buzzword. Dumb people shouldn't be allowed to post their retarded opinions on the internet
as long as they’re jewish I suppose
yes that's what we call capitalism.
All of them have tested negative.
Pence should be. He's supposed to be in a bunker right now, this is a happening that could knock out the chain of command and he needs to be ready to grab the reigns, not join them in a hospital ward. It's why we used to have a VP, before everything was a dog & pony show.
>media is quiet about corona
When did I post that? I said they are telling people it isn't something to worry about. I know English isn't your first language so I'll just call you a faggot and move on
Holy shit this thread is like flypaper for shills.
Why do you faggots get so upset? Call for more backup through your discord lol
Nice bait
and faggots should go in the woodchipper
Social distancing is dystopian as fuck. I'm not buying it.
Hes healing a rotten country, it takes time, votes and alliances user.
Don’t explain shit to newfags it lets us identify them
You're an actual retard wtf
There's double-spacing after paragraphs and then there's actual reddit-spacing which is double-spacing after incomplete sentences.
Basically can you even?
Like ya'all just stop folks?
Muh Drumpf!
That is reddit spacing, it is totally unnecessary spacing after half-baked thoughts.
Check this out
I am not blue at all but Zion Don is a fitting name regardless.
>They're deliberatly trying to cause panic
Post 10 links to articles or videos of them doing this then.
Go back tranny
you're still a migapede. go back to your containment board.
Flagposters deserve to be lined up and executed by firing squad. You retards add nothing of value to this website